HIS101 Notes
HIS101 Notes
HIS101 Notes
History - came from the Greek term ‘’historia’’ means Empirical studies – research or direct observation.
‘’inquiry or research.’’ Inquiries of events that
happened in the past. Secondary Sources - describe, discuss, interpret,
comment upon analyze, evaluate, and process primary
According to Aristotle, the father of logic, history is a sources. Newspaper or popular magazines, books,
systematic arranged in their chronologically order. movies or evaluate someone else’s original research.
IMPORTANCE OF HISTORY Internal Criticism – Looks within the data itself to try
to determine the truth – facts and ‘’reasonable’’
(1) It is said that history is to the human race whereas interpretation.
memory is to each man.
External Criticism – applies ‘’science to a document’’.
(2) Past events helping the person to understand It involves physical and technical test as dating paper
himself by being acquainted with other people. a document is written on.
(3) Helps the person or the government avoid the REPOSITORIES OF PRIMARY SOURCES
National Archives of the Philippines – the
(4) Makes a person’s life richer and fuller by giving documents, records, and other primary sources are
meaning to the books he reads (specially history basic components of cultural heritage and collective
books.) memory
- Home of 60 million documents.
(5) Understanding various races, cultures, rituals, - The archives is created by R.A. 9470
ceremonies. (Record-Keeping System)
- Other local repositories of primary sources
(6) Because of the events, one has to turn to history could be found in museums, provinces and
for a complete answer. localities.
1 | Aropocakes 🌷🎀
‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧ READING IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY ‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧
GOVERNMENT Aliping Namamahay - Who had their own house and
Baranganic Society composed of 30 to 100 families
and the Datu who had Legislative, Judicial and Aliping Saguiguilid - Who lived in the house of their
Executive powers. master. They could be sold to another master.
Permission before they could marry.
Maginoo - composed of elders and legislative body.
Ayuey – alipin who own alipin. Captive in war, if he or
Umalohocan - announcer of the created laws. she could not pay his/her debt.
In the Middle of the 14th Century, Mudum was able to Their tradition like the use of: ‘’Po’’ and ‘’Opo’’ / Filial
establish a Muslim community in Malacca in 1380. Piety / Ate, Ditse and Dikong.
(2) The wife would pretend that she did not want to go Their house was made of bamboo, wood, and nipa hut.
upstair Constructed above the ground, because spirits were
under the ground. Stairs made from bamboo and
(3) Groom and wife would drink in one cup there was no division inside. The location of the house
depended on their livelihood.
(4) The Babaylan asked them to bow the guest
(5) They would eat rice in one plate EARLY PHILIPPINE RELATIONS WITH ASIAN
(6) Throw the grains
- Alipin marriage was no ceremony but the
simple acceptance that they loved each other
During the Ice age, the Dawn Man found his way to
the Philippines.
The mode of dressing could reflect the social status of The ‘’Dawn Man’’ had no knowledge of agriculture. He
the Early Filipino. lived by means of gathering wild edible plants, fishing
and hunting. Hand axes. Vanished without living the
The Maharlika and Timawa wear Cangan and trace.
Bahague or Patadyong and Putong as headdress.
So far, the oldest human fossil found in the Philippines
For alipin, they were topless and the bahague for the is the skull cap discovered by Dr. Robert Fox, an
lower part. Archeologist, Tabon Cave, Palawan on 1962.
Early Filipinos gave respect to their deceased After the disappearance of Dawn Man, the Pygmies
relatives. They give proper ceremonies to give honor from Asia peopled Philippines, 25,000 to 30,000 years
to the dead. ago. They were believed to be the smallest people on
3 | Aropocakes 🌷🎀
‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧ READING IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY ‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧
earth. 5 ft, black skin, dark kinky hair. They were called About 25% of the word in the present national
‘’Negritos’’ by Spanish Colonizers. Aetas, Ati. language of the Philippines came from India’s Sanskrit
The terms in Sanskrit doesn’t mean that there was
direct contact between the ancient Fil and Ind.
Following words represent the borrowings from Filipino learned the use of umbrellas, gongs, and
Sanskrit, the ancient language of India. porcelain, the manufacture of gunpowder.
- Arranging the marriages of children by parents
was probably Chinese origin.
- Mourning was shown by wearing white shirts
AHAS AHI - Various forms of gambling including jueteng
- Musical gongs and porcelain vases
BAHAGI BHAGI China improved the culinary art and diet of the
INDIA’S CULTURAL INFLUENCES - Learn how to roast pigs
- To brew tea for drinking
The term ‘’Bathala’’ originated from the Sanskrit - Lumpia, mami, pansit and ukoy
Bhattara Guru meaning ‘’the highest of the gods’’.
Certain Filipino customs came from China:
The sarong and the putong of the ancient Filipinos (1) Hiring of a go-between in arranging a marriage
were Indian Origin.
between two families
Filipino superstitious beliefs came from India. (2) Hiring of professional mourners during funeral.
- Placing garland around the neck of visitors as (3) Veneration of ancestors
a symbol of friendship and hospitality. (4) Filial respect by children to their parents and elders
- Giving dowry
(5) Exploding fireworks
- Showering rice after the wedding ceremony
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‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧ READING IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY ‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧
It is said that 10% of the Filipino today are Chinese THE FACTORS THAT LED TO THE COLONIZATION
The Silk Road
- The silk road during the Han dynasty was the
They taught the Filipinos certain industries such as:
trading route from China to Europe.
Manufacture of arms and tools, Tanning of dee-skin,
- Products were able to reach Europe.
and Artificial breeding of ducks and fishes. Japan’s
- Bring excitement to the Europeans.
greatest legacy to the early Filipinos.
The Rise of Mercantilism
- It is a principle wherein the basis of power of a
Malays were the first discoverers and colonizers of the
country was the amount of gold that they have.
Pacific world. Malays belonged to the brown race.
- They believed that east lands have a lot gold.
Straight black hair, dark brown lips and flat noses.
Hairless bodies.
1. God
2. Glory
3. Gold
5 | Aropocakes 🌷🎀
‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧ READING IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY ‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧
Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese. He gave his
service to the King of Spain, King Charles V. Expedition of Ferdinand Magellan open door for the
Europeans to navigate Asia.
King Carlos I of Portugal reject him. Spain and Many navigators attempted to establish the Spanish
Portugal agreed in the Treaty of Tordesillas which Supremacy.
divide the world into two: Western part was for Spain
and Eastern part was for Portugal. In 1529, Treaty of Zaragoza, gave the right to the
Spaniards to settle in the Philippines.
This treaty was followed by Papal Bull of 1493.
September 20, 1519, the Troops of Magellan left San Ruy Lopez de Villalobos reached the eastern part of
Lucas, Spain with 235 men and five ships named: Mindanao. He named the island as ‘’Las Islas
1. Victoria
3. Trinidad FILIPINAS
4. Concepcion
5. San Antonio After Ferdinand Magellan, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
have successful expedition. He received order to
They travelling southern part of Latin America. They establish Spanish government in the Philippines.
experience storm in pacific ocean which destroy ship.
With 3 ships, they reach Guam, but they did not Blood compact with Raja Sikatuna.
He offered the following for the chieftains:
March 16, 1521, they reach the Island of Homonhon in
Samar. When they landed on Homonhon, they have 1. The Spanish government would recognize the
trading. The hospitality of the people of Homonhon power of Datu, in return, they also recognize
was misunderstood by Magellan. the power of Spanish government.
2. Local rulers exempted from taxes.
Raja Humabon accepted the truce with Magellan. 3. Local rulers would receive a monthly salary
March 31, 1521, mass was first celebrated in Limasawa from Spanish Government.
with Father Pedro Valderama. Raja Humabon and
Hara Humamay were baptized as Catholics. In 1565-1606, the Spanish government sent regular
In April 27, 1521, they reach the Island of Mactan.
When they reach the shore, the troops of Lapu-Lapu Dominicans, Augustinians, Franciscans, Jesuits and
attacked them. Recollects.
Ferdinand Magellan lost his life so his troops retreated Legazpi’s successful establishment of Spanish
went back to Raja Humabon. Poisoned the remaining government. He is a first governor-general in the
soldiers. Only the ship Victoria survived to go back in country.
Spain with Sebastian del Cano and 18 more.
6 | Aropocakes 🌷🎀
‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧ READING IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY ‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧
ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONS Bias / Subjectivity - A disposition brought together
by once context that influences historians’ historical
History is the study of human activities in the past. interest and selection of sources and methodology.
This definition makes history a unique discipline.
Primary and secondary sources serve different
The meaning and characteristics of history change function, and both are important for historians and
from the ancient period to the present. These changes student of history.
were dependent on the purpose that history served.
Primary sources important representation of the past
History is a scientific discipline that relies on different that are analyzed and interpreted by historians.
sources. Forced to be classified as primary, it should be
produced in the same period as a subject or by
Several issues resolved around the meaning and witnesses. Present in the period being studied.
function of history as a discipline. This issue relates to
different aspect of discipline such as meaning method Secondary sources are historical texts read by student
and use. to gain historical knowledge and by historian as
related text to their research. These sources are
Positivism - The philosophy that a particular product of historian’s work using primary sources.
knowledge can only be true if it can be observed in a
sensorial manner. Historians should employ internal and external
criticism to debunk false historical claims such as the
Historiography - The study of history as a historical Code of Kalantiaw and Marcos fake war medals.
Primary sources - Historical sources that were
Historicism - The belief that history should be studied produced and created in the same period as historical
only for its own sake. subjects being studied.
Historians produce historical knowledge through Secondary sources - Historical work that was written
rigorous historical research that involves finding and and produced through the use of primary sources.
interpreting historical sources and evidence.
Internal criticism - The kind of criticism employed in
Historians are inevitably influenced by context and analyzing the content of primary sources.
circumstances. Their context may inform the way they
conduct historical research. External criticism - The kind of criticism done to
establish the authenticity of primary sources.
Despite the inherent subjectivity of historians,
historical knowledge can still be scientific by adhering Kasaysayan - Narrative of the past that is significant
to rigorous historical methodology and through to the community where it belongs.
collaboration with peers in the discipline.
Nationalist Historiography - History that focuses on
Historian - Primary responsible for the production of the masses and not on the colonizers.
historical knowledge through continuous research and
rethinking of history. Pantayong Pananaw - The philosophical anchor of
bagong kasaysayan. It the need to foster an internal
Historical Interpretation - Making sense of given discourse among the masses in writing their history
primary sources and historical documents through
content and contextual analyses.
7 | Aropocakes 🌷🎀
‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧ READING IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY ‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧
_______ 1. Nationalist historiography emerged as a _______ 20. The history is a product of the
reaction to the colonial interpretation of history. discipline’s evolution across time.
_______ 2. Kasaysayan was derived from the root
word saysay which could mean sense or 1T
significance. 2T
_______ 3. Historiography is a discipline or a field of 3F
study and investigation that is primarily 4F
concerned with human activities done in the past. 5T
_______ 4. According to Reynaldo Ileto, history 6F
should be processed, written, and taught in the 7F
Filipino language for the Filipino people 8F
_______ 5. History is a scientific discipline that relies 9F
on different sources. 10 T
_______ 6. Historia is a Latin term means knowledge 11 T
acquired through inquiry or investigation. 12 F
_______ 7. External criticism analyzing the content of 13 T
primary source 14 T
_______ 8. Historiography gives us history a better 15 T
and deeper understanding of the present time. 16 T
_______ 9. Rizal believes that history should be 17 F
processed, written, and taught in the Filipin language 18 F
for the Filipino people. 19 T
_______ 10. Positivism is an essential philosophy that 20 T
would serve as a vital anchor of the scientific
method. Early Philippine society had political and social
_______ 11. Secondary sources are product of structures, beliefs, a system of writing and trade
historical research that other historians use for practices.
additional information.
_______ 12. Teodoro Agoncillo somehow for told the Filipinos regularly traded with China and the rest of
next intellectual movement in the Philippines the Southeast Asia. These populous thriving
historiography. communities in the Philippines were the ones that the
_______ 13. Teodoro Agoncillo, a nationalist historian Magellan expedition encountered upon arrival.
agreed that Spanish colonization was a
repression and regression for the Filipinos. Analyzing historical sources requires other disciplines.
_______ 14. Zeus Salazar introduced a new
philosophy that would guide a new historical and The Spanish expedition was set out to colonized new
social territory for sources such as spice, gold, and vast land
scientific scholarship tradition. to expand their empire.
_______ 15. Historian task to convert historical
sources to historical knowledge. Social structure - Patterns of social arrangements in
_______ 16. A historian is someone who continuously society when individual are group into a structurally
for historical knowledge related class or sets of roles with different functions,
_______ 17. Historical sources were pioneered by the meanings or purposes.
ancient Greek historian Socrates.
_______ 18. Internal criticism establishes the Maritime Trade - The exchange of goods transported
authenticity of primary sources by the sea vessels between territories, mainly thriving
_______ 19. Historiography the object of study is in pre-sixteenth century Southeast Asia.
history itself.
8 | Aropocakes 🌷🎀
‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧ READING IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY ‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧
Age of European Exploration - A period between the assigned to Mexico. It was in Mexico that he published
fifteenth and the seventeenth centuries when his experiences and observations in "Sucesos de las
European voyaged to new territories in search of Islas Filipinas" (Events in the Philippine Islands) in
trading goods such as gold, silver and spices. 1609. The book has eight chapters, the last of which
talks lengthily about all his observations in the places
JUAN DE PLASENCIA CUSTOMS OF THE TAGALOG that he had known. He mentioned most provinces in
Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, describing their
Upon the arrival of the Spaniards in 1521 and location, trade products, flora and fauna, food,
colonization in 1565, followed by the establishment of houses, clothing, weapons, and language, among
Manila as the capital of the Spanish colony in the others.
Philippines by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the practical
move was to study the subjects of the new colony. He described the natives throughout the island as
Several Spanish writers wrote about the Filipinos being able to write excellently with certain characters
during the mid-millennium. Foremost among them almost like the Greeks or Arabs. He explained about
belonged to the religious orders, such as the chiefs, slaves, marriage, inheritance, loans, crime,
Franciscan missionary Juan de Plasencia. This same religion, the coming of Islam, the arrival of the
priest authored the first book ever printed in the Spaniards, and the foundation of Manila:
archipelago in 1593, the Doctrina Cristiana. He was
known to have lived modestly and was concerned with "The city of Manila was founded by adelantado Miguel
the welfare of the Filipinos, even suggesting that aside Lopez De Legazpi, the first governor of the Filipinos in
from Christian doctrine, reading and writing in Spanish the island of Luzon. It occupies the same site where
should also be taught to Filipinos. Plasencia asserted Rajamora had his settlement and fort. The whole site
that in the process of compiling the customs, he had to was occupied by the new settlement, and Legazpi
sift out much of the foolishness in regard to their apportioned it to the Spaniards in equal building lots.
government, administration of justice, inheritances, It was laid out with well-arranged streets and squares,
slaves, and dowries. straight and level. A sufficiently large main square was
left, fronting which were erected the cathedral church
He closed his letter with the following: and municipal buildings. He left another square, that
of arms, fronting which was built the fortress as well as
"Others, perchance, may offer a more extended the royal buildings. He gave sites for the monasteries,
narrative, but leaving aside a relevant matter hospitals, and chapels, which were to be built as a city
concerning government and justice among them, a which would grow and increase continually as already
summary of the whole truth is contained in the above. it has done; in the course of the time that has passed,
I am sending the account in this clear and concise the city has flourished as much as the best of all the
form because I have received no order to pursue the cities in those regions."
word further. Whatever may be decided upon, it is
clearly important that it should be given to the Summary
alcaldes-mayor accompanied by an explanation."
The Spanish studied and wrote about the Filipinos to
ANTONIO DE MORGA’S SUCESOS DE LAS ISLA know how best to colonize and govern them and
FILIPINAS intercept their trade. Most of them reflected the
European lens in looking at indigenous concept and
Antonio de Morga studied canon and civil law in Spain practices.
and was called to serve as an assistant to the
Governor General in the Philippines in 1593, arriving in The Spanish established several economic policies
Manila in 1595. In 1598, he proposed and realized the such as tax, polo (forced labor), and galleon trade,
establishment of the Audiencia, the highest tribunal in which became the precursor of globalization.
the colony, which he led until 1603 when he was
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The Spaniards subdued most of Luzon and Visayas Filipino nation revolting against the colonizer; on the
into pueblo which came under the power of Spanish other hand, the imagination of the nation was mostly
colonial government in the Philippines. absent in the aspirations of the locals before the
True colonization and the process of creolization, the
drastic changed the political, economic, and The propaganda movement led by the illustrados such
socio-cultural landscape of the archipelago. as Marcelo H. del Pilar, Graciano Lopez Jaena, and
Jose Rizal did not envision the total separation of the
Colonialism - A practice of people dominating Philippines from Spain. Instead, they only demanded
another by subjugation and economically exploiting equal rights, representation, and protection from the
the colony. abuses of the friars.
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‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧ READING IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY ‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧
Governor Wood tried to win back the support of those
Filipino officials who had given up their positions in his
government. However, his gesture was not
reciprocated, prompting him to accept their
resignations and replace them with their deputies. At
the height of the crisis, various accusations were
raised against Wood.
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