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Alternators & Regulators 3-4 BOSCH ALTERNATORS Audi APPLICATION (Cont.) BMW Sevrt Model Volts/Amps Bosch Part No.0 Festa Dasher 14/35 489 622 inci Rabbir/Scivoceo 14/35 1489 622 Mercedes-Benz With A/C 14/65 499714 Porsche Rabbit Diesel 14/35 489745 Saab 14/55, 489747 Volkswagen 14/65 489712 Volvo Volvo 4 Cy 14/55 400913, 400 933, DESCRIPTION Bosch alternators are conventional 3 phase, self rectifying type alternators. Nine rectifier diodes ore connected to stator windings (8 to each phase lead). Diodes change alternator A.C, voltages to D.C. voltages coming out of the "B+" and the “D4” terminals of the alternctor. APPLICATION Model Volts/Amps Bosch Part No.O Audi Fox 14/55 489 520 +5000 14/55 “489 659, 489 660 All With AC 14/65 469 613, 469 614 Bmw 320% 14/55 489 648, 530) Early senne VAISS 489 650 late 14/65 489.619 633CSi, 733CSi 14/65 489.619 Capri 4Cyl 1495 489 665 14/45 1489 669 14/95 489.671 v6 14/45 489 590 14/55 1489 595 14/65 489615, Fiat (all 14/55 489 642, 489-743 Fiesto 14/55 489 667 Loncio 14/55 489 541 Mercedes Bene 230 14/55 499 556 2e0ce 14/55 489 527 14/35 489751 2806, 2808 14/55 489 526 489 751 450 14/55 489 556 14/75 469 501 69 14/75 469 500 2400 14/35 489 556 3000, 3000 14/55 499 527 30086 1435 489683 Porsche 924 14/75 469 503, Soab 9 14/85 400.922 Turbo 14/65 489 709 Volkswagen Type2 14770 450001 © — Bosch part numbers are preceded by 0 120 for alter- ators. Integral regulator models are numbered 469 ‘and 489, while separate regulator models ore aum- bored 400 and 450. SPECIFICATIONS Field Coil Resistance ~ Measured ot slip rings, resistance should be 3.4:3.74 ohms for Capri, 4.0-4.4 ohms for other models. Stator Windings Resistance Measure resistance between phase output terminals. Capri with air conditioning and Fiesta Should indicate .14-16 ohms, Capri without air conditioning ‘should indicate .25-.28 ohms, and remaining models should in dicate .2 to .22 ohms aE ~ 1¢ APPLICATION for rated outputs ON VEHICLE TESTING (NGHER - Of vehicle testing is explained as port of Overhaul procedure in this article. WIRING CONTINUITY TEST Disconnect terminal plug from rear of alternator and connect a voltmeter negative terminal to ground. With ignition "ON", connect positive lead to each of the connector wires, in turn Voltmeter should reod battery voltage as each positive connec: tion it made. If proper voltage is not read, trace each wire 10 find foul VOLTAGE DROP TEST ~ GROUND SIDE Connect voltmeter between negative terminal of battery and clternator housing. Start engine and run at approximately 3000 RPM. If voltmeter reading exceeds .25 Volts, a high ‘asistance in negative side of charging circuits indicoted. If 50, check for loose, dity, oF corroded connections ‘ourpur Test Disconnect terminal plug from rear of alternator and connect! ‘ammeter, in series, between alternator center terminal and ci responding socket in terminal plug. Also connect a jumper lead between the "D++" terminal ond is corresponding socket in ter- minal plug. Start engine and run at approximately 3000 RPM. Turn on headlights and leave on for five minutes. Ammeter should reed maximum alternator amperage at normal operating temperature. REGULATOR CONTROL VOLTAGE TEST Connect voltmeter between battery terminals. Connect om: meter in series between "B+" terminal of alternator and corresponding terminal of connector plug. Connect @ jumper ‘ipo 200 Rapa ema Campa Alternators & Regulators 3-5 BOSCH ALTERNATORS (Cont.) Front Cover Bearing Bearing Rotor Dinde Set Plates Fig. 1 lead between elternctor "D+" terminal ond corresponding terminal of connector plug. Start engine and increase speed to ‘opproximately 3000 RPA. Run engine until charging rate falls below 3:5 amps. Voltmeter should then read 13.7-14.4 volts f these readings are not obtained, replace regulatar, GAB — Test cobles should not be removed or load ex cessively reduced during testing procedure. Considerable load Variations may damage the diodes, Control lamp should not 90 0n af ony time during the tet, OVERHAUL DISASSEMBLY = On 0 120 400 600 series alternators, lift carbon ‘brushes with @ hook and secure them, prior to disassembly (see illustration). 1) Remove nut, pulley, hub ond key. Mark location of alter: trator in blower housing. Unscrew brush plate assembly ond remove from clternator. Remove bolts from end frame, then remove frame and field rotor. Press rotor out of end frame Press boll bearing off rotor. Remove insulating conduit from wires and cut wires as close to soldered joints os possible. 2) The diodes may be tested at this point, prior to further dis fostembly. Care should be exercised with insulating bushings Under postive diode corrier, To remove negative carrer, ex tract threaded studs. When one rectifying diode has been domoged due to short circuiting, the three complementing diodes must be replaced also. Unscrew nuts on both "B+" ter minal bolts and lift positive diode carrier (heat sink) up ond Bock. Disassembled View of Bosch Alternator ing Carbon Brushes on 0120 400 600 Series TESTING & REPAIRING de Assemblies — Test diodes with o witable alternator (EEAW 192) before aismanting slip ring’ end frame further. SEXIEST Do not lay positive diode carrier on hous ing or false reading will be obtained. Disconnect conductor {rom "D+" to the extiter diodes of the excter diodes heot sink Unicrew spring and brush holder and remove from alternator. Unsolder stator leod and negative diode connections, Unscrew exiter diodes heot sink and remove together with postive diodes heot snk fore further testing, lighly cleon all components in cr trichlorethylene, but do not took. gosoli Stator ~ Test stator for short ciruits to ground, using suitable tester (EFAW 84). Test voltage should be 40V AC. Meosure resistance of stator windings between phase connections. See Specifications for proper valve. Rotor — 1) Test claw pole rotor for short circuits to ground. Test voltage should be 40V AC. Meature resistance of exciter ‘ipo 200 Rapa ema Campa 3-6 Alternators & Regulators BOSCH ALTERNATORS (Cont.) (field col) in rotor with ohmmeter. See Specifications for proper valve, Turn down slip rings on a lathe, using suitable failstock chuck (EFAW 75 or GDF 85 R 3). 2) Alter turning, check concentrcity of slip rings with diot ‘gouge. Runout should not exceed .001" (03 mm). Minimum Siameter of slip rings may be 1.25" (31.5 mm). Moximum runout of pole wheel must not exceed .002" (.05 mm), Diode Replacement ~ In case diodes are found to be defec: tive, replacement of entre diode plote assembly is recommen ded, Care must be exercised in soldering near diodes due to ppossible domage from excess heat, Use flat jawed pliers os heat sink opplied to leads when soldering diode connections Drive End Frame — Check bell bearings for wear and ‘replace as necessary. Lubricate bearings on one side. Press ball bearing into drive end frome with shielded side downward. Screw on retainer plate. Pres ball bearing onto rotor (lip ring tend), then press drive end frame onto rotor. Carbon Brushes ~ Minimum brush length is 2° (5 mm). If ‘replacement is required, grip brush lead with flotjowed pliers ‘ond unsolder brushes. Do not allow solder to run into strands ‘of brush leads. Brush must be free to slide in holder with nor- imal spring tension of 10-14 025. REASSEMBLY 1) Solder stator and diode connections using caution not to overheat diodes, Place stator and diode oxtembly in rear hour. ing and secure with screws, 2) Lubricate new rear bearing and press onto rotor shot, ‘turing thot shielded side of bearing faces slip rings. Place front beoring in housing with shielded side rearward. Install retainer plote, 3) Place spacer ring on rotor shaft ond install rotor assembly into front housing. Press front bearing retaining ring over shaft tnd into front housing with a socket 4) Coot bearing bore of rear housing with grease and instal spring washer. Assemble front housing with rotor to rear hous: ing, using @ turning or twisting motion to seat rear bearing. Line up seribed alignment marks ond install screws through housing 5) Install shalt key, washer, fan, spacer, pulley, lock washer ‘ond nut Install Brosh and connector plug assembly ond retain ‘with screws ‘ipo 200 Rapa ema Campa

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