The study of landforms and the various processes which lead to their formation e.g Fluvial
action, Wind/Aeolian action, Weathering, Tectonic processes – folding, faulting,
earthquakes, volcanism.
Plate Tectonics:
Movement of plates (rigid crustal slabs of the earth’s crust) along their edges and the
resultant landforms. The earth’s crust is made up of giant plates that move relative to each
other. It is believed that oceans and continents are passengers on these moving plates. The
plates float on partially molten rocks in the upper mantle. The movement of plates is due to
convectional currents. Nearly all major tectonic activities such as volcanic action,
earthquakes, folding, faulting occur along plate boundaries.
The major Tectonic Plates are: (map) - (1) Pacific Plate (2) North American Plate
(3) South American Plate (4) African Plate (5) Eurasian Plate
(6) Antarctic Plate (7) Nazca Plate (8) Arabian Plate
(9) Indo-Australian
Landforms Produced at Divergent Plate Boundaries: (1) Oceanic Ridges (2) Rift Valley
(3) Volcanic Islands (4) Volcanic eruption (5) Earthquakes.
Evidence Upon Which the Theory of Plate Tectonic is Based: (Jun 2014). (1) Distribution of
earthquakes/Volcanoes/Fold mountains (2) Seafloor spreading (3) The jig-saw fit of
continents (4) Palaeo climates/Geological sequence of matching rocks (5) Fossil
comparisons along edges of continents/fossil remains of animals/plants (6) Splitting of the
horn of Africa (7) Changes in Earth’s magnetic field.
Tectonic Processes:
(1) Folding (2) Faulting (3) Volcanism (4) Earthquakes.
*NB- 1(a) Draw labelled diagrams to illustrate the main types of faults.
(b) Describe and explain landform development in areas that have been affected by faulting.
(c) How have local communities benefited from faulting .
2(a) Describe and explain the global distribution of volcanic hazards (J2017).
(b) Outline the nature of hazards associated with volcanoes (J2011).
3(a) Describe and explain how and where earthquakes occur (N2013).
(b)Assess the measures that can be taken to reduce the impacts of earthquakes/volcanoes
4(a) Describe and explain landform development in areas that have been affected by folding
(b) Show how the evolution of drainage may be influenced by folding (N2013).
(c) Assess the benefits of folding to man.
(5) To what extent can these hazards be predicted and prevented.
Rocks and Weathering:
Classification of Rocks:
Rocks are grouped into 3 main classes on the basis of their formation:
(1) Igneous Rocks (2) Sedimentary Rocks (3) Metamorphic Rocks
*NB* (a) Formation (b) Characteristics (c) Examples:
*Uses/Importance of Rocks:
Granite Rocks:
(1)Characteristics (2) Landforms of Granite Rocks
(3)Benefits/Problems of Granite Rocks (4) How Humans modify granite rocks.
Limestone Rocks:
(1) Characteristics (2) Landforms of Limestone rocks (3) Benefits/Problems
(4) How humans modify areas with limestone rocks/karst areas.
The breaking down/disintegration and decay/decomposition of rocks in situ at or near the
earth’s surface.
Erosion: The removal of weathered materials by agents of running water, wind, ice, waves.
Mass Movement/Wasting: Downhill movement of weathered materials under the influence
of gravity. Downhill movement of surface materials such as soil, loose stones, rocks in
response to gravity.
Denudation: The wearing down of the land through the combined processes of weathering,
erosion and mass wasting.
Striping: The removal of weathered material by erosion. Stripping of regolith result in the
exposure of the basal surface of weathering.
Basal Surface of Weathering/Weathering Front: The zone which separates the weathered
rock and the fresh unweathered rock. A line of uneven depth beneath the earth’s surface.
The BSW is uneven/irregular due to rock type, time to which deep weathering has been
operating, the rate of removal of regolith.
Regolith: Loose unconsolidated partially weathered materials resting on bed rock at/near
the surface. Consists of coarse materials with no distinct layers.
Saprolite: Totally/deeply decomposed rock. Consists of consolidated and fine materials. Has
more and clearly defined layers.
Bed rock: Continuous solid rock that underlies the regolith. An exposure of the solid rock is
called an outcrop.
Block Disintegration: Breaking down of rocks into large, angular blocks/boulders. Occurs in
well jointed rocks , along joints/bedding planes/lines of weakness. Common in areas of
homogeneous rocks. Mainly due to physical weathering processes like frost action, pressure
release, root action, exfoliation etc.
Granular Disintegration: Breaking down of rocks into small fragments/individual grains.
Common in rocks which are made up of different minerals. There is a change in the chemical
composition of the rock. Mainly due to chemical weathering processes like oxidation,
hydration, hydrolysis, carbonation, chelation and also salt crystallisation.
Physical/Mechanical Weathering:
Breaking down/disintegration of rocks into small fragments. There is no change in the
chemical composition of the rock/no alteration of rock minerals. The products are visible,
coarse and angular. Affects exposed rocks on the surface. Mainly due to temperature
changes and crystallisation. Common in areas of low rainfall and large temperature range
and areas with temperature e.g Deserts and Temperate regions.
Processes of Physical Weathering:
(1) Insolation/Exfoliation/Thermal Expansion (2) Frost Action/Freeze-Thaw Weathering
(3) Pressure Release/Unloading/Dilatation/Sheeting (4) Salt Weathering
(5) Alternate Wetting and Drying (6) Action of Rain and Hail
(7) Action Plants and Animals.
Chemical Weathering:
Decay/decomposition of rock minerals. Involves alteration of rock minerals. The products
are fine and usually removed in solution. Occurs on and below the surface. Mainly due to
chemical reactions taking place between rock minerals and carbon dioxide/ oxygen/ acids.
Common in areas of high rainfall and high temperature ,e.g Humid Regions.
Processes of Chemical Weathering:
(1) Oxidation (2) Solution (3) Hydrolysis (4) Hydration
(5) Carbonation (6) Chelation/Humification (7) Reduction
Rock Joints: Narrow and extensive cracks/fissures in rocks e.g faults, bedding planes.
Origins of Joints: (1) Shrinkage of igneous rocks during cooling and solidification
(2) Shrinkage of sedimentary rocks during drying (3) Pressure- release (4) Tensional forces.
How Joints Influence Weathering: Joints allows easy penetration of water, acids, oxygen
etc. Joints increase the sub-surface area exposed to weathering agents. Joints promote frost
action. Closely jointed rocks increase chemical reaction. Massive rocks resist weathering. In
joined rocks like limestone, the joints are widened to produce features like grikes, clints,
valleys, dolines etc.
Aspect: The degree of exposure to the sun. The more the exposure the faster the rate of
Deep Weathering:
Chemical weathering which occurs underground through the agency of acidulated water. It
operates slowly and mainly affects well jointed igneous rocks. May include all forms of
chemical weathering.
Factors Which Promote Deep Weathering are: (1) areas of high rainfall and temperature
(2) dense vegetation (3) permeable and porous rocks (4) tectonic stability
(5) gentle slopes (6) presence of lines of weakness like bedding plains.
Landforms produced by deep weathering and stripping are Inselbergs, Duricrusts,
Etchplains, pediplains etc.
Nature of Deep Weathered Layers: (dia):
According to Ruxton and Berry, deep weathered layers consist of 4 zones/layers underlain
by a weathering front/BSW. The layers develop over many (thousands) years of sub-aerial
chemical weathering.
A – Regolith ; Fine weathered material ; Fully decomposed rock.
B - Regolith with core stones.
C – Core stones with few regolith .
D - Slightly/partially weathered rock.
An inselberg is an island mountain or a rock island. A steep sided, isolated mountain
standing high above surrounding plains. A residual rock mass rising from a nearly level
surface which makes it appear as an island in the sea.
Types of Inselbergs:
(1) Bornhardt/Domed Inselberg: (dia)
The most common type. Dome shaped, steep sided, elongated.Very high (300m). Have
curved summits. Associated with sheet joints. Have bare rock surface.
(2) Ruware Surface/Dwala/Whaleback: A low rock pavement. Low-lying rock outcrop. Have
steep vertical sides below the ground. A batholith can give rise to a dwala when exposed by
(3) Castle Kopje: Kopje means a hill. A castle kopje is a hill with a castle shape. A steep sided
pile of massive crystalline boulders. A heap of crystalline boulders.
(4) Tors : Common in temperate regions. These are small masses of jointed rocks projecting
above the basal surface. A pile of boulders/ridges of boulders which have bases in the
bedrock and are surrounded by debris.
*NB- Other geographers regard Mesas and Buttes as inselbergs.
Duricrusts: A hard layer/crust near/on the ground surface formed due to the accumulation
and cementation of salts. Made up of unstable and easily soluble mineral compounds. Form
at the upper soil profile. Usually form in Arid and Semi-Arid regions and are temporary. They
are due to capillary action whereby salts and other elements are drawn to the surface and
are cemented together to a hard layer. The hard layer is exposed to the by stripping to
mesas, buttes etc.
Laterites: A hard cemented later made up of oxides of iron, aluminium and magnesium.
Made up of stable mineral compounds which can’t easily dissolve. Form underneath/at the
sub-soil due to leaching of iron oxides. Usually form in the Tropical Climates and are
permanent. Removal of an overlying layer of regolith expose the laterites.
Factors Promoting the Formation of Duricrusts: (1) Presence of rocks with easily soluble
minerals to yield residues rich in iron and aluminium. (2) An effective rock
porosity/permeability to allow easy access and circulation of water. (3) Availability of
abundant rainfall to allow leaching and surface erosion (4) Presence of bacteria and organic
acids which cause active decomposition. (5) High temperatures which accelerate the rate
of chemical weathering. (6) Dense vegetation which produce humus after decomposition.
Duricrusts Produce Landforms like: (1) Cuesta (2) Buttes (3) Mesas (4) Plateau (dia).
A Cuesta is a ridge/upland with a steep scarp slope and a gentle back slope. When capped
by a resistant rock layer they produce a Plateau like feature. Further erosion leads to the
plateau to detach/to be broken to form a Mesa. A Mesa is flat-topped upland capped by a
layer of hard resistant rock (duricrust). The dissection of a mesa leads to the formation of
isolated hills called Buttes.
The angle which any part of the earth’s surface makes with the horizontal. Ground that is
rising and falling from the horizontal.
Origins of Slopes:
Slopes are a result of two major processes:
(1) Endogenetic/Internal Processes: These are processes which originate within the earth’s
surface such as Folding, Faulting, Volcanism.
(2) Exogenetic/External Processes: Processes that occur at the earth’s surface such as
Weathering, Mass wasting, Erosion, Deposition.
Slope Form/Morphology: Shape of the slope.
(1) Concave Slope: (dia); Land is steeper at the top and gentler at the bottom of the slope.
Contour lines are spaced at the bottom and close together at the top. Slope angle decreases
(2) Convex Slope: Land is steeper at the bottom and gentler at the top of the slope. Contour
lines are close together at the bottom and spaced at the top of the slope. Slope angle
increases downwards.
(3) Rectilinear/Constant Slope: A straight slope.
(4) Cliff/Free Face: A vertical slope. Steepest part of a slope. So steep for any loose material
to hang on it.
Slope Profile: Section of a slope from top to bottom. Section of a slope from the highest
point on the summit to the lowest point in the valley. L.C King identifies slope profiles with
Four Components as shown (dia).
Inputs of a Slope System: Materials that come in and leads to other processes e.g solar
energy, rainwater, weathered material, organic material, human input.
Outputs of a Slope System: Materials that come out of slope processes. The result/end
product of slope processes e.g weathered debris, deep weathered layers, the different types
of slope e.g concave, convex etc.
Slope Evolution:
Gradual change in slope form over time. There are 3 main Theories of slope evolution.
(1) Slope Decline (W.M Davis)
(2) Slope Replacement (W Penck)
(3) Slope Parallel Retreat (L.C King) (*NB-Dia and Notes, D page 70.)
Mass Movement/Wasting:
In What Ways do Different Kinds of Mass Wasting on Slopes be Classified: (D,pg 72)
(1) Rate/Speed of Flow (2) Slope Angle (3) Nature of Material
*NB - (a) Explain how human activity may influence the processes operating on slopes.
(b) Explain how human activities can modify slope transport processes (N2013).
*Ans: Processes Operating on Slopes: (1)Mass Movement (2) Erosion (3) Deposition.
Human Activities which Modify/Influence Slope Processes: (1) Afforestation/Reforestation
slow down transport. (2) Devegetation increases erosion (3) Mine dumps increase slope
transport (4) Terracing, Soil Stitching reduce transportation on slopes (5) Settlement
(6) Road Construction accelerate the processes.
*NB*- Define the terms basal concavity, repose slope, waxing slope, waning slope.
Measurement of Aspects of Slope Profile:
(1) Range Rodes/poles (2) Clinometer (3) Tape Measure/Metre Rule
Lay out transect lines on one side of the valley. Transect lines may be equally spaced in a
down valley direction (Systematic Sampling). Along the transect, divide the slope into
segments (equally spaced/where there appear to be a change in slope-uniform/irregular
slope segments). Mount ranging rodes vertically. Measure and record slope angle using the
clinometer. Measure segment length using the tape measure. Leap-frog the equipment to
the next side down the slope.
Data Presentation:
Record the data. Tabulate the data. Draw cross profiles for different points. Draw bar graphs
to show slope height/angle.