CH 11 Slides

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ECO 227Y1 Foundations of Econometrics

Kuan Xu

University of Toronto
[email protected]

April 3, 2024

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Ch 11 Linear Models and Estimation by Least Squares

1 Introduction

2 Linear Statistical Models

3 The Method of Least Squares

4 Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear Regression

5 Inferences Concerning the Parameters βi

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Introduction (1)

In this chapter, we attempt to explain the estimation of a population

relationship between Y and X (or X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn ) in a simple (or
multiple) linear regression model, which goes beyond the previous
univariate analysis on the mean (proportion) or their unconditional
We further extend the method of least squares briefly introduced in
Ch 9.
Here, Y is called the dependent variable whereas X ’s are called
independent variables. The expressions with in(dependence) are not
in(dependence) in the probability sense. They are merely the names
referring to what can be changed and what will follow those changes.

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Introduction (2)

The linear regression models are based on the deterministic linear

y = β0 + β1 x
y = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + · · · + βk xk .
The linear regression models take into account some random
variations (ε) of the relationship modeled by their deterministic
Y = β0 + β1 x + ε
Y = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + · · · + βk xk + ε.

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Introduction (3)

Fig. 11.1, p. 564

Figure: Plot of Data and Underlying Relationship

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Introduction (4)
In view of the above figure, we might write the model for the data as
E (Y ) = β0 + β1 x
or, equivalently,
Y = β0 + β1 x + ε.
We may add the distribution assumption to the above model.

Fig. 11.2, p. 565

Figure: Graph of Y = β0 + β1 x
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Introduction (5)

The natural and social science may post many different theories. For
example, in economics, we postulate that the level of wage is a
function of the level of education attainment as a theory; that is,

wage = β0 + β1 edu + ε,

where β1 > 0. Using the model, we are able to estimate β1 and test
H0 : β1 = β10 against Ha : β1 < β10 .
If the above model is not refuted by the data, we may use it for
decision making and prediction.

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Linear Statistical Models (1)

The meaning of “linear” in linear statistical models should be clarified.

In the context of E (Y ) = β0 + β1 x, the word “linear” refer to the
fact that E (Y ) is the linear function of β0 and β1 , not of x.
Let us look at some other linear statistical models:

E (W ) = β0 + β1 ln(x),

where W = ln(Y ).

E (Y ) = β0 + β2 x + β3 x 2 .

E (Y ) = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 .
E (Y ) = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + β3 x1 x2 + β4 x12 + β5 x22 .

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Linear Statistical Models (2)

Fig. 11.3, p. 567

Figure: E (Y ) = β0 + β2 x1 + β3 x2

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Linear Statistical Models (3)

Fig. 11.4, p. 568

Figure: E (Y ) = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + β3 x1 x2 + β4 x12 + β5 x22

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Linear Statistical Models (4)

A Linear Statistical Model

A linear statistical model relating a random response Y to a set of
independent variables x1 , x2 , . . . , xk is of the form

Y = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + · · · + βk xk + ε,

where β0 , β1 , . . . , βk are unknown parameters, ε is a random variable, and

the variables x1 , x2 , . . . , xk assume known values. We also assume that
E (ε) = 0 and V (ε) = σ 2 . Hence,

E (Y ) = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + · · · + βk xk .

For given data yi , x1i , x2i , . . . , xki , where i = 1, 2, . . . , n, we can use the
method of least squares to derive estimates for β0 , β1 , . . . , βk .
Note that, for given values of xj (j = 1, 2, . . . , k), V (Y ) = V (ε) = σ 2 .

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The Method of Least Squares (1)
We show how to use the method of least squares to estimate the simple
linear regression model Y = β0 + β1 x + ε. Assume that we can find some
estimators for β0 and β1 , β̃0 and β̃1 . Then we will calculate the predicted
value of Y and the error of the estimation. For i = 1, 2, . . . , n,
ỹi = β̃0 + β̃1 xi ,
ε̃i = yi − ỹi = yi − (β̃0 + β̃1 xi ).
We can define the sum of squared errors as
X n
ε̃2i = [yi − (β̃0 + β̃1 xi )]2 .
i=1 i=1
The method of least squares is to solve the following problem:
min ε̃2i .
β̃0 ,β̃1

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The Method of Least Squares (2)

We can use the following figure to show the idea of the method of least

Fig. 11.5, p. 569

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The Method of Least Squares (3)

Because ni=1 ε̃2i is a quadratic

function that has the minimum, we can
take the derivatives of ni=1 ε̃2i with respect to β̃0 and β̃1 , respectively, and
set the derivatives to zero to obtain the first-order conditions (f.o.c.’s):1
Pn 2 n n
∂ i=1 ε̃i
= −2 [yi − (β̂0 + β̂1 xi )] = 0. ⇒ ε̂i = 0.
∂ β̃0 i=1 i=1

Pn 2 n n
∂ i=1 ε̃i
= −2 [yi − (β̂0 + β̂1 xi )]xi = 0. ⇒ ε̂i xi = 0.
∂ β̃1 i=1 i=1

These two f.o.c. are also called the least-squares equations or normal

Note that β̃j becomes β̂j for j = 0, 1. And β̂0 and β̂0 are the optimal and unique
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The Method of Least Squares (4)
Solve the two f.o.c. for β̂0 and β̂1 .
β̂0 n + β̂1 xi = yi
i i
β̂0 xi + β̂1 xi2 = xi yi
i i i
det(Ai )
Using the Cramer’s rule—for Aβ = q, the solution is βi = det(A) —to find
β̂1 .
n i xi yi − i xi i yi
β̂1 =
n i xi2 − i xi i xi
P 1P P
i xi yi − n i xi i yi
= P 2 1 P 2
x − n ( i xi )
P i i
i (x − x̄)(yi − ȳ )
= Pi 2
i (xi − x̄)

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The Method of Least Squares (5)

Solving for β̂0 is straightforward; just write the sample regression model as

yi = β̂0 + β̂1 xi + ε̂i .

Sum yi for all i = 1, 2, . . . , n and divided i yi by n to get

ȳ = β̂0 + β̂1 x̄ + ε̄,

where ε̄ = 0 because i ε̂i = 0 according to the f.o.c. Therefore, we have

β̂0 = ȳ − β̂1 x̄.

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The Method of Least Squares (6)

Let Sxy = i (xi − x̄)(yi − ȳ ) and Sxx = i (xi − x̄)2 . We can summarize
our derivations of the least-squares estimators as follows.
Least-Squares Estimators for the Simple Linear Regression Model
(a) β̂1 = Sxx .
(b) β̂0 = ȳ − β̂1 ȳ .

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The Method of Least Squares (7)

Find β̂0 and β̂1 and the fitted regression line ŷi given the data:

Table 11.1, p. 571

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The Method of Least Squares (8)


Table 11.2, p. 571

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The Method of Least Squares (9)

Solution (continued):
7 − 15 (0)(5)
i xi yi − n i xi i yi
β̂1 = P 2 1 P 2
= 1 2
= .7.
i i − n ( i x i ) 10 − n (0)

β̂0 = ȳ − β̂1 x̄ = − (.7)(0) = 1.
For i = 1, 2, . . . , n,
ŷi = β̂0 + β̂i xi = 1 + .7xi .

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The Method of Least Squares (10)

Solution (continued): We can draw ŷi through the data as shown below.

Fig. 11.6, p. 572

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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (1)
We now evaluate the properties of β̂1 and β̂0 .
First, focus on E (β̂1 ) = β1 and E (β̂0 ) = β0 . Because i (xi − x̄) = 0, we
can write P
i (xi − x̄)Yi
β̂1 = .
i (xi − x̄)Yi
E (β̂1 ) = E
i i − x̄)E (Yi )
i (x i − x̄)(β0 + β1 xi )
X (xi − x̄)xi
= β0 (xi − x̄) + β1 i
= β1 = β1 .
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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (2)
Because β̂0 = Ȳ − β̂1 x̄, we have

E (β̂0 ) = E (Ȳ ) − E (β̂1 )x̄

= β0 + β1 x̄ − β1 x̄
= β0 .

Second, we focus on V (β̂1 ), V (β̂0 ), and Cov (β̂0 , β̂1 ) P

i (xi −x̄)Yi
It is rather straightforward to derive V (β̂1 ). Recall β̂1 = Sxx .
i (xi − x̄)Yi
V (β̂1 ) = V
 2 X
= V ((xi − x̄)Yi )

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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (3)

 2 X
V (β̂1 ) = (xi − x̄)2 V (Yi )
= . ∵ V (Yi ) = σ 2 .

It will take more steps to derive V (β̂0 ). We start from β̂0 = Ȳ − β̂1 x̄.

V (β̂0 ) = V (Ȳ ) +x̄ 2 V (β̂1 ) − 2x̄ Cov (Ȳ , β̂1 ) .

| {z } | {z }

OA : V (Ȳ ) = V (ε̄) = 1
i V (εi ) = n1 V (εi ) = σ2
n .

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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (4)
OB : Rewrite β̂ 1 =
i (xi −x̄)Yi
Sxx =
i ci Yi , where ci = xi −x̄
Sxx and
i ci = 0.
Then, we have
1 X
C (Ȳ , β̂1 ) = Cov Yi , ci Yi
X ci  X X  cj 
= V (Yi ) + Cov (Yi , Yj )
n n
X ci
= σ + 0, ∵ Yi and Yj are independent
= 0.

Using the results in A and B , we get

σ2 σ2 x̄ 2
V (β̂0 ) = + x̄ 2 = σ2 +
n Sxx n Sxx

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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (5)

Sxx + nx̄ 2 σ 2 xi2

V (β̂0 ) = σ 2 = ,
nSxx nSxx
because Sxx = (xi − x̄)2 =
P 2
xi − nx̄ 2 .
With the results we have had so far, it is rather straightforward to show
Cov (β̂0 , β̂1 ) by applying Theorem 5.12.

Cov (β̂0 , β̂1 ) = Cov (Ȳ − β̂1 x̄, β̂1 )

= Cov (Ȳ , β̂1 ) − Cov (β̂1 x̄, β̂1 )
= 0 − x̄V (β̂1 )
−x̄σ 2
= .

It is interesting to note that when x̄ = 0, Cov (β̂0 , β̂1 ) = 0.

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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (6)

P 2
xi σ2
Note that we have so far derived V (β̂0 ) = nSxx , V (β̂1 ) = Sxx , and
−x̄σ 2
Cov (β̂0 , β̂1 ) =Sxx ,
where σ2is unknown and must be estimated. For
this simple regression,, the unbiased estimator for σ 2 is
n n
1 X 1 X
S2 = (Yi − Ŷi )2 = [Yi − (β̂0 + β̂1 xi )]2 .
n−2 n−2
i=1 i=1

Here, SSE = ni=1 (Yi − Ŷi )2 is used to denote the sum of squared errors.
It can be shown
(n − 2)S 2
∼ χ2 (n − 2).

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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (7)

Because of the abovePresult, we have E (S 2 ) = σ 2 . We can substitute S 2

σ2 xi2 2 2
for σ 2 in V (β̂0 ) = nS xx
, V (β̂1 ) = Sσxx , and Cov (β̂0 , β̂1 ) = −x̄σ
S xx
P 2
xi S2 −x̄S 2
obtain V̂ (β̂0 ) = nSxx , V̂ (β̂1 ) = Sxx , and Cov (β̂0 , β̂1 ) = Sxx .
To simplify the notation, we adopt the following convention for this
S 2 = 0.36667 S = 0.60553
P 2
c00 = xi /(nSxx ) = .2 Var (β̂0 ) = σ 2 c00 V̂ (β̂0 ) = S 2 c00 = (0.2708)2
c11 = 1/Sxx = .1 V (β̂1 ) = σ 2 c11 V̂ (β̂1 ) = S 2 c11 = (0.19149)2
c01 = −x̄/Sxx = 0 Cov (β̂0 , β̂1 ) = σ 2 c01 d (β̂0 , β̂1 ) = S 2 c01 = 0

Note that the data in the previous example are used to get the values of S 2 , S, c00 , c11 , c01 , V̂ (β̂0 ), V̂ (β̂1 ), and Cov
d (β̂0 , β̂1 ).

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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (8)

We use R to estimate the model in the previous example using lm

> # data
> x = c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2)
> y = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 3)
> # sample size n
> n = length(y)
> # plot data
> #plot(x,y)
> # estimate model
> my.model = lm(y~x)
> # report my.model results
> summary(my.model)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.000 0.271 3.69 0.034 *
x 0.700 0.191 3.66 0.035 *
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.606 on 3 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.817,Adjusted R-squared: 0.756
F-statistic: 13.4 on 1 and 3 DF, p-value: 0.0354

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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (9)



−2 −1 0 1 2

Figure: Plot for the Example Generated by R

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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (10)

> # get residuals u

> u = my.model$residuals
> # calculate S^2
> s2 = sum(u^2)/(n-2)
> s2
[1] 0.36667
> s = sqrt(s2)
> s
[1] 0.60553
> # Sxx
> Sxx = sum((x-mean(x))^2)
> Sxx
[1] 10
> # c00
> c00 = sum(x^2)/(n*Sxx)
> c00
[1] 0.2
> # c11
> c11 = 1/Sxx
> c11
[1] 0.1
> # c01
> c01 = -mean(x)/Sxx
> c01
[1] 0

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Properties of the Least-Squares Estimators: Simple Linear
Regression (11)

> # Vhat.beta0
> Vhat.beta0 = s2*c00
> Vhat.beta0
[1] 0.073333
> Std.err.beta0 = sqrt(Vhat.beta0)
> Std.err.beta0
[1] 0.2708
> # Vhat.beta1
> Vhat.beta1 = s2*c11
> Vhat.beta1
[1] 0.036667
> Std.err.beta1 = sqrt(Vhat.beta1)
> Std.err.beta1
[1] 0.19149
> # Cov.hat.beta0.beta1
> Cov.hat.beta0.beta1 = s2*c01
> Cov.hat.beta0.beta1
[1] 0

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Inferences Concerning the Parameters βi (1)
Test of Hypothesis for βi
H0 : βi = βi0 .

βi > βi0 ,

Ha : βi < βi0 ,

βi ̸= βi0 .

β̂i − βi0
Test statistic: T = √ .
S cii

t > tα ,

Rejection region: t < −tα ,

|t| > tα/2 .

Note that tα is the critical value of t such that P(t > tα ) = α based on n − 2 df.
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Inferences Concerning the Parameters βi (2)

> summary(my.model)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.000 0.271 3.69 0.034 *
x 0.700 0.191 3.66 0.035 *
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.606 on 3 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.817,Adjusted R-squared: 0.756
F-statistic: 13.4 on 1 and 3 DF, p-value: 0.0354

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Inferences Concerning the Parameters βi (3)
> # Test H_0: beta_i = 0 versus H_a: beta_i neq 0
> # extract b0 and b1
> b0 = my.model$coefficients[1]
> b1 = my.model$coefficients[2]
> # T test statistic
> T1 = (b1-0)/(s*sqrt(c11))
> T1
> p.value.T1 = 2*pt(T1,n-2,lower.tail = FALSE)
> p.value.T1
> T0 = (b0-0)/(s*sqrt(c00))
> T0
> p.value.T0 = 2*pt(T0,n-2,lower.tail = FALSE)
> p.value.T0
> # get t.half.alpha
> sig = .05
> t.half.alpha = qt(sig/2, n-2,lower.tail = FALSE)
> t.half.alpha
[1] 3.1824
> isTRUE(abs(T1)> t.half.alpha)
[1] TRUE
> # reject H_0
> isTRUE(abs(T0)> t.half.alpha)
[1] TRUE
> # reject H_0

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Inferences Concerning the Parameters βi (4)

A 100(1 − α)% Confidence Interval for βi

β̂i ± tα/2 S cii ,
where i = 0, 1.

> # calculate the 100*(1-alpha)% confidence interval for beta_i

> lower.bound.b1 = b1-t.half.alpha*s*sqrt(c11)
> lower.bound.b1
> upper.bound.b1 = b1+t.half.alpha*s*sqrt(c11)
> upper.bound.b1
> lower.bound.b0 = b0-t.half.alpha*s*sqrt(c00)
> lower.bound.b0
> upper.bound.b0 = b0+t.half.alpha*s*sqrt(c00)
> upper.bound.b0

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Inferences Concerning the Parameters βi (5)

Goodness of Fit
For the simple linear regression model Y = β0 + β1 x + ε, we can estimate
the model using data {yi , xi }ni=1 . We list three ways of measuring
goodness of fit.
(ŷ −ȳ )2
1. R squared: R 2 = Pi i 2.
i (yi −ȳ )

V̂ (ŷ ) Sŷ2
2. Multiple R squared: Multiple R 2 = V̂ (y )
= Sy2
(y −ŷ )2 /(n−k)
3. Adjusted R squared: Adjusted R 2 = 1 − Pi (yi −ȳi )2 /(n−1) , where k = 2
i i
for the simple linear regression model and n = # of observations.

Remarks: Note that (1) and (2) are the same.

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Inferences Concerning the Parameters βi (6)

> summary(my.model)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.000 0.271 3.69 0.034 *
x 0.700 0.191 3.66 0.035 *
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.606 on 3 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.817,Adjusted R-squared: 0.756
F-statistic: 13.4 on 1 and 3 DF, p-value: 0.0354

> # R squares of various kinds

> # get yhat
> yhat = my.model$fitted.values
> # Multiple R-squared
> Multiple.R.squared = var(yhat)/var(y)
> Multiple.R.squared
[1] 0.81667
> # R-squared
> R.squared = sum((yhat-mean(y))^2)/sum((y-mean(y))^2)
> R.squared
[1] 0.81667
> # Adjusted R-squared
> Adjusted.R.squared = 1 - (sum((y-yhat)^2)/(n-2))/(sum((y-mean(y))^2)/(n-1))
> Adjusted.R.squared
[1] 0.75556
> # Recall my.model has Multiple R-squared: 0.817,Adjusted R-squared: 0.756

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Inferences Concerning the Parameters βi (7)

F Test for Overall Significance of the Simple Linear Regression Model

For the simple linear regression model Y = β0 + β1 x + ε, we can estimate
the model using data {yi , xi }ni=1 . We can test

H0 : β 0 = β 1 = 0

Ha : At least one of βi′ s is not zero.

(ŷi − ȳ )2 /(k − 1)
Test statistic: F = P i 2
∼ F (k − 1, n − k)
i (yi − ŷi ) /(n − k)
Rejection region: RR = {F > Fα },
where P(F > Fα ) = α, k = 2 for the simple linear regression model and
n = # of observations.
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Inferences Concerning the Parameters βi (8)

> # F test for overall signficance of my.model

> F.test = (sum((yhat-mean(y))^2)/(2-1))/(sum((y-yhat)^2)/(n-2)) # follows F(k-1=1,n-k=3)
> F.test
[1] 13.364
> p.value.F.test = pf(F.test,1,3,lower.tail = FALSE)
> p.value.F.test
[1] 0.035353
> # Recall my.model has F-statistic: 13.4 on 1 and 3 DF, p-value: 0.0354

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The End

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