20C23027 Prac4

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ITM SLS Baroda University

School of Computer Science Engineering & Technology

BTech Semester IV AI and CS and
BTech Semester IV CSE and IT
Batch 2020-24
Data Structure & Algorithm II Practical Lab Journal

Practical 04
Aim: Python Implementation of Hash Table using Separate Chaining

Hash table is a data structure that is used to store a large amount of data, which can be accessed in
O(1) time by operations such as search, insert and delete.

The various applications of hashing are:

 Indexing in database
 Cryptography
 Symbol tables in compilers/interpreters
 Dictionaries, caches etc

Concept of hashing, hash table and hash function:

Hashing is an important data structure which is designed to use a special function called the Hash
Function which is used to map a given value with a particular key for faster access of elements. The
efficiency of mapping depends on the efficiency of the hash function used.

h(large_value) = large_value % m
Here h() is the required hash function and ‘m’ is the size of the hash table. For large values, hash
functions produce value in a given range.

How hash function works?

1. It should always map large keys to small keys.
2. It should always generate values between 0 to m-1 where m is the size of the hash table.
3. It should uniformly distribute large keys into hash table slots.

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ITM SLS Baroda University
School of Computer Science Engineering & Technology
BTech Semester IV AI and CS and
BTech Semester IV CSE and IT
Batch 2020-24
Data Structure & Algorithm II Practical Lab Journal

Collision Handling:

If we know the keys beforehand, then we have can have perfect hashing. In perfect hashing, we do
not have any collisions. However, If we do not know the keys, then we can use the following
methods to avoid collisions:

 Chaining
 Open Addressing (Linear Probing, Quadratic Probing, Double Hashing)


While hashing, the hashing function may lead to a collision that is two or more keys are mapped to
the same value. Chain hashing avoids collision. The idea is to make each cell of hash table point to
a linked list of records that have same hash function value.

Note: In Linear Probing, whenever a collision occurs, we probe to the next empty slot. While in
Quadratic Probing, whenever a collision occurs, we probe for i^2th slot in the ith iteration and we
keep probing until an empty slot in the hashtable is found.

The performance of hashing is evaluated on the basis that each key is equally likely to be hashed for
any slot of the hash table.

m = Length of Hash Table

n = Total keys to be inserted in the hash table

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ITM SLS Baroda University
School of Computer Science Engineering & Technology
BTech Semester IV AI and CS and
BTech Semester IV CSE and IT
Batch 2020-24
Data Structure & Algorithm II Practical Lab Journal

Load factor lf = n/m

Expected time to search = O(1 +lf )
Expected time to insert/delete = O(1 + lf)

The time complexity of search insert and delete is

O(1) if lf is O(1)

Python Code for Hashing using Chaining

# Function to display hashtable

def display_hash(hashTable):

for i in range(len(hashTable)):
print(i, end = " ")

for j in hashTable[i]:
print("-->", end = " ")
print(j, end = " ")


# Creating Hashtable as
# a nested list.
HashTable = [[] for _ in range(10)]

# Hashing Function to return

# key for every value.
def Hashing(keyvalue):
return keyvalue % len(HashTable)

# Insert Function to add

# values to the hash table
def insert(Hashtable, keyvalue, value):

hash_key = Hashing(keyvalue)

# Driver Code
insert(HashTable, 10, 'Allahabad')
insert(HashTable, 25, 'Mumbai')
insert(HashTable, 20, 'Mathura')
insert(HashTable, 9, 'Delhi')

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ITM SLS Baroda University
School of Computer Science Engineering & Technology
BTech Semester IV AI and CS and
BTech Semester IV CSE and IT
Batch 2020-24
Data Structure & Algorithm II Practical Lab Journal

insert(HashTable, 21, 'Punjab')

insert(HashTable, 21, 'Noida')

display_hash (HashTable)


1. Separate Chaining is one of the simplest methods to implement and understand.
2. We can add any number of elements to the chain.
3. It is frequently used when we don't know about the number of elements and the number of
keys that can be inserted or deleted.
1. The keys in the hash table are not evenly distributed.
2. Some amount of wastage of space occurs.
3. The complexity of searching becomes O(n) in the worst case when the chain becomes long.

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