Application of DIALIFE System For Residual Life Time Assessment On Nuclear Power Plants
Application of DIALIFE System For Residual Life Time Assessment On Nuclear Power Plants
Application of DIALIFE System For Residual Life Time Assessment On Nuclear Power Plants
The DIALIFE diagnostic system has been developed by Institute of Applied Mechanics Brno,Ltd (IAM) in co-
operation with Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Dukovany. The developing of DIALIFE programming system is natural
continuation of the long term service which IAM have provided NPP Dukovany. DIALIFE system runs in NPP
Dukovany, NPP Mochovce and NPP Temelin and is continuously updated.
KEY WORDS diagnostic system, critical spot, damage, stress, cracking, corrosion, control system, fatigue, material,
database, stress intensity factor, degradation, service life, ON-LINE, OFF-LINE, artifical neural network, FEM, finite
element method.
Instrumentation and Control Systems (I and C), Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems (MDS), Special Temporary
Measurement (STM) and Chemical and Laboratory Parameters System enable to obtain detailed information about
actual service conditions of power plant components. Thermocouples and strain gauges are used for local measuring,
near the critical spots of components. The saved data from these systems serve as input data to methods for evaluation
in DIALIFE system. Recording the changes of temperature, deformation, media pressure, flow, chemical concentration
in the media etc. during operation is very important and it is in fact the history of plant operation. Archived data can be
needed as a base for evaluation and next decision making on plant in future.
A systematic evaluation of experience, safety influence, and design were used for the selection of the „critical
spots“ subjected to a degradation. Critical spots are mostly damaged places and consequently determine residual
lifetime of whole structure. If critical spots of structure are known, then they have to be included in monitoring the
whole structure lifetime.
The rapid stress determination on the base of continually measured values by Diagnostic and Monitoring systems
is shown. The artifical neural network, prepared stress databases and analytical equation can be used for stress
determination for the next assessment using mechanisms of degradation.
The experiences from creating database of DIALIFE, selection, acquiring and processing of measured data from
various systems of NPP are discussed. Few examples of assessment, opinions and experiences of DIALIFE users are
presented. Results from assessment on the base of design transients and measured conditions are shown.
When introducing diagnostic systems, systems for monitoring residual lifetime and ageing management system a
complex approach has to be adopted. The effort must include the integration of new systems to be introduced in the
existing structure of a plant and not only separate hardware and software installations on a new working site. Only in
this way the advantage of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) can be made full use of it in future.
DIALIFE system is a computer application of Client/Server type which operates with three basic databases and is
capable to utilise databases of user’s measured data by means of SQL (Structural Query Language) standard interface.
DIALIFE basic databases are configuration, material and master ones. Configuration database of DIALIFE system is a
local one where the path to help files, databases with measured data, sensor lists of measuring systems, list of
degradation mechanism, and the like are set up. Material database is a local and/or network one and contains all
material characteristics for the calculation of stress and of cumulative damage. Material characteristics needed for the
calculation are taken from the database depending on instantaneous measured temperature at a critical spot. Master
database stores hierarchy structure of a process block equipment with respect to its critical spots, Fig. 2. If an equipment
without critical spots set-up then this part is not stored in the master database. On the contrary, if a user has decided to
extend the number of critical spots these can be simple added to the database. In addition the master database stores the
list of all critical spots together with parameters for the stress calculation, material degradation calculation, a table with
the list of sensors supplying input data and a table of resulting values.
Other ON- Local
I &C
LINE systems Temperatures Chemical
and Strain Measurement
Over unit network
Fig.2. Example of DIALIFE system window. a), d) Region of "tree" development, b) Region for vector
graphics (drawings), c) Interactive rectangle, where user depicts chosen character type by press of
right mouse keystroke (in this case to main circulating loop), the PopUp menu discovers, for choice of
results, damage calculation or character types. It depicts after pressing the right mouse keystroke in
interactive rectangle.
Fig. 1 shows the embodiment of DIALIFE system in the complex information system of a power plant. With
respect to the fact that input data for current degradation calculation are utilized from more systems (I&C, Chemical
measurement, Local measurement, etc.) an effort exists to unify all necessary input data (time history of measured
values) in one data source - Central Archive of Technological Data – even before their processing in DIALIFE system.
If CADT is missing, the input data can be counted even from more systems and they are linked in one input file in
DIALIFE system.
Calculation of cumulative damage can be performed automatically over all critical spots with daily period. Time
of calculation depends on the length of assessment period (one day in minimum) and also on the number of temperature
and pressure changes in input data. The instant of the automatic calculation start is entered through DIALIFE in the
configuration database with minute precision and is usually set up, following the agreement with system administrator,
few hours after midnight when a slack traffic exists in computer networks.
Sometimes input files show drops-out of measurements when a signal indicates a step change or when drops down
to zero. With respect to the fact that these errors can be different, DIALIFE system has not set up automatic filtering of
input data that could remove even some data correctly measured. Thus non-filtered data are assessed. It is easily evident
that the measurement errors are depicted by unusual growth of cumulative damage in final assessment. In such event a
manual control of DIALIFE system can be used when a user can start “step by step“ mode of assessment and look for
causes of the growth in measured data and decide if this is an error or a real change in operation. DIALIFE can easily
filter out verified errors.
The calculation of cumulative damage (automatic or „step by step“ mode) in a critical spot can be divided into
four parts:
1) Set-up of input data
2) Stress calculation
3) Calculation of cumulative damage
4) Storage and presentation of results
Fig.3. Records of process parameters (input data for calculation) in the beginning years after putting Temelín
Nuclear Power Plant into operation
With automatic calculation the system queries the DIALIFE master database on the time of the last recorded
results and uses it as a starting time for the assessment. It reads final time of the assessment from the system clock of a
user’s PC. If a difference between the starting and final time is positive and greater than one day the calculation for a
critical spot is activated. With “step by step” calculation the user enters the starting and final time through a dialog
Each critical spot has its list of sensors and the records of which is used for input data set-up. Each list item
includes sensor identifier, technological address, measured unit and its description and other information, if need be.
After entering the time period and sensors a transient database table is generated on PC disc, the number of columns of
the table equals the number of sensors selected plus zero column with time of reading. Then a query to CATD or to
other data source follows and the process of input table starts. Fig. 3 shows an example of input data.
The rapid calculation of stress tensor components (Fig.5) on the base of measured values and results of FEM
analysis can be got from:
1) Neural networks
2) Mathematical approximation
3) Selection from prepared databases
Neural networks
Neural networks (NN) is one of the methods of artificial intelligence (AI). NN was created on principles and
structures similar to human brain. Neural networks consist of layers of basic functional units - neurons and connections
among them. These connections provide data transmission. Every unit (neuron) can be connected with any other unit
except units of the same layer. After the inputs receive input vector X={x1, x2, ... , xn} the neural network transforms the
input vector to an output vector Y={y1,y2, ... ,ym}. (Fig. 4.)
x1 x2 xn
input layer
1 2 k
hidden layers
1 2 l
output layer
1 2 m
y1 y2 ym
Before the neural networks is used it has to be learned. The training pair is formed by an input value(signal) and
by a required output value (stress tensor) and several pairs forms training set. When the neural network is learned by
training algorithm the set of internal parameters (weights) is tuned. The weighted connections between units (neurons)
are tuned to minimise difference answer the network gives and the desired output. Once the weights are set the network
is learned and able to extrapolate and interpolate outside training area with the maintain MKP comparable accuracy.
With respect to non-stationary temperature fields it is necessary to take into account temperature history. This
process is provided by means of TDNN - Time Delay Neural Network. To ensure proper functioning of TDNN the
inputs of TDNN receive temperatures in several time points. Number of time points increases with wall thickness and
with distance of a thermocouple from focused place. Exact number of time points which are included in time history is
governed by length of period for stress saturation after jump change of loading [3].
Neural networks save calculation time in comparison with Finite Element Method (FEM). Neural network gives
the answer by at least of two orders faster and with the same accuracy as FEM. The average neural network answer time
is about 0.002s [3]. These results qualify this method for use in quasi ON-LINE systems which work continually for
long service time.
Fig.5. Stress tensor components calculated according the input data from Fig.3. in one critical spot of main
circulating pump. SigZ component reached more than 250MPa during pressure test in October 1999.
Mathematical approximation
Results from FEM analysis can be suitably arranged into point function Fp(x,y). Functional surface of each stress
tensor component has a simple shape without local extremes. Analytical expression of point function can be done by
modified least square method. The basic function of approximation polynomial is given by product of two one-
dimensional polynomial functions:
F(x,y) = C0 + C1x + C2y + C3xy + C4x2 + C5y2 + C6x2y + C7xy2 + C8x2y2 (2)
where Ci replaces coefficients ai and bi. Coefficients Ci are determined for point function Fp.
The shown method can be used for approximation of three- or more dimensional function. The basic function can
be defined either by multiplication F(x,y,..) = f(x).g(y).... or by addition F(x,y,..) = f(x) + g(y) + .... . The method is
usable for point function without local extremes with good accuracy.
The evaluation of the material damage during service conditions could be based on standards, reports or journal
A fatigue assessment of critical places is based on A.M.E. Standards, [5]. The background of procedures is
described in [6]. The algorithms are based on the following assumptions. Strains εt (εe - elastic, εp - plastic) are
determined by an elasto-plastic method or elastic method together with an approximate method (Neuber’s rule, an
equivalent energy method). Material of the Ramberg-Osgood type is used. It is possible to use an ideal elasto-plastic
material or material with hardening. The rain-flow method is used. Design fatigue curve of Manson-Coffin and Langer
type was modified [6]. The Palmgren-Miner’s damage rule is used.
At present the effect of environment to material corrosion damage is under solution in the co-operation with
Temelín nuclear power plant. The target of the solution is to use the results in the process of continuous calculation of
material damaged by corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue under service in the stage of macrodefect initiation.
Fig. 6 shows a calculated curve of cumulative damage factor D [%] in the critical spot of an electric heater nozzle.
The calculation is conservative one based on designed assumptions and if assumption exceeds D>30% at the end of
technical lifetime the user is obliged to comply with the legislative being in force and to classify the critical spot among
continuous damage monitoring (quasi ON-LINE) during service. The assessment must be based on measured process
values using a simply created analytical relations that do not call for demanding numerical calculation. If the estimation
exceeds D>40%, at the end of the technical lifetime done by this method, then a detail FEM numerical calculation of
the part of the equipment including this critical spot has to be performed and the more precise results has to be applied
for quasi ON-LINE continuous assessment. If the assumed damage reaches 60 % at the end of the technical lifetime it is
necessary to performed OFF-LINE assessment by an external and authorised institution. If the OFF-LINE assessment
results show 90 % exceeding at the end of the technical lifetime then the damaged part must be replaced or redesigned.
Fig.6. Damage cumulative factor in critical spot of presurizer's electric heater nozzle
Results of cumulative damage calculations at critical spots of power plant equipment are stored in the master
database of DIALIFE system and can be presented on the PC screen in several ways.
Fig. 6 shows a time history of cumulative damage of one critical spot. during the period under assessment.
Using bar charts we can present an actual damage state to the date of the last assessment at all critical spots of the
whole component, e.g. pressurizer, Fig. 7.
Fig.7. An actual damage state to the date of the last assessment at all critical spots of the whole component, e.g.
Fig.8. The RH side of Fig. 8 shows the location of a critical spot on the construction, LH side shows the more
general result.
The RH side of Fig. 8 shows the location of a critical spot on the construction, LH side shows the more general
result. Time axis is defined by the input parameter of the critical spot that determines an expected designed lifetime of a
part with the spot assessed. In this case it is 30 years. The component was put into operation just before the end of 1999
and at that time zero damage was considered. The component has not been replaced since. In the event of the
replacement the time axis would not been changed but the damage would be counted from zero and from the date of
replacement. An incline line indicates a linear damage growth without any influence of operation. It is made thicker
from the zero point of the assessment up to the date of the last calculation (current situation). Then it continues as a
thinner line to future (theoretical forecast). Thick light-blue, nondecreasing line says the increase in damage at the spot
under assessment due to operational effects (quasi ON-LINE calculation). In this case an excessive cumulative
application is seen in comparison with the designed estimation.
Limit values are set up for each critical spot separately based on legislative. If they are reached an operator is
warned by a semaphore. When using help – RH down – the user is shown a detail record of the situation, separately for
each critical spot.
The owner of the plant has the interest to extend its lifetime when design life of components nears to an end.
Extension is possible when the level of material damage is known. Quick determination of mechanical stress at a critical
spot as time dependent describes the real history of loading. Knowledge of stress is necessary for assessment of various
mechanisms of degradation (fatigue of material, stress corrosion cracking, creep and fatigue, brittle crack, allowable
growth of defect and erosion). Accuracy of results depends on perfection of mathematical models of temperature and
stress analyses and material damage process.
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