Vethathiri - Economics

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Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007

BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University

Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007

BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University
About Vethathiri

 97 year lived Siddha saint, Philosopher,

Scientist, Doctor dedicated his life to bring
World Peace thorough Individual Peace.

 Popularly known as the “Vaazgha Valamudan”

Swamiji in Southern part of India.

 Has millions of followers in India and abroad

with more than 10.000 centres spread all over.

 Authored more than 50 Books and Thousands

of poems in Tamil and English. Some of them
are translated into Kannada, Telugu,
Malayalam and Hindi.

 Delivered Key note address in many

prestigious institutions including United

Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007

BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University
V - Eco
Presentation Outline

1. Introduction

2. Origin of Economics

3. Evolution of Economics

4. Economic Equality

5. Summary

6. Question & Answers

Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007

BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University
V - Eco
1. Introduction

 Economics is integral part of Quality living.

 Economic policies are Politic dependant.

and Politic is people dependant.
World Bank & WTO decide for us – the people.

 No people, no economics.

 History of economics is not Equality economics.

 Present Economics create inequality in Humans.

Creating value in Humans is Economics and not
for the products and services.

 Vethathirian Economics provide an insight to this

effect of Economic Equality.
Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007
BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University
V - Eco
2. Origin of Economics

 Economy started since Man started


 Man had the unique ability to think

and hence converted nature to his
comforts and conveniences.

 Food is the first product produced by man on

land. Living started around the land of

 Later came Houses, community & villages etc.

 Production in abundance created the needs for

storage and distribution. The seed for Economy
was sown here.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007

BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University
V - Eco
2. Origin of Economics (contd..)

 Storage & Distribution require

skills of Trade; The trader is
born now to help / assist the
production - the farmer.

 This equally applies to other

production people like Masons
who built houses and weavers
who produced clothes.

 Among the villages the distribution took place

for exchange of goods or services. Later
switched over to common exchange of currency.

 The produce and property were looted by

Greedy or Lazy people necessitating the need
for a strong men as security. They were offered
the produce or currency as compensation.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007

BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University
V - Eco
2. Origin of Economics (contd..)
 The strong men not only guarded the produce &
property, they also settled the village disputes by
sheer of their force. Thus they gained respect of
village producers and became the village head.
This is the beginning of a King.

 The King now starts demanding respect and a good

share in the produce. This has become later known as
taxes. To pay tax and to retain a good margin the
traders start fleecing the production people creating
poverty and inequality (Rich / Poor)among humans.

 The one who produce becomes poorer and poorer as

against the one who trades and protects becomes
richer and richer. This is economy.

 When the economy is good, is good for the rich. When

the economy is bad, is bad for the poor.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007

BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University
V - Eco
3. Evolution of Economics
 Production is the basis for economy.

 Production is made by Intellectual and

Industrious people.

 The produce is exchanged for notional Money

value. And further traded for increased
money value depending upon the market.

 Now money has more value than work. Moneyed

person becomes more valuable than working person.

 Making more & more money with less & less of work
becomes order of the day. The one who earns more
is respected than the one who works more.

 The inequality economic illness has become a

disease and now a chronic one leading to a fatal
disaster to mankind.
Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007
BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University
V - Eco
3. Evolution of Economics (contd..)
 We are now at the cross roads.
Living Humans Vs. Notional Money.
Choose the one that will leave this world a better
place for our grand children to live.

 Being Competitive has become more important than

being Compassionate

 Two “isams” – Capital / Social are struggling to give the

mankind the best quality life. The power politics is
under utter confusion taking the world for short
term gains loosing out on the long-term benefits.

 Look how the world economy suffer a set back on

instances like – 9/11, SARS epidemic, Srilankan
problems, Terrorism attacks etc.

 Vethathirian solution – One World, One Government and

One Economy; One citizenship and one currency.
Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007
BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University
V - Eco
4. Economic Equality

 True economics is not man made. 90% of its

contribution is made by the mother Nature.
We do not give her, her share of profits. On the
other hand we leave her high and dry. (Ozone
depletion, Environmental Pollution)

 The remaining 10% is of course man made –

who is also natures gift.

 We need equality (among nature and people)

to share the wealth and not amassing wealth
in the hands of a few Business / Politico /
Religious heads.

 Without equality in economics, the dream of

world peace is a mirage.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007

BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University
V - Eco
5. Summary
 Economy provider is Mother nature that includes
all people of the World.

 Residences for living, Lands for cultivation,

Factories for production and Commerce for trading
must be an cooperative venture owned by all. Rest
can be privatized for creative advancement of growth.

 Money should not make money. Only hard productive

work to earn better value than governance work.

 People are the most valuable assets and have a right

to live and not available for exploitation among

 One world government, One world economy,

one world citizenship and one currency is a
solution for World peace and any alternative is
only leading to killing among people of different
nations and ideologies. We owe this life
to all
Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007
BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University




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Prof. Dr. Madhavan June 2007

BIST - Centre for Holistic Development / Bangalore International Congress of Social Philosophy
0 98860 67232 Karnatak University

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