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1 Methodology

This section represents an overview of the methodology employed, detailing the

procedures and techniques used to gather and analyze data, ensuring the validity of the
study. The following steps will be followed to carry out the objectives.

Step 1: Literature Review

In order to establish a strong foundation for the proposed study, a thorough review of
the existing open literature has been conducted, aiming to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the topic and to overview the current state of research in the field
which has then form the base for the experimental setup for simulation and further
studying the effects of multiple slot injection at various location in the dual throat
nozzle for fluid thrust vectoring through secondary fluid injection in dual throat

Step 2: Analytical Calculations

Analytical calculations through empirical relations will be performed in order to

achieve an initial estimation of the inlet conditions.

The propellent (UDMH/N2O4) most commonly used as rocket fuel will provide the
necessary exit conditions of combustion chamber or inlet conditions to the nozzle
which is then used to calculate ideal mass flow rate, assuming that the flow is
isentropic throughout the nozzle using the following gas dynamic relation:
The parameters required for calculation of mass flow rate as suggested by the above
equation are molecular mass, adiabatic flame temperature (T0), density (ρ0) and
specific heat ratio (ϒ). Considering the exhaust gas to be calorically perfect,
combustion chamber pressure (P0) is calculated using ideal gas equation.

For the study, Mach number will be calculated for different nozzle pressure ratio. The
performance of the nozzle will

be assessed on the basis of thrust vectoring angle (δ), thrust coefficient (Cf) and
discharge coefficient (Cd).

 Discharge coefficient (Cd): It is the ratio of actual mass flow rate to ideal mass
flow rate.

where ma denotes the measured (actual) mass flow rate of airflow passing
through the DTN.

 Thrust coefficient (Cf): The system thrust coefficient is defined as the ratio of
resultant measured thrust to the ideal thrust of the nozzle.

The parameter Fi represents the isentropic thrust of the DTN, and it is

determined through the following calculation:
 Thrust Vector Angle (δ):

The best possible outcome will be selected on the basis of maximum performance and
maximum efficiency. These two configurations will be further used to conduct the
study of effects of multiple slot injection at various location in the dual throat nozzle
for fluid thrust vectoring.

Step 3: Computational Validation and Simulation

 Geometry: The same geometry used by NASA Langley Research Laboratory

[] has used to conduct the experimental analysis of the DTN will be used to
carry out computational simulation.
 Mesh Generation: To generate a computational mesh that effectively
represents the geometry, ensuring it's fine enough to capture the flow
intricacies but not overly dense to avoid computational inefficiency and excess
 Boundary Conditions: Setting up the appropriate boundary conditions,
considering factors such as inlet velocities, temperatures, pressures, and
relevant material properties to simulate the practical physical environment
with greater accuracy.
 Model Selection: Choosing suitable models for turbulence, and any other
physical phenomena involved in the flow through the dual throat nozzle.

The following computational techniques are considered for simulating the

study conditions (based on open literature):

1. K – ε Model
2. RNG K - ε Model
3. SST K - ω Turbulence Model
4. PAB3D

 Validation and Analysis: The experimental results generated by NASA

Langley Research Laboratory [] will serve as the base data for validating the
above-mentioned computational schemes for accuracy. The most accurate
scheme will be further utilized for carrying out the study simulations.

Among the suggested models for computational simulation, the model which will
result in most accuracy as compared to experimental results generated by NASA
Langley Research Laboratory [] will be used to further carry out the study
Step 4: Result Analysis and Conclusion

1.1 Computational Setup

The geometry configuration of the dual throat nozzle which had been studied by NASA
Langley Research Center [] will be used as the base geometry for computational
validation. For computational validation fluid used will be air as is done by the
aforementioned. The following dual throat nozzle will be used to validate data for DTN.

d1 Θ1 Θ2 At Ae /At d2 l φ
6.15 cm -10˚ 30˚ 29.69 cm2 1.0 6.15 cm 13.36 150˚
2.921 10 30 same 1.0 2.921 7.62 150

Flow Properties: AIR

Molecular mass T0 ρ0 P0 ϒ Mass flow rate mi
28.96 g/mol 300 K 1.22 kg/m3 1 atm 1.3 0.15 kg/s

The model which will generate the most accurate result will then be used to study the
effects of multiple slot injection at various location in the dual throat nozzle for fluid
thrust vectoring. Instead of air, the exhaust gas is replaced with UDMH / N2O4 as it
represents a more accurate picture of practical situation for non-airbreathing engines.

Flow Properties: UDMH / N2O4

Molecular mass T0 ρ0 P0 ϒ Mass flow rate mi
60.1 g/mol 3415 K 1180 kg/m3 5.574 bar 1.25 1.584 kg/s 0.05

Following parameters will be varied for the study

Parameters Range
Nozzle Pressure Ratio 2-20
Dual Injection Port Location l

Changing nozzle pressure ratio will result in changes in Mach number. Taking into
consideration maximum efficiency and maximum performance, two configurations will be
selected for NPR and Mach number which will be used for studying the effects of multiple
slot injection at various location in the dual throat nozzle for fluid thrust vectoring.

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