Azure Portal

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Azure portal documentation

About the Azure portal
Get started with Azure Quickstart Center
Supported browsers and devices
Create a VM in the portal
Create a dashboard
Azure PowerShell
ARM template
Share dashboards with role-based access control
Programmatically create Azure dashboards
How-to guides
Manage Azure portal settings and preferences
Add, remove, and sort favorites
View and filter resource information
Create Azure dashboards
Create and share Azure dashboards
Use a custom markdown tile
Azure portal how-to video series
Create and manage support requests
Create an Azure support request
Manage an Azure support request
Request quota increases
Increase compute vCPU limits
Resource Manager deployment model
Increase VM series vCPU limit
Increase total regional vCPU limit
Increase spot quota limit
Classic deployment model
Increase networking limits
Troubleshoot Azure portal issues
Recover a deleted dashboard
Troubleshoot region or SKU subscription issues
Capture a browser trace for troubleshooting
Keyboard shortcuts
Safelist the Azure portal URLs
Structure of Azure dashboards
Azure CLI
Azure roadmap
Build your skills with Microsoft Learn
Pricing calculator
Regional availability
Stack Overflow
Azure Videos
Azure portal overview
9/22/2020 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article introduces the Azure portal, identifies portal page elements, and helps you get familiar with the Azure
portal management experience.

What is the Azure portal?

The Azure portal is a web-based, unified console that provides an alternative to command-line tools. With the
Azure portal, you can manage your Azure subscription using a graphical user interface. You can build, manage, and
monitor everything from simple web apps to complex cloud deployments. Create custom dashboards for an
organized view of resources. Configure accessibility options for an optimal experience.
The Azure portal is designed for resiliency and continuous availability. It has a presence in every Azure datacenter.
This configuration makes the Azure portal resilient to individual datacenter failures and avoids network slow-
downs by being close to users. The Azure portal updates continuously and requires no downtime for maintenance

Azure portal menu

You can choose the default mode for the portal menu. It can be docked or it can act as a flyout panel.
When the portal menu is in flyout mode, it's hidden until you need it. Select the menu icon to open or close the

If you choose docked mode for the portal menu, it will always be visible. You can collapse the menu to provide
more working space.

Azure Home
As a new subscriber to Azure services, the first thing you see after you sign in to the portal is Azure Home . This
page compiles resources that help you get the most from your Azure subscription. We have included links to free
online courses, documentation, core services, and useful sites for staying current and managing change for your
organization. For quick and easy access to work in progress, we also show a list of your most recently visited
resources. You can’t customize this page, but you can choose whether to see Azure Home or Azure Dashboard
as your default view. The first time you sign in, there’s a prompt at the top of the page where you can save your

Both the Azure portal menu and the Azure default view can be changed in Por tal settings . If you change your
selection, the change is immediately applied.

Azure Dashboard
Dashboards provide a focused view of the resources in your subscription that matter most to you. We’ve given you
a default dashboard to get you started. You can customize this dashboard to bring the resources you use frequently
into a single view. Any changes you make to the default view affect your experience only. However, you can create
additional dashboards for your own use or publish your customized dashboards and share them with other users
in your organization. For more information, see Create and share dashboards in the Azure portal.

Getting around the portal

It’s helpful to understand the basic portal layout and how to interact with it. Here, we’ll introduce the components
of the user interface and some of the terminology we use to give instructions. For a more detailed tour of the
portal, see the course lesson Navigate the portal.
The Azure portal menu and page header are global elements that are always present. These persistent features are
the “shell” for the user interface associated with each individual service or feature and the header provides access
to global controls. The configuration page (sometimes referred to as a “blade”) for a resource may also have a
resource menu to help you move between features.
The figure below labels the basic elements of the Azure portal, each of which are described in the following table.

1 Page header. Appears at the top of every portal page and

holds global elements.

2 Global search. Use the search bar to quickly find a specific

resource, a service, or documentation.

3 Global controls. Like all global elements, these features persist

across the portal and include: Cloud Shell, subscription filter,
notifications, portal settings, help and support, and send us

4 Your account. View information about your account, switch

directories, sign out, or sign in with a different account.

5 Portal menu. The portal menu is a global element that helps

you to navigate between services. Sometimes referred to as
the sidebar, the portal menu mode can be changed in Por tal
settings .

6 Resource menu. Many services include a resource menu to

help you manage the service. You may see this element
referred to as the left pane.

7 Command bar. The controls on the command bar are

contextual to your current focus.

8 Working pane. Displays the details about the resource that is

currently in focus.

9 Breadcrumb. You can use the breadcrumb links to move back

a level in your workflow.

10 Master control to create a new resource in the current

subscription. Expand or open the portal menu to find +
Create a resource . Search or browse the Azure Marketplace
for the resource type you want to create.

11 Your favorites list. See Add, remove, and sort favorites to learn
how to customize the list.

Get started with services

If you’re a new subscriber, you’ll have to create a resource before there’s anything to manage. Select + Create a
resource to view the services available in the Azure Marketplace. You’ll find applications and services from
hundreds of providers here, all certified to run on Azure.
We pre-populated your Favorites in the sidebar with links to commonly used services. To view all available services,
select All ser vices from the sidebar.

The quickest way to find a resource, service, or documentation is to use Search in the global header. Use the breadcrumb
links to go back to previous pages.

Watch this video for a demo on how to use global search in the Azure portal.

How to use global search in the Azure portal

Next steps
Learn more about where to run Azure portal in Supported browsers and devices
Stay connected on the go with Azure mobile app
Onboard and set up your cloud environment with the Azure Quickstart Center
Get started with the Azure Quickstart Center
1/30/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Azure Quickstart Center is a guided experience in the Azure portal available to anyone who wants to improve their
knowledge of Azure. For organizations new to Azure, it's the fastest way to onboard and set up your cloud

Azure Quickstart Center has three options for getting started:
Setup guides : Designed for the IT admin and cloud architect, our guides introduce key concepts for Azure
adoption. Structured steps help you take action as you learn, applying Microsoft's recommended best
practices. The migration guide helps you assess readiness and plan as you prepare to shift to Azure.
Star t a project : If you're ready to create a resource, this section lets you learn more about your choices
before you commit to a service option. You'll discover more about the service and why you should use it,
explore costs, and identify prerequisites. After making your choice, you can go directly to create.
Online learning : This section of the Azure Quickstart Center highlights free introductory course modules
from Microsoft Learn. Select a tile to launch a course and learn more about cloud concepts and managing
resources in Azure.

How to use Azure Quickstart Center

1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
2. Select All ser vices from the Azure portal menu.
3. Select General > Quickstar t Center .
For an in-depth look at what Azure Quickstart Center can do for you, check out this video:

Introduction to Azure Quickstart Center

Next steps
Learn more about Azure setup and migration in the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure.
Unlock your cloud skills with more courses from Microsoft Learn.
Supported devices
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The Azure portal is a web-based console and runs in the browser of all modern desktops and tablet devices. To use
the portal, you must have JavaScript enabled on your browser.
If you need to manage Azure resources from a mobile device, try the Azure mobile app. It's available for iOS and

Recommended browsers
We recommend that you use the most up-to-date browser that's compatible with your operating system. The
following browsers are supported:
Microsoft Edge (latest version)
Internet Explorer 11
Safari (latest version, Mac only)
Chrome (latest version)
Firefox (latest version)
Quickstart: Create a Windows virtual machine in the
Azure portal
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Azure virtual machines (VMs) can be created through the Azure portal. This method provides a browser-based user
interface to create VMs and their associated resources. This quickstart shows you how to use the Azure portal to
deploy a virtual machine (VM) in Azure that runs Windows Server 2019. To see your VM in action, you then RDP to
the VM and install the IIS web server.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

Sign in to Azure
Sign in to the Azure portal at

Create virtual machine

1. Type vir tual machines in the search.
2. Under Ser vices , select Vir tual machines .
3. In the Vir tual machines page, select Add .
4. In the Basics tab, under Project details , make sure the correct subscription is selected and then choose to
Create new resource group. Type myResourceGroup for the name.

5. Under Instance details , type myVM for the Vir tual machine name and choose East US for your Region ,
and then choose Windows Server 2019 Datacenter for the Image . Leave the other defaults.

6. Under Administrator account , provide a username, such as azureuser and a password. The password
must be at least 12 characters long and meet the defined complexity requirements.
7. Under Inbound por t rules , choose Allow selected por ts and then select RDP (3389) and HTTP (80)
from the drop-down.

8. Leave the remaining defaults and then select the Review + create button at the bottom of the page.

Connect to virtual machine

Create a remote desktop connection to the virtual machine. These directions tell you how to connect to your VM
from a Windows computer. On a Mac, you need an RDP client such as this Remote Desktop Client from the Mac
App Store.
1. Select the Connect button on the overview page for your virtual machine.

2. In the Connect to vir tual machine page, keep the default options to connect by IP address, over port
3389, and click Download RDP file .
3. Open the downloaded RDP file and click Connect when prompted.
4. In the Windows Security window, select More choices and then Use a different account . Type the
username as localhost \username, enter password you created for the virtual machine, and then click OK .
5. You may receive a certificate warning during the sign-in process. Click Yes or Continue to create the

Install web server

To see your VM in action, install the IIS web server. Open a PowerShell prompt on the VM and run the following

Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools

When done, close the RDP connection to the VM.

View the IIS welcome page

In the portal, select the VM and in the overview of the VM, use the Click to copy button to the right of the IP
address to copy it and paste it into a browser tab. The default IIS welcome page will open, and should look like this:

Clean up resources
When no longer needed, you can delete the resource group, virtual machine, and all related resources.
Select the resource group for the virtual machine, then select Delete . Confirm the name of the resource group to
finish deleting the resources.

Next steps
In this quickstart, you deployed a simple virtual machine, open a network port for web traffic, and installed a basic
web server. To learn more about Azure virtual machines, continue to the tutorial for Windows VMs.
Azure Windows virtual machine tutorials
Quickstart: Create an Azure portal dashboard with
9/22/2020 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

A dashboard in the Azure portal is a focused and organized view of your cloud resources. This article focuses on
the process of using the Az.Portal PowerShell module to create a dashboard. The dashboard shows the
performance of a virtual machine (VM), as well as some static information and links.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
If you choose to use PowerShell locally, this article requires that you install the Az PowerShell module and connect
to your Azure account using the Connect-AzAccount cmdlet. For more information about installing the Az
PowerShell module, see Install Azure PowerShell.

While the Az.Por tal PowerShell module is in preview, you must install it separately from from the Az PowerShell module
using the Install-Module cmdlet. Once this PowerShell module becomes generally available, it becomes part of future Az
PowerShell module releases and available natively from within Azure Cloud Shell.

Install-Module -Name Az.Portal

Use Azure Cloud Shell

Azure hosts Azure Cloud Shell, an interactive shell environment that you can use through your browser. You can use
either Bash or PowerShell with Cloud Shell to work with Azure services. You can use the Cloud Shell preinstalled
commands to run the code in this article without having to install anything on your local environment.
To start Azure Cloud Shell:


Select Tr y It in the upper-right corner of a code block.

Selecting Tr y It doesn't automatically copy the code to Cloud

Go to, or select the Launch Cloud

Shell button to open Cloud Shell in your browser.

Select the Cloud Shell button on the menu bar at the upper
right in the Azure portal.

To run the code in this article in Azure Cloud Shell:

1. Start Cloud Shell.
2. Select the Copy button on a code block to copy the code.
3. Paste the code into the Cloud Shell session by selecting Ctrl +Shift +V on Windows and Linux or by selecting
Cmd +Shift +V on macOS.
4. Select Enter to run the code.

Choose a specific Azure subscription

If you have multiple Azure subscriptions, choose the appropriate subscription in which the resources should be
billed. Select a specific subscription using the Set-AzContext cmdlet.

Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

Define variables
You'll be using several pieces of information repeatedly. Create variables to store the information.

# Name of resource group used throughout this article

$resourceGroupName = 'myResourceGroup'

# Azure region
$location = 'centralus'

# Dashboard Title
$dashboardTitle = 'Simple VM Dashboard'

# Dashboard Name
$dashboardName = $dashboardTitle -replace '\s'

# Your Azure Subscription ID

$subscriptionID = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id

# Name of test VM
$vmName = 'SimpleWinVM'

Create a resource group

Create an Azure resource group using the New-AzResourceGroup cmdlet. A resource group is a logical container in
which Azure resources are deployed and managed as a group.
The following example creates a resource group based on the name in the $resourceGroupName variable in the
region specified in the $location variable.

New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName -Location $location

Create a virtual machine

The dashboard you create in the next part of this quickstart requires an existing VM. Create a VM by following
these steps.
Store login credentials for the VM in a variable. The password must be complex. This is a new user name and
password; it's not, for example, the account you use to sign in to Azure. For more information, see username
requirements and password requirements.

$Cred = Get-Credential
Create the VM.

$AzVmParams = @{
ResourceGroupName = $resourceGroupName
Name = $vmName
Location = $location
Credential = $Cred
New-AzVm @AzVmParams

The VM deployment now starts and typically takes a few minutes to complete. After deployment completes, move
on to the next section.

Download the dashboard template

Since Azure dashboards are resources, they can be represented as JSON. The following code downloads a JSON
representation of a sample dashboard. For more information, see The structure of Azure Dashboards.

$myPortalDashboardTemplateUrl = '

$myPortalDashboardTemplatePath = "$env:TEMP\portal-dashboard-template-testvm.json"

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $myPortalDashboardTemplateUrl -OutFile $myPortalDashboardTemplatePath -UseBasicParsing

Customize the template

Customize the downloaded template by running the following code.

$Content = Get-Content -Path $myPortalDashboardTemplatePath -Raw

$Content = $Content -replace '<subscriptionID>', $subscriptionID
$Content = $Content -replace '<rgName>', $resourceGroupName
$Content = $Content -replace '<vmName>', $vmName
$Content = $Content -replace '<dashboardTitle>', $dashboardTitle
$Content = $Content -replace '<location>', $location
$Content | Out-File -FilePath $myPortalDashboardTemplatePath -Force

For more information, see Microsoft portal dashboards template reference.

Deploy the dashboard template

You can use the New-AzPortalDashboard cmdlet that's part of the Az.Portal module to deploy the template directly
from PowerShell.

$DashboardParams = @{
DashboardPath = $myPortalDashboardTemplatePath
ResourceGroupName = $resourceGroupName
DashboardName = $dashboardName
New-AzPortalDashboard @DashboardParams

Review the deployed resources

Check that the dashboard was created successfully.
Get-AzPortalDashboard -Name $dashboardName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName

Verify that you can see data about the VM from within the Azure portal.
1. In the Azure portal, select Dashboard .

2. On the dashboard page, select Simple VM Dashboard .

3. Review the dashboard. You can see that some of the content is static, but there are also charts that show the
performance of the VM.

Clean up resources
To remove the VM and associated dashboard, delete the resource group that contains them.
Cau t i on

The following example deletes the specified resource group and all resources contained within it. If resources
outside the scope of this article exist in the specified resource group, they will also be deleted.

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName

Next steps
For more information about the cmdlets contained in the Az.Portal PowerShell module, see:
Microsoft Azure PowerShell: Portal Dashboard cmdlets
Quickstart: Create a dashboard in the Azure portal by
using an ARM template
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

A dashboard in the Azure portal is a focused and organized view of your cloud resources. This quickstart focuses
on the process of deploying an Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template) to create a dashboard. The
dashboard shows the performance of a virtual machine (VM), as well as some static information and links.
An ARM template is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file that defines the infrastructure and configuration for
your project. The template uses declarative syntax, which lets you state what you intend to deploy without having to
write the sequence of programming commands to create it.
If your environment meets the prerequisites and you're familiar with using ARM templates, select the Deploy to
Azure button. The template will open in the Azure portal.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
An existing VM.

Create a virtual machine

The dashboard you create in the next part of this quickstart requires an existing VM. Create a VM by following
these steps.
1. In the Azure portal, select Cloud Shell.

2. Copy the following command and enter it at the command prompt to create a resource group.

New-AzResourceGroup -Name SimpleWinVmResourceGroup -Location EastUS

3. Copy the following command and enter it at the command prompt to create a VM in the resource group.
New-AzVm `
-ResourceGroupName "SimpleWinVmResourceGroup" `
-Name "SimpleWinVm" `
-Location "East US"

4. Enter a username and password for the VM. This is a new user name and password; it's not, for example, the
account you use to sign in to Azure. For more information, see username requirements and password
The VM deployment now starts and typically takes a few minutes to complete. After deployment completes,
move on to the next section.

Review the template

The template used in this quickstart is from Azure Quickstart Templates. The template for this article is too long to
show here. To view the template, see azuredeploy.json. One Azure resource is defined in the template,
Microsoft.Portal/dashboards - Create a dashboard in the Azure portal.

Deploy the template

1. Select the following image to sign in to Azure and open a template.

2. Select or enter the following values, then select Review + create .

Unless it's specified, use the default values to create the dashboard.
Subscription : select an Azure subscription.
Resource group : select SimpleWinVmResourceGroup .
Location : select East US .
Vir tual Machine Name : enter SimpleWinVm .
Vir tual Machine Resource Group : enter SimpleWinVmResourceGroup .
3. Select Create or Purchase . After the dashboard has been deployed successfully, you get a notification:

The Azure portal was used to deploy the template. In addition to the Azure portal, you can also use Azure
PowerShell, Azure CLI, and REST API. To learn other deployment methods, see Deploy templates.

Review deployed resources

Check that the dashboard was created successfully and that you can see data from the VM.
1. In the Azure portal, select Dashboard .

2. On the dashboard page, select Simple VM Dashboard .

3. Review the dashboard that the ARM template created. You can see that some of the content is static, but
there are also charts that show the performance of the VM you created at the beginning.
Clean up resources
If you want to remove the VM and associated dashboard, delete the resource group that contains them.
1. In the Azure portal, search for SimpleWinVmResourceGroup , then select it in the search results.
2. On the SimpleWinVmResourceGroup page, select Delete resource group , enter the resource group
name to confirm, then select Delete .

Next steps
For more information about dashboards in the Azure portal, see:
Create and share dashboards in the Azure portal
Share Azure dashboards by using Role-Based Access
9/22/2020 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

After configuring a dashboard, you can publish it and share it with other users in your organization. You allow
others to view your dashboard by using Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC). Assign a user or group of
users to a role. That role defines whether those users can view or modify the published dashboard.
All published dashboards are implemented as Azure resources. They exist as manageable items within your
subscription and are contained in a resource group. From an access control perspective, dashboards are no
different than other resources, such as a virtual machine or a storage account.

Individual tiles on the dashboard enforce their own access control requirements based on the resources they display. You can
share a dashboard broadly while protecting the data on individual tiles.

Understanding access control for dashboards

With Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), you can assign users to roles at three different levels of scope:
resource group
The permissions you assign inherit from the subscription down to the resource. The published dashboard is a
resource. You may already have users assigned to roles for the subscription that apply for the published dashboard.
Let's say you have an Azure subscription and various members of your team have been assigned the roles of
owner, contributor, or reader for the subscription. Users who are owners or contributors can list, view, create,
modify, or delete dashboards within the subscription. Users who are readers can list and view dashboards, but can't
modify or delete them. Users with reader access can make local edits to a published dashboard, such as when
troubleshooting an issue, but they can't publish those changes back to the server. They can make a private copy of
the dashboard for themselves.
You could also assign permissions to the resource group that contains several dashboards or to an individual
dashboard. For example, you may decide that a group of users should have limited permissions across the
subscription but greater access to a particular dashboard. Assign those users to a role for that dashboard.

Publish dashboard
Let's suppose you configure a dashboard that you want to share with a group of users in your subscription. The
following steps show how to share a dashboard to a group called Storage Managers. You can name your group
whatever you like. For more information, see Managing groups in Azure Active Directory.
Before assigning access, you must publish the dashboard.
1. In the dashboard, select Share .
2. In Sharing + access control , select Publish .

By default, sharing publishes your dashboard to a resource group named dashboards . To select a different
resource group, clear the checkbox.
Your dashboard is now published. If the permissions inherited from the subscription are suitable, you don't need to
do anything more. Other users in your organization can access and modify the dashboard based on their
subscription level role.

Assign access to a dashboard

You can assign a group of users to a role for that dashboard.
1. After publishing the dashboard, select the Share or Unshare option to access Sharing + access control .
2. In Sharing + access control , select Manage users .
3. Select Role assignments to see existing users that are already assigned a role for this dashboard.
4. To add a new user or group, select Add then Add role assignment .

5. Select the role that represents the permissions to grant. For this example, select Contributor .
6. Select the user or group to assign to the role. If you don't see the user or group you're looking for in the list,
use the search box. Your list of available groups depends on the groups you've created in Active Directory.
7. When you've finished adding users or groups, select Save .

Next steps
For a list of roles, see Azure built-in roles.
To learn about managing resources, see Manage Azure resources by using the Azure portal.
Programmatically create Azure Dashboards
9/22/2020 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article walks you through the process of programmatically creating and publishing Azure dashboards. The
dashboard shown below is referenced throughout the document.

Shared dashboards in the Azure portal are resources just like virtual machines and storage accounts. You can
manage resources programmatically by using the Azure Resource Manager REST APIs, the Azure CLI, and Azure
PowerShell commands.
Many features build on these APIs to make resource management easier. Each of these APIs and tools offers ways
to create, list, retrieve, modify, and delete resources. Since dashboards are resources, you can pick your favorite API
or tool to use.
Whichever tools you use, to create a dashboard programmatically, you construct a JSON representation of your
dashboard object. This object contains information about the tiles on the dashboard. It includes sizes, positions,
resources they're bound to, and any user customizations.
The most practical way to build up this JSON document is to use the Azure portal. You can interactively add and
position your tiles. Then export the JSON and create a template from the result for later use in scripts, programs,
and deployment tools.
Create a dashboard
To create a dashboard, select Dashboard from the Azure portal menu, then select New dashboard .

Use the tile gallery to find and add tiles. Tiles are added by dragging and dropping them. Some tiles support
resizing by using a drag handle.

Others have fixed sizes to choose from in their context menu.

Share the dashboard

After you configure the dashboard, the next step is to publish the dashboard using the Share command.

Selecting Share prompts you to choose which subscription and resource group to publish to. You must have write
access to the subscription and resource group that you choose. For more information, see Add or remove role
assignments using Azure RBAC and the Azure portal.
Fetch the JSON representation of the dashboard
Publishing only takes a few seconds. When it's done, the next step is to fetch the JSON using the Download

Create a template from the JSON

The next step is to create a template from this JSON. Use that template programmatically with the appropriate
resource management APIs, command-line tools, or within the portal.
You don't have to fully understand the dashboard JSON structure to create a template. In most cases, you want to
preserve the structure and configuration of each tile. Then parameterize the set of Azure resources that the tiles
point to. Look at your exported JSON dashboard and find all occurrences of Azure resource IDs. Our example
dashboard has multiple tiles that all point at a single Azure virtual machine. That's because our dashboard only
looks at this single resource. If you search the sample JSON, included at the end of the document, for
"/subscriptions", you find several occurrences of this ID.

To publish this dashboard for any virtual machine in the future, parameterize every occurrence of this string within
the JSON.
There are two approaches for APIs that create resources in Azure:
Imperative APIs create one resource at a time. For more information, see Resources.
A template-based deployment system that creates multiple, dependent resources with a single API call. For
more information, see Deploy resources with Resource Manager templates and Azure PowerShell.
Template-based deployment supports parameterization and templating. We use this approach in this article.

Programmatically create a dashboard from your template using a

template deployment
Azure offers the ability to orchestrate the deployment of multiple resources. You create a deployment template that
expresses the set of resources to deploy and the relationships between them. The JSON format of each resource is
the same as if you were creating them one by one. The difference is that the template language adds a few
concepts like variables, parameters, basic functions, and more. This extended syntax is only supported in the
context of a template deployment. It doesn't work if used with the imperative APIs discussed earlier. For more
information, see Understand the structure and syntax of Azure Resource Manager templates.
Parameterization should be done using the template's parameter syntax. You replace all instances of the resource ID
we found earlier as shown here.
Example JSON property with hard-coded resource ID:

id: "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-

Example JSON property converted to a parameterized version based on template parameters

id: "[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines',


Declare required template metadata and the parameters at the top of the JSON template like this:

"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"virtualMachineName": {
"type": "string"
"virtualMachineResourceGroup": {
"type": "string"
"dashboardName": {
"type": "string"
"variables": {},

... rest of template omitted ...

Once you've configured your template, deploy it using any of the following methods:
Azure CLI
The Azure portal template deployment page
Next you'll see two versions of our example dashboard JSON. The first is the version that we exported from the
portal that was already bound to a resource. The second is the template version that can be programmatically
bound to any virtual machine and deployed using Azure Resource Manager.
JSON representation of our example dashboard before templating
This example shows what you can expect to see if you followed along with this article. The instructions exported the
JSON representation of a dashboard that is already deployed. The hard-coded resource identifiers show that this
dashboard is pointing at a specific Azure virtual machine.

"properties": {
"lenses": {
"0": {
"order": 0,
"parts": {
"0": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [],
"type": "Extension[azure]/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"settings": {
"content": "## Azure Virtual Machines Overview\r\nNew team members
should watch this video to get familiar with Azure Virtual Machines.",
"title": "",
"subtitle": ""
"1": {
"position": {
"x": 3,
"y": 0,
"rowSpan": 4,
"colSpan": 8
"metadata": {
"inputs": [],
"type": "Extension[azure]/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"settings": {
"content": "This is the team dashboard for the test VM we use on our
team. Here are some useful links:\r\n\r\n1. [Getting started](\r\n1.
[Troubleshooting guide](\r\n1. [Architecture docs](",
"title": "Test VM Dashboard",
"subtitle": "Contoso"
"2": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 2,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
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"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "queryInputs",
"value": {
"timespan": {
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Percentage CPU",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"4": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 7,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "queryInputs",
"value": {
"timespan": {
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"chartType": 0,
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Disk Read Operations/Sec",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"name": "Disk Write Operations/Sec",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"5": {
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"timespan": {
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"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Disk Read Bytes",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"name": "Disk Write Bytes",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"6": {
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"metadata": {
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"name": "queryInputs",
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"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Network In",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
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"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
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"settings": {}
"7": {
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"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "id",
"value": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Compute/PartType/VirtualMachinePart",
"asset": {
"idInputName": "id",
"type": "VirtualMachine"
"defaultMenuItemId": "overview"
"metadata": { }
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"name": "aa9786ae-e159-483f-b05f-1f7f767741a9",
"type": "Microsoft.Portal/dashboards",
"location": "eastasia",
"tags": {
"hidden-title": "Created via API"
Template representation of our example dashboard
The template version of the dashboard has defined three parameters called virtualMachineName ,
virtualMachineResourceGroup , and dashboardName . The parameters let you point this dashboard at a different Azure
virtual machine every time you deploy. This dashboard can be programmatically configured and deployed to point
to any Azure virtual machine. To test this feature, copy the following template and paste it into the Azure portal
template deployment page.
This example deploys a dashboard by itself, but the template language lets you deploy multiple resources, and
bundle one or more dashboards along side them.

"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"virtualMachineName": {
"type": "string"
"virtualMachineResourceGroup": {
"type": "string"
"dashboardName": {
"type": "string"
"variables": {},
"resources": [
"properties": {
"lenses": {
"0": {
"order": 0,
"parts": {
"0": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [],
"type": "Extension[azure]/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"settings": {
"content": "## Azure Virtual Machines Overview\r\nNew team
members should watch this video to get familiar with Azure Virtual Machines.",
"title": "",
"subtitle": ""
"1": {
"position": {
"x": 3,
"y": 0,
"rowSpan": 4,
"colSpan": 8
"metadata": {
"inputs": [],
"type": "Extension[azure]/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"content": {
"settings": {
"content": "This is the team dashboard for the test VM we use
on our team. Here are some useful links:\r\n\r\n1. [Getting started](\r\n1.
[Troubleshooting guide](\r\n1. [Architecture docs](",
"title": "Test VM Dashboard",
"subtitle": "Contoso"
"2": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 2,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [],
"type": "Extension[azure]/HubsExtension/PartType/VideoPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"settings": {
"title": "",
"subtitle": "",
"src": "
"autoplay": false
"3": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 4,
"rowSpan": 3,
"colSpan": 11
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "queryInputs",
"value": {
"timespan": {
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'),
'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines', parameters('virtualMachineName'))]",
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Percentage CPU",
"resourceId": "
[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines',
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"4": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 7,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "queryInputs",
"value": {
"timespan": {
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'),
'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines', parameters('virtualMachineName'))]",
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Disk Read Operations/Sec",
"resourceId": "
[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines',
"name": "Disk Write Operations/Sec",
"resourceId": "
[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines',
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"5": {
"position": {
"x": 3,
"y": 7,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "queryInputs",
"value": {
"timespan": {
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'),
'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines', parameters('virtualMachineName'))]",
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Disk Read Bytes",
"resourceId": "
[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines',
"name": "Disk Write Bytes",
"resourceId": "
[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines',
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"6": {
"position": {
"x": 6,
"y": 7,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "queryInputs",
"value": {
"timespan": {
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'),
'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines', parameters('virtualMachineName'))]",
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Network In",
"resourceId": "
[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines',
"name": "Network Out",
"resourceId": "
[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines',
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"7": {
"position": {
"x": 9,
"y": 7,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 2
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "id",
"value": "[resourceId(parameters('virtualMachineResourceGroup'),
'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines', parameters('virtualMachineName'))]"
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Compute/PartType/VirtualMachinePart",
"asset": {
"idInputName": "id",
"type": "VirtualMachine"
"defaultMenuItemId": "overview"
"metadata": { },
"apiVersion": "2015-08-01-preview",
"type": "Microsoft.Portal/dashboards",
"name": "[parameters('dashboardName')]",
"location": "westus",
"tags": {
"hidden-title": "[parameters('dashboardName')]"

Now that you've seen an example of using a parameterized template to deploy a dashboard, you can try deploying
the template by using the Azure Resource Manager REST APIs, the Azure CLI, or Azure PowerShell commands.
Manage Azure portal settings and preferences
9/22/2020 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

You can change the default settings of the Azure portal to meet your own preferences. Most settings are available
from the Settings menu in the global page header.

Choose your default subscription

You can change the subscription that opens by default when you sign-in to the Azure portal. This is helpful if you
have a primary subscription you work with but use others occasionally.

1. Select the directory and subscription filter icon in the global page header.
2. Select the subscriptions you want as the default subscriptions when you launch the portal.

Choose your default view

You can change the page that opens by default when you sign in to the Azure portal.
Home can't be customized. It displays shortcuts to popular Azure services and lists the resources you've
used most recently. We also give you useful links to resources like Microsoft Learn and the Azure roadmap.
Dashboards can be customized to create a workspace designed just for you. For example, you can build a
dashboard that is project, task, or role focused. If you select Dashboard , your default view will go to your
most recently used dashboard. For more information, see Create and share dashboards in the Azure portal.

Choose a portal menu mode

The default mode for the portal menu controls how much space the portal menu takes up on the page.
When the portal menu is in Flyout mode, it's hidden until you need it. Select the menu icon to open or close
the menu.
If you choose Docked mode for the portal menu, it's always visible. You can collapse the menu to provide
more working space.

Choose a theme or enable high contrast

The theme that you choose affects the background and font colors that appear in the Azure portal. You can select
from one of four preset color themes. Select each thumbnail to find the theme that best suits you.
Alternatively, you can choose one of the high-contrast themes. The high contrast themes make the Azure portal
easier to read for people who have a visual impairment; they override all other theme selections.

Enable or disable pop-up notifications

Notifications are system messages related to your current session. They provide information like your current
credit balance, when resources you just created become available, or confirm your last action, for example. When
pop-up notifications are turned on, the messages briefly display in the top corner of your screen.
To enable or disable pop-up notifications, select or clear Enable pop-up notifications .
To read all notifications received during your current session, select Notifications from the global header.

If you want to read notifications from previous sessions, look for events in the Activity log. For more information,
see View the Activity log.

Change the inactivity timeout setting

The inactivity timeout setting helps to protect resources from unauthorized access if you forget to secure your
workstation. After you've been idle for a while, you're automatically signed out of your Azure portal session. As an
individual, you can change the timeout setting for yourself. If you're an admin, you can set it at the directory level
for all your users in the directory.
Change your individual timeout setting (user)
Select the drop-down under Sign me out when inactive . Choose the duration after which your Azure portal
session is signed out if you're idle.
The change is saved automatically. If you're idle, your Azure portal session will sign out after the duration you set.
If your admin has enabled an inactivity timeout policy, you can still set your own, as long as it's less than the
directory-level setting. Select Override the director y inactivity timeout policy , then set a time interval.

Change the directory timeout setting (admin)

Admins in the Global Administrator role can enforce the maximum idle time before a session is signed out. The
inactivity timeout setting applies at the directory level. The setting takes effect for new sessions. It won't apply
immediately to any users who are already signed in. For more information about directories, see Active Directory
Domain Services Overview.
If you're a Global Administrator, and you want to enforce an idle timeout setting for all users of the Azure portal,
follow these steps:
1. Select the link text Configure director y level timeout .
2. On the Configure director y level inactivity timeout page, select Enable director y level idle timeout
for the Azure por tal to turn on the setting.
3. Next, enter the Hours and Minutes for the maximum time that a user can be idle before their session is
automatically signed out.
4. Select Apply .

To confirm that the inactivity timeout policy is set correctly, select Notifications from the global page header.
Verify that a success notification is listed.

Restore default settings

If you've made changes to the Azure portal settings and want to discard them, select Restore default settings .
Any changes you've made to portal settings will be lost. This option doesn't affect dashboard customizations.
Export user settings
Information about your custom settings is stored in Azure. You can export the following user data:
Private dashboards in the Azure portal
User settings like favorite subscriptions or directories, and last logged-in directory
Themes and other custom portal settings
It's a good idea to export and review your settings if you plan to delete them. Rebuilding dashboards or redoing
settings can be time-consuming.
To export your portal settings, select Expor t all settings .
Exporting settings creates a .json file that contains your user settings like your color theme, favorites, and private
dashboards. Due to the dynamic nature of user settings and risk of data corruption, you can't import settings from
the .json file.

Delete user settings and dashboards

Information about your custom settings is stored in Azure. You can delete the following user data:
Private dashboards in the Azure portal
User settings like favorite subscriptions or directories, and last logged-in directory
Themes and other custom portal settings
It's a good idea to export and review your settings before you delete them. Rebuilding dashboards or redoing
custom settings can be time-consuming.

This article provides steps for how to delete personal data from the device or service and can be used to support your
obligations under the GDPR. If you’re looking for general info about GDPR, see the GDPR section of the Service Trust portal.

To delete your portal settings, select Delete all settings and private dashboards .
Change language and regional settings
There are two settings that control how the text in the Azure portal appears:
The Language setting controls the language you see for text in the Azure portal.
Regional format controls the way dates, time, numbers, and currency are shown.
To change the language that is used in the Azure portal, use the drop-down to select from the list of available
The regional format selection changes to display regional options for only the language you selected. To change
that automatic selection, use the drop-down to choose the regional format you want.
For example, if you select English as your language, and then select United States as the regional format, currency is
shown in U.S. dollars. If you select English as the language and then select Europe as the regional format, currency
is shown in euros.
Select Apply to update your language and regional format settings.
These language and regional settings affect only the Azure portal. Documentation links that open in a new tab or window use
your browser's language settings to determine the language to display.

Next steps
Keyboard shortcuts in Azure portal
Supported browsers and devices
Add, remove, and rearrange favorites
Create and share custom dashboards
Azure portal how-to video series
Add, remove, and rearrange favorites
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Add or remove items from your Favorites list so that you can quickly go to the services you use most often. We
already added some common services to your Favorites list, but you’ll likely want to customize it. You're the only
one who sees the changes you make to Favorites .

Add a favorite
Items that are listed under Favorites are selected from All ser vices . Hover over a service name to display
information and resources related to the service. A filled star icon next to the service name indicates that the
item appears on the Favorites list. Select the star icon to add a service to the Favorites list.
Add Cost Management + Billing to Favorites
1. Select All ser vices from the Azure portal menu.

2. Enter the word "cost" in the search field. Services that have "cost" in the title or that have "cost" as a
keyword are shown.

3. Hover over the service name to display the Cost Management + Billing information card. Select the star
4. Cost Management + Billing is now added as the last item in your Favorites list.

Remove an item from Favorites

You can now remove an item directly from the Favorites list.
1. In the Favorites section of the portal menu, hover over the name of the service you want to remove.

2. On the information card, select the star so that it changes from filled to unfilled. The service is removed
from the Favorites list.

Rearrange favorites
You can change the order that your favorite services are listed. Just drag and drop the menu item to another
location under Favorites .
Move Cost Management + Billing to the top of Favorites
1. Select and hold the Cost Management + Billing entry on the Favorites list.

2. While continuing to hold, drag the item to the top of Favorites and then release.

Next steps
To create a project-focused workspace, see Create and share dashboards in the Azure portal
Discover more how-to's in the Azure portal how-to video series
View and filter Azure resource information
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The Azure portal enables you to browse detailed information about resources across your Azure subscriptions. This
article shows you how to filter information and use different views to better understand your resources.
The article focuses on the All resources screen shown in the following screenshot. Screens for individual resource
types, such as virtual machines, have different options, such as starting and stopping a VM.

Filter resources
Start exploring All resources by using filters to focus on a subset of your resources. The following screenshot
shows filtering on resource groups, selecting two of the six resource groups in a subscription.
You can combine filters, including those based on text searches, as shown in the following screenshot. In this case
the results are scoped to resources that contain "SimpleWinVM" in one of the two resource groups already

To change which columns are included in a view, select Manage view then Edit columns .

Save, use, and delete views

You can save views that include the filters and columns you've selected. To save and use a view:
1. Select Manage view then Save view .
2. Enter a name for the view then select OK . The saved view now appears in the Manage view menu.

3. To use a view, switch between Default and one of your own views to see how that affects the list of
resources displayed.
To delete a view:
1. Select Manage view then Browse all views .
2. In the Saved views for "All resources" pane, select the view then select the Delete icon .

Summarize resources with visuals

The views we've looked at so far have been list views, but there are also summary views that include visuals. You
can save and use these views just like you can list views. Filters persist between the two types of views. To save and
use a summary view:
1. From the view menu, select Summar y view .

2. The summary view enables you to summarize by different attributes, including Location and Type . Select a
Summarize by option and an appropriate visual. The following screenshot shows the Type summar y with
a Bar char t visual.
3. Select Manage view then Save to save this view like you did with the list view.
4. In the summary view, under Type summar y , select a bar in the chart. Selecting the bar provides a list
filtered down to one type of resource.

Run queries in Azure Resource Graph

Azure Resource Graph provides efficient and performant resource exploration with the ability to query at scale
across a set of subscriptions. The All resources screen in the Azure portal includes a link to open a Resource
Graph query that is scoped to the current filtered view.
To run a Resource Graph query:
1. Select Open quer y .
2. In Azure Resource Graph Explorer , select Run quer y to see the results.

For more information, see Run your first Resource Graph query using Azure Resource Graph Explorer.

Next steps
Azure portal overview
Create and share dashboards in the Azure portal
Create and share dashboards in the Azure portal
9/22/2020 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Dashboards are a focused and organized view of your cloud resources in the Azure portal. Use dashboards as a
workspace where you can quickly launch tasks for day-to-day operations and monitor resources. Build custom
dashboards based on projects, tasks, or user roles, for example.
The Azure portal provides a default dashboard as a starting point. You can edit the default dashboard. Create and
customize additional dashboards, and publish and share dashboards to make them available to other users. This
article describes how to create a new dashboard, customize the interface, and publish and share dashboards.

Create a new dashboard

In this example, we create a new, private dashboard and assign a name. Follow these steps to get started:
1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
2. From the Azure portal menu, select Dashboard . Your default view might already be set to dashboard.

3. Select New dashboard .

This action opens the Tile Galler y , from which you'll select tiles, and an empty grid where you'll arrange
the tiles.
4. Select the My Dashboard text in the dashboard label and enter a name that will help you easily identify
the custom dashboard.
5. Select Done customizing in the page header to exit edit mode.
The dashboard view now shows your new dashboard. Select the arrow next to the dashboard name to see
dashboards available to you. The list might include dashboards that other users have created and shared.

Edit a dashboard
Now, let's edit the dashboard to add, resize, and arrange tiles that represent your Azure resources.
Add tiles from the dashboard
To add tiles to a dashboard, follow these steps:
1. Select Edit from the page header.

2. Browse the Tile Galler y or use the search field to find the tile you want.
3. Select Add to add the tile to the dashboard with a default size and location. Or, drag the tile to the grid and
place it where you want.

If you work with more than one organization, add the Organization identity tile to your dashboard to clearly show
which organization the resources belong to.

Add tiles from a resource page

There is an alternative way to add tiles to your dashboard. Many resource pages include a pushpin icon in the
command bar. If you select the icon, a tile representing the source page is pinned to the dashboard that is
currently active.

Resize or rearrange tiles

To change the size of a tile or to rearrange the tiles on a dashboard, follow these steps:
1. Select Edit from the page header.
2. Select the context menu in the upper right corner of a tile. Then, choose a tile size. Tiles that support any
size also include a "handle" in the lower right corner that lets you drag the tile to the size you want.

3. Select a tile and drag it to a new location on the grid to arrange your dashboard.
Additional tile configuration
Some tiles might require more configuration to show the information you want. For example, the Metrics char t
tile has to be set up to display a metric from Azure Monitor . You can also customize tile data to override the
dashboard's default time settings.
Any tile that needs to be set up displays a Configure tile banner until you customize the tile. To customize the
1. Select Done customizing in the page header to exit edit mode.
2. Select the banner, then do the required setup.
A markdown tile lets you display custom, static content on your dashboard. This could be basic instructions, an image, a set
of hyperlinks, or even contact information. For more information about using a markdown tile, see Use a markdown tile on
Azure dashboards to show custom content.

Customize tile data

Data on the dashboard automatically shows activity for the past 24 hours. To show a different time span for just
this tile, follow these steps:
1. Select Customize tile data from the context menu or the filter from the upper left corner of the tile.

2. Select the checkbox to Override the dashboard time settings at the tile level .
3. Choose the time span to show for this tile. You can choose from the past 30 minutes to the past 30 days or
define a custom range.
4. Choose the time granularity to display. You can show anywhere from one-minute increments to one-
5. Select Apply .

Delete a tile
To remove a tile from a dashboard, follow these steps:
Select the context menu in the upper right corner of the tile, then select Remove from dashboard . Or,
Select Edit to enter customization mode. Hover in the upper right corner of the tile, then select the
delete icon to remove the tile from the dashboard.

Clone a dashboard
To use an existing dashboard as a template for a new dashboard, follow these steps:
1. Make sure that the dashboard view is showing the dashboard that you want to copy.
2. In the page header, select Clone .
3. A copy of the dashboard, named Clone of your dashboard name opens in edit mode. Use the preceding
steps in this article to rename and customize the dashboard.

Publish and share a dashboard

When you create a dashboard, it's private by default, which means you're the only one who can see it. To make
dashboards available to others, you can publish and share them. For more information, see Share Azure
dashboards by using Role-Based Access Control.
Open a shared dashboard
To find and open a shared dashboard, follow these steps:
1. Select the arrow next to the dashboard name.
2. Select from the displayed list of dashboards. If the dashboard you want to open isn't listed:
a. select Browse all dashboards .

b. In the Type field, select Shared dashboards .

c. Select one or more subscriptions. You can also enter text to filter dashboards by name.
d. Select a dashboard from the list of shared dashboards.

Delete a dashboard
To permanently delete a private or shared dashboard, follow these steps:
1. Select the dashboard you want to delete from the list next to the dashboard name.
2. Select Delete from the page header.
3. For a private dashboard, select OK on the confirmation dialog to remove the dashboard. For a shared
dashboard, on the confirmation dialog, select the checkbox to confirm that the published dashboard will no
longer be viewable by others. Then, select OK .
Next steps
Share Azure dashboards by using Role-Based Access Control
Programmatically create Azure dashboards
Use a markdown tile on Azure dashboards to show
custom content
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

You can add a markdown tile to your Azure dashboards to display custom, static content. For example, you can
show basic instructions, an image, or a set of hyperlinks on a markdown tile.

Add a markdown tile to your dashboard

1. Select Dashboard from the Azure portal sidebar.

2. If you've created any custom dashboards, in the dashboard view, use the drop-down to select the dashboard
where the custom markdown tile should appear. Select the edit icon to open the Tile Galler y .

3. In the Tile Galler y , locate the tile called Markdown and select Add . The tile is added to the dashboard and
the Edit Markdown pane opens.
4. Enter values for Title and Subtitle , which display on the tile after you move to another field.

5. Select one of the options for including markdown content: Inline editing or Inser t content using URL .
Select Inline editing if you want to enter markdown directly.
Select Inser t content using URL if you want to use existing markdown content that's hosted online.

For added security, you can create a markdown file and store it in an Azure storage account blob where
encryption is enabled, then point to the file using the URL option. The markdown content is encrypted
through the storage account's encryption options. Only users with permissions to the file can see the
markdown content on the dashboard.

6. Select Done to dismiss the Edit Markdown pane. Your content appears on the Markdown tile, which you
can resize by dragging the handle in the lower right-hand corner.
Markdown content capabilities and limitations
You can use any combination of plain text, Markdown syntax, and HTML content on the markdown tile. The Azure
portal uses an open-source library called marked to transform your content into HTML that is shown on the tile.
The HTML produced by marked is pre-processed by the portal before it's rendered. This step helps make sure that
your customization won't affect the security or layout of the portal. During that pre-processing, any part of the
HTML that poses a potential threat is removed. The following types of content aren't allowed by the portal:
JavaScript – <script> tags and inline JavaScript evaluations will be removed.
iframes - <iframe> tags will be removed.
Style - <style> tags will be removed. Inline style attributes on HTML elements aren't officially supported. You
may find that some inline style elements work for you, but if they interfere with the layout of the portal, they
could stop working at any time. The Markdown tile is intended for basic, static content that uses the default
styles of the portal.

Next steps
To create a custom dashboard, see Create and share dashboards in the Azure portal
Azure portal how-to video series
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The Azure portal how-to video series showcases how to work with Azure services in the Azure portal. Each week
the Azure portal team adds to the video playlist. These interactive demos can help you be more efficient and

Featured video
In this featured video, we show you how to deploy an Azure Static Web App.

How to deploy an Azure Static Web App

Catch up on these recent videos you may have missed:


Video playlist
Explore the Azure portal how-to series for some great tips on how to make the most of the Azure portal. Subscribe
to the channel to be notified when new videos are added.

Next steps
Explore hundreds of videos for Azure services in the video library.
Create an Azure support request
9/22/2020 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Azure enables you to create and manage support requests, also known as support tickets. You can create and
manage requests in the Azure portal, which is covered in this article. You can also create and manage requests
programmatically, using the Azure support ticket REST API.

The Azure portal URL is specific to the Azure cloud where your organization is deployed.
Azure portal for commercial use is:
Azure portal for Germany is:
Azure portal for the United States government is:

The support request experience focuses on three main goals:

Streamlined : Make support and troubleshooting easy to find and simplify how you submit a support request.
Integrated : You can easily open a support request when you're troubleshooting an issue with an Azure
resource, without switching context.
Efficient : Gather the key information your support engineer needs to efficiently resolve your issue.
Azure provides unlimited support for subscription management, which includes billing, quota adjustments, and
account transfers. For technical support, you need a support plan. For more information, see Compare support

Getting started
You can get to Help + suppor t in the Azure portal. It's available from the Azure portal menu, the global header, or
the resource menu for a service. Before you can file a support request, you must have appropriate permissions.
Role -based access control
To create a support request, you must be an Owner, Contributor or be assigned to the Support Request Contributor
role at the subscription level. To create a support request without a subscription, for example an Azure Active
Directory scenario, you must be an Admin.
Go to Help + support from the global header
To start a support request from anywhere in the Azure portal:
1. Select the ? in the global header. Then select Help + suppor t .
2. Select New suppor t request . Follow the prompts to provide information about your problem. We'll
suggest some possible solutions, gather details about the issue, and help you submit and track the support

Go to Help + support from a resource menu

To start a support request in the context of the resource, you're currently working with:
1. From the resource menu, in the Suppor t + Troubleshooting section, select New suppor t request .
2. Follow the prompts to provide us with information about the problem you're having. When you start the
support request process from the resource, some options are pre-selected for you.

Create a support request

We'll walk you through some steps to gather information about your problem and help you solve it. Each step is
described in the following sections.
The first step of the support request process gathers basic information about your issue and your support plan.
On the Basics tab of New suppor t request , use the selectors to start to tell us about the problem. First, you'll
identify some general categories for the issue type and choose the related subscription. Select the service, for
example Vir tual Machine running Windows . Select the resource, such as the name of your virtual machine.
Describe the problem in your own words, then select Problem type and Problem subtype to get more specific.

After gathering basic information, we next show you solutions to try on your own. In some cases, we may even run
a quick diagnostic. Solutions are written by Azure engineers and will solve most common problems.
Next, we collect additional details about the problem. Providing thorough and detailed information in this step
helps us route your support request to the right engineer.
1. If possible, tell us when the problem started and any steps to reproduce it. You can upload a file, such as a
log file or output from diagnostics. For more information on file uploads, see File upload guidelines.
2. After we have all the information about the problem, choose how to get support. In the Suppor t method
section of Details , select the severity of impact. The maximum severity level depends on your support plan.
By default the Share diagnostic information option is selected. This allows Azure support to gather
diagnostic information from your Azure resources. In some cases, there is a second question that isn't
selected by default, such as requesting access to a virtual machine's memory.
3. Provide your preferred contact method, a good time to contact you, and your support language.
4. Next, complete the Contact info section so we know how to contact you.
Review + create
Complete all required information on each tab, then select Review + create . Check the details that you'll send to
support. Go back to any tab to make a change if needed. When you're satisfied the support request is complete,
select Create .
A support engineer will contact you using the method you indicated. For information about initial response times,
see Support scope and responsiveness.

Next steps
To learn more about self-help support options in Azure, watch this video:

Follow these links to learn more:

How to manage an Azure support request
Azure support ticket REST API
Send us your feedback and suggestions
Engage with us on Twitter
Get help from your peers in the Microsoft Q&A question page
Learn more in Azure Support FAQ
Manage an Azure support request
9/22/2020 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

After you create an Azure support request, you can manage it in the Azure portal, which is covered in this article.
You can also create and manage requests programmatically, using the Azure support ticket REST API.

View support requests

View the details and status of support requests by going to Help + suppor t > All suppor t requests .

On this page, you can search, filter, and sort support requests. Select a support request to view details, including its
severity and any messages associated with the request.

Send a message
1. On the All suppor t requests page, select the support request.
2. On the Suppor t Request page, select New message .
3. Enter your message and select Submit .

Change the severity level

The maximum severity level depends on your support plan.

1. On the All suppor t requests page, select the support request.

2. On the Suppor t Request page, select Change .
3. The Azure portal shows one of two screens, depending on whether your request is already assigned to a
support engineer:
If your request hasn't been assigned, you see a screen like the following. Select a new severity level,
then select Change .

If your request has been assigned, you see a screen like the following. Select OK , then create a new
message to request a change in severity level.

Share diagnostic information with Azure support

When you create a support request, by default the Share diagnostic information option is selected. This allows
Azure support to gather diagnostic information from your Azure resources:
You can't clear this option after a request is created.
If you cleared the option when creating a request, you can select it after the request is created.
1. On the All suppor t requests page, select the support request.
2. On the Suppor t Request page, select Grant permission , then select Yes and OK .

Upload files
You can use the file upload option to upload diagnostic files or any other files that you think are relevant to a
support request.
1. On the All suppor t requests page, select the support request.
2. On the Suppor t Request page, browse to find your file, then select Upload . Repeat the process if you have
multiple files.

File upload guidelines

Follow these guidelines when you use the file upload option:
To protect your privacy, do not include any personal information in your upload.
The file name must be no longer than 110 characters.
You can't upload more than one file.
Files can't be larger than 4 MB.
All files must have a file name extension, such as .docx or .xlsx. The following table shows the filename
extensions that are allowed for upload.

0- 9, A - C D- G H -M N-P R- T U- W X- Z

.7z .dat .hwl .odx .rar .tdb .xlam

.a .db .ics .oft .rdl .tdf .xlr

.abc .DMP .ini .old .rdlc .text .xls

.adm .do_ .java .one .re_ .thmx .xlsb

.aspx .doc .jpg .osd .reg .tif .xlsm

.ATF .docm .LDF .OUT .remove .trc .xlsx

.b .docx .letterhead .p1 .ren .TTD .xlt

.ba_ .dotm .lnk .pcap .rename .tx_ .xltx

.bak .dotx .lo_ .pdb .rft .txt .xml

.bat .dtsx .log .pdf .rpt .uccapilog .xmla

.blg .eds .lpk .piz .rte .uccplog .xps

.CA_ .emf .manifest .pmls .rtf .udcx .xsd

.CAB .eml .master .png .run .vb_ .xsn

.cap .emz .mdmp .potx .saz .vbs_ .xxx

.catx .err .mof .ppt .sql .vcf .z_

.CFG .etl .mp3 .pptm .sqlplan .vsd .z01

.compressed .evt .mpg .pptx .stp .wdb .z02

0- 9, A - C D- G H -M N-P R- T U- W X- Z

.Config .evtx .ms_ .prn .svclog .wks .zi

.cpk .EX .msg .psf - .wma .zi_

.cpp .ex_ .msi .pst - .wmv .zip

.cs .ex0 .mso .pub - .wmz .zip_

.CSV .FRD .msu - - .wps .zipp

.cvr .gif .nfo - - .wpt .zipped

- .guid - - - .wsdl .zippy

- .gz - - - .wsp .zipx

- - - - - .wtl .zit

- - - - - - .zix

- - - - - - .zzz

Reopen a closed request

If you need to reopen a closed support request, create a new message, which automatically reopens the request.

Next steps
How to create an Azure support request
Azure support ticket REST API
Standard quota: Increase limits by VM series
9/22/2020 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Azure Resource Manager supports two types of vCPU quotas for virtual machines:
Pay-as-you-go VMs and reserved VM instances are subject to a standard vCPU quota.
Spot VMs are subject to a spot vCPU quota.
The standard vCPU quota for pay-as-you-go and reserved virtual machine instances is enforced at two tiers for
each subscription in each region:
The first tier is the total regional vCPUs limit, across all VM series.
The second tier is the per-VM series vCPUs limit, such as the Dv3-series vCPUs.
Whenever you deploy a new spot VM, the total new and existing vCPU usage for all spot VM instances must not
exceed the approved spot vCPU quota limit. If the spot quota is exceeded, the spot VM deployment isn't allowed.
You can request an increase in the vCPU quota limit for the VM series by using the Azure portal. An increase in the
VM series quota automatically increases the total regional vCPU limit by the same amount.
To learn more about standard vCPU quotas, see Virtual machine vCPU quotas and Azure subscription and service
To learn about increasing the vCPU limit by region for standard quota, see Standard quota: Increase limits by
To learn more about increasing spot VM vCPU limits, see Spot quota: Increase limits for all VM series.
You can request an increase in standard vCPU quota limits per VM series in either of two ways, as described in the
following sections.

Request a standard quota increase from Help + support

To request a standard vCPU quota increase per VM series from Help + suppor t :

You can also request a quota limit increase for multiple regions through a single support case. For details, see step 8.

1. On the Azure portal menu, select Help + suppor t .

2. In Help + suppor t , select New suppor t request .

3. For Issue type , select Ser vice and subscription limits (quotas) .
4. For Subscription , select the subscription whose quota you want to increase.

5. For Quota type , select Compute-VM (cores-vCPUs) subscription limit increases .

6. Select Next: Solutions to open PROBLEM DETAILS . Select Provide details to enter additional

7. In the Quota details , do the following steps:

a. For Deployment model , select the appropriate model.

b. For Locations , select a location. For the selected location, under Types , in Select a type , choose
Standard .
Under Types , you can request both standard and spot quota types from a single support case
through multi-selection support.
For more information about increasing spot quota limits, see Azure spot VMs for virtual machine
scale sets.
c. In Standard , select the SKU series for increased quotas.
d. Enter the new quota limits that you want for this subscription. To remove a SKU from your list, clear
the check box next to the SKU or select the discard "X" icon.

8. To request a quota increase for more than one location, select an additional location in Locations , and then
select an appropriate VM type. You can then enter a limit that applies to the additional location.

9. Select Save and continue to continue creating the support request.

Request a standard quota increase from Subscriptions

To request a standard vCPU quota increase per VM series from Subscriptions :

You can also request a quota limit increase for multiple regions through a single support case. For details, see step 7.

1. In the Azure portal, search for and select Subscriptions .

2. Select the subscription whose quota you want to increase.

3. In the left pane, select Usage + quotas .

4. At the top right, select Request increase .

5. For Quota type , select Compute-VM (cores-vCPUs) subscription limit increases .

6. In the Quota details , do the following steps:

a. For Deployment model , select the appropriate model, and for Locations , select a location.
b. For the selected location, under Types , select Select a type , and then select Standard .

Under Types , you can request both standard and spot quota types from a single support case
through multi-selection support.
For more information about increasing spot quota limits, see Azure spot VMs for virtual machine
scale sets.
c. For Standard , select the SKU series whose quotas you want to increase.
d. Enter the new quota limits that you want for this subscription. To remove a SKU from your list,
unselect the check box next to the SKU or select the discard "X" icon.

7. To request a quota increase for more than one location, select an additional location in Locations , and then
select an appropriate VM type.
This step preloads the SKU series that you selected for earlier locations. Enter the quota limits that you want
to apply to the additional series.
8. Select Save and continue to continue creating the support request.
Standard quota: Increase limits by region
9/22/2020 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Azure Resource Manager supports two types of vCPU quotas for virtual machines:
Pay-as-you-go VMs and reserved VM instances are subject to a standard vCPU quota.
Spot VMs are subject to a spot vCPU quota.
The standard vCPU quota for pay-as-you-go and reserved virtual machine instances is enforced at two tiers for
each subscription in each region:
The first tier is the total regional vCPUs limit, across all VM series.
The second tier is the per-VM series vCPUs limit, such as the D-series vCPUs.
Whenever you deploy a new spot VM, the total new and existing vCPU usage for that VM series must not exceed
the approved vCPU quota for that particular VM series. Additionally, the total number of new and existing vCPUs
that are deployed across all VM series shouldn't exceed the total approved regional vCPU quota for the
subscription. If either of these quotas is exceeded, the VM deployment isn't allowed.
You can request an increase in the vCPU quota limit for the VM series by using the Azure portal. An increase in the
VM series quota automatically increases the total regional vCPU limit by the same amount.
When you create a new subscription, the default total number of regional vCPUs might not be equal to the total
default vCPU quota for all individual VM series. This discrepancy can result in a subscription with enough quota for
each individual VM series that you want to deploy. But there might not be enough quota to accommodate the total
regional vCPUs for all deployments. In this case, you must submit a request to explicitly increase the limit of the
total number of regional vCPUs. The total regional vCPU limit can't exceed the total approved quota across all VM
series for the region.
To learn more about standard vCPU quotas, see Virtual machine vCPU quotas and Azure subscription and service
limits, quotas, and constraints.
To learn more about increasing spot VM vCPU limits, see Spot quota: Increase limits for all VM series.
You can request an increase in your vCPU standard quota limit by region in either of two ways.

Request a quota increase by region from Help + support

To request a vCPU quota increase by region from Help + suppor t :
1. From the Azure portal menu, select Help + suppor t .
2. In Help + suppor t , select New suppor t request .

3. For Issue type , select Ser vice and subscription limits (quotas) .
4. For Subscription , select the subscription whose quota you want to increase.

5. For the Quota type , select Other Requests .

6. Select Next: Solutions to open PROBLEM DETAILS . In Description , provide the following information:
a. For Deployment Model , specify Resource Manager .
b. For Region , specify your required region, for example, East US 2 .
c. For New Limit , specify a new vCPU limit for the region. This value shouldn't exceed the sum of the
approved quotas for individual SKU series for this subscription.

7. Select Review + create to continue creating the support request.

Request a quota increase by region from Subscriptions

To request a vCPU quota increase by region from Subscriptions :
1. In the Azure portal, search for and select Subscriptions .

2. Select the subscription whose quota you want to increase.

3. In the left pane, select Usage + quotas .

4. At the top right, select Request increase .

5. From Quota type , select Other Requests .

6. Select Next: Solutions to open PROBLEM DETAILS . In the Description box, provide the following
additional information:
a. For Deployment Model , specify Resource Manager .
b. For Region , specify your required region, for example, East US 2 .
c. For New Limit , specify a new vCPU limit for the region. This value shouldn't exceed the sum of the
approved quotas for individual SKU series for this subscription.

7. Select Review + create to continue creating the support request.

Spot quota: Increase limits for all VM series
9/22/2020 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Spot virtual machines (VMs) provide a different model of Azure usage. They let you assume lower costs in
exchange for letting Azure remove virtual machines as needed for pay-as-you-go or reserved VM instance
deployments. For more information about spot VMs, see Azure spot VMs for virtual machine scale sets.
Azure Resource Manager supports two types of vCPU quotas for virtual machines:
Pay-as-you-go VMs and reserved VM instances are subject to a standard vCPU quota.
Spot VMs are subject to a spot vCPU quota.
For the spot vCPU quota type, Resource Manager vCPU quotas are enforced across all available virtual machine
series as a single regional limit.
Whenever you deploy a new spot VM, the total new and existing vCPU usage for all spot VM instances must not
exceed the approved spot vCPU quota limit. If the spot quota is exceeded, the spot VM deployment isn't allowed.
This article discusses how to request an increase in the spot vCPU quota limit by using the Azure portal.
To learn more about standard vCPU quotas, see Virtual machine vCPU quotas and Azure subscription and service
limits, quotas, and constraints.
To learn about increasing the vCPU limit by region, see Standard quota: Increase limits by region.

Request a quota limit increase from Help + support

To request a spot quota limit increase for all virtual machine series using Help + suppor t :

You can also request a quota limit increase for multiple regions through a single support case. For details, see step 8.

1. From the Azure portal menu, select Help + suppor t .

2. In Help + suppor t , select New suppor t request .

3. For Issue type , select Ser vice and subscription limits (quotas) .

4. For Subscription , select the subscription whose quota you want to increase.
5. For Quota type , select Compute-VM (cores-vCPUs) subscription limit increases .

6. Select Next: Solutions to open PROBLEM DETAILS . Select Provide details to enter additional
7. In Quota details , do the following steps:
a. For Deployment model , select the appropriate model, and for Locations , select a location.

b. For the selected location, under Types , in Select a type , choose Spot .

Under Types , you can request both standard and spot quota types from a single support case
through multi-selection support.
For more information, see Standard quota: Increase limits by VM series.
c. Enter the new quota limit that you want for this subscription.

8. To request a quota increase for more than one location, select an additional location in Locations , and then
select an appropriate VM type. You can then enter a limit that applies to the additional location.

9. Select Save and continue to continue creating the support request.

Request a quota limit increase from the Subscriptions pane
To request a spot quota limit increase for all VM series from the Subscriptions pane:

You can also request a quota limit increase for multiple regions through a single support case. For details, see step 7.

1. In the Azure portal, search for and select Subscriptions .

2. Select the subscription whose quota you want to increase.

3. In the left pane, select Usage + quotas .

4. At the top right, select Request increase .

5. For Quota type , select Compute-VM (cores-vCPUs) subscription limit increases .

6. Select Next: Solutions to open PROBLEM DETAILS . Select Provide details to enter additional
information. In Quota details , enter the following information:
a. For Deployment model , select the appropriate model, and for Locations , select a location.
b. For the selected location, under Types , in Select a type , choose Spot .

For more information, see Standard quota: Increase limits by VM series.

c. Enter the new quota limit that you want for this subscription.

7. To request a quota increase for more than one location, select an additional location in Locations , and then
select an appropriate VM type. You can then enter a limit that applies to the additional location.
8. Select Save and continue to continue creating the support request.
Classic deployment model
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The Classic deployment model is the older generation Azure deployment model. It enforces a global vCPU quota
limit for virtual machines and virtual machine scale sets. The Classic deployment model is no longer recommended,
and is now superseded by the Resource Manager model.
To learn more about these two deployment models and the advantages of using Resource Manager, see Resource
Manager and classic deployment.
When a new subscription is created, a default quota of vCPUs is assigned to it. Anytime a new virtual machine is to
be deployed using the Classic deployment model, the sum of new and existing vCPU usage across all regions must
not exceed the vCPU quota approved for the Classic deployment model.
To learn more about quotas, see Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints.
You can request an increase in the vCPU quota limit for the Classic deployment model. Use either Help + suppor t
or Usage + quotas in the Azure portal.

Request per VM series vCPU quota increase at subscription level using

Help + support
Follow the instructions below to create a support request by using Help + suppor t in the Azure portal.
1. From the Azure portal menu, select Help + suppor t .

2. Select New suppor t request .

3. In Issue type , choose Ser vice and subscription limits (quotas) .

4. Select the subscription whose quota you want to increase.

5. For Quota type , select Compute -VM (cores-vCPUs) subscription limit increases .

6. Select Next: Solutions to open PROBLEM DETAILS . Select Provide details to provide additional
7. In Quota details , select Classic and select a Location .

8. For SKU family , select one or more SKU families to increase.

9. Enter the new limits you would like on the subscription. To remove a line, unselect the SKU from SKU family
or select the discard "X" icon. After you enter a quota for each SKU family, select Save and Continue in
Quota details to continue with the support request.
Request per VM series vCPU quota increase at subscription level using
Usage + quotas
Follow the instructions below to create a support request by using Usage + quotas in the Azure portal.
1. In the Azure portal, search for and select Subscriptions .

2. Select the subscription whose quota you want to increase.

3. Select Usage + quotas .

4. In the upper right corner, select Request increase .

5. Select Compute-VM (cores-vCPUs) subscription limit increases as the Quota type .

6. Select Next: Solutions to open PROBLEM DETAILS . Select Provide details to provide additional

7. In Quota details , select Classic and a Location .

8. Select one or more SKU families for an increase.

9. Enter the new limits you would like on the subscription. To remove a line, unselect the SKU from SKU family
or select the discard "X" icon. After you enter a quota for each SKU family, select Save and Continue in
Quota details to continue with the support request.
Networking limit increase
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Use the Azure portal to increase your networking quota.

To view your current Networking usage and quota in Azure portal, open your subscription, then select Usages +
quotas . You can also use the following options to view your network usage and limits.
Usage CLI
The network usage API
You can request an increase by using Help + suppor t or in Usages + quotas in the portal.

To change the default size of Public IP Prefixes , select Min Public IP InterNetwork Prefix Length from the dropdown

Request Networking quota increase at subscription level using Help +

Follow the instructions below to create a support request by using Help + suppor t in the Azure portal.
1. Sign in to Azure portal, and then select Help + suppor t from the Azure portal menu or search for and
select Help + suppor t .

2. Select New suppor t request .

3. For Issue type , choose Ser vice and subscription limits (quotas) .

4. Select the subscription that needs an increased quota.

5. Under Quota type , select Networking . Select Next: Solutions .

6. In PROBLEM DETAILS , select Provide details and fill in additional information to help process your
7. In the Quota details panel, select a deployment model, a location, and the resources to include in your

8. Enter the new limits you would like on the subscription. To remove a line, unselect the resource from the
Resources menu or select the discard "x" icon. After entering the quota for each resource, select Save and
continue to continue with the support request creation.
Request Networking quota increase at subscription level using Usages
+ quotas
Follow these instructions to create a support request by using Usage + quota in the Azure portal.
1. From, search for and select Subscriptions .

2. Select the subscription that needs an increased quota.

3. Select Usage + quotas

4. In the upper right corner, select Request increase .

5. Follow the steps starting with step 3 in Request Networking quota increase at subscription level.

About Networking limits

To learn more about Networking limits, see the Networking section of the limits page or our Network Limits FAQ.
Recover a deleted dashboard in the Azure portal
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

If you're in the public Azure cloud, and you delete a published dashboard in the Azure portal, you can recover that
dashboard within 14 days of the delete. If you're in an Azure government cloud or the dashboard isn't published,
you cannot recover it, and you must rebuild it. For more information about publishing a dashboard, see Publish
dashboard. Follow these steps to recover a published dashboard:
1. From the Azure portal menu, select Resource groups , then select the resource group where you published
the dashboard (by default, it's named dashboards ).
2. Under Activity log , expand the Delete Dashboard operation. Select the Change histor y tab, then select
<deleted resource> .

3. Select and copy the contents of the left pane, then save to a text file with a .json file extension. The portal
uses the JSON file to re-create the dashboard.

4. From the Azure portal menu, select Dashboards , then select Upload .
5. Select the JSON file you saved. The portal re-creates the dashboard with the same name and elements as the
deleted dashboard.
6. Select Share to publish the dashboard and re-establish the appropriate access control.
Region or SKU unavailable
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article describes how to resolve the issue of an Azure subscription not having access to a region or a VM SKU.

When deploying a virtual machine, you receive one of the following error messages:

Code: SkuNotAvailable
Message: The requested size for resource '<resource>' is currently not available in location
'<location>' zones '<zone>' for subscription '<subscriptionID>'. Please try another size or
deploy to a different location or zones. See for details.

Message: Your subscription doesn’t support virtual machine creation in <location>. Choose a
different location. Supported locations are <list of locations>

Code: NotAvailableForSubscription
Message: This size is currently unavailable in this location for this subscription

When purchasing Reserved Virtual Machine Instances, you receive one of the following error messages:

Message: Your subscription doesn’t support virtual machine reservation in <location>. Choose a
different location. Supported locations are: <list of locations>

Message: This size is currently unavailable in this location for this subscription

When creating a support request to increase compute core quota, a region or a SKU family isn't available for

We first recommend that you consider an alternative region or SKU that meets your business needs.
If you're unable to find a suitable region or SKU, create a Subscription management support request following
these steps:
1. From the Azure portal menu, select Help + suppor t . Then select New suppor t request .
2. In Basics , for Issue type , select Subscription management .
3. Select a Subscription and enter a brief description in Summar y .
4. For Problem type , choose Select problem type .
5. For Select problem type , choose an option, for instance, Unable to access my subscription or
resource > My issue is not listed above . Select Save .

6. Select Next: Solutions to explore possible solutions. If necessary, select Next: Details to continue.
7. Enter any additional information you can provide, along with your contact information.
8. Select Review + create . After you verify your information, select Create to create the request.

Send us your suggestions

We're always open to feedback and suggestions! Send us your suggestions. Additionally, you can engage with us
on Twitter or the Microsoft Q&A question page.

Learn more
Azure Support FAQ
Capture a browser trace for troubleshooting
5/21/2020 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

If you're troubleshooting an issue with the Azure portal, and you need to contact Microsoft support, we recommend
you first capture a browser trace and some additional information. The information you collect can provide
important details about the portal at the time the issue occurs. Follow the steps in this article for the developer
tools in the browser you use: Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (Chromium), Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML), Apple
Safari, or Firefox.

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (Chromium)

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (Chromium) are both based on the Chromium open source project. The
following steps show how to use the developer tools, which are very similar in the two browsers. For more
information, see Chrome DevTools and Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Developer Tools.
1. Sign in to the Azure portal. It's important to sign in before you start the trace so that the trace doesn't
contain sensitive information related to your sign-in.
2. Start recording the steps you take in the portal, using Steps Recorder.
3. In the portal, navigate to the step just prior to where the issue occurs.

4. Press F12 or select > More tools > Developer tools .

5. By default, the browser keeps trace information only for the page that's currently loaded. Set the following
options so the browser keeps all trace information, even if your repro requires going to more than one page:
a. Select the Network tab, then select Preser ve log .

b. Select the Console tab, select Console settings , then select Preser ve Log . Select Console
settings again to close the settings pane.

6. Select the Network tab, then select Stop recording network log and Clear .

7. Select Record network log , then reproduce the issue in the portal.
You will see session output similar to the following image.

8. After you have reproduced the unexpected portal behavior, select Stop recording network log , then select
Expor t HAR and save the file.

9. Stop Steps Recorder, and save the recording.

10. Back in the browser developer tools pane, select the Console tab. Right-click one of the messages, then
select Save as..., and save the console output to a text file.

11. Package the HAR file, console output, and screen recording in a compressed format like .zip, and share that
with Microsoft support.

Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML)

The following steps show how to use the developer tools in Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML). For more information, see
Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) Developer Tools.
1. Sign in to the Azure portal. It's important to sign in before you start the trace so that the trace doesn't
contain sensitive information related to your sign-in.
2. Start recording the steps you take in the portal, using Steps Recorder.
3. In the portal, navigate to the step just prior to where the issue occurs.

4. Press F12 or select > More tools > Developer tools .

5. By default, the browser keeps trace information only for the page that's currently loaded. Set the following
options so the browser keeps all trace information, even if your repro requires going to more than one page:
a. Select the Network tab, then clear the option Clear entries on navigate .

b. Select the Console tab, then select Preser ve Log .

6. Select the Network tab, then select Stop profiling session and Clear session .

7. Select Star t profiling session , then reproduce the issue in the portal.

You will see session output similar to the following image.

8. After you have reproduced the unexpected portal behavior, select Stop profiling session , then select
Expor t as HAR and save the file.

9. Stop Steps Recorder, and save the recording.

10. Back in the browser developer tools pane, select the Console tab, and expand the window. Place your cursor
at the start of the console output then drag and select the entire contents of the output. Right-click, then
select Copy , and save the console output to a text file.

11. Package the HAR file, console output, and screen recording in a compressed format like .zip, and share that
with Microsoft support.

Apple Safari
The following steps show how to use the developer tools in Apple Safari. For more information, see Safari
Developer Tools overview.
1. Enable the developer tools in Apple Safari:
a. Select Safari , then select Preferences .

b. Select the Advanced tab, then select Show Develop menu in menu bar .

2. Sign in to the Azure portal. It's important to sign in before you start the trace so that the trace doesn't
contain sensitive information related to your sign-in.
3. Start recording the steps you take in the portal. For more information, see How to record the screen on your
4. In the portal, navigate to the step just prior to where the issue occurs.
5. Select Develop , then select Show Web Inspector .
6. By default, the browser keeps trace information only for the page that's currently loaded. Set the following
options so the browser keeps all trace information, even if your repro requires going to more than one page:
a. Select the Network tab, then select Preser ve Log .

b. Select the Console tab, then select Preser ve Log .

7. Select the Network tab, then select Clear Network Items .

8. Reproduce the issue in the portal. You will see session output similar to the following image.

9. After you have reproduced the unexpected portal behavior, select Expor t and save the file.

10. Stop the screen recorder, and save the recording.

11. Back in the browser developer tools pane, select the Console tab, and expand the window. Place your cursor
at the start of the console output then drag and select the entire contents of the output. Use Command-C to
copy the output and save it to a text file.
12. Package the HAR file, console output, and screen recording in a compressed format like .zip, and share that
with Microsoft support.

The following steps show how to use the developer tools in Firefox. For more information, see Firefox Developer
1. Sign in to the Azure portal. It's important to sign in before you start the trace so that the trace doesn't
contain sensitive information related to your sign-in.
2. Start recording the steps you take in the portal. Use Steps Recorder on Windows, or see How to record the
screen on your Mac.
3. In the portal, navigate to the step just prior to where the issue occurs.

4. Press F12 or select > Web Developer > Toggle Tools .

5. By default, the browser keeps trace information only for the page that's currently loaded. Set the following
options so the browser keeps all trace information, even if your repro requires going to more than one page:
a. Select the Network tab, then select Persist Logs .

b. Select the Console tab, select Console settings , then select Persist Logs .

6. Select the Network tab, then select Clear .

7. Reproduce the issue in the portal. You will see session output similar to the following image.

8. After you have reproduced the unexpected portal behavior, select HAR Expor t/Impor t then Save All As

9. Stop Steps Recorder on Windows or the screen recording on Mac, and save the recording.
10. Back in the browser developer tools pane, select the Console tab. Right-click one of the messages, then
select Expor t Visible Message To , and save the console output to a text file.

11. Package the HAR file, console output, and screen recording in a compressed format like .zip, and share that
with Microsoft support.

Next steps
Azure portal overview
Keyboard shortcuts in the Azure portal
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article lists the keyboard shortcuts that work everywhere in the Azure portal. Individual services may have
their own keyboard shortcuts.


Create a resource G+N

Open All ser vices G+B

Search resources, services, and docs G+/

Search resource menu items CTRL+/

Move up the selected left sidebar item ALT+Shift+Up Arrow

Move the selected left sidebar item down ALT+Shift+Down Arrow


Move focus to command bar G+,

Toggle focus between header and left sidebar G+.

Go to

Go to Dashboard G+D

Go to All resources G+A

Go to Resource groups G+R

Open the left sidebar item at this position G+number

Keyboard shortcuts for specific pages in the Azure portal

Azure Resource Graph Explorer

Next steps
Turn on high contrast or change theme
Supported browsers and devices
Safelist the Azure portal URLs on your firewall or
proxy server
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

You can configure on-premises security devices to bypass security restrictions for the Azure portal URLs. This
configuration can improve performance and connectivity between your local- or wide-area network and the Azure
Network administrators often deploy proxy servers, firewalls, or other devices. These devices help secure and give
control over how users access the internet. Rules designed to protect users can sometimes block or slow down
legitimate business-related internet traffic. This traffic includes communications between you and Azure. To
optimize connectivity between your network and the Azure portal and its services, we recommend you add Azure
portal URLs to your safelist.

Azure portal URLs for proxy bypass

The URL endpoints to safelist for the Azure portal are specific to the Azure cloud where your organization is
deployed. To allow network traffic to these endpoints to bypass restrictions, select your cloud. Then add the list of
URLs to your proxy server or firewall.
Public Cloud
U.S. Government Cloud
China Government Cloud


Traffic to these endpoints uses standard TCP ports for HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443).
The structure of Azure Dashboards
9/22/2020 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

This document walks through the structure of an Azure dashboard, using the following dashboard as an example:

Since shared Azure dashboards are resources, this dashboard can be represented as JSON. The following JSON
represents the dashboard visualized above.

"properties": {
"lenses": {
"0": {
"order": 0,
"parts": {
"0": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [],
"type": "Extension[azure]/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart",
"type": "Extension[azure]/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"settings": {
"content": "## Azure Virtual Machines Overview\r\nNew team members
should watch this video to get familiar with Azure Virtual Machines.",
"title": "",
"subtitle": ""
"1": {
"position": {
"x": 3,
"y": 0,
"rowSpan": 4,
"colSpan": 8
"metadata": {
"inputs": [],
"type": "Extension[azure]/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"settings": {
"content": "This is the team dashboard for the test VM we use on our
team. Here are some useful links:\r\n\r\n1. [Getting started](\r\n1.
[Troubleshooting guide](\r\n1. [Architecture docs](",
"title": "Test VM Dashboard",
"subtitle": "Contoso"
"2": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 2,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [],
"type": "Extension[azure]/HubsExtension/PartType/VideoPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"settings": {
"title": "",
"subtitle": "",
"src": "
"autoplay": false
"3": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 4,
"rowSpan": 3,
"colSpan": 11
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "queryInputs",
"name": "queryInputs",
"value": {
"timespan": {
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Percentage CPU",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"4": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 7,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "queryInputs",
"value": {
"timespan": {
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Disk Read Operations/Sec",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"name": "Disk Write Operations/Sec",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"5": {
"position": {
"x": 3,
"y": 7,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "queryInputs",
"value": {
"timespan": {
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Disk Read Bytes",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"name": "Disk Write Bytes",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"6": {
"position": {
"x": 6,
"y": 7,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "queryInputs",
"value": {
"timespan": {
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"chartType": 0,
"metrics": [
"name": "Network In",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"name": "Network Out",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart",
"settings": {}
"7": {
"position": {
"x": 9,
"y": 7,
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 2
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "id",
"value": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"type": "Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Compute/PartType/VirtualMachinePart",
"asset": {
"idInputName": "id",
"type": "VirtualMachine"
"defaultMenuItemId": "overview"
"metadata": {
"model": {
"timeRange": {
"value": {
"relative": {
"duration": 24,
"timeUnit": 1
"type": "MsPortalFx.Composition.Configuration.ValueTypes.TimeRange"
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"name": "aa9786ae-e159-483f-b05f-1f7f767741a9",
"type": "Microsoft.Portal/dashboards",
"location": "eastasia",
"tags": {
"hidden-title": "Created via API"

Common resource properties

Let’s break down the relevant sections of the JSON. The top-level properties, id , name , type , location , and tags
properties are shared across all Azure resource types. That is, they don’t have much to do with the dashboard’s
The ID property
The Azure resource ID, subject to the naming conventions of Azure resources. When the portal creates a dashboard
it generally chooses an ID in the form of a guid, but you are free to use any valid name when you create them
The name property
The name is the segment of the resource ID that does not include the subscription, resource type, or resource group
information. Essentially, it is the last segment of the resource ID.
The type property
All dashboards are of type Microsoft.Por tal/dashboards .
The location property
Unlike other resources, dashboards don’t have a runtime component. For dashboards, the location indicates the
primary geographic location that stores the dashboard’s JSON representation. The value should be one of the
location codes that can be fetched using the locations API on the subscriptions resource.
The tags property
Tags are a common feature of Azure resources that let you organize your resource by arbitrary name value pairs.
For dashboards, there is one special tag called hidden-title . If your dashboard has this property populated, then it
is used as the display name for your dashboard in the portal. Azure resource Ids cannot be renamed, but tags can.
This tag gives you a way to have a renamable display name for your dashboard.
"tags": { "hidden-title": "Created via API" }

The properties object

The properties object contains two properties, lenses and metadata . The lenses property contains information
about the tiles on the dashboard. The metadata property is there for potential future features.
The lenses property
The lenses property contains the dashboard. Note that the lenses object in this example contains a single property
called “0”. Lenses are a grouping concept that is not currently implemented in dashboards. For now, all of your
dashboards have this single property on the lens object, again, called “0”.
The lens object
The object underneath the “0” contains two properties, order and par ts . In the current version of dashboards,
order is always 0. The par ts property contains an object that defines the individual parts (also referred to as tiles)
on the dashboard.
The par ts object contains a property for each part, where the name of the property is a number. This number is not
The part object
Each individual part object has a position , and metadata .
The position object
The position property contains the size and location information for the part expressed as x , y , rowSpan , and
colSpan . The values are in terms of grid units. These grid units are visible when the dashboard is in the customize
mode as shown here. If you want a tile to have a width of two grid units, a height of one grid unit, and a location in
the top left corner of the dashboard then the position object looks like this:
location: { x: 0, y: 0, rowSpan: 2, colSpan: 1 }
The metadata object
Each part has a metadata property, an object has only one required property called type . This string tells the portal
which tile to show. Our example dashboard uses these types of tiles:
1. Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring/PartType/MetricsChartPart – Used to show monitoring metrics
2. Extension[azure]/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart – Used to show with text or images with basic formatting
for lists, links, etc.
3. – Used to show videos from YouTube, Channel9, and any
other type of video that works in an HTML video tag.
4. Extension/Microsoft_Azure_Compute/PartType/VirtualMachinePart – Used to show the name and status of an
Azure virtual machine.
Each type of part has its own configuration. The possible configuration properties are called inputs , settings , and
asset .
The inputs object
The inputs object generally contains information that binds a tile to a resource instance. The virtual machine part in
our sample dashboard contains a single input that uses the Azure resource ID to express the binding. This resource
ID format is consistent across all Azure resources.

"name": "id",
"value": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-

The metrics chart part has a single input that expresses the resource to bind to, as well as information about the
metric(s) being displayed. Here is the input for the tile that’s showing the Network In and Network Out metrics.
"name": "queryInputs",
"duration": "PT1H",
"start": null,
"end": null
"id": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"chartType": 0,
"name": "Network In",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-
"name": "Network Out",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/6531c8c8-df32-4254-d717-

The settings object

The settings object contains the configurable elements of a part. In our sample dashboard, the Markdown part uses
settings to store the custom markdown content as well as a configurable title and subtitle.

"content": "This is the team dashboard for the test VM we use on our team. Here are some useful
links:\r\n\r\n1. [Getting started](\r\n1. [Troubleshooting guide]
(\r\n1. [Architecture docs](",
"title": "Test VM Dashboard",
"subtitle": "Contoso"

Similarly, the video tile has its own settings that contain a pointer to the video to play, an autoplay setting, and
optional title information.
"title": "",
"subtitle": "",
"src": "
"autoplay": false

The asset object

Tiles that are bound to first class manageable portal objects (called assets) have this relationship expressed via the
asset object. In our example dashboard, the virtual machine tile contains this asset description. The idInputName
property tells the portal that the ID input contains the unique identifier for the asset, in this case the resource ID.
Most Azure resource types have assets defined in the portal.
"asset": { "idInputName": "id", "type": "VirtualMachine" }

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