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Project 1 Report: Logistic Regression

Si Chen and Yufei Wang

Department of ECE
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, 92093
{sic046, yuw176}@ucsd.edu

Abstract. In this project, we study learning the Logistic Regression

model by gradient ascent and stochastic gradient ascent. Regularization
is used to avoid overfitting. Some practical tricks to improve learning are
also explored, such as batch-based gradient ascent, data normalization,
grid searching, early stopping, and model averaging. We observe the fac-
tors that affect the result, and determine these parameters. Finally, we
test the algorithm on Gender Recognition [DCT] dataset.1 . We use L-
BFGS method on the same dataset as a comparison. Our model trained
by stochastic gradient ascent achieves around 92.89% accuracy.

1 Introduction

Logistic regression is a widely used statistical classification model. In this project,

we implement L2 regularized logistic regression models with two optimization
methods, stochastic gradient ascent (SGA) and L-BFGS. Stochastic gradient
ascent method is realized by ourselves. We apply some practical tricks to improve
the model: we use a batch of examples instead of single example for each round
of gradient-based update; we use early stopping to further avoid overfitting;
we use model averaging to reduce the noise caused by data randomization. By
experiments, we observe each parameter’s effect on the model, and decide the
value of parameters.

2 Regularized logistic regression model

Maximum likelihood estimation. Maximum likelihood (ML) is a method

to estimate parameters of a statistical model. When we have n independent
examples drawn from a distribution with parameter θ, the likelihood function is
L(θ; x1 , ..., xn ) = f (x1 , ..., xn ; θ) = fθ (xi ; θ) (1)

where fθ (xi ; θ) is the probability of ith example.


ML gives the estimation of θ that maximizes the likelihood function

θ̂ = argmaxθ L(θ; x1 , ..., xn ) (2)

ML can be easily generalized to conditional likelihood condition

θ̂ = argmaxθ f (yi |xi ; θ) (3)

where f (yi |xi ; θ) is the conditional probability of ith example.

Logistic regression model. Logistic regression model is the conditional model

p(y|x; β) = n Pd o (4)
1 + exp − β0 + j=1 βj xj

where y is a Bernoulli outcome and x is real-valued vector. βj are parameters to

Given training set {hx1 , y1 i , ..., hxn , yn i}, we estimate the parameters by
maximizing the log conditional likelihood
( n ) n
Λ = LCL = log p(yi |xi ; β) = logp(yi |xi ; β) (5)
i=1 i=1

Stochastic gradient ascent. This maximization problem can be solved with

gradient ascent approach. The partial derivative of the objective function is
∂ X
LCL = (yi − pi )xij (6)
∂βj i=1

where xij is the value of jth feature of ith training example. The gradient-based
update of parameter βj is

βj := βj + λ LCL (7)

where λ is step size.

The problem of this approach is that it has high computational cost. There-
fore, we use SGA. We randomly choose single example to approximate the true
derivative based on all the training data. For each βj , we define a random variable
Zj such that

E [Zj ] = LCL (8)

and use Zj to approximate the partial derivative ∂βj LCL.

When a training example hxi , yi i is chosen randomly with uniform probabil-

ity, we can calculate one such Zj

Zj = n(yi − pi )xij (9)

Therefore, the stochastic gradient update of βj is

βj := βj + λ0 (yi − pi )xij (10)

where hxi , yi i is randomly selected example, and learning rate λ0 = nλ controls

the magnitude of changes each time.
λ0 is a function of sample size n, which means changes of n cause changes to
the choice of λ0 . To avoid this, we modify the objective function to
1 1X
Λ0 = LCL = logp(yi |xi ; β) (11)
n n i=1

Correspondingly, the partial derivative of the objective function becomes

∂ 0 1X
Λ = (yi − pi )xij (12)
∂βj n i=1

and the update of parameter βj becomes

βj := βj + λ(yi − pi )xij (13)

Regularization. This model has the problem of overfitting. Regularization is

done by imposing a penalty term µ. The objective function becomes
1 2
Λ00 = LCL − µ kβk2 (14)
2 Pd
where kβk2 = j=1 βj2 is the squared L2 norm of vector β.
The partial derivative of objective function Λ00 is
∂ 00 1X
Λ = (yi − pi )xij − 2µβj (15)
∂βj n i=1

So the stochastic gradient-based update rule with regularization is

βj := βj + λ [(yi − pi )xij − 2µβj ] (16)

where hxi , yi i is randomly selected example. β0 is not regularized. The choice of

hyperparameters λ and µ is not sensitive to sample number n.
Note that equation 14 corrects an error which occurs on page 11 of the lecture
note [1]. With the coefficient n1 , objective function in equation 14 matches the
update rule in equation 16.

3 Design and analysis of algorithms

Algorithms are realized in python.

3.1 Data preparation

Data structure. Training data, validation data and test data are stored in
matrix to accelerate the computing speed, because matrix operations can be
calculated quickly in python.
Every data sample xi has d dimensions. Conditional probability p(yi |xi ; β)
in equation 4 can be calculated with matrix

p(yi |xi ; β) = (17)
1 + exp − (zi · β)

where zi = [1, xi1 , xi2 , ..., xid ] is the expansion of xi with an extra 1, and β =
[β0 , β1 , ..., βd ] .
Therefore, training data is an ntraining × (d + 1) matrix, where ntraining is
the number of training examples. Each row zi is features of ith example with an
extra 1 at first column. Similarly, test data is an ntest × (d + 1) matrix, where
ntest is the number of test examples. Label of training data is an ntraining × 1
matrix, and label test data is an ntest × 1 matrix.

Data randomization. The training examples given may not be in random

order, which may produce misleading results. Therefore, we need to randomize
the dataset first before dividing it into validation subset and training subset.
The feature matrix and label matrix are combined into one extended matrix,
and the extended matrix is shuffled. In this way, the dataset can be randomized
efficiently and correctly.
Randomization is done once at the very beginning of the system.

Feature normalization. Hyperparameters λ and µ remain the same for all βj ,

as is shown in Equation 16. Therefore, we need to standardize the range of the
features xj .(j = 1, ..., d)
We use z-scoring to scale the features. After randomization, training subset
is used to normalize features. We make every feature in training data have 0
mean and 1 standard deviation
xij − mean(xj )
N ormalized(xij ) = (18)
std(xj )

where mean(xj ) is the mean of jth feature over all training examples, and std(xj )
is the standard deviation of jth feature over all training examples.
Note that validation data should not be used in normalization.

3.2 Parameter tuning

There are two parameters needed to decide: λ and µ.

Grid search is used to find optimal parameters. First, a finite set of reasonable
values for each of λ and µ is selected. Then, we train the model with each pair
(λ, µ) of these two sets, and the pair which achieves the best classification result
in validation set is chosen. The sets consist of exponentially growing sequences
of parameters, which provides a large range to find best pairs.
For simplicity, we use a single validation subset instead of using cross-validation.
After randomizing the training data, the dataset is divided into training subset
and validation subset. The number of examples in validation subset is predefined.

3.3 Modifications in SGA algorithm

Modification of learning rate. Instead of using constant learning rate λ

during training process, we modify the learning rate function to

λ(t) = + λ0 (19)
where t is the number of gradient-based update, λ0 is the hyperparameter we
decide in grid search, and λ(t) is the learning rate we use in tth gradient-based
The advantage of changing learning rate is:

– It accelerates the training process, especially in the early epochs.

– It limits the minimum learning rate to λ0 . This avoids learning rate becoming
too small with large epoch number.
– When number of gradient-based update is large enough, the first term t1.4 is
small compared with λ0 , therefore the dominant part in this term becomes
λ0 . This ensures the effects of λ0 . t1.4 makes λ(t) drops with t in appropriate

Batch. The advantage of SGA is it greatly reduces the computing time to eval-
uate derivatives. However, approximating the gradient by one sample a time may
gets bad approximation some time, with examples that are not representative.
This will reduce the converging rate.
A compromising method is to use a m-size batch of examples to approxi-
mate the gradient. In this way, single outlier will not impact the approximation
significantly. The update rule with m-size batch is
" m
1 X
βj := βj + λt (yt − pti )xti j − 2µβj (20)
m i=1 i

where (t1 , t2 , .., tm ) is the chosen numbers from training data to form the batch.

The realization of this approach uses matrix operation. Equation 13 can be

rewritten as
1 t 1
β := β + λt z · ybatch − − 2µβ (21)
m batch 1 + exp − (zbatch · β)
where zbatch is the m × (d + 1) matrix, with 1’s in the first column, and each
batch element’s features in each row. ybatch is the m × 1 matrix, with each batch
t 1
element’s label in each row. β = [β0 , β1 , ..., βd ] . The fraction 1+exp−(zbatch ·β)
element wise operation, and is calculated by python. The result of this fraction
is a m × 1 matrix.

Early stopping. To further avoid overfitting, we use early stopping. An adap-

tive parameter EndN umber is set.
The initial value of EndN umber is
EndN umber = BatchN umber × 200 (22)
where BatchN umber is number of batches in one epoch. The initial setting is
that training process ends within 200 epochs.
For every several epochs, the mean error rate on validation data is calculated.
If the current mean validation error rate is best error rate achieved, EndN umber
is updated
EndN umber = max {EndN umber, BatchN umber × EpochN umber × 2}
where EpochN umber is the current number of epochs. Therefore, BatchN umber×
EpochN umber × 2 is twice the value of current β-update iteration number. This
means when the current model gets best performance on validation data, we
increase the epoch number for training.
When the iteration number reaches EndN umber, the training process is
terminated, and the model with best performance on validation set is chosen.

Model averaging. Note that we randomize the data before each model training
process, and the validation set is different every time. Therefore, there is much
noise in every model we train. A good way to reduce the random noise is to
average several models to get the final model. The advantage of this approach
can also be explained in terms of utilization efficiency of data. Single model is
trained with a part of entire training data: in our implementation 75% of training
data is used to train the model. By combining several models, more training data
is used, with no impact on the role of validation model.
The modified model is built from K models trained by SGA. The parameters
of kth models is βk , k = 1, 2, ..K. In the new model, for every test data xi , the
probability of its label being 1 is defined
1 X 1
p(yi |xi ; β1 , ..., βK ) = (24)
K 1 + exp − (zi · βk )

This is the average of probability p(yi |xi ; β) of k models. Decision rule remains
the same.

3.4 L-BFGS
Apart from SGA, we also use L-BFGS optimization method for comparison.
We use the open-source software SciPy for L-BFGS 2 . We need to input loss
function, gradient of the loss function, and penalty term µ.
The loss function is
X 2
L=− logp(yi |xi ; β) + µ kβk2 (25)

And the corresponding gradient is

∂ X
L=− (yi − pi )xij + 2µβj (26)
∂βj i=1

The best penalty term µ is selected from a finite candidate set. The set
consists of exponentially growing sequence.

4 Design of experiments
4.1 Data
We use Gender Recognition dataset to train and test the model. The training
dataset has 559 examples. 75% of which are used as training data, and the rest
25% are used as validation data.

4.2 Stochastic gradient ascent.

Choosing batch size Batch size influences computing time largely. Large batch
size will increase computing time for gradient, but will make the gradient more
precise, thus decreasing β update times to some degree. We fix the pair of hyper-
parameter (λ0 , µ) and training/validation dataset, and change batch size from
the set {1, 2, 4, ..., 256}. By computing error rate on validation set and computing
time, we choose the best batch size. Experiment is repeated for 5 times, because
different randomization of data may cause different result.

Choosing hyperparameters: Grid search. The candidate set of λ0 is λ0 =

10k , k ∈ {−5, −4, .., 0}. The candidate set of µ is µ = 5l , l ∈ {−7, −6, .., 1}.
The training data is randomized before grid search, therefore the result of
grid search may be different every time. We repeat the grid search process for
5 times and obtain 5 pairs of best (λ0 , µ). We finally choose the pair of (λ0 , µ)
from the 5 candidates.

Checking convergence. To prove that the model converges at the end of the
training process, we train 5 models using the selected pair (λ0 , µ) and draw the
curve of objective function v.s. epoch number. The value of objective function
should increase at first and then to a certain point remains constant or goes up
and down near the constant.

4.3 L-BFGS

Choosing parameter µ. The candidate set of µ is µ = 5l , l ∈ {−7, −6, .., 4}.

We repeat the search for 5 times, and obtain 5 best µ. We finally choose the
optimal µ from the 5 candidates.

Comparison of computing time. We compare the efficiency of L-BFGS op-

timization method and our SGA method.
Randomization of data is done once before training. The order of training
data and validation data is the same for the two method. 5 experiments are done
and the averages of the two methods are compared.

4.4 Testing model on test data

After deciding all parameters, we finally build the model and test the perfor-
mance of the model on the test data.
For L-BFGS, one set of β is trained and we use it as the final model.
For SGA, we use a model averaging. The modified model is built from 5
models trained by SGA. The modified model is tested on the test data.

5 Results of experiments and analysis

5.1 Stochastic Gradient ascent

Batch size. To decide the batch size, hyperparameters are fixed to λ0 =

0.01, µ = 0.1. Experiments are repeated for 5 times. Mean values of error rate
on validation set and computing time is calculated.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 are error bars of computing time and error rates with
standard deviation. Figure 1 shows that computing time first drops to certain
point and then rises with the increase of batch size. This is because when batch
size is too large, calculation of gradient is time consuming. Figure 2 shows that
error rate on validation set doesn’t change significantly with batch size.
We choose batch size with low computing time and low standard deviation.
Therefore, we choose batchsize = 2. Note that although computing time reaches
minimum value when batchsize = 25 , it is with the highest error rate. This
probably means when batchsize = 25 , the model doesn’t converge to a good point
in some examples and cannot be used to calculate computing time. Therefore
we don’t choose 25 as batch size.



computing time − seconds



−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
batch size − 2n

Fig. 1. Error bar: Mean computing time v.s. batch size




error rate




−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
batch size − 2n

Fig. 2. Error bar: Mean error rate on validation set v.s. batch size

Grid search. For the candidate sets λ0 = 10k , k ∈ {−5, −4, .., 0} and µ =
5l , l ∈ {−7, −6, .., 1}, we train models for each pair and repeat the whole process
for 5 times. The average error rate for each pair of parameters is calculated.
For each experiment, the tendency of error rate’s changes is very similar.
Here, we only show the average error rate in Figure 3.
Best results on validation set are obtained when (λ0 , µ) are in a range of
values. We choose (λ0 = 0.001, µ = 0.04), since it is in the middle of the desired
range. In this way, we expect to get more stable results with random training




error rate



0.2 0

0.15 −1

0.1 −2

0.05 −3
−8 −7 −6 −5 −4
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 −5 λ0 − 10−n

µ − 5−n

Fig. 3. Mean error rate on validation set v.s. hyperparameters (λ0 , µ)

Checking convergence. Objective function in Equation 14 is calculated at ev-

ery epoch, and the curve (Figure 4) shows the trend of objective function during
the training process. 5 experiments are done, and all of them are shown in Figure
4. As is shown, every curve starts from different value when epochnumber = 1,
but they all converge to 0 when epochnumber > 300.

5.2 L-BFGS

Penalty term µ. Figure 5 shows the change of error rate on validation set with
penalty term µ. As is shown, error rate doesn’t change much when µ is smaller



Value of objective function





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
epoch number

Fig. 4. Convergence of objective function (5 experiments)


than 1, and then goes up when µ becomes too large. The reason is that when µ
is too large, the restriction it gives to the model is too strong that β trained is
too small.
We choose µ = 5−2 = 0.04, because it is in the middle of the desired region.




error rate




−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
µ − 5−n

Fig. 5. Error bar: Mean error rate on validation set v.s. µ (L-BFGS)

Comparison of computing time Table 1 shows the computing time of the

two optimization method: SGA and L-BFGS. The average computing time is
calculated. Although much modification has been done to reduce the computing
time of SGA, it is still far slower than L-BFGS.
In SGA, we use small λ0 to get better convergence, but this means more
epochs are needed. This is a trade off in precision and computing time.

Table 1. Computing time of SGA and L-BFGS (ms)

Experiment number 1 2 3 4 5 Average time

SGA 25706402 3491370 24138288 12908189 19416487 23252147
L-BFGS 60333 178217 59457 61117 62767 84378

5.3 Big-O time and space complexity of SGA

Big-O time The training with SGA consists of update within e epochs. In
every epoch, m = n/b batches are used, where n is the number of training
examples, and b is batch size. For every batch, the parameter update requires
O(bd) operations, because feature matrix and parameter vector. For the entire
SGA process, the time complexity is O(e × n × d).

Space complexity. Training data and test data are stored in matrix. It requires
(N + n) × (d + 2) units of space, where N stands for then number of training
examples, and n is the number of test examples. The algorithm of normaliza-
tion requires (2 × d) units of space to store mean and standard deviation. The
algorithm of randomization requires N × (d + 2) units to store the temporary
shuffled data. The calculation of gradient requires (d + 1) units to store gradient.
The classification process requires n units to store the classification results.
Therefore, the space complexity is O((N + n) × d).

5.4 Result on test data

With all the hyperparameters defined, the model is built.
For L-BFGS, µ = 0.04. The two models are built once, and the models are
used on test data.
For SGA, λ0 = 0.001, µ = 0.04, batchsize = 2, early stopping is used, and
validation subset is 25% of the training data. 5 models are trained, and the
modified model is built upon them.
SGA method gets 7.112971% error rate on test data, and L-BFGS gets
8.786611% error rate on test data.
For the purpose of comparison, we provide error rate of 5 models and the
average model on test data, as is shown in Table 2. Average model outperforms
every single model.

Table 2. Error rate of different models on test data

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Average model

Error rate 7.949791 % 10.041841 % 9.623431 % 7.531381 % 8.786611 % 7.112971%

6 Findings and lessons learned

In this project, we learned much about how to train logistic regression models,
especially on how to use practical tricks to improve learning. Specifically, how to
deal with overflow, how to overcome overfitting, how to choose hyper parameters,
etc. It turns out that the learning procedure is quite sensitive to the learning
rate and the regularization term. Early stopping can considerably reduce training

time. The choice of validation set may contain noise, which can be alleviated by
model averaging. Batch-based learning may be even faster than SGA, which is
a trade off between gradient accuracy and computation complexity.

1. Elkan, C.: Maximum likelihood, logistic regression, and stochastic gradient training.
(January 17, 2013)

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