Final Report SLP Rishant
Final Report SLP Rishant
Final Report SLP Rishant
India, with its vast and diverse landscape, is home to a significant rural population whose
livelihoods are intricately linked to the local economy. This report aims to provide insights into
the dynamics of rural and local economies, as well as livelihoods in India, focusing on key aspects
such as agriculture, infrastructure, challenges, and opportunities.
Highlighted agriculture's dominance and the role of small-scale industries in rural India.
Discussed the dominance of agriculture as the primary source of livelihood for a majority
of rural households.
Explored the role of small-scale industries, forestry, and other traditional occupations in
supplementing rural incomes.
Explored the challenges faced by farmers, including land fragmentation, water scarcity,
pest infestations, and price fluctuations.
Highlighted government initiatives such as subsidies, credit facilities, and insurance
schemes aimed at supporting farmers and enhancing agricultural productivity.
Discussed rural infrastructure gaps and the need for improved access to basic amenities.
Explored the impact of climate change on agricultural productivity and rural livelihoods.
Scrap collectors, often called "kabaadiwalas," are an essential part of the informal waste
management system in India. They collect recyclable materials such as metal, plastic, and paper
from households, businesses, and streets. These materials are then sold to junkyards. You can see
that they are totally dependent on this for their livelihood.
Una district in Himachal Pradesh, India, presents a microcosm of rural society characterized by
its rich cultural heritage, traditional livelihoods, and natural beauty. This report aims to delve
into the nuances of rural life in Una district, appreciating its unique socio-economic fabric.
Explored the vibrant cultural heritage of Una district, including its festivals, rituals, folk
music, and dance forms.
Discussed the importance of natural resources like forests, water bodies, and fertile land in
supporting rural livelihoods in Una district.
Explored challenges such as deforestation, soil erosion, and water scarcity, and initiatives
for environmental conservation and sustainable resource management.
Analyzed the role of social institutions such as panchayats, cooperatives, and community
organizations in governing rural life and addressing local issues.
Explored the dynamics of social cohesion, mutual support networks, and traditional
governance systems in Una's rural communities.
Evaluated the status of rural infrastructure in Una district, including roads, electricity,
healthcare, education, and connectivity.
India, is characterized by its vibrant rural communities and diverse local institutions. This report
aims to provide an overview of rural and local institutions in Una district, highlighting their
roles, functions, challenges, and opportunities.
Explored the structure and functioning of PRIs in Una district, including gram
panchayats, panchayat samitis, and zila parishads.
Explored the formation and activities of SHGs in Una district, focusing on their role in
women's empowerment, microfinance, and entrepreneurship.
Highlighted the impact of SHGs in promoting financial inclusion, skill development, and
social cohesion in rural communities.
Analyzed the emergence and functions of CBOs in Una district, including NGOs,
community associations, and youth clubs.
Discussed the contributions of CBOs in addressing local issues, promoting social welfare,
and building community resilience.
Explored the role of traditional institutions such as village councils, religious bodies, and
customary laws in Una district.
Highlighted the importance of integrating traditional knowledge and practices with
Discussed beneficiary selection, funding mechanisms, and the role of local authorities in
ensuring transparency and accountability in PMAY implementation.
Highlighted the formation of self-help groups, skill training, access to credit, and market
linkages as key strategies employed under NRLM to enhance rural incomes and
Submitted by
Rishant Thakur
in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of
Civil Engineering
Chandigarh University