Subject: CP-PHC
Rotation date: Sept. 5,6,12,13,19,20,26,27, 2023
Don’t rush on everything as observation is one of the key in learning. In this duty
days I have observe different procedures done by the midwife and nurses at Ramon birthing
home. So through our duty I observe how to prepare powdered medicine like ampicillin. In
preparing it there’s a procedure to be followed so that the medicine will be dissolve and be
ready for medication. After the preparation I observe again how to administer properly to the
baby and through that observation I did, I learned the right way in preparing powdered
medicine. Another is that I enhance my knowledge in taking vitals signs to a patient. The best
learning I learned is that don’t take small things for granted and always observed every
procedure done by the health care professionals as it will help you to learn and improve what
you know.
My comments are; to our CI sir Henry, your so kind to us and you are good in
guiding us. Thank you for your kindness. For my groupmate we did a good performance during
our duty most especially in having unity in everything we do.
For my conclusion, to our CI I appreciate the effort you did for us to learn and
for your guidance when we are administering medication. For my classmates we did a nice
cooperation in performing and doing what are CI told us to do.