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Subject: CP-PHC
Rotation date: Sept. 5,6,12,13,19,20,26,27, 2023


Learning objectives;
1. To enhance my knowledge and skills at the Birthing center setting.
2. To put into practice and learnings that I learned in the school.
3. To established good rapport to clients or patients.

Everything has a process to undergo, like us humans that if we want to gain

knowledge and experience we must have to do our part and take every step to learn.
This days was a great opportunity to learn and experience many things to do
when you are in a birthing center. We are accompanied by our CI sir Henry. I have many
learnings through our duty, one it is being a critical thinker. It is very important because through
my experience it is very needed so that if there is a patient who came with and after the vs
taking and you notice that there’s a problem then you should know what is the right advice you
can say or the action you will do. Also be always confident on everything you do so that the
patient will not panicked and be nervous and for them to be comfortable when you perform the
procedure that the nurse or midwife ask you to do. Other than that I learned that
communication skills is important so that you can get the patients bio data and chief complaint.
Another is writing with no erasures because in medical field it a big no for any
erasures to the patients chart so that a big lessons for me that always do erasures when writing.
Also it is very important to always follow instructions from the health care provider before doing
an action to avoid making mistakes. In addition for my learnings I learned that before
performing any injections, tell first the CI or any staff who’s at duty before administering any
medicine to the patient. The best learning I realized is being open to participated in everything
your CI ask you to do most especially if it’s for your own good.
For my conclusion, to our CI I appreciate the effort you did for us to learn and
for your guidance when we are administering medication. For my classmates we did a nice
cooperation in performing and doing what are CI told us to do.
Subject: CP-PHC
Rotation date: Sept. 30 & Oct.7, 2023


Learning objectives;
1. To participate to all the activities.
2. To be able to observe and learn how to prepare a powdered medicine like ampicillin.
3. To apply the learnings I learned at school.

Learn to observe your surrounding’s as lessons and learnings are in everywhere.

Don’t rush on everything as observation is one of the key in learning. In this duty
days I have observe different procedures done by the midwife and nurses at Ramon birthing
home. So through our duty I observe how to prepare powdered medicine like ampicillin. In
preparing it there’s a procedure to be followed so that the medicine will be dissolve and be
ready for medication. After the preparation I observe again how to administer properly to the
baby and through that observation I did, I learned the right way in preparing powdered
medicine. Another is that I enhance my knowledge in taking vitals signs to a patient. The best
learning I learned is that don’t take small things for granted and always observed every
procedure done by the health care professionals as it will help you to learn and improve what
you know.

My comments are; to our CI sir Henry, your so kind to us and you are good in
guiding us. Thank you for your kindness. For my groupmate we did a good performance during
our duty most especially in having unity in everything we do.

For my conclusion, to our CI I appreciate the effort you did for us to learn and
for your guidance when we are administering medication. For my classmates we did a nice
cooperation in performing and doing what are CI told us to do.

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