AutoInvoiceExecution - Auto Invoice Execution Report

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Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM

Madkour Ledger Page 1 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Source CONTRACT INVOICES From Transaction Number

Transaction Flexfield To Transaction Number
Default Date 12/31/23 From Sales Order Number
Transaction Type To Sales Order Number
From Customer From Transaction Date
To Customer To Transaction Date
From Customer Account Number From Ship-to Customer Account Number
To Customer Account Number To Ship-to Customer Account Number
From Accounting Date From Ship-to Customer Name
To Accounting Date To Ship-to Customer Name
From Ship Date Base Due Date on Transaction Date Yes

To Ship Date Due Date Adjustment Days

Interface Lines Interface Distributions

Selected 248 Selected 246
Successfully Processed 2 Successfully Processed 0
Rejected 246 Rejected 246
Interface Salespersons Interface Contingencies
Selected 0 Selected 0
Successfully Processed 0 Successfully Processed 0
Rejected 0 Rejected 0
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 2 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Created Transactions
Transaction Number of Number of Number of Sales Credit Lines Number of Distribution Number of Contingencies Invoice Currency
Class Transaction Invoice Lines Lines of Contingencies Amount
s (*)
Invoice 1 2 0 0 0 1,000.00
Total 1 2 0 0 0 1,000.00
Asterisk (*) Number of Lines includes tax lines

Created Transactions by Currency

Currency Egyptian Pound
Transaction Number of Number of Number of Sales Credit Number of Distribution Number of Contingencies Invoice Currency
Class Transactions Invoice Lines (*) Lines Lines Amount
Invoice 1 2 0 0 0 1,000.00
Total 1 2 0 0 0 1,000.00
Asterisk (*) Number of Lines includes tax lines

Rejected Lines by Currency

Currency Number of Number of Sales Credit Lines Number of Distribution Lines Invoice Currency Amount
Invoice Lines
EGP 246 0 246 -358,983,770.25

Lines with Errors by Currency

Currency Number of Number of Sales Credit Lines Number of Distribution Lines Invoice Currency Amount
Invoice Lines
EGP 246 0 0 -358,983,770.25
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 3 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:129.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_549.null.0.CCTR_26

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -312,936.55
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:129.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_549.0.0.0.CCTR_26

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ Performance C1 EGP -416,690.32
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:129.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_549.0.0.0.CCTR_26

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ Performance C2 EGP -389,490.80
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 4 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:129.186.Deduction.‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬.CINV_549.null.0.CCTR_26

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬ EGP -41,669.03
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:129.220.Deduction.‫ﻓﻮﺍﺋﺪ ﺳﺎﻟﺒﺔ‬.CINV_549.0.0.0.CCTR_26

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﻓﻮﺍﺋﺪ ﺳﺎﻟﺒﺔ‬ EGP -6,475.75
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:144.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_264.null.0.CCTR_52

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 5 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﻧﺼﺮ ﻟﻼﺳﻜﺎﻥ ﻭﺍﻟﺖ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -21,792.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:144.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_264.null.0.CCTR_52

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﻧﺼﺮ ﻟﻼﺳﻜﺎﻥ ﻭﺍﻟﺖ‬ Performance C1 EGP -190,680.95
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:144.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_264.null.0.CCTR_52

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﻧﺼﺮ ﻟﻼﺳﻜﺎﻥ ﻭﺍﻟﺖ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -85,000.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 6 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:144.184.Retention.Man Power 0.36%.CINV_264.null.0.CCTR_52

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﻧﺼﺮ ﻟﻼﺳﻜﺎﻥ ﻭﺍﻟﺖ‬ Man Power 0.36% EGP -16,344.08
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:144.185.Deduction.‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬.CINV_264.0.0.0.CCTR_52

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﻧﺼﺮ ﻟﻼﺳﻜﺎﻥ ﻭﺍﻟﺖ‬ ‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬ EGP -16,935.40
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:167.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_257.210970.69.0.167

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -106,425.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-10)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 7 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:167.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_257.

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Performance C1 EGP -148,277.85
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-10)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:167.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_257.

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -189,579.40
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-10)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:167.185.Deduction.‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬.CINV_257.

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬ EGP -112,430.44
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 8 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-10)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:177.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_372.null.0.177

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -147,348.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-12)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:177.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_372.null.0.177

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Performance C1 EGP -573,024.35
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-12)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 9 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:177.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_372.

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -573,024.35
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-12)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:177.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_372.null.0.177

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -262,350.80
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-12)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:177.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_372.null.0.177

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -114,604.87
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-12)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 10 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_199.null.0.CCTR_41

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -149,090.15
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_206.null.0.CCTR_41

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -100,015.25
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_241.null.0.CCTR_41

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -375,942.85
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 11 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_90.null.0.CCTR_41

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -358,676.45
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_91.null.0.CCTR_41

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -36,177.65
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_90.null.0.CCTR_41

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 12 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -2,553,752.90
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_91.null.0.CCTR_41

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -115,614.05
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_241.0.0.0.CCTR_41

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -375,942.85
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 13 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_90.0.0.0.CCTR_41

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -5,107,505.70
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_91.0.0.0.CCTR_41

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -231,228.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_90.0.0.0.CCTR_41

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 14 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -4,006,371.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:179.184.Retention.Man Power 0.36%.CINV_199.null.0.CCTR_41

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Man Power 0.36% EGP -13,417.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_150.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -1,683,998.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-20)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 15 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_151.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -917,850.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-02)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_200.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -578,862.40
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_207.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -326,973.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 16 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_150.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -27,578.40
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-20)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_151.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -288,545.75
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-02)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_207.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -252,273.95
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 17 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_151.0.0.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -5,000,000.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-02)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_200.0.0.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -578,862.40
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 18 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_150.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -3,367,996.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-20)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_151.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -1,835,700.40
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-02)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_150.0.0.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -7,722,815.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-20)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 19 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_151.0.0.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -4,209,261.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-02)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_200.0.0.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -2,654,662.90
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.184.Retention.Man Power 0.36%.CINV_150.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Man Power 0.36% EGP -151,559.85
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 20 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-20)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:183.184.Retention.Man Power 0.36%.CINV_151.null.0.CCTR_42

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Man Power 0.36% EGP -82,606.55
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-02)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_293.null.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -3,149,338.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-01-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 21 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_296.null.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -528,653.60
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_299.null.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -203,454.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-06-06)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_301.null.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -275,410.85
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 22 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_293.null.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -533,737.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-01-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_296.null.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -345,854.30
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_299.null.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -99,562.15
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 23 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-06-06)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_293.0.0.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -1,088,776.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-01-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_296.0.0.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -1,464,147.90
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_299.0.0.0.CCTR_54

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 24 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -203,454.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-06-06)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_301.0.0.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -462,564.85
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_293.null.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -6,298,676.90
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-01-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 25 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_296.null.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -1,057,307.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:184.184.Retention.Man Power 0.36%.CINV_296.null.0.CCTR_54

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Man Power 0.36% EGP -47,581.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:187.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_369.66973.995.0.187

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -52,654.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 26 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-06)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:187.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_369.

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -500,000.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-06)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:187.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_369.

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -94,028.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-06)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:187.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_369.148831.1.0.187

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 27 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -40,963.67
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-06)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_268.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -1,709,095.80
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-01-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_403.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -107,034.85
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 28 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_404.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -395,089.85
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-06-06)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_405.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -463,377.75
Errors 1 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_406.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -874,754.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-02-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 29 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_268.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -499,020.40
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-01-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_403.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -30,488.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_404.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -9,021.90
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 30 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-06-06)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_405.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -227,474.40
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_406.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -339,635.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-02-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 31 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_404.0.0.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -1,528,268.90
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-06-06)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_406.0.0.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -3,642,405.30
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-02-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_268.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -3,418,191.60
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-01-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 32 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_403.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -214,069.70
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:191.184.Retention.Man Power 0.36%.CINV_403.null.0.CCTR_45

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Man Power 0.36% EGP -9,633.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:193.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_95.null.0.CCTR_43

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -120,688.35
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 33 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:193.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_96.null.0.CCTR_43

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -102,135.15
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:193.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_95.null.0.CCTR_43

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -99,122.55
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:193.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_96.null.0.CCTR_43

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 34 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -133,331.80
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:193.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_95.0.0.0.CCTR_43

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:193.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_96.0.0.0.CCTR_43

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 35 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:193.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_96.null.0.CCTR_43

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺍﺭ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:198.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_233.null.0.CCTR_9

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -128,783.30
Errors 1 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:198.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_233.null.0.CCTR_9

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -169,862.90
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 36 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:198.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_233.null.0.CCTR_9

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:198.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_233.0.0.0.CCTR_9

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -229,331.95
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 37 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:198.185.Deduction.‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬.CINV_233.0.0.0.CCTR_9

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬ EGP -1.80
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:198.186.Deduction.‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬.CINV_233.0.0.0.CCTR_9

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬ EGP -33,972.58
Errors 1 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:198.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_233.0.0.0.CCTR_9

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -100,159.11
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-03-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 38 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_152.null.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -143,230.65
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_153.null.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -299,115.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_75.null.0.CCTR_31

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 39 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -146,187.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125300)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_152.null.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Performance C1 EGP -556,984.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_153.null.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Performance C1 EGP -1,163,225.90
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 40 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_75.null.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Performance C1 EGP -568,515.05
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125300)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_152.null.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -556,984.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_153.null.0.CCTR_31

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 41 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -1,163,225.90
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_152.0.0.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -2,784,920.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_153.0.0.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -5,816,129.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 42 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_152.0.0.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -255,018.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_153.0.0.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -532,157.30
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_75.0.0.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -260,289.40
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125300)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 43 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.187.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﺗﺸﻴﺪ ﻭﺑﻨﺎﺀ‬.CINV_75.0.0.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﺗﺸﻴﺪ ﻭﺑﻨﺎﺀ‬ EGP -5,000.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125300)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_152.null.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -83,550.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_153.null.0.CCTR_31

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 44 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -174,494.04
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_75.null.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -85,277.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125300)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:201.221.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬.CINV_75.0.0.0.CCTR_31

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬ EGP -22.50
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125300)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 45 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_148.null.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -1,229,708.10
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125404)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-30)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_149.null.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -474,736.20
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125404)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-01-02)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 46 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_192.null.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -120,213.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_198.null.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -144,850.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_148.null.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Performance C1 EGP -8,454,929.70
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125404)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-30)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 47 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_149.0.0.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -844,426.40
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125404)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-01-02)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_192.0.0.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -214,111.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_198.0.0.0.CCTR_50

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 48 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -257,900.70
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_149.null.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -351,683.30
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000027125404)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-01-02)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_192.null.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -101,514.45
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 49 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_198.null.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -122,322.31
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-12-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:204.260.Deduction.‫ﺻﻨﺪﻭﻕ ﺍﻟﺘﻜﺎﻓﻞ ﻟﺬﻭﻱ ﺍﻷﻋﺎﻗﻪ‬.CINV_192.null.0.CCTR_50

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺻﻨﺪﻭﻕ ﺍﻟﺘﻜﺎﻓﻞ ﻟﺬﻭﻱ ﺍﻷﻋﺎﻗﻪ‬ EGP -5.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_195.null.0.CCTR_18

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 50 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -258,034.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_197.null.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -166,464.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-11-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_195.null.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Performance C1 EGP -1,003,449.30
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 51 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_197.null.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Performance C1 EGP -647,341.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-11-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_195.null.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Performance C2 EGP -9,542,112.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.181.Deduction.‫ﺳﻠﻒ‬.CINV_195.0.0.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺳﻠﻒ‬ EGP -3,682,660.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 52 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.181.Deduction.‫ﺳﻠﻒ‬.CINV_197.0.0.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺳﻠﻒ‬ EGP -2,375,742.40
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-11-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_195.null.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -1,003,449.30
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_197.null.0.CCTR_18

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 53 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -647,341.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-11-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_195.0.0.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -459,116.55
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_197.0.0.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -296,324.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-11-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 54 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.185.Deduction.‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬.CINV_195.0.0.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬ EGP -5.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.186.Deduction.‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬.CINV_195.null.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬ EGP -1,908,424.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.187.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﺗﺸﻴﺪ ﻭﺑﻨﺎﺀ‬.CINV_195.0.0.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﺗﺸﻴﺪ ﻭﺑﻨﺎﺀ‬ EGP -5,000.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 55 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_195.null.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -163,863.36
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_197.null.0.CCTR_18

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -105,720.41
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-11-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:205.221.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬.CINV_195.0.0.0.CCTR_18

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 56 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬ EGP -45.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-09-01)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:208.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_121.null.0.CCTR_16

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﺮﻳﺔ ﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﺍﻟﻜﻬﺮﺏ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -162,861.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:208.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_130.null.0.CCTR_16

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﺮﻳﺔ ﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﺍﻟﻜﻬﺮﺏ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -51,072.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 57 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:208.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_130.0.0.0.CCTR_16

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﺮﻳﺔ ﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﺍﻟﻜﻬﺮﺏ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -893,775.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:208.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_121.0.0.0.CCTR_16

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﺮﻳﺔ ﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﺍﻟﻜﻬﺮﺏ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -434,705.12
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:208.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_130.0.0.0.CCTR_16

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﺮﻳﺔ ﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﺍﻟﻜﻬﺮﺏ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -136,590.96
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 58 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:208.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_121.null.0.CCTR_16

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﺮﻳﺔ ﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﺍﻟﻜﻬﺮﺏ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -180,961.79
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:208.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_130.null.0.CCTR_16

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﺮﻳﺔ ﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﺍﻟﻜﻬﺮﺏ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -56,747.57
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_360.null.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -37,913.00
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 59 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-06-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_361.null.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -26,104.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-07-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_360.null.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ Performance C1 EGP -78,107.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-06-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 60 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_361.null.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ Performance C1 EGP -96,668.80
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-07-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_360.null.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ Performance C2 EGP -64,500.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-06-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_360.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -390,536.00
Errors 1 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-06-29)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
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Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_361.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -483,344.00
Errors 1 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-07-29)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_360.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -21,096.00
Errors 1 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-06-29)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_361.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
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Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -46,822.60
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-07-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.186.Deduction.‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬.CINV_360.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬ EGP -19,526.80
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-06-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.186.Deduction.‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬.CINV_361.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬ EGP -24,167.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-07-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 63 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_360.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -15,621.44
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-06-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_361.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -19,333.75
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-07-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.220.Deduction.‫ﻓﻮﺍﺋﺪ ﺳﺎﻟﺒﺔ‬.CINV_360.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﻓﻮﺍﺋﺪ ﺳﺎﻟﺒﺔ‬ EGP -46,668.75
Errors 1 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-06-29)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 64 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.221.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬.CINV_360.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬ EGP -10.00
Errors 1 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-06-29)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:211.221.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬.CINV_361.0.0.0.CCTR_22

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻘﺎﻭﻻﺕ ﺍ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬ EGP -10.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-07-29)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_159.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 65 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -1,327,167.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_161.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -506,245.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_76.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -1,483,375.50
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
2 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
3 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
4 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 66 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_87.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -1,373,634.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-23)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_159.null.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -4,915,414.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_161.null.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -1,874,994.90
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 67 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_76.null.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -5,493,995.90
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
2 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
3 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
4 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_87.null.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Performance C1 EGP -5,087,541.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-23)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 68 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_76.null.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Performance C2 EGP -18,994,250.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
2 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
3 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
4 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_76.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -6,443,708.40
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
2 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
3 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
4 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_76.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 69 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -69,521,000.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
2 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
3 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
4 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_87.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -25,479,000.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-23)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.183.Retention.Social Insurance 2.16%.CINV_159.null.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Social Insurance 2.16% EGP -4,915,414.10
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-18)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 70 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.183.Retention.Social Insurance 2.16%.CINV_161.null.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Social Insurance 2.16% EGP -1,874,994.90
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.183.Retention.Social Insurance 2.16%.CINV_87.null.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Social Insurance 2.16% EGP -5,087,541.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-23)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_159.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 71 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -2,359,795.60
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_161.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -900,394.35
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_76.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -2,637,514.90
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
2 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
3 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
4 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 72 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_87.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -2,442,416.80
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-23)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.185.Deduction.‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬.CINV_76.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬ EGP -3,798,850.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
2 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
3 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
4 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.187.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﺗﺸﻴﺪ ﻭﺑﻨﺎﺀ‬.CINV_76.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 73 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﺗﺸﻴﺪ ﻭﺑﻨﺎﺀ‬ EGP -5,000.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
2 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
3 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
4 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_159.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -983,087.70
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-18)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_161.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -375,007.94
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-08-15)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 74 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_76.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -403,297.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
2 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
3 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
4 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_87.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -762,728.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-02-23)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:213.221.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬.CINV_76.0.0.0.CCTR_24

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 75 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬ EGP -27.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
2 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000026670868)
3 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
4 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-12-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:2301/2.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_323.null.0.CCTR_66

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -253,219.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-25)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:2301/2.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_323.null.0.CCTR_66

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Performance C1 EGP -354,089.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-25)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 76 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:2301/2.180.Retention.‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬.CINV_323.0.0.0.CCTR_66

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ) ﺍﺧﺮﻯ‬ EGP -1,100,000.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-25)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:2301/2.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_323.0.0.0.CCTR_66

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -450,565.50
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-25)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:2301/2.186.Deduction.‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬.CINV_323.null.0.CCTR_66

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 77 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ ‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬ EGP -70,817.85
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-25)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:2301/2.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_323.null.0.CCTR_66

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -196,948.79
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2022-09-25)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.113/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﻗﻮﻯ ﻋﺎﻣﻠﺔ ﻋﻤﺎﻟﺔ ﻏﻴﺮ ﻣﻨﺘﻈﻤﺔ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﻗﻮﻯ ﻋﺎﻣﻠﺔ ﻋﻤﺎﻟﺔ ﻏﻴﺮ ﻣﻨﺘﻈﻤﺔ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 78 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Distributions Errors
Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.114/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -499,698.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.121/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction..‫ﺍﺭﺑﺎﺡ ﺗﺠﺎﺭﻳﺔ‬..CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ .‫ﺍﺭﺑﺎﺡ ﺗﺠﺎﺭﻳﺔ‬. EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.123/‫ﻙ‬.Retention.Warranty.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 79 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Performance C1 EGP -1,850,747.20
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.124/‫ﻙ‬.Retention.Warranty.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Performance C2 EGP -2,211,149.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.180/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ ﺿﺮﻳﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻀﺎﻓﺔ )ﻓﻰ ﺣﺎﻟﺔ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ )ﺿﺮﻳﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻀﺎﻓﺔ )ﻓﻰ ﺣﺎﻟﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﺮ ﺷﺎﻣﻞ ﺍﻟﻀﺮﻳﺒﺔ‬EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 80 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.181/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﺳﻠﻒ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺳﻠﻒ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.181/‫ﻙ‬.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -1,850,747.20
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 81 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.183/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﻡ ﺳﻔﺮ ﺍﻟﻀﺒﺎﻁ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﻡ ﺳﻔﺮ ﺍﻟﻀﺒﺎﻁ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.184/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -888,755.50
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.185/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 82 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.186/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬ EGP -442,229.80
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.187/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﺗﺸﻴﺪ ﻭﺑﻨﺎﺀ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﺗﺸﻴﺪ ﻭﺑﻨﺎﺀ‬ EGP -5,000.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 83 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.188/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﻣﺴﺤﻮﺑﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺨﺎﻣﺎﺕ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﻣﺴﺤﻮﺑﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺨﺎﻣﺎﺕ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.189/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -370,153.45
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.220/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﻓﻮﺍﺋﺪ ﺳﺎﻟﺒﺔ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﻓﻮﺍﺋﺪ ﺳﺎﻟﺒﺔ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 84 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.221/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬ EGP -14.40
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.222/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﺗﻮﺭﻳﺪ ﺧﺮﺳﺎﻧﺔ ﺟﺎﻫﺰﺓ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺗﻮﺭﻳﺪ ﺧﺮﺳﺎﻧﺔ ﺟﺎﻫﺰﺓ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 85 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.223/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﺳﺎﻋﺎﺕ ﻋﻤﻞ ﺍﺿﺎﻓﻰ ﺍﺳﺘﺸﺎﺭﻯ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﻋﺎﺕ ﻋﻤﻞ ﺍﺿﺎﻓﻰ ﺍﺳﺘﺸﺎﺭﻯ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.224/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﻧﻘﻞ ﺭﻣﺎﻝ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﻧﻘﻞ ﺭﻣﺎﻝ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.225/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﺗﺼﺎﺭﻳﺢ ﺣﻔﺮ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺗﺼﺎﺭﻳﺢ ﺣﻔﺮ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 86 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.240/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.Progress.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ Progress EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:246/2020.260/‫ﻙ‬.Deduction.‫ﺻﻨﺪﻭﻕ ﺍﻟﺘﻜﺎﻓﻞ ﻟﺬﻭﻱ ﺍﻷﻋﺎﻗﻪ‬.CINV_203.null.0.CCTR_82

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻳﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﺻﻨﺪﻭﻕ ﺍﻟﺘﻜﺎﻓﻞ ﻟﺬﻭﻱ ﺍﻷﻋﺎﻗﻪ‬ EGP 0.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764954)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-04-21)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 87 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_132.null.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -6,215.63
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-11-04)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_154.null.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -395,181.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_155.null.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -529,681.50
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-20)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 88 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_156.null.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -68,643.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_132.0.0.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -11,855,575.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-11-04)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_154.0.0.0.CCTR_63

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 89 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -8,342,600.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_155.0.0.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -11,182,163.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-20)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.182.Deduction.‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬.CINV_156.0.0.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻓﻌﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ‬ EGP -1,449,062.50
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 90 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.183.Deduction.‫ﻡ ﺳﻔﺮ ﺍﻟﻀﺒﺎﻁ‬.CINV_132.0.0.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﻡ ﺳﻔﺮ ﺍﻟﻀﺒﺎﻁ‬ EGP -400,000.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-11-04)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_132.0.0.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -1,105,382.50
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-11-04)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 91 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_154.0.0.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -702,931.55
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_155.0.0.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -942,052.60
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-20)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_156.0.0.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -122,423.15
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 92 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_132.null.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -460,410.68
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-11-04)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_154.null.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -250,282.00
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-05)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 93 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_155.null.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -335,470.60
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-03-20)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.189.Deduction.Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻡ‬.CINV_156.null.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ Governmental Exp . 1% ‫ﺗﺤﻴﺎ ﻣﺼﺮ‬ EGP -43,474.20
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:500.221.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬.CINV_132.0.0.0.CCTR_63

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﻘﺪ‬ EGP -5.40
Errors 1 The original system ship-to customer account address ID {ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID is invalid. (300000050764860)
2 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
3 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2020-11-04)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 94 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:5502.114.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_278.null.0.CCTR_77

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ ﻓﻨﻮﻥ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬ EGP -580,409.60
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:5502.123.Retention.Warranty.CINV_278.null.0.CCTR_77

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ Performance C1 EGP -2,256,940.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:5502.124.Retention.Warranty.CINV_278.null.0.CCTR_77

Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 95 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ Performance C2 EGP -3,580,346.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:5502.180.Deduction.‫ ﺿﺮﻳﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻀﺎﻓﺔ )ﻓﻰ ﺣﺎﻟﺔ‬.CINV_278.null.0.CCTR_77

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ )ﺿﺮﻳﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻀﺎﻓﺔ )ﻓﻰ ﺣﺎﻟﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﺮ ﺷﺎﻣﻞ ﺍﻟﻀﺮﻳﺒﺔ‬EGP 0.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:5502.181.Retention.‫ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍ‬.CINV_278.null.0.CCTR_77

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫)ﺗﻌﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻣﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ ) ﺍﻥ ﻭﺟﺪﺕ‬ EGP -2,256,940.20
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 96 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:5502.184.Deduction.‫ ﻣﺼﻤﻤﻴﻦ‬+ ‫ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﺔ‬+‫ﺩﻣﻐﺎﺕ ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻴﺔ‬.CINV_278.0.0.0.CCTR_77

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﻋﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ‬ EGP -1,032,141.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:5502.185.Deduction.‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬.CINV_278.0.0.0.CCTR_77

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺧﺼﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ‬ EGP -451,397.58
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:5502.186.Deduction.‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬.CINV_278.null.0.CCTR_77

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻑ‬.‫ﻣﺒﺎﻟﻎ ﺱ‬ EGP -716,069.23
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-31)
Auto Invoice Execution and Validation Report Report Date 1/8/24 10:48 AM
Madkour Ledger Page 97 of 97

Request ID 58856268

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

Transaction Flexfield Contracts Management:5502.187.Deduction.‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﺗﺸﻴﺪ ﻭﺑﻨﺎﺀ‬.CINV_278.0.0.0.CCTR_77

Interface Line Errors

Type Bill-to Customer Name Item Description Currency Amount
Invoice ‫ﺍﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺩﻣﻐﺔ ﺗﺸﻴﺪ ﻭﺑﻨﺎﺀ‬ EGP -5,000.00
Errors 1 You must provide a transaction number if the transaction source indicates manual transaction numbering. Otherwise don't provide a transaction number.
2 The accounting date is in a closed period. (2021-10-31)
Interface Salesperson Errors
Salesperson Number Salesperson Name Sales Credit Type Sales Organization Name Amount Percentage

Interface Distributions Errors

Account Class Accounting Date Distribution Amount Distribution Percent

End of Report

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