Coordination and Response
Coordination and Response
Coordination and Response
o Central Nervous System (CNS) consists of the brain and spinal cord, which are the
areas of coordination.
The nervous system helps with the coordination and regulation of body functions.
Types of Neurones
Nerve Impulse: an electrical signal that passes along the nerve cells
called neurones
Motor Neurone
Sensory Neurone
Relay Neurone
Simple Reflex Arc
Reflex Action: automatically and rapidly integrates and coordinates the stimuli
E.g. quickly removing your hand from the hot metal surface
They involve three neurones: a sensory neurone, a relay neurone and a motor
electrical impulse)
o The motor neurone carries impulses from the CNS to the effector
Inside the neurone’s axon, there are 100s of tiny vacuoles (vesicles, each
The neurotransmitter quickly diffuses across the tiny gap and attaches to receptor
This can happen because the neurotransmitter molecules' shape complements the
Sense Organs
Sense Organ: groups of receptor cells responding to specific stimuli: light, sound,
Retina: contains light receptors, some sensitive to light of different colours (Rods
and cones)
Pupil Reflex
An involuntary response
Radial muscles (straight lines) contract and Circular muscles (circular lines)
become shorter to pull the pupil (black dot), contract and become shorter to
making it wider to let more light enter to reduce pupil size and protect the
form a clear image on the retina retina from bleaching.
Accommodation: Adjusting for near and distant objects.
The way the lens brings about fine focusing is called accommodation
The lens is elastic, and its shape can be changed when the suspensory
The contraction or relaxation of the ciliary muscles brings about the changes
Near Object Distant Object
Packed most tightly around the edge of Most tightly packed at the retina's
the retina, so you can see things most centre, objects are seen most clearly
clearly when not looking directly at them. when directly looking at them.
o Part of the retina where the receptor cells are pushed most closely together
o A number of cone cells peaked in the middle, showing the location of the fovea. No
o No rod and cone cells at the blind spot, as the optic nerve is located there. \n
Hormones: A chemical substance produced by a gland and carried by the blood,
Endocrine Glands
Adrenaline Prepares the body for vigorous action
Duration of
Usually within seconds It may take years (puberty)
Homeostasis: The maintenance of a constant internal environment.
Negative Feedback
Negative Feedback: controls the production of hormones and regulates their own
A negative feedback control is when the change in hormone level acts as a signal to
cancel out that change, so when the blood hormone level is low, hormone
Blood glucose levels are monitored and controlled by the pancreas
The pancreas produces and releases different hormones depending on the blood
glucose level
Insulin is released when blood glucose levels are high – the liver stores excess
glucose as glycogen
Glucagon is released when blood glucose levels are low – the liver converts stored
When the control of blood glucose does not work, a person is said to have diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes: caused by the death of the cells that secrete insulin.
Symptoms: hyperglycaemia (feeling unwell, dry mouth, blurred vision, and feel
Insulation: provided by fatty tissue retains heat. Hairs become erect to trap warm
capillaries, dilate (become wider) to allow more blood near the skin surface to
capillaries, constrict (become smaller) to allow less blood near the skin surface to
Skin receptors: sense heat, and sensory neurons send impulses to the
Tropic Responses
o Controls tropisms
o If the sun shines on the right side of a plant’s shoot, auxins accumulate on the dark
o Auxins accumulating makes cells on the left side grow faster than cells on the right.
o When the left side of the shoot starts growing faster than the right side, the shoot