Mid-Term Homework 2
Mid-Term Homework 2
Mid-Term Homework 2
Read the text and complete the paragraph with The engineers didn’t give the astronauts
a suitable sentence. enough ...... about the technical details of the
Last week, something terrible happened. While
my son was riding his bike, he broke his leg. As A) participation
the weather was very beautiful, he went out with B) reformation
his friends. At that time, I was cooking dinner in C) graduation
the kitchen. I looked out of the window and saw D) exploration
Gary playing and soon riding bike with his E) information
friends. ...... . It was Gary. He was lying on the
ground while his friends were trying to help him.
I called an ambulance and took him to the Soru 52
Soruda boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun seçeneği
A) Suddenly, I heard a cry bulunuz.
B) Gary was looking at me
C) I called my husband to be sure Although the shark attacked him in the sea,
D) Such things happen while riding he ...... to the coast on his own.
E) He hit his friends unintentionally
A) couldn't swim
Soru 2
B) can't swim
Cümleye anlamca en yakın seçeneği bulunuz. C) should have swum
D) was able to swim
She had been inexperienced up to that moment. E) must have swum
A: The audition was a disaster for me as they III. Finally, act as if you are surprised.
didn't give me the lead role.
IV. Later, ask your friends to decorate your party.
B: What a pity! Didn't you join the rehearsals?
V. Listen to my pieces of advice for a great
A: I thought I could succeed it easily, so I didn't surprise party.
need to work with the group.
A) II - I - III - IV - V
B: ...... . B) II - V - I - IV - III
C) IV - V - I - II - III
A: Yeah! That was my mistake. D) V - IV - III - II - I
E) III - IV - V - II - I
A) If you hadn't rehearsed, you could have
succeeded it.
B) I wish you hadn't taken it easy and put some Soru 57
effort into it.
C) I wish you had more time to prepare for it.
D) If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. Leslie : Will I have a good job?
E) I wish I could help you.
Fortune-teller : Let me see. Well, you will ......
and make superstars’ look more attractive.
Soru 7
A) be a famous columnist
Soruda boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun seçeneği B) travel around the world
bulunuz. C) build fantastic materials
D) become a make-up artist
The picture was not clear, so the people in it ...... E) have long and healthy life
A) can't be Soru 58
B) could not be
C) was able to be Cümleye anlamca en yakın seçeneği bulunuz.
D) may be
E) could be I wish I had taken more food with me. I'm hungry
Soru 8 A) I had taken too much food with me, but I'm
hungry now.
If you keep practising, you’ll ...... well at playing B) If only I had taken more food with me, then I
tennis. Never give up! wouldn't be hungry now.
C) I wish I weren't hungry now. I would take
A) come along more food with me.
B) come out D) Being hungry is the only reason for taking
C) come by more food with me.
D) come back E) I wish I were hungry now. I would take less
E) come up food with me.
Soru 9 Soru 59
Choose the sentence which completes the Your friend Michael wants to buy a new car, but
following sentence the best. he doesn’t have enough money and he wants
your help and you make an excuse and say:
“ I cannot believe how much money I spent
this month! If I had been more careful, ...... ” A) I wish I could buy a new car, too.
B) Sorry, I don’t have money, either.
A) I would owe some money from you to change C) I think you should wait for a while.
mine. D) Will you let me drive your new car?
B) I wouldn’t have bought this cheap sports E) Are you sure you want to buy a new car?
C) I would definitely have gone to that country
with you. Soru 60
D) I wouldn’t have owed such a large amount of
money to the bank. Jennifer : Are you doing anything this weekend?
E) I wouldn’t take the risk of buying a new
mansion. Arthur : I don’t have any plan. I will spend the
whole weekend at home.
While Chuck Noland was flying to Australia, his Arthur : Great idea!
plane crashed. He found himself on a very small
and deserted island as the only survivor. He A) I’ll rest at home, too.
struggled hard to survive but he also faced the B) I’m looking for a part-time job.
emotional challenge of being alone. His only C) You will get on well with people.
friend on the island was a volleyball on which he D) How about working at the office?
made a face with his bleeding hand. As days E) Let’s meet on Saturday afternoon!
turned into months and then years, the hard-
nosed businessman who lived for the moment
matured and seemed to learn to live in the Soru 61
moment. He learned patience.
Aşağıda verilen durumda söylenebilecek en
On the island, he ...... . uygun ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) has two friends A) But mum, all the students were not successful.
B) complained about everything B) Sorry, but I was quiet busy with my Erasmus+
C) worked too much project.
D) had to travel overseas a lot C) I wish I had studied harder, but it will be
E) didn't have an alive friend different next time.
D) It was my best friend's birthday so, I was able
to revise for it.
Soru 11 E) My classmates agreed that it was really
Cümleye anlamca en yakın seçeneği bulunuz.
Hi, I’m Jeremy. I went to Walt Disney World in A) they calculate everything for you
Orlando, Florida with my family last summer. It B) it’s not so easy to see different kinds of
was my favourite vacation. It was a long trip and insects
since my mother was afraid of plane, we took my C) I haven’ t been to Italy so far
dad’s camper. There are four main parks at Walt D) it’s preferred as a place to stay at nights
Disney World: The Magic Kingdom, Epcot, E) there is nothing to do in such kind of areas
Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom. We
went on attractions in these theme parks and I
had lots of fun. We went on rides with my dad Soru 64
and siblings. We went on Splash Mountain and
rode on logs. We went through a tunnel. At the Diyaloğu en uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi
end of the tunnel, everyone got wet. It was a işaretleyiniz.
breath-taking experience for me. At the theme
parks, we saw different Disney characters. Dad Kelly : What type of poetry do you like most?
took many photos of me with them. At Epcot
Beril : ...... .
Centre, we watched spectacular fireworks show
and had fun. The shows were amazing and the Kelly : You mean the poems that make you
land itself was so pretty. This was one of the smile, don't you?
most unforgettable vacation for all of us and we
were contented with being there. Beril : Exactly, because I can relax a lot when I
read one of them.
Yukarıda verilen metne göre soruyu
cevaplayınız. A) I am not really into poetry, indeed
B) Let me think, umm I think 'Giggle Poetry'
The fireworks display was ...... and were very C) I have never read 'Giggle Poetry' before
captivated. D) I prefer reading novels more
E) I myself write some poetry, by the way
A) typical
B) ordinary
C) expected
Soru 65
D) wonderful
E) unremarkable
Jennifer : Are you free this weekend?
A) mops / rings
B) mopped / was ringing
C) will mop / rings
D) was mopping / rang
E) is mopping / rang
Soru 68
Soru 69
The last time I saw Katie was two years ago. Soru 71
A) I didn't see Katie two years ago. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with
B) I haven't seen Katie for two years. suitable words.
C) Katie didn't see me two years ago.
D) I hadn't seen Katie for two years when I met I. When I was only 2, I ...... speak quite well.
E) I wasn't seeing Katie two years ago. II. I don't fancy the malls. I ...... to visit the art
Sue has always enjoyed going skiing. (I) One day, Soruyu parçaya uygun şekilde cevaplayınız.
when she saw some people snowboarding, she
While Chuck Noland was flying to Australia, his
decided to give it a try. (II) It was easier than she
plane crashed. He found himself on a very small
had expected. (III) At first she could not keep her
and deserted island as the only survivor. He
balance on the board as easily as on skis, and it
struggled hard to survive but he also faced the
was almost impossible for her to go any distance
emotional challenge of being alone. His only
without falling . (IV) She hates failing at any
friend on the island was a volleyball on which he
sport, so she continued trying and she finally
made a face with his bleeding hand. As days
managed to go all the way down a slope without
turned into months and then years, the hard-
an accident. (V) It was then that she realised
what a great sport it is, and now she’d rather go nosed businessman who lived for the moment
snowboarding than skiing. matured and seemed to learn to live in the
moment. He learned patience.
A) I
B) II When the plane crashed, he ...... .
E) V
A) learned patience
B) was flying to Australia
Soru 19 C) worked for a delivery company
D) worked too much and had to travel overseas
Cümleyi en uygun şekilde tamamlayan seçeneği E) was eventually rescued by a ship
A) before he has left her alone Verilen parçayı en uygun şekilde tamamlayan
B) once she gives a birth to a girl seçeneği bulunuz.
C) as soon as she noticed his lies
D) after he searched their love Our last holiday was really unforgettable.
E) because she loves him more July 23rd was the start of the holiday. My husband
and I arrived at the hotel on an island early in the
morning. The weather was sunny and
Soru 20 bright. ...... . Some black clouds appeared and the
hurricane started while we were getting ready to
Sorularda cümleye anlamca en yakın seçeneği swim but didn't last so long. All the flights were
bulunuz. cancelled for the next few days and we were
stuck on the island. On the last day of our
The Mayans believed that the universe was holiday, the weather was wonderful but it was
divided into many layers. too late and we had to leave the island.
A) The Mayans thought that the universe was A) So, the flight was cancelled
formed of several layers. B) However, it suddenly changed in the
B) The Mayans believed that the crust of the afternoon
earth was a thin layer. C) So, the resort put their hurricane plan in
C) The Mayans believed that there was an action
unending cycle that affected everything. D) All the hotel staff helped us
D) The Mayans noticed that the universe was E) And we enjoyed the weather
larger than they thought.
E) The Mayans found out that the universe was
gradually changing. Soru 74
Tropical fruits such as avocado and pear are Olivia : ...... because I want to be a master chef
very expensive. They cost ...... . in the future.
Soru 22 Soru 75
Which sentence is irrelevant to the unity of the Aşağıdaki parçada anlam bütünlüğünü bozan
paragraph? cümleyi bulunuz.
(1) When Amelia wants to forget about her (I) There used to be an author, but one day he
condition, she fills her thoughts with castles, found himself jobless in his late twenties. (II) He
kingdoms and fairytales. (2) Last month, Amelia decided to change this situation to his
and her family arrived at her destination: advantage. (III) He wanted to make his childhood
the Walt Disney World® Resort. (3) Walking dream come true; to live alone in a tree house
through the park's entrance, Amelia knew the away from all people. (IV) So, he turned back to
princesses who gave her so much comfort and the city six months later. (V) He was completely
companionship. (4) When she saw them, she alone there, but he was happy.
could hardly believe it. (5) As she admired the
princesses’ costumes and toys filling the park’s
stores, Amelia kept repeating, “This is so pretty.”
A) I
B) II A) I
E) V D) IV
E) V
Soru 23
Soru 76
Choose the correct answer.
Soruda boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun seçeneği
The ground control was too late to inform that bulunuz.
there was something wrong with the onboard
computer navigators . The shuttle ...... by the She ...... be able to speak French, but she has
time they ...... the astronauts about the problem. forgotten it all.
Soru 24 Soru 77
Last week, I was in Germany as a partner of EU I wish I ...... to my daughter in such a bad manner
Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius Project yesterday. I don't know how to make up for my
on Street Art. ...... . We liked them so much that mistake.
we would like to paint some of our streets in the
same way. However, we don't have any materials A) didn't talk
or enough money. B) may not talk
C) hadn't talked
A) They took part in attractive and creative D) don't talk
projects E) couldn't talk
B) Municipalities should support cleaners
C) The authorities weren't doing anything for Soru 78
street artists
D) There were lots of drawings on the Choose the correct answer.
E) Artists need chalk and pigment to colour the Penny ...... outside the hospital building when
streets the earthquake ...... .
A) IV - I - III - II
B) III - I - II - IV Soru 83
C) II - III - I - IV
D) IV - III - I - II I’m going to have a holiday in Fethiye next
E) I - II - III - IV summer. ...... . I like trying new sports.
Ana : That's really bad. What's wrong with it? If you keep studying such long hours without
resting, ...... .
Gary : I have no idea. I had it repaired many
times and spent a fortune for it. A) you will burn out
B) they will ask for help
Ana : If you had put the money aside months C) they will take you on
ago, you would have saved enough money by D) you will be very happy
now to buy a new washing machine. ...... . E) your future job will be tiring
Gary : You are right.
Soru 85
A) You wouldn't be washing your clothes by hand Aşağıdaki diyaloğa uygun olmayan seçeneği
now bulunuz.
B) Unless you lived with your family, you would
not need a new one Ashley : How do you prefer watching films?
C) Now that your machine is broken, you may
borrow one Tom : ...... .
D) I am sure you will like it as soon as you buy a
new machine
E) Anyway, I could give my former dish washer
for you, don't be sad
A) I watch online movies
B) I buy DVDs and watch them at home
Soru 29
C) I go to the cinema
Boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun seçeneği bulunuz. D) I prefer listening to music to watching movies
E) I prefer watching movies alone
Sumerian civilisation ...... many centuries before
Roman and Greek Mythology arose.
Soru 86
A) was formed
B) would be formed Artair is happy to live in the countryside
C) might be formed because he is ...... the nature and he never feels
D) had formed relaxed in the city center.
E) should be formed
A) good at
B) fascinated by
Soru 30 C) worried about
D) embarrassed at
Choose the correct answer. E) incompatible with
A) were living / had decided A) one of a group of people who work together
B) had lived / decided B) a group of people who work for an
C) live / are going to decide organization
D) lived / had decided C) a job that is available for someone to do
E) live / will decide D) a person who is applying for a job
E) period of work time in a business
Soru 31
Soru 88
Some claim that Loch Ness Monster is a ......
story to attract more tourists. Read the conversation below and choose the
best option to substitute the underlined word.
A) memorable
B) privileged David : Hey Gina, look at this photo! Do you
C) gifted remember it? It was taken in France eight years
D) big-hearted ago.
E) made-up
Gina : Yes, of course. Our baby boy wasn’t able
to walk properly. Now, he is in the school
Soru 32 running club.
Choose the correct option to complete the A) could
sentence. B) couldn't
C) didn't
While I ...... in the mud around my house, D) hadn't been able to
I ...... my lost keys. E) could be able to
A) explode
Soru 33 B) reformation
C) performance
William : ...... ? D) exploration
E) informative
Connor : I can’t afford it.
I. After the guide's instructions for the trip, all the Soru 92
passengers got on the coach.
Choose the correct option to complete the
II. I went to the meeting point. sentence.
What I ...... in my childhood was to jump off
III. Last Sunday, I went on a trip in the old city. cherry trees. Unfortunately, I can’t now.
Soru 93
Soru 37
Aşağıda verilen cümlelerle eşleşmeyen seçeneği
Before you have applied for that job, the bulunuz.
company ...... check your CV and criminal
record. • The Grand National Assembly was opened
on 23rd April, 1920.
A) will • Mustafa Kemal Atatürk dedicated
B) is being April 23rd to children.
C) being • Sovereignty means the power of the country
D) is going to control its own government.
E) was • Atatürk dedicated April 23rd to
children because he believed they were the
ones who will elevate the nation.
Soru 38 • The Grand National Assembly visits Atatürk's
Mausoleum and replaces the minister's on
Boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun seçeneği bulunuz. this day.
I feel really happy because I ...... to the class on A) Why did Atatürk dedicate April 23rd especially
time this morning although it was raining heavily. to the children?
Otherwise, the teacher would have been cross. B) What does sovereignty mean?
C) Where did the Grand National Assembly
A) used to go meet?
B) was able to go D) What happened on 23rd April, 1920?
C) had to go E) Who dedicated April 23rd to children?
D) might go
E) can go
Soru 94
Soru 40
Soru 95
Barbara : Are you interested in mountain
climbing? Choose the correct answer.
Megan : Yes! I am crazy about it. People ...... long distances by train or ship in the
past, but today we prefer taking planes.
Barbara : ...... ?
A) can travel
Megan : I have discovered new areas and learnt B) used to travel
about new peaks. It’s brilliant. C) will travel
D) should travel
Barbara : That sounds amazing! Thanks a lot. E) are going to travel
Martin and Susan are going to move to a Neal : I am going to visit my grandmother after I
tropical island. They hope they will ...... . have finished my project work.
A) miss urban life A) What will you buy for your grandma
B) have healthier life style B) Why will you visit your grandparents
C) live in a crowded place C) What are your plans for the weekend
D) face some difficulties with people D) What would you like to be in the future
E) have problems about transportation E) How do you celebrate your wedding
Soru 45
Soru 100
Aşağıdaki paragrafta anlam bütünlüğünü bozan
cümleyi bulunuz. Read the following sentences, choose the
correct option in which the sentences were put
(I) Atatürk was very good at Maths at Military in order.
School. (II) His name was the same as his Maths
teacher's. (III) So, one day his Maths teacher said a. After her parents decided to move to
to him "Your name is Mustafa, my name is Germany, her life suddenly changed when she
Mustafa, too. That's why I'm calling you Kemal. was just 9.
Your name is Mustafa Kemal from now on." (IV)
After this speech, all his friends and teachers b. When she graduated from university at the
called him Mustafa Kemal. (V) He fought in the age of 22, she began to work at a prestigious
Gallipoli war in 1915. newspaper.
A) I - IV - III - V - II
B) III - V - II - I - IV
C) V - IV - III - I - II
D) V - II - IV - I - III
E) III - V - IV - I - II
Soru 47
Emma : ...... ?
Aifric : ...... .
A) I like surfing
B) I love cooking
C) I am keen on gardening
D) I am crazy about taking photos
E) I am fascinated by sitting in front of TV
Soru 49
Soru 50