MNITJ Strategic Plan 2022-27

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MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 1

Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur

JLN Marg, Jaipur-302 017


Email: [email protected]
2 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027

MNIT Jaipur has developed a strategic plan for 2022-27 with aspirations to transform into a
world-class higher education institution. In order to fulfil its aspirations to become a leading
seat of learning and research, MNIT Jaipur has put forth an ambitious strategic plan based on
unambiguously defined performance indicators related to various aspects of its operations.
The committee constituted for developing the Strategic Plan for a period 2022-27 has, through
a consultative mechanism identified thrust areas and other priority areas for the Institute where
a focused effort to improve things are likely to give an impetus to the Institute in terms of its
reputation, ranking, financial sustainability and stakeholder satisfaction.

The committee has followed an eight-step approach for the development, involving students,
faculty, alumni and industry. Face to face meetings, open houses, online surveys and
telephonic consultations have been used to identify thoughts and ideas for the purpose. The
Strategic Plan document for period 2017-22 was also referred for identifying areas where
continuity of efforts is needed. Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Challenge (SWOC)
analysis was also carried out by the committee in this process.

The plan and identified priority action items are classified under three major areas, termed as
Action Groups in this document. These are: Firstly, ‘Governance, Budgeting & Infrastructure’;
Secondly, ‘Research Excellence’, and last but not the least ‘Teaching-Learning’.

After identifying priority action items under each of these three Action groups and defining
their respective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the committee once again consulted
departments and other units of the Institute for finalizing the Key Performance Indicators and
setting up tangible targets in various priority areas so that progress of the Institute can be
established in a quantifiable manner.

Post setting up the target KPIs, the committee has also prepared implementation plan for
achieving the targets. Three Deans, namely, Dean-P&D, Dean R&C, and Dean-AA have been
identified as key responsible persons for monitoring the progress of the Action Groups:
‘Governance, Budgeting & Infrastructure’; Secondly, ‘Research Excellence’, and last but not the
least ‘Teaching-Learning’, respectively.

Under each Action Group, focused Task Groups, comprising three Senior Institute functionaries
have been identified who hold the key for implementation of individual action point and KPI
improvement. The document also spells out an overall monitoring mechanism through a
committee headed by the Director himself and recommends that progress be presented to
the BoG on half yearly basis.

Though individual targets for various KPIs vary over a wide range, it is envisaged that if the
plan is fully implemented in letter and spirit, the Institute is likely to grow by 2.5 times as
compared to where it stands now in the year 2021-22, through a path of implementing many
recommendations of NEP-2020, including better employability of its students, offering
education to wider audience through digitization, enhanced industry connect, international
visibility and ranking.
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 3

About US

The Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (MNIT Jaipur) is one of the 31 National
Institutes of Technology in India. These Institutes have been created as centers of excellence
for higher education, training, research and development in science, engineering and
technology. The Institute was established as a Regional Engineering College in 1963 jointly by
Government of India and Government of Rajasthan. The Institute was upgraded to Malaviya
National Institute of Technology in 2002 by Government of India and accorded the status of
deemed university with autonomy to decide its academic policies and to award its own
degrees. In 2007 the Institute was declared as an “Institute of National Importance” by National
Institutes of Technology Act, 2007. The Institute is now an autonomous body and is fully
funded by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. Over 30,000 students have already
been graduated since its establishment.

The Institute currently offers eight (08) undergraduate, twenty-nine (29) postgraduate and
doctoral research programs in multiple disciplines of science, technology, humanities and
management. The Institute currently constitutes of 13 Departments and 3 Centres of
Excellence with an annual intake of about 800 students in its undergraduate program and
about 750 students in the postgraduate and doctoral research program.
4 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027

To create a centre for imparting technical education of international
standards and conduct research at the cutting edge of technology to
meet the current and future challenges of technological development.

To create technical manpower for meeting the current and future
demands of industry: To recognize education and research in close
interaction with industry with emphasis on the development of
leadership qualities in the young men and women entering the portals
of the Institute with sensitivity to social development and eye for
opportunities for growth in the international perspective.

MNIT shall strive to impart knowledge in such a manner as to achieve
total satisfaction of students, parents, employers, and the society.

योग: कर्मसुकौशलर््
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 5


Currently the institutional goals of MNIT Jaipur are defined as:

1. Enhanced value to students

2. Enhanced value to industry

3. Enhanced value to society

4. Efficient and transparent organizational management

5. Enhanced self-dependence

6. Enhanced global recognition

MNIT Jaipur has identified the following as its core institutional values:

▪ Excellence

▪ Inclusiveness

▪ Innovation

▪ Integrity

▪ Reliability

▪ Social responsibility

▪ Accountability

▪ Transparency
6 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027


Higher education is currently undergoing a paradigm shift globally. Increasing use of digital
technologies, shrinking distances and an explosion of information is changing the fundamental
nature of how we are living our lives. These transformations necessitate that the seats of
learning too adapt and adopt to these transformations.

India now aspires to take a leadership position globally. To achieve these aspirations, the
Institute need to transform huge young population into a multidisciplinary skilled
workforce. This would mean transforming delivery of education to industry-oriented and
practice-based content that shapes teaching-learning experiences. With the adoption of the
National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, a new era has dawned in the Indian education
landscape. The reforms proposed in the NEP 2020 will lead to fundamental changes the
manner the seats of learning in Indian Education System operates. MNIT Jaipur aspires to take
a leadership position in building capacities and frameworks that can benefit not just itself but
also by other institutes in higher technical education.

MNIT Jaipur aspires to take a leadership position in adopting and adapting to these digital
transformations to create world-class teaching-learning experience. An effort is being made
in the form of developing this strategic plan to transform MNIT Jaipur from a traditional seat
of learning into a modern and global leader in education while showcasing this digital

The specific objectives for developing the Strategic Plan 2027 are to:

▪ Develop a set of strategic aspirations for MNIT Jaipur for next 5 years that sets
it on a course to become a leader in Higher Education in India.

▪ Define the set of initiatives that will help MNIT Jaipur in realizing these
aspirations by 2027.

▪ Successfully implement the National Education Policy 2020 while assuming a

leadership role in building capabilities and implementation frameworks.

▪ Develop pathways to digitally transform and create world-class teaching-

learning experiences which can benefit MNIT Jaipur as well as the society in
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 7


In order to develop it strategic plan for the next five years MNIT Jaipur adopted a formal broad-
based consultative approach which included:

Stage 1: Stakeholder Consultation

▪ Leadership of the institute including Director, Deans, Associate Deans, Head of
Departments and Senior Professors
▪ Faculty and staff belonging to the constituent Academic departments, Centre
of Excellences and Administrative sections
▪ Existing students registered in and Alumni of various programs offered by the
▪ Industry experts, and current and potential employers

Stage 2: Identification of priority areas based on stakeholder consultation

Stage 3: Conducting a SWOC (Strength Weakness Opportunity Challenges) Analysis

Stage 4: Further refinement of the identified priority areas and development of key
performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics

Stage 5: Identification of benchmarks for the KPIs and major action points

Stage 6: Setting targets for the identified KPIs and metrics vis-à-vis benchmarks

Stage 7: Developing an enabling framework and action plan to achieve identified KPIs and

Stage 8: Developing a mechanism to track and monitor the identified KPIs and metrics
8 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027

The stakeholder consultations included focused group/ open-house interactions with various
stakeholders followed by a structured feedback questionnaire circulated among various
stakeholders to record their responses on various aspects and activities related to MNIT Jaipur.

Responses on the respective structured questionnaires were obtained from:

▪ Students

▪ Faculty

▪ Alumni & Industry

Subjective and objective evaluation was carried out for the feedback received, and the same
was also utilized for carrying out Strength Weakness Opportunity and Challenge (SWOC)


Utilizing the stakeholder discussions and surveys, SWOC analysis has been conducted.
Summary emerging out from the stakeholder opinion, is presented below:

Major strengths:
▪ Classroom infrastructure, excellent location and green campus
▪ Adequate built-up space and land availability for expansion
▪ Strong alumni base willing to contribute towards improvement
▪ Qualified faculty having international experience/exposure/linkages

Major weaknesses:
▪ Lack of active industry linkage in many departments/programs
▪ Pending maintenance and upgradation of lab equipment
▪ Inadequate hostel facilities
▪ Lack of motivation among faculty and students
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 9

Major opportunities:
▪ Rapidly expanding industrial base in Rajasthan
▪ Opportunities to support government initiatives/missions
▪ Starting interdisciplinary centers of excellence
▪ Establishing tie-ups with strategic organizations and defense sector

Major challenges:
▪ Budgetary appropriation and constraints
▪ Legacy of old procedures
▪ Lead time for infrastructure expansion limiting academic expansion
▪ Other institutes in nearby areas capitalizing opportunities and improving ranking
10 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027


Based upon the wide stakeholder consultation, following priority areas were identified. These
identified priority areas have been grouped under three heads as per their nature and
involvement of institute authorities, as well as location of action point:

Action Item Group-1: Governance, Budgeting & Infrastructure

Action Item Group-2: Research Excellence

Action Item Group-3: Teaching-Learning

The tables given on the following pages present a detailed coverage of these action groups,
along with their KPIs and identified three major action items for each objective.

These action items have a significant reflection of the stakeholder consultation alongside
directions identified from the study of strategic plans of other premium institutes.
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 11

ACTION ITEM GROUP-1: Governance, Budgeting & Infrastructure

Sr. Objective KPI Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Areas requiring urgent action
1 Sufficient and transparent ▪ Funds to dept. Budgeting with Advance planning at Enhancement in
fund allocation to the for new dept. depts. internal revenue
departments to meet equipment and generation by depts.
their recurring and maintenance
2 Sufficient lab space and ▪ Lab area/ Budget allocation New space creation Effective space
supplies faculty for raw material, for labs mgmt. with space
▪ Sqm/ Research spares, maintenance utilisation norms
scholar and periodic review
▪ Amount spent
on supplies
3 Regular recruitment and ▪ No. of times Rolling At least once in six- Hand-holding and
timely opportunities for process is advertisement month process mentoring
career conducted
4 Student hostel ▪ Hostel seats to More hostel seats Maintenance of old Portal for hostel
infrastructure and students ratio hostels management
Other priority areas
5 Institute financial support ▪ Amount spent Creation of seed Creation of seed Creation of
and seed-money to for seed grant scheme for grant scheme for provision in IRG
faculty for support research faculty startups utilization, corpus
research/startups ▪ No. of faculty through CSR funds
benefitted from
6 Clearly defined and ▪ No. of SoPs Development of External audit of Portal driven
Transparent processes SoPs processes processes
7 Effective grievance ▪ No. of Frequent meetings Time bound Grievance handling
redressal system for grievances of committees disposal portal
employees recd.
▪ Average time
to process
8 Effective grievance ▪ No. of Frequent meetings Time bound Grievance handling
redressal system for grievances of committees disposal portal
students recd.
▪ Average time
to process
9 Secretarial support to ▪ Faculty/staff Periodic recruitment Upskilling of staff Skill mapping for
departments/faculty ratio in of staff on Secretarial/ posting
departments administrative/
▪ Staff/program technical work
10 Spaces and events for ▪ No. of social Capacity expansion New Operational time
social/recreational gathering of recreational canteens/eateries enhancement
activities spaces/events facilities creation
11 Congenial and ▪ Score in Satisfaction surveys Initiating awards/ Faculty/student
appreciative work satisfaction to be conducted recognitions open house
environment surveys periodically
12 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027

ACTION ITEM GROUP-2: Research Excellence

Sr. Objective KPI Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Areas requiring urgent action
1 Institute support to ▪ No. of new Staff for Financial autonomy Research Professor
secure and utilize projects coordinating calls to PIs scheme
research grants ▪ Total grant and paper work
2 Linkages with ▪ No. of MoUs Recruit adjunct Develop joint Professor of Practice
industry/research labs for ▪ No. of Joint faculty from research projects scheme to be
research collaboration publications industry/ research introduced
▪ No. of joint labs/ international
▪ No. of jointly
PG/Ph.D. thesis
3 Linkages with ▪ No. of courses Adjunct faculty from Develop new Lecture series to be
industry/research labs for offered by industry/ research courses with conducted
delivery of academic industry and labs industry
programs research labs
▪ Hrs. of
engagement of
4 Recognition/ Reward for No. of faculty and Starting awards for Incentivizing high Top up research
quality research work students awarded quality research performing faculty grant from Institute
and students
Other priority items
5 Infrastructure/ Lab- Amount spent on Budgeting with Advance planning at Creation of
support for research research dept. depts. provision in IRG
equipment utilization, corpus
through CSR funds
from industry
6 Support to No. of research Technical writing Training to research Awards for high
students/faculty to papers support scholars for paper quality papers
convert research work writing
into publishable form
7 Research component in ▪ Papers to PG Introduction of Capstone project Inter-departmental
existing academic students ratio courses related to concept project concept
programs ▪ Papers to UG paper and report
Project ratio writing
8 Engagement with local ▪ No. of tech. Training programs Linking PG/ PhD Open house /R&D
industry and community solutions for local industry/ programs with local showcase sessions
to identify and solve their developed for community industry/
problems local industry/ community
▪ No. of events
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 13

ACTION ITEM GROUP-3: Teaching-Learning

Sr. Objective KPI Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Areas requiring urgent action
1 Extent of Industry-based ▪ No. of industry Starting industry Active participation Industry experts as
content in current adjunct faculty collaborative in curriculum dev. adjunct faculty
program structures ▪ No. of industry programs and
collaborative Industry minor
programs/ program
2 Opportunities to pursue ▪ No. of elective Program structure Inter-departmental Joint faculty from
interdisciplinary/ multi- courses for otherto be opened up for projects other dept and
disciplinary courses branches electives CoEs, setting up
▪ No. of more
interdisciplinary interdisciplinary
CoEs CoEs
3 Opportunities to ▪ Percentage Skill mapping of Soft skill content in Professional career
enhance employability placement students and curriculum as per counsellors and
related soft skills ▪ Median salary training in deficient industry trainers to be
areas requirement engaged
4 Self-financed STPs/ PDPs, ▪ Number of Infra and secretarial Flexible norms for Online course
Certificate programs, industry persons support through fund utilization development
FDPs and faculty dedicated Centre
trained for continuing
▪ Number of Education
Other priority items
5 Flexibility in choosing ▪ Faculty-student Faculty recruitment Faculty trg. on Frequent curriculum
courses ratio contemporary revision
▪ No. of electives topics
▪ No. of new
electives added
6 Student industry ▪ No. of students Enhanced focus of Alumni Full time HR
internships/ interactions on internship PTP section on engagement in professionals for
▪ No. of guest arranging internships PTP section
lectures by internships
7 Orientation of course to No. of courses Social internships to Tie-ups with NGOs/ Creation of more
develop socially- directly related to be recognized/ Charitable student clubs/
responsive professionals social promoted organizations/ Govt. societies
responsiveness programs
8 New UG/PG programs No. of new UG More faculty More academic and Industry need
programs hostel space mapping with
current offering
9 International exposure ▪ No. of Starting Dual/Twin Marketing at the More faculty
international degree programs time of admission participation in
students with partner international events
▪ No. of students univ./institutes
as interns abroad
▪ No. of intl.
visitors hosted
10 Recognition/ Reward for ▪ No. of faculty Starting awards for Incentivizing high Grant for
quality teaching members quality teaching performing faculty development of
awarded teaching material
14 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027

11 Visibility/ recognition of ▪ NIRF/ ARIA/QS Portal based data Professional Regular perception
institute Rank collection and outreach/ PR surveys (internal/
▪ No. of accredited compilation agency external/ peers)
▪ Awards/
recognitions to
▪ Starting and
closing rank of
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 15

Following basic elements have been identified for implementing the Strategic Plan

• Through the next round of stakeholder consultation, identified priority areas and
identified KPIs were again shared with faculty members and officials of the Institute.
• Inputs were taken from them about their own requirements and targets with
reference to current level of operation and keeping in mind institute aspirations.
• Compiling and moderating the inputs received from the departments, centers and
other units, Institute level targets were worked out. Summary of the same is
presented in the following section.

ACTION ITEM GROUP-1: Governance, Budgeting & Infrastructure

Sr. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Unit 2022-23 2024-25 2026-27
1 Fund allocated to each dept. for new Rs (lakh) 2500 4000 7000 10000
equipment and central facilities
2 Amount spent on supplies, maintenance Rs (lakh) 3242 3500 5750 8000
3 No. of times faculty and staff recruitment Nos 0.5 1 2 2
process conducted every year
4 Hostel seats to students ratio Ratio 0.76 0.8 0.9 1
5 Amount spent for seed support Rs (lakh) 0 150 240 350
6 No. of faculty benefitted No. 0 30 40 50
7 Staff to faculty ratio Ratio 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
8 No. of socialising points Nos 3 4 5 6
9 No. of recreation centres Nos 3 4 5 6
10 Score in satisfaction surveys NA 7.5/10 8.0/10 9.0/10

ACTION ITEM GROUP-2: Research Excellence

Sr. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Unit 2022-23 2024-25 2026-27
1 No. of new projects Nos 27 30 60 90
2 Total grant recd. Rs (lakh) 1346 1450 3000 5400
3 No. of MoUs with industry/ Institutes/ Nos 29 34 40 46
Research org./ Govt. org. within India
4 No. of MoUs with international institutes Nos 26 34 40 46
5 No. of Joint publications Nos 94 100 187 274
6 No. of joint international projects Nos 8 12 16 32
7 No. of jointly supervised PG/Ph.D. thesis Nos 28 35 70 105
8 No. of courses offered by industry and Nos NIL 2 8 16
research labs
9 No. of journal papers/faculty Nos 2.3 2.5 3 4
10 No. of papers to PG/Ph.D. students ratio Ratio 0.9 1 1.5 2
11 Revenue generated from RnC IRG Rs (lakh) 222 233 394 555
16 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027

ACTION ITEM GROUP-3: Teaching-Learning

Sr. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Unit 2022-23 2024-25 2026-27
1 Number of industry adjunct faculty Nos 3 24 50 90
2. Number of Chair Professors Nos NIL 2 8 14
2 Number of industry collaborative Nos NIL 2 4 8
programs/ courses
3 Number of elective courses available for Nos 55 60 80 110
other branches
4 Number of students Nos 5100 5400 5700 6000
5 Number of interdisciplinary CoEs Nos 3 5 8 10
6 Percentage placement Percent 86% 95% 100% 100%
7 Median salary Rs (lakh) 9 11 15 18
8 Number of industry persons and faculty Nos 800 1000 1500 2000
9 Number of FDP/STTP events Nos 40 44 60 80
10 Faculty-student ratio Ratio 19 18 16 15
11 Number of students on internship Percent 32% 37% 47% 57%
12 Number of courses directly related to Nos 1 4 12 18
social responsiveness
13 Number of UG programs Nos 8 9 10 11
14 Number of PG programs 28 28 30 32
15 Number of international full-time students Nos 15 30 60 100
16 Number of students as interns out of India Nos NIL 15 50 100
17 Number of international adjunct faculty Nos 1 8 16 36
18 Number of faculty awarded by Institute Nos 6 6 8 12
19 NIRF Rank/QS Rank Rank 37/NA 37/Apply 25Ranked 10/Top 1000
20 Number of accredited UG programs Perc 85% 100% 100% 100%
21 Number of accredited PG programs Perc 37.50% 50% 80% 100%
22 Starting rank of programs Rank 547 400 300 100
23 Closing rank of programs Rank 41639 30000 15000 10000
24 No. of internal faculty members upskilled Nos 25 50 75 100
through formal trainings
25 No. of staff members upskilled through Nos NIL 25 50 100
formal trainings
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 17


For implementation of the above identified action points and for achieving the targets for
individual KPIs, key stakeholder in the administrative set-up have been identified. For the three
major action item groups, three Deans would be mainly responsible as given below:

Action Item group-1: Governance, budgeting and infrastructure: Dean (P&D)

Action item group-2: Research excellence: Dean (R&C)
Action item group-3: Teaching-learning: Dean (AA)

Each Action item group has been sub-divided in various task groups, TG1.1 to TG1.11 for the
Action Item Group-1, TG2.1 to TG2.9 for the Action Item Group-2, and TG3.1 to TG3.10 for the
Action Item Group-3.

For each Task Group, three senior functionaries have been identified with their major roles
identified for implementation and attainment of respective KPI.
18 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027

ACTION ITEM GROUP-1: Governance, Budgeting & Infrastructure

Overall monitoring of Group 1 KPIs:

Item Functionary Role Remarks

TG1.1: Dean (P&D) Coordination and balancing To plan future expansion at
Budgeting and advance Institute level, general
planning with dept. infrastructure etc.
HoDs, Deans, Inputs for budget To plan future expansion at
Hostel requirements department level
Registrar Facilitation and provisioning
TG1.2: Dean (R&C) Promote and facilitate more Infrastructure utilisation,
Internal revenue generation IRG Incentivisation with quality
by depts. checks
HoDs Plan departmental activities Facilitating faculty,
for IRG application of quality
Dean (P&D) Provide funds and Infrastructure enhancement
infrastructure for
requirements having high
IRG potential
TG1.3: Dean (P&D) Space creation, upkeep and To ensure sufficient space
Space planning and allocation, norms for space for each department,
management allocation and utilisation expansion of space, efficient
utilisation of space
HoDs, Deans, Upkeep, removal of To ensure equitable
Hostel obsolescence, effective allocation of space for
administration allocation and utilization various labs and other
Executive Facilitation and
Engineer implementation
TG1.4: Dean (FA) Recruitment planning as Implementation of rolling
Regular recruitment and ongoing process advertisement and regular
timely opportunities for career progression
career HoDs Timely scrutiny/screening of Balancing expertise of
progression/promotion applications faculty as per academic and
research plans of
Dy. Registrar Facilitation and
(Establishment) implementation
TG1.5: Dean (SW) Coordination among hostel In liaison with Dean (P&D)
Student hostel and estate
infrastructure and amenities Dean (AA) Advance planning of hostel Projecting increase in hostel
seats requirement as per
academic expansion plans
Executive Mechanism for regular Service through portal
Engineer maintenance
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 19

TG1.6: Dean (FA) Coordination and fund Special provision for new
Institute financial support provisioning faculty
and seed-grant to faculty Dean (R&C) Evaluation of proposals and Utilising external experts
HoDs Implementation support in Providing space and other
department basic services
TG1.7: Registrar Defining and implementing Approval of SoPs
Clearly defined and SoPs
Transparent processes All Deans Development of SoPs Transparency
Dean (Digital Implementation of SoPs Digitization of processes
Infra & Serv.) through ERP/portal
G1.8: Dean (FW) Activation of Grievance Outcome/decisions to be
Effective grievance redressal committee for made public
redressal system for faculty
employees Registrar Activation of Grievance Outcome/decisions to be
redressal committee for made public
Dean (Digital Implementation of SoPs Digitization of processes
Infra & Serv.) through ERP/portal

TG1.9: Registrar Appointing sufficient staff Periodic recruitment of

Secretarial support to to departments, supporting staff
departments/faculty HoDs Raising requirements on Optimal utilisation of
rational basis, training of technical and non-technical
staff manpower
Deans Raising requirements on Multiple skill development
rational basis, training of in staff
TG1.10: Dean (P&D) Space creation and Round the clock availability
Canteen, eateries, equipment as per need with security and
dispensary, campus surveillance
transport and other basic Executive Upkeep, outsourcing, Facilitation of students for
facilities Engineer contracting, maintenance mobility, sanitation and
hygiene on campus
Dean (SW) Coordination with hostel Student participation in
administration and mess management
TG1.11: Dean (FA) Conducting satisfaction Feedback and 360 degree
Congenial and appreciative survey from faculty, creating appraisal
work environment awards/incentives
Registrar Conducting satisfaction Feedback and 360 degree
survey from staff, creating appraisal
HoDs Creating
awards/recognitions at
department level
20 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027

ACTION ITEM GROUP-2:Research Excellence

Overall monitoring of Group 2 KPIs:

Item Functionary Role Remarks

TG2.1: Dean (R&C) Provide support and Training on financial
Institute support to secure training for proposal procedures, report writing,
and utilize research grants development, enhance experience sharing from
financial autonomy to PIs seniors
Registrar Provide support of purchase
and accounts sections for
timely purchases and
settlement of accounts
Dean (IA) Bring industry and Identifying potential
international collaborators partners, R&D showcase
for projects, bi-lateral events
TG2.2: Dean (FA) Creation of norms for Such Professors have more
Institute Research/Chair defining/ hiring Research focus on research with
professor scheme Professor from among tangible output targets
Dean (R&C) Creation of Industry To bring industry relevant
sponsored Chair Professors research problems and
frame research projects
around the same
HoDs Identification of individuals
TG2.3 Dean (FA) Making norms for hiring Transparent mechanism to
Hiring Professor of Practice Professor of Practice and be developed
and Adjunct Professors Adjunct Professor from
from Industry Industry, facilitating
inducted Professors, review
of performance
HoDs Identification of industries Utilization of such
to be connected, Professors in fetching
identification/ evaluation of research funding, and
potential candidates teaching industry based
through transparent topics/courses is expected
process, facilitating
inducted Professors
Dean (IA) Identification of potential Linking with endowment
candidates from industry, chairs from industry
creating opportunities for
multiple interaction before
TG2.4: Dean (IA) Signing of MoUs with These MoUs may be
Linkages with industry/ research labs evaluated to identify
industry/research labs for having collaborative potential candidates/areas
delivery of academic potential/intent/synergy for G2.3 above
programs HoDs Identification of industry/ Piloting collaboration
research labs and key through joint projects,
persons for collaboration, supervision of thesis etc.
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 21

defining potential outcome,

SPOCs, monitoring plan
Dean (AA) Implementation of joint
academic programs
TG2.5: Dean (FA) Implementing award/ Through design of a
Recognition/ Reward for reward/ incentives scheme transparent scheme
quality research work for faculty for quality
research work
Dean (R&C) Defining mechanism and IRG may be used for
criteria for awards/ rewards/ meeting the expenses
incentives to high
performers including top up
grant provision
HoDs Channel of applications, No role in evaluation due to
initial verification of claims possible conflict of interest
TG2.6: Dean (R&C) Providing services of Regular awareness sessions
Support for publications, technical writer, patent may be needed
patents, technology transfer attorney, faculty start ups
HoDs Motivating faculty
Dean (IA) Facilitating technology
transfer through industry
TG2.7: Dean (AA) Provisioning recognition of Modification in curriculum
Research component in research component structure
existing academic programs against course work/ credit
HoDs Identifying research
components that can be
inserted in curriculum
TG2.8: Dean (R&C) Through liaison with local Networking and outreach
Engagement with local industry and NGOs
industry and community to engaged with community
identify and solve their problems
problems HoDs Hosting invited talks by Regular interaction with
local industry, industry visits
local industry will be
needed for confidence
building and identification
of their problems
Dean (SW) Recognition of community Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, NSS
service by students etc.
TG2.9 Dean (FA) Defining provisions and Currently weak area of the
International faculty mechanisms, speedy institute, this is helpful in
engagement and MoUs implementation upon improving ranking and
with foreign universities receiving recommendations potential international
Dean (IA) Converting MoUs into Effectiveness of MoUs will
activities through active get enhanced
engagement of their faculty
HoDs Identification of potential
faculty from prestigious
international institutes
22 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027

ACTION ITEM GROUP-3:Teaching-Learning

Overall monitoring of Group 3 KPIs:

Item Functionary Role Remarks

TG3.1: PTP Providing feedback and Portal for industry feedback
Enhancement of Industry- feed-forward from industry
based content in current to departments
program structures Dean (SW) Feedback and review of Portal based feedback
contents by alumni working
in industry
HoDs Development of industry- Industry based content to
based content for courses be as per demand of
utilising the feedback industry that can be taught
though PTP, Dean-IA and by faculty or industry or
other sources both.
TG3.2: Setting up new inter- Dean (R&C) Inviting proposals from Promote inter-
disciplinary Centre of group of faculty members interdisciplinary research
Excellence working in different
departments with clearly
defined objective, defining
norms of operation
Dean (IA) Identifying need of CoEs Study model followed in
through industry connect partner institutes abroad
and international practices
Dean P&D Facilitating setting up CoEs
by providing basic
TG3.3: HoDs offering courses of Collaboration with other
Opportunities to pursue interdisciplinary nature, departments for multi-
interdisciplinary/ multi- offering multi-disciplinary disciplinary team of
disciplinary courses projects at UG level students for UG projects
Dean (AA) Curriculum design to Flexibility in selection of
accommodate courses, acquiring trans-
interdisciplinary/ multi- disciplinary specialisation
disciplinary courses (minor area)
TG3.4: Employability PTP Skill set identification and Feedback from recruiters
enhancement training of students
Dean (AA) Employability based
curriculum structure
HoDs Offering courses that Periodic review, vetting by
enhance employability industry
TG3.5: Dean (R&C) Facilitation through flexible
Self financed norms and procedures
FDPs/STTPs/Certificate CDEC incharge Single window solution for Online Credit Courses to be
courses conducting courses, online developed in consultation
course development and with Dean (AA)
HoDs Organizing courses with IRG potential
industry, for industry
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 23

TG3.6: HoDs Identification of recent Engaging adjunct faculty for

Contemporary topics in topics and faculty recent topics
curriculum availability, future
introduction of new courses
Dean (FA) Faculty training on recent
PTP Feedback from industry for
topic identification/
competence level

TG3.7: PTP Arranging internship Possible Pre-Placement

Industry internships and opportunities Offers
industry taught courses HoDs Identification of topics and Industry that come for
persons for teaching placement/ have hiring
potential may be preferred
Dean (IA) MoUs with industry for
industry taught courses

TG3.8: Dean (SW) Engaging alumni through Endowment fund or other

Alumni engagement in various schemes, awards, methods to be explored
teaching / research / recognitions
mentoring HoDs Conducting invited talks by Alumni to be engaged in
alumni, identification for curriculum development
teaching/ research/ and delivery
Dean (R&C) Formulating alumni Endowment fund or other
engagement schemes in methods to be explored
research projects

TG3.9: Dean (IA) Facilitation for participation Track bi-lateral student and
International exposure to in schemes such as DAAD, faculty exchange
students, student exchange, MITAC opportunities
dual/ twin degree programs HoDs Identify and develop dual/ In the areas of core strength
twin degree programs with
partner institutes
Dean (AA) Facilitate credit Internationalisation of
transfer/conversion, education as per NEP

TG3.10: HoDs Proposals

Academic expansion (new Dean (P&D) Infrastructure support
UG/ PG programs) Dean (AA) Statutory approvals
24 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027


Monitoring and Reporting Implementation of Strategic Plan 2027

The success in achievement of the various objectives set by this strategic plan hinges on the
successful accomplishment of various performance targets set in it. It is thus imperative that
a continuous monitoring and assessment framework is put into place which will ensure that
the efforts of the Institute are yielding results in the intended direction. Such mechanism is
also required to identify if any deviations and take timely steps to rectify them.

An internal ‘Strategic Plan Implementation Monitoring Committee’ is being proposed in order

to create a reporting framework and setup requisite mechanisms for the continuous
monitoring and assessment of institutional activities.

Primary Objective
The primary objective of the committee will be to:

▪ Monitor, track and document the identified performance indicators

▪ Identify deviations from the set targets and taking remedial measures

▪ Recommend actions for continuous improvement of various processes & operations.

▪ Reviewing/revising targets and thrust areas as per the progress

The committee may be constituted as under:

▪ Chairman – Director

▪ Convener: Nominee of Director

▪ Members
▪ All Deans, Professor In-charge of Training &Placement, Registrar
▪ Heads of all academic units

The committee will review progress related to attainment of targets on quarterly basis.
MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027 25

Scope of Operations
The scope of operations of the committee will be as defined below:

▪ Development of formats and mechanism for collection and record-keeping of the

performance indicators from various sources

▪ Analysis and assessment of the identified performance indicators at defined period of

times (preferably every quarter) against the set targets

▪ Reporting of the state of the key performance indicators to the competent authorities
at regular interval (preferably semester-wise and Academic year-wise)

▪ Periodic communication of the expected performance with all relevant stakeholders

▪ Assist the academic units/administrative sections in identifying and improving their

operations. This may be for corrective purposes, in case the concerned unit/section is
failing to meet the set targets, or may be for overall improvement of the operations.

Reporting to BoG
The committee will report progress about implementation of the Strategic Plan, and
improvements in various KPIs to the BoG on yearly basis

Communication with Stakeholder groups

Since lot of inputs, suggestions, feedbacks have been taken from various stakeholder groups,
it will be required to report the progress to them on yearly basis. This may be done through
interim report, open house sessions, email communication, broadcasting through social media
and other methods.
26 MNIT Jaipur: Strategic Plan 2027


Based upon the stakeholder opinion and statistical analysis of research strengths of faculty,
especially considering the number of faculty members pursuing any specific area and output
so far, some thrust areas are identified for focused development:

1. AI/ML and data science

2. Sustainable development
3. Materials
4. Communication systems
5. Cyber physical systems
6. Energy, water and land-use
7. Design, prototyping and testing
8. Entrepreneurship development

Institute may even plan to open Centre for Excellence in some of the above areas depending
upon the clarity about roadmap for development and sustenance of the CoE. All the thrust
areas are to be supported by providing additional resources for kick-starting the work. Those
areas that are already significantly developed w.r.t. hardware or presence of faculty, would be
reviewed for possible upgradation or augmentation for making a bigger impact at national
and international scene.

During interim reviews, if requirement of any other thrust area is identified, the same should
be added to the list and developed to keep pace with changing technology, industrial
practices, national missions and priorities or any other similar reason.

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