Slope Stability Analysis and Mitigation Measures For Selected Landslide Sites Along NH-205 in Himachal Pradesh, India

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J. Earth Syst. Sci.

(2020)129:135 Ó Indian Academy of Sciences (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789(

Slope stability analysis and mitigation measures

for selected landslide sites along NH-205 in Himachal
Pradesh, India


Departmentof Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh 177 001, India.
Ghumarwin, District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh 174 021, India.
*Corresponding author. e-mail: [email protected]
MS received 3 July 2019; revised 27 January 2020; accepted 5 March 2020

Landslide is the most frequent geo-environmental natural hazard which significantly aAect human life and
environment. It is the natural hazard when occurs especially in hilly regions mainly along highway
corridor, results in obstruction to trafBc Cow. The road network of a developing country plays a vital role
in its overall development. Therefore, it is important to ascertain landslide hazard assessment along
roads. In this regard, the study was carried out in middle Himalayan region of Himachal Pradesh, India.
The paper describes the investigations carried out on two major landslides, namely Panjpiri and Nalayan
occurred at Kiratpur Sahib to Nauni road stretch along NH-205 in Himachal Pradesh, India. The slope
failure occurred at Panjpiri was identiBed as plane failure, whereas at Nalayan it was circular failure. The
factor of safety was determined by using Bishop’s method of slices and circular failure charts. For factor of
safety calculation of Panjpiri plane failure, six conditions were considered based on physical attributes.
Subsequently, the evaluation of slope was designed by reinforcement with rock bolts. While for Nalayan
circular failure, soil anchors were designed. Thus, evaluation of slope stability of these two failed slopes
were carried out for suggesting appropriate mitigation measures. The results of the study conclude that,
with an accurate and well-planned mitigation measures, the severe landslide susceptible sites can be
stabilized. Adopting eAective engineering mitigation strategies may help the decision makers to choose
the appropriate strategies to minimize the landslide hazard.
Keywords. Landslide hazard; Himalayan region; slope failure; factor of safety; Himachal Pradesh;
mitigation measures.

1. Introduction human life in one or the other way. Landslides are

short-lived phenomenon, which can cause extraor-
Natural hazards are the events that occur suddenly dinary landscape changes and destruction of life
and swiftly causing heavy damage to life and and property. Landslides in the strict sense denote
property. These hazards are mainly in the form of the rapid movement of sliding earth material,
Coods, cyclones, mass movements, volcanic erup- separated from the underlying stationary part of
tions, earthquake, droughts, tsunamis, wild Bre the slope by a definite plane of separation due to
and locust infestation. Among all these hazards, slope failure, under the inCuence of gravity.
landslides are the most frequent occurring geo- The problem of deaths and injuries due to
hazard, significantly aAect environment and landslides has been aggravated by increasing
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population in landslide-prone areas. Varnes (1981) the lower Siwalik in north-western Himalaya. The
estimated that during the period 1971–1974, nearly study applied rock mass rating (RMR) and slope
600 people per year were killed worldwide by slope mass rating (SMR) for stability classiBcation and
failures. In last three decades, many researchers evaluating the FOS. Kadakci Koca and Koca
have worked on landslide hazard and risk zoning (2020) applied limit-equilibrium method (LEM) for
using a variety of approaches. Mazumdar (1980), calculation of FOS for performing deterministic
Seshagiri et al. (1982), Valdiya (1987), Mehrotra slope stability analysis.
and Bhandari (1988), Gupta and Joshi (1990), In slope instability investigation, it is desirable
Anbalagan (1992), Mehrotra et al. (1992), to know the causes of instability. Slope stability
Pachauri and Pant (1992), Thigale and Khandge analysis used to evaluate and estimate slope
(1996), Naithani et al. (2002), Alc antara Ayala movement and propose safe and economic designs
(2002), Choubey et al. (2005), Sujatha et al. (2012), to limit slope’s equilibrium conditions. Stability of
Wang et al. (2015, 2016), Kumar et al. slopes is usually analyzed by methods of equilib-
(2018, 2019), Rahman et al. (2019), and Gholami rium. Slope stability in limit equilibrium tech-
et al. (2019) are among vast pool of researchers who niques is analyzed by computing the FOS. The
have made significant contributions in under- value is determined for the surface that most likely
standing the problems and prospective of the to fail by sliding. Iterative procedures are used each
landslide hazards susceptibility and risk involving the selection of a potential sliding mass,
assessment. subdivision of this mass into a series of slices and
Slope instability processes are the product of consideration of the equilibrium of each of these
local geomorphic, hydrologic, and geologic condi- slices by one of several possible computational
tions; the modiBcation of these conditions is by methods. These methods have varying degree of
geodynamic processes, vegetation, land use prac- computational accuracy depending on the suit-
tices, and human activities. Gedney and Weber ability of the underlying simplifying assumptions
(1978) concluded the basic approaches to potential for the situation being analyzed. The slope stability
slope stabilization problems which was later mod- analysis is essential for demarcating the endan-
iBed by Holtz and Schuster (1996) techniques. gered locales; delineating potential failure mecha-
Later, Holtz and Schuster modiBed the stability of nism; understanding the slope sensitivity to varied
slope for the following reasons: (i) avoid the prob- triggering mechanism; designing of optimal slope in
lem, (ii) reduce the forces that cause the move- respect to safety, reliability and economic and
ment, and (iii) increase the forces resisting suggesting viable mitigation measures. The selec-
movements by deBning procedure, application, ted two slope failure in this study, expose varied
limitations and remarks to each category. To slip planes, slope geometry and slope forming
reduce the driving force, designing and construc- materials. These landslides with variable aerial
tion of surface and sub-surface drainages is the extent were disposed across different geomorphic
most vital aspect in slope stabilization. Gedney and terrains and geological units. Due to wide varia-
Weber (1978) provided a brief review of the theory tions in inherent characteristics and recognition of
for designing trench drains. Forsyth and Bieber potential mode of failure at different geological
(1984) proposed geogrid for external stabilization conditions, a careful consideration has to be given
system which includes several bar and mesh rein- to different methods to choose a reliable and most
forcement system. Carrara (1989) recommended accurate analysis technique for slope stability of
good surface drainage as a part of treatment of any these landslides.
landslide or potential landslide. Schuster (1995) Methods for stabilization of rock slopes were
provided a number of additional illustrations of developed by Hoek and Bray (1981). Later on,
landslide stability using drainage wells. Less com- Wyllie (1991), Norrish and Wyllie (1996), and
mon technique such as electro-osmosis, vacuum Wyllie and Mah (2004) further reBned and devel-
dewatering and blasting of rock slopes for oped eAective rock stabilization designs. Adoption
improving drainage were suggested in their study. of heuristic, statistical and deterministic approa-
Sharma et al. (2019) studied slope stability analysis ches were incorporated as reliable techniques for
by Bishop analysis using MATLAB program based the assessment, recognition and analysis of slope
upon particle swarm optimization (PSO) tech- instability. It becomes necessary to mitigate the
nique. Singh and Thakur (2019) have done slope disastrous impact with a detailed understanding of
stability analysis of three vulnerable sites within the physical process and sufBcient amount of
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129:135 Page 3 of 14 135

historical information quantifying the hazard with Keeping national highway operational, mini-
both temporal and spatial approaches. A lot of mizing the economic loss to the exchequer and
researchers have adopted various mitigation safeguarding the public interests, adoption of slope
strategies in recent times (Ðuri c et al. 2017; Luo stabilization techniques rather becomes an essen-
et al. 2017; Song et al. 2019; Huang et al. 2019; tial tool. A proper planning for demarcating land-
Chen et al. 2020). slide prone areas/segments in the entire route,
The Brst landslide event triggered on 2nd August delineating the probable cause of slopes failure and
2007 at near village Panjpiri, took the life of one adoption of speedy mitigation and mitigation
person and swept one vehicle to the bottom of the measures along the route become paramount.
slope. The second landslide event also occurred on No significant work on the impacts of landslides
2nd August 2007 near Nalayan, which disrupted the upon transport routes of strategic importance has
trafBc route continuously for Bve days. To minimize ever been attempted. Records of detailed study on
the loss of property, safeguard the public interests landslide investigation covering parts of north-
and keep the national highway operational, it often western Himalayan terrain in general and Hima-
becomes essential to develop slope stabilization chal Himalaya in particular are rare. The present
techniques essential for both natural and excavated study is an attempt to evaluate the mitigation
slopes. For this persistence, study area has been design parameters of two selected landslide sites
carefully chosen along road corridor of NH-205 in with distinct slope forming material and type of
Himachal Pradesh, India. NH-205 being chief landslide. The inferred database thus generated
highway of Himachal Pradesh, accounts for most has been utilized to delineate the unstable and
severe sections prone to landslides. The intensity susceptible segments along the road section and
and frequency of landslides on these stretches not adoption of appropriate mitigation measures.
only aAect trafBc movement, but also disrupt the
economic activities of the region, which leads to
monetary losses. Two major devastating slope 2. Study area
failures were selected which needed mitigation
strategies on very urgent basis. A minor fall or slip The selection criteria for the study area was based on
and substantial slope failures on transport routes the number of landslide incidences reported and
can severely disrupt trafBc Cow resulting in both frequent close down of this strategic route during
direct and indirect economic losses. The segments monsoon season. The selected route being the main
of the NH-205 between Garamaura and Nauni, feeder trunk to different parts of the Himachal
often witnessed repeated failure of slopes during Pradesh and adjoining states for trans-shipment of
monsoon. The occurrences of maximum number of essential commodities also endures utmost tourist
potentially unstable slopes in these segments usu- Cow the Himachal Pradesh entertains every season.
ally disrupt trafBc Cow for days together and usu- Exposure of a wide range of slope forming material,
ally witness frequent numbers of minor to major and a variety of slope facets developed along the road
slides/slips every year. This route also acts as a section make this route ideal for evaluation for
main connecting link for far-Cung tribal regions of landslide study and becomes more meaningful. The
Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir with NH-205 is one of the main strategic and important
the rest of the country. This route is used not only road corridors transecting the entire physiographic
for supply of essential commodities to military zones of Himachal Himalaya, i.e., Siwalik Foothills,
bases/posts across Pakistan and China borders, but Lesser Himalaya and Central Himalaya/Great
also caters the need of the Kullu and Lahaul and Himalaya right from Garamaura in Bilaspur passing
Spiti districts of Himachal Pradesh for the supply of through rolled and rugged terrain of Himachal Pra-
essential commodities and shipment of medicinal desh. The NH-205, a lifeline to the tribal belt of
plant, timber, vegetable and horticulture produces. Himachal Pradesh serves as main feeder in con-
This route also provides connectivity to the already necting different places. The study area location
established and upcoming major hydro projects for map is shown in Bgure 1. Besides, important tourist
their transmission and maintenance works. The places like Manali, Kullu, Rohtang Pass, Mandi,
study of landslide along this section becomes more Manikaran, and Bilaspur, etc., are connected
pertinent to analyse different inherent causes and through this route. This route also caters the need of
evolve viable mitigation measures to arrest the the many functional and under construction hydro
menace of slope instability along this section. electrical projects for the trans-shipment of raw
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Figure 1. Study area map.

materials, heavy machineries, allied equipments and sub-segment with average of 140 cm. The maximum
conduit for laying of electricity transmission lines. precipitation in one month during monsoon exceeds
The terrain encompassing the entire stretch of NH- 650 mm with 40–120 mm rainfall during a day.
205 exhibits undulatory and rugged topography. Varied lithological assemblages of different geolog-
Though the lowest altitude of the highway is around ical formations and groups ranging in age from
501 m at Garamaura, the relief is around 600 m near Tertiary to Proterozoic are exposed along and
Siwalik terrain. The area exhibits moderate to high adjoining the NH-205 (Bgure 2). Most of the soil cum
relief. The Garamaura–Swarghat section of the NH- debris exposed in the entire road section of NH-205 is
205 falls in the Siwalik Hills Tracts of Outer Hima- made up of debris deposit and drifted soil developed
laya, where sub-tropical sub-humid climate pre- mostly on moderate reposed slopes. These soils are
vails. Baring this section, the rest of the area medium deep to medium soil 2–5 m thick mostly
encompassing entire stretch of NH-205 falls in moist derived from scree/talus and hill-wash material. As
temperate climate zone. The climatic conditions of per the geological map of India prepared by GSI and
the area under which the NH-205 falls, are mainly macro level seismic zoning map of Bureau of Indian
inCuenced by altitudinal variation and disposition of Standard, BIS 1993–2002 the entire stretch of NH-
the Dhauladhar and Pir Panjal ranges. The area 205 transecting the outer and lesser Himalaya zone is
witnesses slightly prolonged winters and short seismically active and falls in zone IV and Zone V.
summers. The maximum temperature of the area
varies from 40°C in Garamaura to 32.5°C at Manali
with average maximum temperature of about 3. Methodology
17.3°C, whereas minimum temperatures of the area
fall below freezing point during winters. The average The main objective of the study was to keep the
rainfall of the section is around 100 cm during susceptible zones of the NH-205 stable by provid-
monsoons and intensity of which decreases from ing the mitigation design parameters and designing
Punjab Plain in the southwest to Manali in the of slopes to provide safe access of vehicular move-
northeast. Amongst the two selected sites, adjoining ment throughout the year with acceptable mainte-
the study area receives the maximum annual rainfall nance and use of minimum economy. Accurate
with average of about 150 cm followed by Bilaspur interpretation of the surface feature of a landslide
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Figure 2. Map of Panjpiri and Nalayan slope failure sites along NH-205, Himachal Pradesh depicting rock and clay mineralogy
sample locations (source: Geological map by Director General, Geological Survey of India (GSI), Kolkata, India).

can be used to evaluate the mode of movement, determine the uniaxial compressive strength of the
judge the direction and rate of movement from the intact rock in the Beld, Schmidt hammer was used.
geometry of the slip surface. To determine the For the collection of soil/earth sample from cir-
FOS, slope stability analysis of selected landslides cular failure and representative rock sample from
with varied type, material and extent was studied. rock outcrop, different procedures were adopted.
A detailed investigation of these two slope failures Depending upon the availability and accessibility,
was carried out in three stages involving Beld 4–6 soil samples each from different sections of
assessment, laboratory tests and slope stability selected sites were collected keeping equal spacing
analysis. It was broadly comprising of various and interval of the collected samples. Geotechnical
phases which involves site selection, detailed geo- tests of the most of the soil and rock samples col-
morphic survey on large scale with mapping of rock lected from the Beld sites were carried out in lab-
outcrops, overburden material and existing cuts, oratory under controlled conditions. Direct shear
recording of structural data and collection of test was performed using shear test apparatus for
samples. the determination of angle of internal friction (de-
Firstly, the Beld assessment was carried out for grees), a frictional resistance for translocation of
determining all inherent characteristics which a individual soil particles at their contact points and
landslide possesses, viz., type of the failure and its cohesion and an adhesion between the surfaces of
cause, its aerial extent; type and nature of material the soil particles. A Bxed number of samples were
involved; surface of failed plane, impact to the tested under increasing normal loads and the
surface; type, inclination and orientation of the required maximum shear force recorded and
slope; terrain condition; characteristic type, incli- respective cohesion (kN/m2). For the representa-
nation and orientation of the structural disconti- tive rock samples, drilled core samples with diam-
nuities; the physical properties/geotechnical eter of 5 and 7.5 cm were put to shear box test for
characteristics of the materials; sampling and its determination of friction angle of discontinuity.
impact to the nature and human activity. Besides The two halves of the core sample were set in a pair
the selection of site, evaluation of regional geology, of steel boxes (ISRM 1981) using plaster of Paris.
terrain and satellite imageries were considered as Each sample was tested three to four times at
basic inputs. Subsequently, physical parameters of progressive higher normal loads to establish resid-
slope forming materials that is geotechnical ual shear stress for a normal load.
parameters, like water content, bulk density and Various types of laboratory tests were performed
shear parameters (c and u) of soil samples and on soil samples to measure a wide variety of soil
compressive strength of rocks were determined. To properties. Some soil properties were intrinsic to
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the composition of the soil and were not aAected by properties. The distribution of different types of
sample disturbance, while other properties depend material with inherent variability in physical prop-
on the structure of the soil as well as its composi- erties has made to focus more attention on the need
tion, and can only be eAectively tested on relatively for accurate model for the mitigation of different
undisturbed samples. Following are few lab tests type and dimension of the landslides exposed and/or
which were conducted on samples for determining likely to take place in future. In the present study, it
the input parameters for slope design: (i) In-situ was inferred that inherent physical properties of the
density, the bulk density of the soil; (ii) moisture slope forming material like shear strength capacity,
content; (iii) grain size analysis; (iv) Atterberg slope geometry, and structural attributes which
limits, expansion index test; (v) direct shear test; critically reduces the eAective shear strength are the
and (vi) unconBned compression test. While, the main cause for instability in the parts of NH-205.
rock samples were collected mostly from ‘dis- Besides, modiBcation in slope geometry due to
turbed’ or ‘undisturbed’ parts of failed slope across human interventions has also led to slope instability
the main highway and were subjected to following of the NH-205.
laboratory test for determination of rock strength: Taking into geotechnical considerations of
(i) unconBned compression test and (ii) direct selected landslides, mitigation design parameters of
shear test. Schmidt hammer test was also used in slope failures involving rock slope at Panjpiri plane
the Beld for the estimation of compressive strength failure (Bgure 3) and Nalayan circular failure
of in-situ rocks at discontinuity surfaces. (Bgure 5) were carried out.
Out of the various in vogue methods for slope
stability, Bishop’s simpliBed methods of slices
4.1 Panjpiri plane failure – Rock slope surface
(Bishop 1955), Circular Failure Charts by Hoek
and Bray (1981) and Software GEO5 were carried The slope stability analysis of Panjpiri plane failure
out for stability analysis of circular failure. The (Bgure 3) where 12 9 4.5 9 1.5 m block of ferrug-
stability analysis of plane failure and wedge failure inous micaceous sandstone of middle Siwalik for-
were carried out using analytical formulae pro- mation was failed, concluded FOS 1.22, 1.17 and
posed by Hoek and Bray (1981). These formulae 1.03 for dry slope, wet slope (zw = 0.5 m) and wet
were based on geometry of the slope and sliding slope (zw = 2.25 m) conditions, respectively. Based
plane, position of tension cracks and stereographic on the determined FOS, the proposed mitigation
projection of discontinuity planes deBning the measures were suggested: (i) rock bolting, (ii)
wedges. reinforced concrete dowels, and (iii) removal of
On the basis of above input parameters, detailed overhang rock by trim blasting.
exercise on calculation of FOS of the failed slope
and FOS of slope on reinforcement with bolts and
anchors was done. The results obtained from the 4.1.1 Design parameters
slope stability analysis which was carried out using The slope stability analysis was carried out
the methodology suggested by Wyllie and Mah assuming plane failure for the upper slope with
(2004) for the plane and circular failure modes, inclination of plane of discontinuity at 40° and 50°,
adopted for suggesting mitigation strategies. respectively. For design parameters, the condition
Exercises for designing of rock bolts, pattern of for slope was assumed to be possessing 40° incli-
rock bolts and anchors was also designed and nation of discontinuity plane. The different
suggested. parameters considered for the designing of rock
bolts were enumerated in table 1.

4. Results and discussion Analysis: The slope stability analysis was
carried out using the approach given by Wyllie and
Slopes are generally evaluated in terms of the FOS Mah (2014) for the plane failure mode. Usually the
against sliding. The slope conditions in the entire bolts are installed at an angle Catter than the
stretch of NH-205 is highly variable with difference normal to the dip line to draw maximum beneBt
in topography and material properties. The shear from the bolt force. The slope of the bolts for
strength of the material changes with the change in maximum eDciency was designed equal to the
moisture content/conditions and physical–chemical difference between the angle of friction and the dip
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Figure 3. Proposed mitigation measures for Panjpiri plane failure (a) frontal view, (b and c) vertical section and broad
view-showing different types of mitigation structures.

angle (40°). However, the angle was kept at such an depth, (iii) tension crack completely Blled with
angle so that it can be practical to install the bolts water (due to surface run-oA/freezing and thaw-
and to keep the length of the bolts limited ing), (iv) completely drained slope, and (v) com-
(Bgure 4). pletely drained slope with cohesion reduced to zero
due to blasting/earthquake. Derivation for FOS: Calculation of FOS (1) When the backBll is dry:
for the following different conditions was carried
out on the determined values of different attributes FOS ¼ ðcA þ W cos WP tan uÞ=W sin WP Þ
(table 2), based on the physical parameters enu-
¼ 1:07  1:00;
merated in table 1. For evaluation of FOS of the
slope, following conditions were considered: (i) dry the slope is nearly stable.
– when the slope is completely dry, (ii) tension (2) When the tension crack is half Blled with
crack Blled with water – up to 50% of the critical water, i.e., zw = zc/2 = 1.36 m.
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Table 1. Parameters for the analysis of rock slope, Panjpiri plane failure, NH-205.

Sl. no. Input data Calculated values

1 Type of slope failure Plane
2 Height of the slope, H 16 m
3 Angle of inclination of the slope, Wf N 215°/60°
4 Angle of internal friction, u 28°
5 Dip angle of joints, WP N 210°/50°
6 Unit weight of rock, c 26.5 kN/m3
7 Unit weight of water, cw 10 kN/m3
8 Angle of inclination of the top slope, WS 40°
9 Cohesion, c 20 kN/m2
10 UnconBned compressive strength (UCS) of rock 23 MPa

Table 2. Different parameters for the determination of FOS based on the physical attributes enumerated in
table 1.

Sl. no. Input data Calculated value

1 Critical height of slope, zc H (1  (tan WP cot Wf)1/2) = 2.72 m
2 Distance of critical tension crack, b H ((cot WP cot Wf)1/2  cot Wf) = 1.9 m
3 Area of tension crack on upper slope, A (H + b tan WS  zc) cosec WP = 19.45 m2
4 Area of tension crack on main slope, Aa (H  zc) cosec WP = 17.33 m2
5 Weight, W c [(1  tan WP cot Wf) (bH + (H2/2) cot Wf)
+(b2/2) (tan WS  tan WP)] = 811.27 kN/m

Hence, the slope is unstable.

(3) When the tension crack is completely Blled
with water, i.e., zw = zc = 2.72 m.
V ¼ cw zw2 =2 ¼ 36:99 kN=m:
U ¼ ðcw zw Þ=2ðH þ b tan WS zc Þcosec WP
¼ 0:63 kN=m:
FOS ¼ ½cA þ ðW cos WP U V sin WP Þ tan uÞ=
½W sin WP þ V cos WP  ¼ 0:63\1:00:

Hence, the slope is unstable.

(4) Slope is completely drained, i.e., U = V = 0.
FOS ¼ ½cA þ ðW cos WP U V sin WP Þ tan uÞ=
½W sin WP þ V cos WP  ¼ 0:68\1:00:
Figure 4. Schematic diagram of Panjpiri rock slope with
reinforced rock bolts. Hence, the slope is unstable.
  (5) When the slope is completely drained and the
V ¼ cw zw2 =2 ¼ 9:248 kN=m: cohesion is zero due to the vibrations caused by
U ¼ ðcw zw Þ=2ðH þ b tan WS zc Þ cosec WP
FOS ¼ ðcA þ W cos WP tan uÞ=W sin WP
¼ 101:12 kN=m:
¼ 0:44\1:00:
FOS ¼ ½cA þ ðW cos WP U V sin WP Þ tan uÞ=
Hence, slope is unstable and sensitive to cohesion
½W sin WP þ V cos WP  ¼ 0:67\ 1:00: on vibrations.
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129:135 Page 9 of 14 135

(6) When the slope is completely drained and the Hence, the slope is unstable.
cohesion is zero due to the vibrations caused by (3) Bolts installed at a Catter angle Wt = 3°,
FOS ¼ ½W cos WP þ T sinðWt þ WP Þ tan uÞ=
FOS ¼ fcA þ ½W cos WP kT sinðWP þ Wk Þ tan ug=
½W sin WP  T cosðWt þ WP Þ ¼ 1:17 [ 1:
W fsin WP þ kT cosðWP þ Wk Þg;
Hence, FOS value greater than 1 makes slope
where slightly stable.
n o1=2 After providing maximum Catter angle of 3° to
kT ¼ kH 1 þ ðkV =kH Þ2 ¼ 0:055 ðfor zone IVÞ the installed rock bolts, the FOS at total working
load of 400 kN on anchors remained nearly equal
and to 1.00 making the slope nearly unstable. The
lower values of FOS may be due to the com-
Wk ¼ tan1 ðkV =kH Þ ¼ 26:56 ; paratively steep inclination of both slope and
FOS ¼ 0:43\ 1:00: discontinuity plane, where a total working load of
400 kN on anchors proved inadequate to resist
Hence, slope is unstable and sensitive to earth- shear stress of the rock mass. To make reinforced
quake tremors. slope stable which can withstand the shear stress
of bolted rock mass, the total bolt load on
anchors has to be increased. Hence, an optimal
4.1.2 FOS of slope on reinforcement with bolts bolt load of 600 kN/m was proposed for
redesigning the rock bolts to achieve satisfactory
Reinforcement of drained slope with zero cohesion FOS.
was done by installing tensioned rock bolts
anchored into rock beneath the sliding plane. FOS (4) For drained slope having zero cohesion (c =
for the rock bolts installed at right angles to the U = V = 0) and a reinforcement force T of 600
sliding plane, i.e., WT = 90  50 = 40° keeping kN/m installed at dip angle Wt = 40°,
total load of 400 kN on anchors per linear meter of
slope was determined. Exercises were carried out to FOS ¼ ½W cos WP þ T sinðWt þ WP Þ tan uÞ=
evaluate FOS of rock bolt installed at a Catter ½W sin WP T cosðWt þ WP Þ ¼ 0:96\1:00:
angle so that WT is reduced from 40° to 20° and
then even at Cattest angles. Following steps were Thus, the slope is unstable.
carried out to evaluate FOS of rock bolt installed (5) Bolts installed at a Catter angle, i.e., Wt = 20°,
at different angles.
On Brst trial, laying out number of bolts per FOS ¼ ½W cos WP þ T sinðWt þ WP Þ tan uÞ=
vertical and horizontal rows with vertical spacing ½W sin WP T cosðWt þ WP Þ ¼ 1:38 [ 1:00:
in between, the working load of 200 kN for each
bolt was suggested to achieve bolt load of 400 kN/ The slope is considerably stable.
m of the slope length. (6) Bolts installed at more Cat angle Wt = 10°,
(1) For drained slope having zero cohesion (c =
FOS ¼ ½W cos WP þ T sin ðWt þ WP Þ tan uÞ=
U = V = 0) and a reinforcement force T of 400
kN/m installed at dip angle Wt = 40°, ½W sin WP T cosðWt þ WP Þ ¼ 1:72 [ 1:00:
FOS ¼ ½W cos WP þ T sinðWt þ WP Þ tan uÞ=
The slope is most stable.
½W sin WP T cos ðWt þ WP Þ ¼ 0:78\1:00: FOS determined on assessing different slope
conditions that were considered for designing the
Hence, slope is unstable. rock bolt anchors is given in table 3. Since the FOS
(2) Bolts installed at a Catter angle, i.e., Wt = 20°, is more than 1.3 when reinforcement force,
FOS ¼ ½W cos WP þ T sinðWt þ WP Þ tan uÞ= T = 600 kN is at 10° and 20°, hence, the rock bolts
may be installed either at an angle, Wt = 10°
½W sin WP T cosðWt þ WP Þ ¼ 0:98\1:00: (FOS = 1.73) or angle falling between 10° and 20°.
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Table 3. FOS of the rock slope of Panjpiri plane failure for the consideration of rock bolts design.

FOS of slope with slope inclination of 608

Drained slope, zero cohesion. Reinforced with rock bolts
(WT) and total load on anchors (T)
Tension cracks Blled Fully drained cohesion
with water zero T = 400 kN T = 600 kN
Dry 50% Full Fully drained Blasting Earthquake 40° 20° 03° 40° 20° 10°
1.07 0.67 0.63 0.68 0.44 0.43 0.78 0.98 1.17 0.96 1.38 1.72

4.1.3 Design of rock bolts Reinforced rock dowels: As the angle
between the slope at the rock face and the potential Pattern of rock bolts: The pattern of rock sliding surface is equal to 10, the dowel bars shall
bolts should be such that the distribution of bolts be 32 mm in diameter, hot dip galvanised type
on the slope is as uniform as possible. If Bve bolts steel bars. The angle of dowels should be approxi-
are installed in each row, the horizontal spacing of mately perpendicular to potential sliding surface of
vertical rows should be: the rock block. The dowel length = 3 9 thickness
S ¼ TB N =T ¼ 2:5 m: of potentially unstable rock block subject to a
minimum length of 3 m and a maximum length of
Hence, the bolts were suggested to be installed at 6 m should be considered.
a spacing of 2 m in either direction. Pneumatically applied shotcrete: In order Bond length: For cement and resin grou- to avoid the water seepage and inBltration, the top
ted anchored bolts, slope should be lined with shotcrete having Bne
lb ¼ T=ðpdh sa Þ; aggregate in two layers of 100 mm each may be
applied with compressive strength at 3 days = 20
where sa = UCS/30 = 0.766 MPa = 766 kN/m2, MPa and 7 days = 30 MPa.
T = 600/2 = 300 kN (for FOS of 2) and diameter
of hole, dh = 75 mm. Rock trap/clean ditch: As the rock face
The bond length, lb = 300/(p 9 0.075 9 766) =
gradient b is nearly vertical and height, H of rock
1.7 & 2.00 m (say). However, proposing anchors of
slope is more than 10 m, the depth, D and width,
length = 2 9 2 = 4.0 m.
W of the rock trap/clean ditch should be 1.2 and
4 m, respectively. Anchor design: Proposing 75 mm diame-
ter cement grouted anchors having length of 4.0 m
with steel bars of diameter C 35 mm having ulti-
4.2 Nalayan circular failure – Debris-soil slope
mate strength of 600 kN; or 5 mm diameter wire
to form 12 mm diameter strands with ultimate
strength of 260 kN to give a total ultimate strength Nalayan landslide located along Garamaura–
of 600 kN (i.e., 2 nos.). Resin anchors may not be Swarghat section of NH-205. It was identiBed as
used since they lose strength due to vibrations. circular failure, where debris material failed.
Main reinforcement of 10 mm diameter may be 2–10 m thick debris deposits comprising of clayey
used at 150 mm c/c in both the grout layers. matrix admixing boulder and pebbles of sandstone
constitutes the slope forming material of the sliding
mass. Mitigation measures suggested: (i) soil
4.1.4 Additional mitigation measures anchors, (ii) masonry wall (75 cm top and base
1.85 m), (iii) removal of muck (2 m thick) and Removal of overhang rock: Carry out levelling and stepping, (iv) grass seeding in
local trimming and removal of loose blocks as the between, and (v) diversion and interceptor
overhanging rocks are of less than 1 m3 volume. drainage system (Bgure 5).
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129:135 Page 11 of 14 135

Figure 5. Proposed mitigation measures for Nalayan Landslide (a) frontal view, (b and c) vertical section and broad
view-showing different types of mitigation structures.
135 Page 12 of 14 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129:135

Table 4. Different parameters for designing soil anchor for

Nalayan slide, NH-205.

Sl. no. Input data Calculated values

1 Unit weight of soil, c 18.3 kN/m3
2 Cohesion, c 12 kN/m2
3 Angle of friction, u 24°
4 Bond strength of clay, Sb 72 kN/m2
5 Height of slope, H 20 m
6 Natural slope of soil, i 35°
7 Surcharge angle, b 15°
Figure 6. Schematic diagram of soil slope reinforced with
anchors for Nalayan circular failure.
4.2.1 Design of soil anchors
Tie backs: The tie backs should be HYSD 20 mm
The different parameters considered for the diameter bars at 1.1 9 1.1 m c/c.
designing soil anchors at Nalayan circular failure Wire mesh: Wire mesh may be provided between
were enumerated in table 4. two 100 mm thick shotcrete layers. The welded
wire mesh fabricated from 3.5 mm diameter wire at
4.2.2 Design analysis 100 mm centers with the steel pins complete with
washers and nuts should be grouted using
Based on the different parameters, a schematic 150 9 150 9 12 mm plates. Steel pins should be
diagram of the soil slope of Nalayan slide (Bgure 6) anchored at 0.45 m centers to avoid loosening due
was prepared for analyzing soil anchors design. The to load.
following steps were followed for design analysis: Shotcrete: Pneumatically applied shotcrete with
 2 2
1=2 i Bne aggregate in two layers of 100 mm each may be
Ka ¼ cos b cos b cos b cos u applied with the following characteristics: Com-
h  1=2 i pressive strength at 3 days = 20 MPa, and com-
cos b þ cos2 b cos2 u ¼ 0:289; pressive strength at 7 days = 30 MPa.
pa ¼ Ka c H ¼ 105:43 kN=m2 ; Dry mix: Cement content (Type I) = 400 kg/m3
(minimum) (18.3%), silica fume = 50 kg/m3
PA ¼ 0:5Ka c H 2 ¼ 1054: 3 kN=m; (2.3%), aggregate (2.5–10 mm size) = 500 kg/m3
Maximum load at the bottom anchor = (22.9%), sand = 1170 kg/m3 (53.7%), steel
1054.3 9 (18/20.0) 9 1 = 948.87 kN/m. Bbres = 60 kg/m3, high strength steel (HSS) Bbres,
For straight circular anchor, Qu = pdL0Sb, 30–38 mm long, 0.5 mm diameter crimped) (2.8%),
where, using 100 mm diameter anchors and taking water \ 170 litres, total wet mass = 2350 kg.
Sb = 72 kN/m2; Drainage holes: The drainage holes inclined at an
angle of 50 upwards with horizontal (intersecting
948:87 ¼ p  0:1  L0  200 or the discontinuities) having 100 mm diameter and
L0 ¼ 948:87=p  0:2  72; 5–7.5 m length may be provided at a spacing of
2.2 m c/c. Holes should be lined with 100 mm
L0 ¼ 21:21 ðsayÞ ¼ 21 m; diameter perforated casing with perforations sized
where L0 is the Bxed anchor length. to minimize the inBltration of Bnes that are washed
Hence, proposing 100 mm diameter anchors of from fracture in Bllings. The seepage water should
21.0 m Bxed length. be collected in a drain (0.45 9 0.60 m deep) and
should be disposed of at safe distance from the
4.2.3 Design considerations of soil anchor

Reinforcement: Main reinforcement of 10 mm 5. Conclusion

diameter may be used at 150 mm c/c in two layers.
Soil anchors: Use under-reamed multi-bell soil In the present study, the mitigation measures were
anchors of 150 mm shaft diameter (over free suggested for the critical rock and soil slopes for
length) and 300 mm bell diameter (over Bxed their stabilization based on the geotechnical
anchor length). investigations done for the micro level study of
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129:135 Page 13 of 14 135

selected landslides. The selected landslide sites 150 mm shaft diameter under reamed soil anchors
along NH-205 from Kiratpur Sahib to Nauni sec- along with tie breaks, wire mesh and pneumatically
tion where unconsolidated materials are in abun- applied shotcrete with Bne aggregate in two layers
dance, the reinforcement of slopes by externally of 100 mm were proposed. Two layer of masonry
stabilized techniques were suggested. wall, removal of muck, grass seeding and inter-
The Panjpiri plane failure of 12 9 4.5 9 1.5 m ceptor drainage system was also suggested. The
block of ferruginous sandstone took place on joint entire surface of each slope was suggested to be
plane dipping N 210°/50° with 1.5 m deep tension covered using a geosynthetic polymer wire mesh
crack dipping N 240°/76°. The slope analysis of with the help of T-nails. In addition, soil anchors,
this failed surface has given FOS = 1.22 on dry shotcreting and provision of drainage holes were
slope condition and 1.17 on wet slope condition. suggested.
Where water level depth was zw = 0.5 m, the FOS In the present study, the selected landslide sites
value concluded was 1.03 on wet slope condition were selected which comprises of rock and soil
assuming water depth zw = 2.25 m. Subsequently, slopes, which were at severe falling probability.
six conditions were considered for evaluation of The mitigation strategies were needed for these
FOS for Panjpiri plane failure involving rock slope sites to minimize the impact for both Bnancial loss
surface. Reinforcement of drained slope with zero and damages. Thus, appropriate mitigation mea-
cohesion value was proposed by installing ten- sures were suggested, and few minor modiBcations
sioned rock bolts anchored into a sound rock were also proposed. The design standards adopted
beneath the sliding plane. To make reinforced slope for the landslide sites may help the decision makers
stable withstanding shear stress of bolted rock to choose the most eAective engineering solutions
mass, a total bolt load of 600 kN/m was proposed for the planning mitigation strategies of landslide
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Corresponding editor: N V CHALAPATHI RAO

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