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Theoretical Framework

This research study focuses on the relationship between smartphone use of

grade 11 HE students in Isabel National Comprehensive School. This research study is
anchored by Compensatory Internet use Theory of Kardefelt- Witner, 2014.
According to Compensatory Internet Use Theory. It uses the internet as a stand-
in for something that is required but inaccessible. Therefore, stressful life events will
increase the likelihood that people may turn to activities like internet browsing to block
out their unpleasant emotions. In addition, given its widespread use, excessive internet
use is a problem that needs to be addressed because it has been linked to several
psychopathologies, including anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation, as well as
increased procrastination, disrupted sleep, stress, and feelings of isolation and
loneliness (Akbari et al., 2021). Moreover, according to (Young, 2013). Internet addiction
is often defined as a condition in which a person has lost control over their internet use
and continues to use it excessively to the point that it has detrimental effects on their
lives. Examples of such effects include situations where people have skipped meals or
lost sleep as a result of spending time online, or where using the internet has led to
arguments with family members, issues at work, or the termination of a career.
In addition, according to (Cooper, 2016). Regarding the theory, two or more
hours of screen use in the evening can substantially disturb the melatonin spike
required for sleep. Moreover, cell phones, tablets, readers, and computers that have
backlights emit short-wavelength increased light, also referred to as blue light. In
addition, it emits blue light, which has been demonstrated to inhibit or delay the
melatonin body's natural production in the evening and lessen sensations of feeling
sleepy (Truong, 2023).
The Compensatory Internet Use Theory is what stated above helps student to
learn and acquire knowledge in what are the effects of the smartphone use in their
sleep quality. It aims to determine the relationship between smartphone use and sleep
quality among Grade 12 HE students in Isabel National Comprehensive School.

Akbari, M., Seydavi, M., Palmieri, S., Mansueto, G., Caselli, G., & Spada, M. M. (2021,
December 17). Fear of missing out (FOMO) and internet use: A comprehensive systematic
review and meta-analysis. Journal of behavioral addictions.

Alt, D. (2015). College students’ academic motivation, media engagement and fear of missing
out. Computers in Human Behavior , 49, 111–119. 10.1016/j.chb.2015.02.057.

Quian, B. (2022). Retrieved from

Truong, K. (2023). Retrieved from


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