21st Reviewer
21st Reviewer
21st Reviewer
Shorter than a comic and usually being A well-known playwright and fictionist, is one of
published in periodicals. It has humor and wit those writers who are exploring the vast and
that aims to both entertain and inform. mysterious world of Speculative Fiction.
EMERGING LITERARY GENRE His works have received numerous awards, like
the Carlos Palanca Award, which he won at
least 10 times.
According to Britannica, a blog (a truncation of
Flash Fiction
"weblog") is a genre of electronic literature that
contains discussion on any topic that is Flash fiction is a hybrid or mixed genre that
commonly sponsored by a website host or consists of one part poetry and one part
informational website published on the World narrative. It is also called prose-poetry and
Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal needs to be read slowly like a poem because
diary-style text entries (posts). missing a word can change the meaning of the
story entirely (Al-Sharqi and Abbasi, 2015).
Blogger.com is one of the famous blog sites
where you may post your blogs for free. The Flash fiction is also known as sudden fiction,
good thing about blogs is you may write short-short stories, microfiction, or micro
different topics that you want to share. stories, not readers.
This is another emerging genre of literature that Because Filipinos are largely conservative
is about women and how they live their lives thinkers, LGBT-themed literature has made only
and deal with their romantic problems. slow progress in the Philippines. However, with
the initiative of raising messages of awareness
It is also another platform for empowering
and acceptance, which has become a social
women and showcasing the nature of women in
movement for many LGBT members and
both their strength and delicacy.
supporters, this kind of literature slowly
An example of Chick Lit is the novella, Before I emerged and became known to many. Ear in
Do, written by Kath Eustaquio-Derla. This is the different styles to convey various moods or
story of Kit Castille, who is struggling to find ideas.
true love.
The misconception about this literature is that it
Speculative Fiction is all about showcasing inappropriate and
sensitive behavior of LGBT members.
According to Pantoja Hidalgo (2008),
"Speculative fiction is a wide range of genres However, as with former norms in literature,
which speculate about worlds different from this kind of literature is intended to dwell on
what we regard as real". the lives of LGBT people.
DENOTATION (through the use of a dictionary) Ex. The pandemic – a worldwide spread of
Denotation refers to the definition of a word infection – is affecting many lives, especially the
found in a dictionary. This is the easiest way of poor.
getting the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
Example Clue –When an unfamiliar word
Structural Analysis –In order to use structural appears in a sentence, it is sometimes followed
analysis, the reader should be able to with an example. The signal words for this kind
understand the structure of a word. Linguists of clue are: such as for example.
also use the term morphemes to refer to a
Ex. He has recalcitrant behavior, unruly and
rude all the time.
There are two types of morphemes: bound
morphemes and free morphemes.
Synonym Clue – a synonymous term of the
Free morphemes, also known as root words,
unfamiliar word found in the sentence. Signal
can stand alone, whereas the bound morpheme
words are “also known as, sometimes called,
cannot because it must be attached to a root
that is, or and in other words.”
word or free morphemes in order to change
meaning, number, or tense. Affixes is the term Ex. I need a cajole or persuade him to not leave
typically used for bound morphemes. Affixes the party early.
have two types: Prefixes and Suffixes.
A prefix is a bound morpheme attached before
the word, while a suffix is attached at the end of Antonym Clue – the opposite word of the
the word. For example, REPAIR (Root word – unfamiliar word is found in the sentence. Signal
“Pair” and it is added by a prefix “Re” which words are “however, although, and but.”
means back or again) Ex. When the light brightens, the pupils
CONTEXT CLUES contract; however, when it is dark, they dilate.
It refers to the use of words in a manner of A text without literary devices is like a canvas
turning from the traditional method of without color or a garden without flowers.
understanding written words in order to
Play an important role in captivating the
express complicated meaning, and colorful
readers’ interests because of the creative
interpretation through writing or speaking, and
manner in which writers do in playing with
gives clarity to adhere to the truth and artistry.
words in a text. One of the most common
Figurative Language can also be used in prose literary devices is the Figures of Speech.
and even in drama. In fact, even in normal
conversation, we tend to use figurative
language in expressing our emotions without Figures of Speech is any intentional deviation
knowing that we are actually using it. from a literal statement or common usage that
emphasizes, clarifies, or embellishes both
This kind of Figurative Language in which it is
written and spoken language.
accepted even when the things that are being
said deviate from the literal meaning of the Forming an integral part of language, figures of
words is called Idioms. speech are found in oral literature as well as in
polished poetry and prose and in everyday
Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas
and qualities, by giving them symbolic meanings
that are different from their literal sense. The repetition of the initial consonant sound.
FOR EXAMPLE: She sells seashells by the
Symbolism can take different forms. Generally,
it is an object representing another, to give an
entirely different meaning that is much deeper In the example above, the /s/ sound is repeated
and more significant. in the succeeding initial consonant sound of the
words sells, seashells, and seashore.
Sometimes, an action, an event, or a word
spoken by someone may have a symbolic value. You might wonder why the word "she" is not
Symbolism included. This is because it begins with a
different consonant sound-/[/ or /sh/.
For instance, “smile” is a symbol of friendship.
Similarly, the action of someone smiling at you It is important that when using this figure of
may stand as a symbol of the feeling of speech, you are familiar with the various
affection that person has for you. symbols in the International Phonetic Alphabet
(IPA), which serves as an accurate guide in the
In every literary piece, the author has the
pronunciation of sounds.
leeway (freedom) to create symbols that have
significance in his or her life or in the text he or 2. ASSONANCE
she created.
The repetition of the internal vowel sounds.
FOR EXAMPLE: How now brown cow? Giving the attribute of a human to an inanimate
The words in the example above have a
repeating diphthong /au/ sound. When using FOR EXAMPLE: The mountain will bow to the
assonance, remember that it is not how the touch of the strongest wind.
word is spelled but how it is pronounced that
The mountain cannot bow in reality, and the
wind has no hands to touch. However, in
For example, despite having the same "-own" personification, these inanimate objects are
letters, the words “blown" and "brown" are given human-like actions. It only differs from an
pronounced differently. apostrophe in terms of usage.
Text’s Context