Area I Self Survey-100

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AREA | VISION, MISSION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES PARAMETERS A. Statement of Vision, Mission, 3 nd Objectives B. Dissernination and “It suc, Western Kin danooStks lnvercity Campus; Noin Campus 8 : Date of Actual Survey : Nov. 23, Jo2.o i [AREA {VIS MISSION, COALS AND OBIECTVES aera of ‘he rn of Vln Mion, Goss an Oj ithe mo ene tine te aarti sare. vying Be san busied oe MMe rma ne nor and mason wich shal be te bases of a RS CSertnrs. The ntton seedy the ee town tes are ate itcompaison th ober ‘A. Statement ot Vion, Miston Goals and objected ‘The Vidon is the state the Inston hopes te become in the fture, TE INGO represents the hierarchy of ans of the inttuion The Mission eles the Fhandateaim ofthe whole state unveshy ors allege. The Gols re the ie tt the hlerrchieal sracre below the institutional lowl (he acaderic Unitanseute/Sehoot;atd the Objectives are the aims atthe program level, ‘what the prrar hopestoanieve eueationl developers mandate ad te Us of he govern i pragram outcomes are the foc of pgram accrediation These ace che comyetencies[Inowiedge and stilt), vaues and other attrbules, which the Inston topes their graduates sll sequre to enable them ‘> mploymens lea andintenationy serination an decently of the Yisien. Misson, Goals and Obeectives By the staxeholses. in ender to faoltate amareness and aceplance, I s+ 00d oracice tht th facuby, no. tearing suff students, linkages, the community, and other stakeholgers are ‘owed in Ue formula, review andor revson ofthe ViNGO, An oxtcomestased assessment will fous on the ment to sich the royram objectives ae tained a shown inthe outcomes. Thus, there mustbe 3 corrmon understanding and acceptance of che end esis ofthe prosram by boty ‘he acuity nd he stents Ic should be demonscted that the progam objectives [owcomer| are onistent withthe Coege gos; andthe Calege goais with the Mision of the Insttuton, On @ lrgterm persoecthe, the accempishment ofthe Mision wil eat to the reaation ef the Vion ofthe lastiution Payee ‘ntomation andl exh wit be ete Recreation he flowing docuvats, ado snobs MCD), 2 uno eral 3, halen reeves catalogs nana rn and ther re 4 Docamentshatrah costing statement of VIRGO, 6 Progra aed atte shoving stants patlvatin inthe serio the VARGO; esearch wath conduct showing amirere SUC Chine: 808 ners Cale Code hyalina Ooo AREA |: VISION, MISSION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES es j= | a 1 cnetona net in | Comte matin Lh feseee aed ret ‘naeators Tarseatcery ‘eho Sa niTe a momecnes 54, Thelmttution nasa system of determi 2, The Vsion dearly rfige's whet the insttutin rosea r te become 3. The Miuion clearly reflects the Inston’ legal an rrarcates, 54 The Godls af the Co ofthe irstttion, | SS. The Objectires of the program cle terms of compotancies {ills and tnowtedze), aitributes of he graduates lich include te da heat 55, {echnical sil in Phyes/Appted Physess > ch and extansoneapabities, legs/ Academic Urit ave consistent with ings Vion ae Mision the i 2 other sozutory 5 ye Mission |__ ie arly state the expected outcomes in |_| ‘alues and ether velopment of eis etl | (walveeyysoyourseg Indeators RT 53 students’ own ideas, dsable attitudes, personal dscnine and moral craracter, ‘S54. eral thinking hls; and ‘555, aesthetic orl cultural values. [ReeeeesTATEN [athe nsttuton/Cotege cond review onthe statement ofthe Vise 1 and Mision es wall as goals and program objectives fo: the approval | __ofauthortesconeres, Via. the colege/Acocemic Unit follows system of formulating its goats and) += 1 thecbjetve ofthe pecgrar. | et cer a al i 1a. The College/Acaderic Unit focuty, personne, students and othe “a _skeholder (cooperatig agencies, nkages, alam) industry sector ard L_ | | Sher concemee groups) part inte formation, redew anor || $1. The GO are avalole on bulletin boars In cattga/manuat and in | [__Shtt fom emanation ned, = et | pt/ Ape ad Pye eV, Mn Cla Ojectven | Indicators Jia. asystemot {alsseminatlon and acceptability of the YMiG0 ts enforced | + The administrators/faculty attend in-service seminars and training OF jam ‘and aceeptabilty of the | 12... Vision and Missfon of the institution, 13. The formulation/review/revision of the VIGO Is participated in following: 13... administrators; eC 13.2. faculty; ze 133. sal et 134 students; nd = ss & 3 facuty and staf perform tha Jobs/functions in consonance with the { vo. : 5 | joa. 1 Thee "60h reat an acceptance of the VMGO by all | Stakeholders. \ 0.2. There is congruency actual educational practices/activities and the following: SUMMARY OF RATINGS AREA I: VISION, MISSION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Numerical | Descriptive Parameters | ratig | ating | 1 | atoment oon Mtaion,coatrant | : Objectives | + 8 | Dissemination and Acceptability 42g) tora: $55, mean: 4.28 5 LEAD ACCREDITOR/S;

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