KNRUHS Biochem Prvs 13 Yrs

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July- 2021
First M.B.B.S Examination
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Ansuerall questions:llustrate youranswer withsuitablediagrams.
LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS 2x 15 30 . Describe the classification of Antioxidants in biological system and add
A 15 year old boy who was given blood transfusion recently has a note on antioxidant enzyme system.
presented with chills and rigors of 2 days duration. [1+4+8+2] Saryanaruyuna (6" Edn) 632| Harper (31" Edny 116 ) DAM Varndevan 1 Eadm) 476

Laboratory investigations revealed the following indings: 9

Describe the structure of normal haemoglobin molecule. Add a note on
Serum total bilinubin: 4.8 mg/dl. Serum conjugated bilirubin : 0.2 mg/ Sununarayuns t0r Etmi 196 2051 Haper 31*Ea $2.53 DM unun Ea70 11
bilirubin:Negative. van den Bergh reaction is indirect positive.
What is the probable diagnosis? 10. Explain the role of Lungs and kidneys in maintaining acid base balance.
(How do you relate the history and laboratory finding to confirm Saryanaryana (6 Eati) 476. 477 DM
anudev an 9 Edn) 441-443

explain if required)
your diagnoSIS? (Use ftow chart to
( ) Describe normal 11.
the normal serum albumin level? Write the functions of serum
[103 30]
bilirubin metabolism.
( ) Name the test performed to identify presence of bile pigments in
What is
the urine. Sutyansaravuna (0 En) 1831 Harper (31 En) 627 DM Faukervan E 4
o E 41S-4s6 Hapr (81 E s05, 113-315 | DM auinum Ean) 367, Jo9, 398 413 2. of perfoming Haemoglobin electrophoresis
Explain the structure of DNA under the following headings
Explain the importance
patient with sickle cell anaemia.
in a

8 2 3+2] Sarnanuran ana (6 Edmy 203 Harper 3 Edi 39 650 54 DM Hauevam E

(a) Using a neat a labelled diagram explain the structural organization 13. Describe the structure and characteristics of different
of DNA
Name the histone proteins. 4
Sunumaraama (6 Edr 187 Harper 31 En) ai9-041 Du Findev an (9 Em: 693-09
Write the reference range of serum potassium levels and mention the
(C) Compare and contrast the diferences between DNA and RNA.
(d) Name the diferent forms of DNA.
diseases associated with Hyperkalemia.
buniray ana (6 Edy 4 DM Hiauleram E a
Suay uanrun ane ( Eány5 Hape (31° Edny 339 | DM Vasnievam (9 tad)
9 15. Name the thyroid function tests. Write the reference range for T4 and
Name the diferent levels of the
85 40] TSH.
structural organization of proteins.. naran una 10 Edn) 400 i Harper 13l" Eh 56" DM iamkvun 9 Ebu 68
Describe the secondary structure of proteins and the bonds stabilizing 16. Mention the reference range of
the secondary structure. asparate transaminase
alanine and
transaminase. Write the cinical significance of these enzymes in assessing
ter Ldns
4 1
59 67 1

Hrper (l" Ed) 1441 5541 DM Vasudevan (9 Eln) 28-37 Iver function.
Describe the punne salvage pathway. Add a note on gout. Satyanarus anu (6 E 8 110 Hurper (31" Ednu 272 al1 DM ludran9 E 0
munr uu 10 Laes 39) DM Vasdevan Eds 17. What is phenylketonuria? Mention the metabolic defect and the
Describe in detail metabolism of methionine. Add a note on Screening test used for diagnosis.
hyperhomocysteinemia Sunanuroyuas (6" Eabny J Harpor ial" bdn 8o- 29 DMa
0 Lales 9 Harger (9/ Ldni 29s DM Kadevan (9 Eabnu 285 8. Name the
6 What laboratory tests you will do to evaluate Renal
are tumor markers? Explain the clinical utility of any three tumor 9 Compare and contrast the structure function diseases.
With Haemoglobin.
relationship of
Sutyunanuna 10" 2dus
Describe in detail the
glormerular function tests. Add note on the formulae
19 Mrper
available for calculating estmated 20. What are Transamination and Deamination reactions.
glomerular function rate (eGFR).
July- 2021
First M.B.B.S Examination


PAPER- Max. Marks: 100

with suitable diagrams.
Answr all questions: llustrate your
Time: 3 Hours involved in electron transport
chain (ETC)
2* 15 30 8. Describe the role of enzymes
associated with ETC.
LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS and mention the disorders
A 10 year old boy admitted to a medical ward
a comatosed condition,
he (0" Edn) 223| Huper
(31" Ed I18-126| DM
Farudervan ( Edny 14
very recenty. His father told that
til Sumar uan the body and write its clinical
he mantained good health
become Explain the utilization of cholesterol in
complained of thirst and increased unnaton, He lostweight and
odour. The hospital blood test results
fruity significance.
his breath had (Edm) 247
very thin: 2+2+2*2*| Sutvanaruunu ( 6 Eadny 309 Harper 13lr Edny 218
DM Faudevam

are folows +++ metabolic inherited disorders (Lipid storage

Bilood =
800 mg%, Benedicts test= 10. Describe in detail on the
glucose under: Disease name, defective,
diseases) of sphingolipidoses as given

Biood urea =
mg%. Rotheras test

2.0 mg%
Serum creatinine probable major storage, symptoms, enzyme, compound.
the above case? [10x 3 30
(a) What isarethe points indiagnosisofin a diagnosis. VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS
used in clinical
() What the tavour sUch Write the principle and application of semi auto analysers
for fruity odour. 1.
(C)what are the reasons in detail?
Describe the metabolism of ketone-bodies laboratory. mucosal block theory
(d) 213. 215 one way element with
9 Haper (31 Edni 210215
DAM Banudevum Edn: 12. Justry the statement "Iron is a
classification. Write the role of Vitamin K as an anticoagulant
(a) What are enzymes? Descnbe their activity 13.
an account of the various factors affecting enzyme (0" Ealny 3f Haper (31" Edni: J-8| DM Fadevam Elm
(D) Write Saty muruy uma between the metabolic effects of
CDescnbe the mechanism of enzyme action. inhibition, 14. Discuss the reciprocal relationship
(d)whasenzyme What are the types of enzyme
inhibrñon, insulin and glucagon.
detail with examples$?
Descroe each categones in +3+3+3+3] (47" Ealns 1
165. 165.77 DM lunleun 9 Ln 143

of enzyme activity. [3( EAni 33.4 263 265

Satyunarnanu 16 E a 1 Harper
the regulation
(e) Enumerate
How do vitamin E and Selenium
E 6-60 68-0 DM Karukevan
15. What is the nutritional role of Selenium?
SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS [8x 5s40] Supplement their role.
oxidation. write the energetics of
Fatty acid Suty anaray una (0 Edny
421 Hurper 5
ENI: 204-44 E 4 DMaradrvan Y

Describe the steps for oxidation of food stuffs

paimibc acd oxidaton in detai as the final common pathway
Edei 211 DM Faruirvam ( Edn 203 16. Justfy TCA cyce
Haper 13l Harper (5i" Eany 34
150-156 DM auivun ( Ey
and responsibilities ofdue as expected Satyanaruyunu
10 Eas 25

Enlist and justty the roles

prevenbon of bindness
vitamin A deficiency. 17. Discuss on the development of fatty liver along with responsible factors
by the
Dy Uhe communty
co y E and mention the lipotropic factors.
audrun $29
incalvcans and
of glycosaminoglycans Lau 211-212
Describe the structure and functions Sutyanrumui0" Lau Hargor 124 (31" Eah 244 DM anudervan

menbon that distributon in Uhe DOOy. the functions of phospholipids.

19 18. Classity phospholipids and write
neat labeled diagram of the fluid mosalc model of the cell
Draw a
describe the passive transport mechanisms across |9. Compare and contrast GLUT2 and GLUT4 (Glucose Transpotors).
membrane and
the cell membrane
20. What is P.O ratio, explain its realtion to produce ATP by the coenzymes
Define BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). Calculate the totalwork.
calorie participating in electron transport chain.
equirement per day of a 50 kg male performing a moderate


November- 2020
November 2020 R First M.B.B.S Examination

First M.B.B.S Examination

S PAPER Max. Marks: 50
PAPER with sHitable diagramI.
Note: Answer all questions: llustrate your answer 2 x 10 20
2x 10 20 I. ANSWER THE
ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS puine and add a note on hyperuricemia?
How uric acid is formed from
Describe the reaction of citric acid cycle and mention its regulation. 6+4 10
and its amphiboli nature. 3+4*310)
Add a note on its energetics 582
Sunumurnna (0" ani
per tbnf41 DMPaudevim (9 El:
of transport mechanisms across the plasma
of allosteric regulation Describe different types
Descnbe the salient features and Kinetics 2
of enzyme acitivity Enumerate allosteric regulation using membrane.
DM liarudervan Et
14+4+2=10) 621
| harper 3 r Fdni a64-406 1 /9
phosphofructokinase enzyme as example. Suymarnu i6
FOLLOWING (5 x 4 20]
wRITE SHORT NOTE ON THE 3 Acute phase proteins.
trom alanine and its
Describe the process of gluconeogeneSIs Sinvumaruna (0Eadno 186

reguiation 4 Biologically important compounds derived fro tryptophan.

DM liansuiervam Etm 106
(o Lbei
Suymuaruyuna 155i Harper (31" Ean) 286 J00 (9
Folic aad-Souroes. biochemical functions and deficiency manitestations Reverse transcriptase.
from Gl tract. Satyomarava ( Eabes S461 Harper (31- Ldnj J44
Descibe the process of digeston and absorption of lipids
Describe the thyroid function tests with examples.
Eadn/ 567| DMf lasukevan 68?
Creatinine ciearnance and its importance Sutyunuaryunu (6 Eadn
46 Horgper f3 Ean)
Harpe ahs 506, iM lianudrvuan 19 Lany 41 Biologically important peptides.
Describe Walds visual cycle and mention deficiency manifestation ot ayamaravn 10" Eadm) os1 Harper (31" Ealn 21, 22

Vitamin A [5 * 2 101
8. Anti-Diuretic hormone (ADH) and its significance.
WRITE ERIEFLY ON 5x2 10 sunsrayumz (0 Eln
Phase II detoxification by conjugation
9. What is point mutation? Give an example.
Isoelectnic pH and its signicarice Sutyomaruyona (0 Edn 534
10. Nomral serum concentration of
10 Oxidative phosphorylation- inhibitors and uncouplers. (a) Sodium (6) Potassium (c) Chloride (d) Bicarbonate
Satyunura) unu (6 tainy THaper (51" Ean 472 DM Hasudevan
/ Ec 401-46
Acuve transport mechanism across cell mermbrane 1. Anion gap

12 Biologically irnportant cormpounds derived from cholesterol. 12. Chloride shift

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