KNRUHS Biochem Prvs 13 Yrs
KNRUHS Biochem Prvs 13 Yrs
KNRUHS Biochem Prvs 13 Yrs
explain if required)
your diagnoSIS? (Use ftow chart to
( ) Describe normal 11.
the normal serum albumin level? Write the functions of serum
[103 30]
bilirubin metabolism.
( ) Name the test performed to identify presence of bile pigments in
What is
the urine. Sutyansaravuna (0 En) 1831 Harper (31 En) 627 DM Faukervan E 4
o E 41S-4s6 Hapr (81 E s05, 113-315 | DM auinum Ean) 367, Jo9, 398 413 2. of perfoming Haemoglobin electrophoresis
Explain the structure of DNA under the following headings
Explain the importance
patient with sickle cell anaemia.
in a
Hrper (l" Ed) 1441 5541 DM Vasudevan (9 Eln) 28-37 Iver function.
Describe the punne salvage pathway. Add a note on gout. Satyanarus anu (6 E 8 110 Hurper (31" Ednu 272 al1 DM ludran9 E 0
munr uu 10 Laes 39) DM Vasdevan Eds 17. What is phenylketonuria? Mention the metabolic defect and the
Describe in detail metabolism of methionine. Add a note on Screening test used for diagnosis.
hyperhomocysteinemia Sunanuroyuas (6" Eabny J Harpor ial" bdn 8o- 29 DMa
0 Lales 9 Harger (9/ Ldni 29s DM Kadevan (9 Eabnu 285 8. Name the
6 What laboratory tests you will do to evaluate Renal
are tumor markers? Explain the clinical utility of any three tumor 9 Compare and contrast the structure function diseases.
With Haemoglobin.
relationship of
Sutyunanuna 10" 2dus
Describe in detail the
glormerular function tests. Add note on the formulae
19 Mrper
available for calculating estmated 20. What are Transamination and Deamination reactions.
glomerular function rate (eGFR).
July- 2021
First M.B.B.S Examination
Biood urea =
mg%. Rotheras test
2.0 mg%
Serum creatinine probable major storage, symptoms, enzyme, compound.
the above case? [10x 3 30
(a) What isarethe points indiagnosisofin a diagnosis. VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS
used in clinical
() What the tavour sUch Write the principle and application of semi auto analysers
for fruity odour. 1.
(C)what are the reasons in detail?
Describe the metabolism of ketone-bodies laboratory. mucosal block theory
(d) 213. 215 one way element with
9 Haper (31 Edni 210215
DAM Banudevum Edn: 12. Justry the statement "Iron is a
classification. Write the role of Vitamin K as an anticoagulant
(a) What are enzymes? Descnbe their activity 13.
an account of the various factors affecting enzyme (0" Ealny 3f Haper (31" Edni: J-8| DM Fadevam Elm
(D) Write Saty muruy uma between the metabolic effects of
CDescnbe the mechanism of enzyme action. inhibition, 14. Discuss the reciprocal relationship
(d)whasenzyme What are the types of enzyme
inhibrñon, insulin and glucagon.
detail with examples$?
Descroe each categones in +3+3+3+3] (47" Ealns 1
165. 165.77 DM lunleun 9 Ln 143
Vitamin A [5 * 2 101
8. Anti-Diuretic hormone (ADH) and its significance.
WRITE ERIEFLY ON 5x2 10 sunsrayumz (0 Eln
Phase II detoxification by conjugation
9. What is point mutation? Give an example.
Isoelectnic pH and its signicarice Sutyomaruyona (0 Edn 534
10. Nomral serum concentration of
10 Oxidative phosphorylation- inhibitors and uncouplers. (a) Sodium (6) Potassium (c) Chloride (d) Bicarbonate
Satyunura) unu (6 tainy THaper (51" Ean 472 DM Hasudevan
/ Ec 401-46
Acuve transport mechanism across cell mermbrane 1. Anion gap