Notes Prelim Stylistics

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ELECTIVE 2: STYLISTICS AND DISCOURSE description such as sounds, form,

ANALYSIS structure, and meaning. It then

follows that the consistent
appearance of certain structures,
STYLISTICS items and elements in speech
utterances or in a given text is one of
❖ Is a science, a branch of linguistics, the major concerns of stylistics.
investigating principles and the
results of selection and use of lexical, ⮚ The concepts of style and stylistics
grammatical, phonetic and other variation in language are based on the
language means for the transfer of general notion that within the language
thoughts and emotions under system, the content can be encoded in
different circumstances of more than one linguistic form.
communication. APPROACHES (Kanang naay HIGHLIGHT og
❖ A yoking of style and linguistics, is a RED NA FONT, mao nang apil sa gi question
ni sir during discussion and gi explain)
discipline which has been
approached from many ⮚ Style as Choice
o Choice is a very vital instrument of
⮚ When we carry out different activities stylistics since it deals with the
that are connected to our area of variations and the options that
business, either in spoken or written are available to an author.
forms, we often use devices of thought ⮚ Style as the Man
and the rules of language, but there are
o This is based on the notion that
variations so as to change meanings or
every individual has his or her own
say the same thing in different ways.
unique way of doing things and
⮚ This is what the concept of style is based that no two persons are of
upon: the use of language in different exactly the same character.
ways, all for the purpose of achieving a o A person’s style may also be
common goal – to negotiate meanings. shaped by his social and political
⮚ The preferred object of stylistic studies is background, religious inclination,
literature, but not exclusively “high culture, education, geographical
literature” but also other forms of written location, etc.
texts such as text from the domains of ⮚ Style as Deviation
advertising, pop culture, politics or o The concept of style as deviation
religion. is based on the notion that there
⮚ Stylistics also attempts to establish are rules, conventions, and
principles capable of explaining the regulations that guide the
particular choices made by individuals different activities that must be
and social groups in their use of executed. Thus, when these
language; where linguistic features and conventions are not complied
techniques help in the interpretation of with, there is deviation. Deviation
texts. in stylistics is concerned with the
use of different styles from the
EX: Emily in Pares, Ang Ka Tea, Mami expected norm of language use
Pakyaw, SpotiFRIES, McDollibee in a given genre of writing.
o This particular approach talks
❖ STYLISTICS is also defined as a study
about that a certain man could
of the different styles that are actually make use of
present in either a given utterance or unconventional way to…
a written text or document. (naputol kay naay classmate
❖ STYLISTICS requires the use of nato nag unau nag answer, OK
traditional levels of linguistic keyow)
⮚ Style as Period or Time ❖ Si LITERARY STYLISTICS is more of
o Style may also relate to understanding the totality or the
time/period. This is so because meaning itself based on how the
language is dynamic – it is always language is use.
changing. For example, nag understand ka,
o example is using jejemon words. symbolism which is dove. Then gi
Ex: Before: Paghikay, language understand nimo si dove dadtu sa
use in William Shakespeare’s poem kay inani pagkagamit so you
stories, Edgar Allan Poe’s stories understand nga ah si dove kay inani
o a certain word would reflect the kay mao man pagkagamit sa poem.
time you’re into. Pero kung balihon nimo the other
⮚ Style as Conformity way around, nganong dove iya gi
gamit, gi unsa niya pag construct
o Style as conformity can be seen
ang word nga dove dadtu sa poem,
as the first available option for a
para ma undercover nimo ang
writer to express himself. This is so
because virtually all possible fields
that a written material can ❖ So si STYLISTICS, iyang goal is to
belong to have been established. make use and to understand how
⮚ Style as Situation the language is use.

o It is the context that determines ❖ It focuses on language use in both

language choice in speaking or literary and non-literary texts.
writing. Certain words are ❖ Ang stylistics wala lang nag deal sa
appropriate for certain
high-end literature but different
occasions, while some are
types of literature that is why it’s
considered taboo, vulgar, or
important to remember that
language could be use differently.
The Nature of Stylistics
❖ There are a lot of options that is
❖ Stylistics is a borderline discipline available for you so that you could
between language and literature. discover the meaning (for example,
(We all know that literature makes someone could use love as a word
use of the language but that’s why and others might use “red” or “rose”
we’re going to deal with stylistics in to describe it) this is the nature of
order for us to determine and language
discover how are these language or
The Goals of Stylistics
how are the languages is used in
order to be in the literature. That’s ❖ To establish discourse peculiarities
why it’s a borderline, we need to (unique, not ordinary)
separate the meaning of the o We need to establish this goal
literature out from the language because different man has
used. Because we will discover different ways on how he’s going
meaning after understanding how to use the language. With this, we
the language is used rather than can identify the unique ways on
discovering the meaning by how the how a certain author makes use
language is used. KUNG of the language, like we would
HUNAHUNAON NIMO SI STYLISTICS, be able to identify nga ah kani
UNA NIMO E UNDERSTAND SI siya nga author kay kani iyang
SI MEANING.) o Example: pixar toy story (toys
represent happiness for the kids
but it’s the opposite in the
storyline like naay emotional story
nahitabo; there’s irony)
❖ To induce appreciation of discourses ang pag gamit sa language is
gahi kayo, mailhan jud sa tao
o Mas ma analyze nimo giunsa pag
na pinoy ang nag sturya)
form or pagbuhat ang text based
saiyang language ⮚ STYLISTICS is a branch of general
o Mas a eager kag basa because
linguistics. It deals with 2 interdependent
you’ll know how the language is
use rather than understanding the
o Investigation of special language
meaning directly
media which secure the desirable
❖ To ascertain linguistic habits effect of the utterance – they are
o Sa sige nimog balik balik og basa called
anang story sa isa ka particular ▪ Stylistic devices (SD); and
na author, ma hibal na dayun
nimo nga ay oh ingani siya ▪ Expressive means (EM)
musulat or oh inani jud na iyang o The second field of investigation is
style because of his habit in concerned with certain types of
repeatedly using the language. texts which due to the choice
❖ To make critical judgements and arrangement of language
means are distinguished by the
o This cannot be possible if we do
pragmatic aspect of
not understand the language
communication. These types are
o You have basis on why is this the
called functional styles of
analysis that you have come up
language. (how the language is
❖ To analyze language habits use, what is the purpose of why is
o An author could have different it that this language is use)
ways of writing
LANGUAGE HABITS are two ▪ Expressive means of a
different things.
language are those linguistic
o LINGUISTIC HABIT is mura siyag
forms and properties that have
bunga sa inyong pag gamit sa
the potential to make the
language. Like for example si
utterance emphatic or
Linguistics is more of the
expressive. These can be
structure of sentence, sounds,
found on all levels – phonetic,
meaning. This is more of the
graphical, morphological,
language, the language that is
lexical, or syntactical.
used. If modern English iyang
ginagamit then there will be ▪ These forms are described as
words na lahi. (Sa intensifiers.
advertisements: How do they Example:
micellize the sounds, how do
they drop the sounds could Phonological Level – pitch, melody, stress,
actually tell us where they came pausation, whispering, and others.
from like their stress and o Example: when you say
intonations) “goodbye” and nasuko ka,
o LANGUAGE HABITS – The imong tingog pud is pinabundak.
difference between the
American and British language is Morphological Level – the use of the
different especially if sa isa ka present indefinite instead of past indefinite.
texts is nagbalik balik ang ilang o The use of “shall” in the second
words use. (EX: the way ang and third person may be
mga pinoy mag English. Maskin regarded as EM
pag tsada kaayog o Word – building means –
cinematography and edit pero (diminutive suffixes (- let, - y(/ie)
dear – dearie (it sounds more Sweet is pleasure after pain. (J.
sweet if its dearie) Dryden)
What the eye does not see, the
Lexical Level
stomach does not get upset. (J.K.
o There are words with emotive Jerome)
meaning only; interjections words
that retain a twofold meaning; NOTE:
denotative and connotative words ❖ Expressive means and stylistic
that belong to special group of
devices have a lot in common but
literary English (slang, poetic,
they are not completely
archaic, vulgar)
synonymous. All stylistic devices
belong to expressive means but not
Pallet (= a straw mattress)
all expressive means are stylistic
Troth (=faith)
devices. Phonetic phenomena such
Syntactical Level as vocal pitch, pauses, logical stress,
and drawling =, or staccato
o There are many synonymous
pronunciation are all expressive
constructions, where the second in
without being stylistic devices.
each pair contains emphatic
elements ❖ It is important to know that the

▪ I have never seen such a film stylistic use of expressive means must
not necessarily lead to the formation
Never have I seen such a film
of a stylistic device.
▪ Mr. Smith came in first For example: REPITITION
It was Mr. Smith who came in When the weather is wet
first. We must not fret
STYLISTIC DEVICES (SD) When the weather is cold
We must not scold
A conscious and intentional intensification
of some typical structure and/or semantic
property of a language unit. FUNCTIONAL STYLE – talks about how the
o This is the use of FIGURATIVE language is use in a communication
LANGUAGE process

(J. Murdoch) ❖ Is a system of interrelated language

means serving a definite aim in
❖ Stylistic devices must always have
communication. It is the
some function in the text, besides coordination of the language means
they bring some additional and stylistic devices which shapes
information. The conception that the distinctive features of each style
words possess several meanings give and not the language means or
rise to such stylistic devices as stylistic devices themselves.
metaphor, metonymy, irony, epithet,
❖ The English literary system has
and others. Thus, a metaphor is a
evolved a number of styles easily
conscious intentional intensification
distinguishable one from another.
of semantic properties of a word:
They are not homogenous and fall
into several variants of having some
Oh, Rain? – said Mor
central point of resemblance or
He enveloped her in a great
better to say.
(The dictionary meaning of the verb These are:
envelop is to wrap up, cover on all
1. Official (documents and papers);
sides. The contextual meaning is to
2. Scientific (brochures, articles, other
scientific publications);
3. Publicistic (essay, public speech); style has a unique task to impress the
4. Newspaper style (mass media); reader are aesthetically.
5. Belles – lettres style (genre of
Sir Elijah’s Discussion:
creative writing);
Each of mentioned here styles can be
expressed in two forms: written and oral. ❖ One reader might response to the
SCIENTIFIC STYLE text differently to another reader
though they have the same text
❖ Is employed in professional
❖ Meaning, your interaction with the
communication to convey some
text, you view the style, how is the
language use on the particular text
❖ Its most conspicuous feature is the differently by the readers
abundance of terms denoting perspective
objects, phenomena and processes ❖ They might have different
characteristics of some particular
interpretations but the way they
field of science and technique.
understood is based on how the text
❖ Lahi si readers-response og si literary
❖ Is the most conservative one.
criticism, you do not focus on the
❖ It uses syntactical constructions and text or the language use, you focus
archaic words. Emotiveness is more of the meaning.
banned out of this style. ❖ If ikaw ang nihatag sa emotions sa
PUBLICISTIC STYLE imong gibasa, maong naay
differences sa emotions, mao nang
❖ Is famous for its explicit pragmatic reader response.
function of persuasion directed at
influencing the reader in
accordance with the argumentation ❖ It’s not the emotional response of the
of the author.
reader but it is the text evoking the
NEWSPAPER STYLE emotions of the reader. It’s not the
reader who is identifying the
❖ The paper contains vastly varying emotion.
materials, some of them being
❖ If ang text ang muhatag sa emotion,
publicist essays, some-feature
mao nang affective.
articles, some-scientific reviews,
some-official stock-exchange ❖ How you felt is because of the text.
accounts. ❖ Evoking emotion from the text, it has
❖ This offers a variety of styles. something to do with the
❖ These materials are informative construction of the sentence.

materials, characteristic of ❖ A writer could create a vivid image

newspaper only and not found in by the use of the language to have
other public-cations. that particular view nga mao ni
siyang nahitabo na scene.
Example: Romeo and Juliet
❖ The richest register of
o How did the author write those lines
communication besides its own
in order to evoke that feeling
language means, other styles can
o What were the words, how did the
be used besides informative and
author make use of the structure in
persuasive functions, belles-lettres
order to evoke that particular PEDAGOGICAL STYLISTICS
❖ This is an approach for teaching
Example: You want to evoke a feeling of
literature and language.
❖ This is an approach wherein as a
o You could make use of
teacher, you try to let the students
onomatopoeia like the sound of the
understand the literary techniques
steps to creep them out
on enhancing their ability to read
o Make use of literary devices.
and write.

❖ Basically, you’re outlying the
❖ Language can be used in various linguistic techniques to legal and
context which their meanings differ. criminal issues.
❖ Pragmatics is based also from the ❖ This is where you’re going to
study of speech acts, and the understand how are the words being
conversational passage, and the use in a particular issue.
implications of the utterance.
❖ This approach talks about the
1. This style conforms to the context that
language use in a context.
determines the language use where its
❖ How can you infuse stylistics in parameter of the usage is influenced.-
studying a literary text? Style as Conformity
o A text could mean different
2.This style is shaped by the author's social
when the way it was delivered
and political background, religious
is different as well. For
inclination, education and geographical
example: “I’ll wait for you.” This
location. - Style as the Man
text could mean that
someone is just simply stating 5.This style is enforced within its context,
but it could also mean that field or circumstances. where the author
the speaker is angry based on will adhere to the established style or
his intonation and tone which deviate.- Style as Situation
is in the suprasegmental and
4.This style is an intentional selection of
still part of phonology.
language use outside the range of normal
❖ Pragmatic stylistics: you study the language.- Style as Deviation
language, you study the nature, you
study the context, you study the
❖ When studying stylistics, you’re not
just going to infuse one style but it
could be different styles at the same
time like what authors does.
❖ There is inclusion (specific people
who are involved; there’s a

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