Annotated-Data 20report-Engl2210-6
Annotated-Data 20report-Engl2210-6
Annotated-Data 20report-Engl2210-6
The three data figures found in this report were selected to inform the reader of specific
trends that surround the media viewing industry. By showing: 1) The media sectors that
dominate the market in the year 2024. 2) Identifying the equal uprise of age groups who use
internet viewing methods between the years 2013-2017. 3) Displaying the pricing structure
between services. Competing companies can create a clearer picture and potential
marketing approach to address market needs.
The information gathered and shared in this report were obtained through three diNerent
data collection bodies. In the need of any further information regarding the sources used,
the reader may refer to the works cited both throughout the report as well the “References”
page in the document. Though one does not need an extensive background in marketing
and media, this report is better suited for sales and marketing specialists looking for a
trend to expound upon.
It is my hope that I have met your requirements and expectations regarding the attached
report for the “Data Report” assignment.
Joey DeMartino
Battle of the Titans:
Streaming’s Impact on Its Competitors
By Joey DeMartino
San Juan College
Battle of the Titans:
Streaming’s Impact on Its Competitors
Submitted to
By Joey DeMartino
The data report that follows displays various details regarding what viewing
platform consumers are using for their media viewing needs.
1) Streaming services have taken a stronghold of the market. Over taking the
once giant Cable/Satellite services.
2) Internet users of all age groups are adopting internet video viewing
TITLE AND ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………. iii
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………. v
1.0 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………... 1
2.1 Summary…………………………………………………………….. 4
2.2 Interpretation……………………………………………………….. 4
3.2 Interpretation……………………………………………………….. 6
4.2 Interpretation……………………………………………………….. 8
5.0 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………. 9
REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………….. 10
1.1 Purpose
The intended outcome of this report is to include data that directly correlates
a shift in the media viewership market between two major giants of the
industry. The report will be keying in on multiple aspects regarding streaming
and cable services. However, one may note the comparison of other services
such as “broadcast” will be depicted in some reports. In section 2.0, the
information graphed here will show the amount of leverage the Streaming
sector has taken in the viewership market. Following in section 3.0, this data
will depict the sharp uptick in internet video viewing amongst a multitude of
age groups in between the years 2013-2017. In the final section 4.0, the
information in the table will display the financial comparisons of various
combinations of services paired with an internet package.
1.2 Background
In a world where an endless cache of sitcoms, movies, and tv shows are at the
fingertips of the viewer, which medium is preferred? Why do consumers
choose these services in particular? And if there is indeed a preferred
method, how might their competitors adjust to stay relevant in the market?
These are questions sales and marketing agents for cable, streaming, and
broadcast companies may be assessing when looking for a competitive edge
in the industry. In a market that is ever changing, with an even faster evolving
technology surrounding it, companies may take interest in identifying both
long and short term trends. In reading this report, topics such as recent data
regarding preferred viewing platform, age demographics of internet users, and
cost comparison between services will be addressed.
1.3 Scope
2.0 Streaming’s Dominance in the Market
The first article of data being shared is from the website Exploding Topics
(Duarte, 2024) (see fig.1) As stated on their website, “Exploding Topics
analyzes millions of searches, conversations, and mentions across the
internet:” (“About Us”) The data Exploding Topics obtains to analyze, comes
from various sources such as search engines, online polls, and other digital
data trends that appear throughout the internet. By doing so, this allows
Exploding Topics to view trends through the data they acquire.
This chart very clearly indicates streaming’s strong hold on the marketplace.
Streaming services account for about 38% of viewership while cable holds
about 32%. Though this report is to point out the impact of streaming on
cable, it also should be noted the impact these two services have had on the
percentage of broadcast viewers in the marketplace. With that number
totaling no more than 25% of the market.
2.2 Interpretation
One perspective that can be viewed from this information is that streaming
platforms are apparently the preferred medium for viewers to obtain their
entertainment services through. Being this data was acquired through
multiple outlets, then analyzed and combined to show the trend, it is safe to
assume this trend is only on the uptick.
A flaw that can be pointed out when referencing this chart, would be its lack of
detail regarding which companies represent the total of each category as well
as what percentage they hold. Questions such as, which company has most
viewers in their category and how does that compare to their counter parts of
the other sectors, are left unanswered.
Despite the lack of detail regarding who controls what portion of their
category, the graph does depict a clear message. Streaming is the dominate
force in the market. This information should be alarming for Cable companies,
as there is a clear indicator pointing to their dwindling percentage of
3.0 Internet and Streaming Reaches Generations
The next figure being submitted is from author E. Carlson of the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (Carlson, 2018) (see fig.
2) Located in the “About Us” section, NTIA expresses “In addition to working
with other Executive Branch agencies to develop Administration positions,
NTIA represents the Executive Branch in both domestic and international
telecommunications and information policy activities.” (“About Us”) The NTIA
uses many tools across government agencies to gather their data and create
reports from. They are the agency in which administrative policies are
accessed and enforced.
3.1 Summary
The chart goes a step further by breaking down age groups. The diderent
colored lines correlate with the age group they represent. Dark blue line
indicates 15-24 years old. The lighter blue line represents 25-44 years old.
The black line shows the 45-64 years old range. Finally, the grey line
represents the 65 years and older demographic.
3.2 Interpretation
In conclusion, this chart expresses the growth in internet usage for video
streaming at quite a rapid increase. This trend shows a potential demand for
not only better internet, but also the expansion in the marketplace for
streaming services.
4.0 By the Numbers
The third and final document being shared is from K. Jackson of
(Jackson, 2024) (see Table 1) According to their website “CNET is a trusted
digital media publication that provides expert information, reviews and
analysis on consumer technologies, services, and trends, to help you find
exactly what you are looking for. For nearly 30 years, CNET has covered a wide
range of topics, including consumer electronics, smart home, money,
wellness and more.” (“About CNET”) CNET and the information it shares is
created by highly educated stad such as reporters, editors, product testers,
and tech support specialist. The information in this report was created from
data obtained by CNET themselves.
4.1 Summary
This chart goes into further detail by displaying the diderence in pricing with
the feature of Live TV into the streaming and internet mix. This can be viewed
as a more accurate comparison to premium cable and internet combination.
4.2 Interpretation
A potential outlook one might surmise from this table, is the view of any
streaming service paired with internet looks to be more budget friendly than
the alternative cable combination options. It may be safe to assume
consumers would much rather pay less for essentially the same services.
Though this is just an assumption and not a proven fact.
One aspect this chart may be missing is the addition of how satellite services
compare to these choices. It wasn’t made clear whether CNET made a
diderentiation of cable and satellite or if they grouped them as one in the
This report clearly depicts pricing of the various combinations. It also makes a
clear indication as to which combinations are the most budget conscious. In
viewing these results, one might suggest to the multiple cable providers to
adjust pricing to create a more competitive market against streaming
Conclusion 5.0
When it comes to media viewing and what avenues to do so, there are many
options for a consumer to choose from. Not all service providers can meet
the ever-evolving criteria viewers tend to demand. With this in mind, it may be
beneficial for companies of sectors who are falling behind to take a deeper
dive into what motivates these consumers to select other service providers.
Carlson, E. (2018). Cutting the cord: NTIA data show shift to streaming video as consumers drop
pay-TV. Cutting the Cord: NTIA Data Show Shift to Streaming Video as Consumers Drop
Pay-TV | National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
Duarte, F. (2024, February 19). Video Streaming Services Stats (2024). Exploding Topics.
Jackson, K. (2024, February 20). Streaming vs. cable: Which one saves you more money?.