Story Teling
Story Teling
Story Teling
Once upon a time, there was a poor widow who lived with her beautiful daughter, Darmi. They lived in a
small village in West Kalimantan.The old widow had to work hard all day in the field to provide for both
of them.Unfortunately, Darmi never helped her with anything. As a very lazy and spoiled girl, all she
cared about was herself.One day, the mother asked Darmi to go with her to the market to help buy
groceries.Darmi refused because she did not want people to see them walking together.However, the
girl finally relented with one condition: they would not walk side by side. She wanted to walk in front so
that the people in the village would not think they were related.Although saddened by the request, the
poor widow reluctantly complied.On the way to the market, people were admiring Darmi’s beauty.A
handsome man approached her and asked where the beautiful girl was going.“I’m going to the market,”
Darmi answered.“And who’s that walking behind you?” asked the man.“Oh, the woman? That’s my
maid,” the girl replied arrogantly.The mother overheard the conversation and was heartbroken by her
attitude.More people saw them, and the same conversation was repeated again and again.Eventually,
the poor woman could not take the humiliation anymore and prayed, “God, I can’t bear the suffering
any longer. Please punish my child.”All of a sudden, the sky became dark.Darmi suddenly screamed,
“Help! What’s happening to me? I can’t move my legs anymore!”Everyone around watched in disbelief
as Darmi slowly turned to stone.“Mother, please forgive me!” Darmi cried helplessly.The woman
replied, “Sorry, my child. It’s too late now.”Then the ungrateful girl turned to stone completely.People
called the statue the crying stone because they could see her tears running down her face as she was
turning to stone.To this day, the statue is still there in West Kalimantan. It serves as a reminder for
people to respect their parents.
Sumber gambar: Dongeng Kita.Pada zaman dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang janda miskin yang tinggal
bersama putrinya yang cantik bernama Darmi. Mereka tinggal di sebuah desa kecil di Kalimantan
Barat.Sang ibu harus bekerja keras seharian di ladang untuk menghidupi mereka berdua.Sayangnya,
Darmi tidak pernah membantu mengerjakan apa pun. Sebagai anak yang sangat malas dan manja, yang
dipikirkannya hanyalah dirinya sendiri.Suatu hari, sang ibu mengajak Darmi pergi ke pasar bersamanya
untuk membantu membeli bahan makanan.Darmi menolak karena ia tak mau orang – orang melihat
mereka berjalan bersama.Namun, gadis itu pun akhirnya mengalah dengan satu syarat: mereka tidak
akan berjalan berdampingan. Ia mau berjalan di depan, agar orang – orang di desa tidak berpikir bahwa
mereka memiliki hubungan.Walau sedih mendengar permintaan ini, sang ibu menurutinya juga dengan
berat hati.Di jalan menuju pasar, orang – orang mengagumi kecantikan Darmi.Seorang pria tampan
menghampirinya dan bertanya ke mana si perempuan cantik itu akan pergi.“Aku mau pergi ke pasar,”
jawab Darmi.“Lalu siapa itu yang berjalan di belakangmu?” tanya pemuda itu lagi. “Oh, wanita itu? Dia
pembantuku,” jawab anak perempuan itu dengan angkuh.Sang ibu mendengar pembicaraan itu dan
merasa sakit hati atas sikap putrinya itu.Semakin banyak orang yang melihat mereka, dan pembicaraan
yang sama terulang lagi dan lagi.Akhirnya, wanita malang itu pun tak dapat lagi menahan penghinaan itu
dan berdoa, “Ya Tuhan, aku tak kuat lagi menanggung penderitaan ini. Tolong hukumlah
anakku!”Seketika langit menjadi gelap.Darmi tiba – tiba berteriak, “Tolong! Apa yang terjadi padaku?
Aku tak bisa menggerakkan kakiku lagi!”
Semua orang di sekeliling menyaksikan dengan tak percaya saat Darmi perlahan berubah menjadi
batu.“Ibu, tolong ampuni aku,” isak Darmi tak berdaya.Wanita itu menjawab, “Maaf, anakku. Sekarang
semua sudah terlambat.”Lalu, anak yang tahu berterima kasih itu pun berubah seluruhnya menjadi
batu.Orang – orang menamai patung itu Batu Menangis karena mereka melihat air mata Darmi
membasahi wajahnya saat ia berubah menjadi batu.Sampai hari ini, patung itu masih ada di Kalimantan
Barat. Patung itu menjadi pengingat bagi orang – orang untuk menghormati orang tua mereka.
The next day, Toba went farmer in the field. Toba farmer from morning until noon. He was very hungry
and tired, so he went home. At home, Toba was very surprised because there was a beautiful girl who
was cooking. “Who are you? Why are you in my house?” said toba surprised. “I’m sorry, I was a golden
fish and now I human form, I’m here to give you some food, as a sign of my gratitude.” Said the beautiful
Time the past Toba and the beautiful girl married and had a baby named Samosir. When Samosir is
seven years old, he was very lazy, stubborn, and mischievous. One day “Samosir, please deliver this food
to your father, mother was busy.” Said mother. “No, Mom! I want to play!” said Samosir snapped. “Hey
Samosir! What wrong with you? He’s your father! He was hungry.” Said mother angry. Because mother
angry Samosir forced to deliver this food.
On the way to the farm Samosir eat father lunch little by litte until the remaining few. When Toba
opened the eat box turn out it was empty, Toba was very angry to Samosir. “Whaat? Where the food?!”
said Toba very angry. “I’m sorry, Dad. I’m so hungry.” Sampsir answered with anxiety.
Toba felt really upset with his son. And, suddenly he said something rude that was forbidden. “Your
manner is like a little animal. It’s because your mother is a fish. So you are like her. Go away from here!”
Toba didn’t realize that what he said was so rude. He was forbidden to tell about Samosir mother’s
Samosir sad and tell all to his mother. “Calm down, Samosir. Don’t cry anymore. Now, all you have to do
is climbed the highest tree and stayed there. There will be a huge flood and this village will be sink and
disappear.” Said mother.
Samosir went away and climbed the highest tree in the village. Mother was really sad. She decided to do
suicide by jump to the lake. Suddenly, the sky was getting dark. Not so long after that, the rain fall down.
It was a great rain. The thunder and lightning were so scary. Meanwhile, Toba was surprised by this
disaster. He can not save himself. And Samosir, although he climbed the highest tree, he still can not
escape the great disaster.
And then a small island in the middle of the lake called Samosir Island. And the village was submerged
and became a large lake. The large lake is named TOBA.