Flames of War Intel-German-Late

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Intelligence Briefing on the Late War

German Army (1944-45)

The Wehrmacht, the German armed forces, are the finest fighting machine on the face of the earth. Over the past four years all of
Europe has been subjugated by German military power. But now the German army faces its greatest test. Enemies press with
overwhelming strength on three fronts. To the East are the Bolshevik hordes of the Soviet Union. This front sees particularly
savage fighting, and here no quarter is asked for or given. To the west and south, in France and Italy, are the forces of the Western
democracies, lead by America and Britain. These nations have immense industrial might but have no stomach for heavy
casualties. They prefer to slowly grind their way forward, using their massive artillery reserves and air power.
So far the superiority of the German soldier and German military equipment has cancelled out the enemies’ superiority in men
and supplies. Both fronts are holding. It is simply a matter of waiting until the launch of the massive counter-offensive promised
by high command. Very soon the long-promised ‘Wunderwaffen’ or ‘miracle weapons’ will be available to assist the ordinary
German soldier to crush the enemies of the Third Reich.
German Panzertruppen, the armored forces, are the elite troops of the army. The Panzer truppen are equipped with some of the
most technologically advanced tanks in existence, the Panther and the Tiger. These tanks, combined with superior training,
tactical prowess and motivation makes possible driving back the enemy time and time again. All of Germany’s enemies have
learnt to fear the approach of a Panzer Kampfgruppe or battle group.
The motorized infantry of the Panzergrenadier regiments back up the armour. The close cooperation between tanks and infantry
is an example of the tactical sophistication of the German army. The two arms support each other closely, enabling larger but less
well coordinated enemy forces to be defeated again and again. It is only recently that the enemy has begun to copy these
techniques. This is only proper, considering the many harsh lessons in military science that the Wehrmacht has been so kind as to
give them over the years.
The bulk of the army’s forces are, nevertheless, Grenadier or infantry divisions. These units have little armour, and few trucks.
Relying mostly on horse-drawn transport (supplemented on occasion with captured trucks), they are less suited to mobile
offensive operations. Nevertheless, the infantry are proud troops and are excellent for holding the front line and inflicting heavy
losses on the enemy with their determined resistance. Any ground gained by the enemy is then ruthlessly retaken by immediate
counter-attacks from the Panzers and Panzergrenadiers.
Despite having less armour than the Panzer troops, the infantry do not themselves fear enemy armour. German weapons designers
have developed by far the best anti-tank guns of the age. Batteries equipped with the famous 88mm anti-tank/anti-aircraft gun
have racked up huge tallies of destroyed enemy tanks. The fear these weapons strike into the hearts of enemy tankers is most
amusing. Backing up the big 88s are the low-slung and hard-hitting 75mm PaK40 anti-tank guns; these weapons have more than
enough power to punch through the armour of the enemy’s medium tanks.
The German infantryman is also fortunate to have at his disposal the world best machinegun – the MG42. This weapon possesses
a formidable rate of fire – two to three times that of our enemies’ machineguns. Needless to say, the enemy infantry does not like
to move in the open against the German Grenadier. And then there is the skill with which the German infantrymen handle their
mortar batteries. These light artillery weapons provide local firepower within seconds of a call for help being received. Due to
their accuracy and high rate of fire, the enemy infantry despise German mortar crews.

German Company Choices Motivation and Experience

You can base your German force on: The German army has fought and won many battles since the
• a Panzerkompanie (Tank Company), beginning of the war. This has made German troops very
• a Panzergrenadierkompanie (Mechanised Infantry experienced and confident. However, the infantry divisions
Company), or are increasingly made up of older men, foreign conscripts,
• a Grenadierkompanie (Infantry Company). and other less than ideal material.
Most troops in a German force are rated as Confident
Veteran. The troops of a Grenadierkompanie are rated as
Reluctant Trained.

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Special Rules
Burns Easily
Mission Tactics Battle reports on the Panther tank noted time and again how
German training teaches all soldiers to think for themselves. it burned astonishingly quickly and burned out when
Everyone is not only told their own job, but that of their penetrated.
commanding officers as well. If an officer is killed in action, The opposing player re-rolls any failed Firepower tests to
the next most senior soldier will quickly take command. destroy a Panther tank.
If the command team of a German platoon is destroyed, Heavy Tank
another team can take over as a command team immediately. Tiger heavy tanks may be slow, but they have the power and
If the command team is a vehicle, nominate another vehicle weight to grind their way across almost any terrain.
in the platoon as the new command team. Tiger tanks only move 8”/20cm on Road and Cross-country
If the command team is an infantry team, remove a surviving terrain.
infantry or gun team from the platoon and bring the If a Tiger tank becomes Bogged Down, roll again. On a roll
command team back into play to replace it. of 4+, the tank immediately frees itself and continues
Kampfgruppe Light Tank
German military organizations are very flexible. When a
The Panzer II L reconnaissance tanks are fast and mobile.
special mission is required a Kampfgruppe (battle group)
will be formed out of troops from another unit. Once this Light tanks move 16”/40cm when moving on Roads or
mission is complete the Kampfgruppe is disbanded and the Cross-country.
soldiers return to their original unit. Mortar Carrier
At the start of the game, detach up to half the teams from any The Sd Kfz 251/2 (8cm) mortar carrier is a specialist half-
combat and weapons platoons in the company and attach track carrying a standard medium mortar. Although the
them to the Company HQ platoon. mortar is normally fired from the half-track, it can be
The attached platoons count as part of the HQ platoon for all dismounted and the half-track sent to the rear.
purposes including platoon and company morale. You may dismount the mortar by replacing the half-track
Any casualties sustained by the composite Company HQ with a Medium Mortar team. Once dismounted, the mortar
platoon do not affect the original platoons that the teams may not remount during a game.
belonged to. Overloaded
The heavy armour and large guns some tanks seriously
Stormtroopers overloads the chassis.
Speed and surprise were the hallmarks of Germany’s elite Overloaded tanks only move 8”/20cm on Road and Cross-
stormtroopers during the First World War. Today the Army country terrain.
carries on this tradition of mobility and decisive action. Now When required to make a bogging roll, an overloaded tank
all German troops are considered stormtroopers, and this is becomes Bogged Down on a roll of 1 or 2, rather than the
reflected in the speed with which they manoeuvre. usual 1.
Any German platoon with a command team may attempt a Schürzen
Stormtrooper move in its Assault step instead of launching
Schürzen are the thin armoured plates added to the sides of
an assault.
some German tanks. Schürzen protects the vehicle from
Roll a Skill test for each platoon. small anti-tank weapons, like anti-tank rifles and bazooka
• If the test is passed, the platoon may move another rockets.
4”/10cm. When a tank that is protected by Schürzen is hit by an
• If the test is failed, the platoon cannot move further this infantry team’s shooting and fails its Armour Save, roll a
turn. special 4+ save:
All of the normal rules apply for this movement. • If the save is successful the Schürzen protects the tank
Platoons cannot make Stormtrooper moves if they are moved from damage.
At the Double or are Pinned Down. Bogged Down or Bailed • If the save is not successful the shot penetrated as
Out vehicles cannot make Stormtrooper moves. Gun teams normal.
that shot earlier in the turn cannot make a Stormtrooper Schürzen only stops hits on the side armour.
German Vehicles Despite occasional mechanical failures, the extremely wide
tracks fitted to the Panther tanks allow them to cross almost
Amphibious any terrain with ease.
The Schwimmwagen amphibious jeep carries the If a Panther tank becomes Bogged Down, roll again. On a
Panzergrenadiers of the reconnaissance battalion through any roll of 4+, the tank immediately frees itself and continues
terrain, even swimming rivers. moving.
Schwimmwagen amphibious jeeps treat impassable water
obstacles as Difficult Going.

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was designed for the parachute regiments, but has found

German Weapons favour in the Grenadier regiments as well. The biggest
Assault Rifles advantage of the GW42 is its light weight and handiness in
action. The cost is in a dramatically decreased range.
The advanced StG44 Sturmgewehr auto-loading assault rifle
fires a shortened cartridge of reduced power. The short You may replace medium mortar teams with 8cm GW42
cartridge reduces recoil compared to a normal rifle and light mortar teams with Range 16”/40cm, ROF 1, Anti-
enables the rifle to be fired fully automatically. It is easier to tank 1 and Firepower 3+. As well as firing as light mortars,
shoot while on the move. The price paid for these advantages GW42 mortars can fire as close-support artillery. 8cm GW42
is a shortened maximum range. teams are issued with smoke ammunition. 8cm GW42
mortars, being light mortar teams, are infantry teams rather
Assault Rifle teams have Range 8”/20cm, ROF 3, Firepower
than gun teams.
6, and Anti-tank 1. The team suffers no penalty for moving.
Heavy Anti-aircraft Guns Begleitgrenadiere
Heavy anti-aircraft guns like the 8.8cm FlaK gun have large Assault guns are expected to support infantry operations
crews and fast reloading systems to allow them to keep up an from close range. So as not to distract them from their main
extraordinary rate of fire. mission, they often have a small unit of Begleitgrenadiere or
The 8.8cm anti-aircraft gun may have ROF 3 for +10 points escort troops attached to protect them from enemy infantry.
if it is modelled with 8 or more crew. Begleitgrenadiere never go far from their assault gun, so use
Limited Elevation infantry miniatures permanently mounted on the back of the
The way the 10.5cm howitzer is mounted in the Hotchkiss assault gun to represent them. Begleitgrenadiere are part of
self-propelled gun prevents it from elevating to maximum the tank team. They cannot move, be shot at, or assaulted
range. separately from their assault gun. They only way to destroy
10.5cm howitzers mounted in 10.5cm leFH18 auf 39H(f) them is to destroy their assault gun.
self-propelled guns count as Close-support Artillery. Begleitgrenadiere can shoot separately from their assault
Panzerfaust gun. They have a range of 8”/20cm, ROF 1 whether the
assault gun moves or not, Anti-tank 1, and Firepower 6.
Germans engineers have invented a cheap, disposable anti-
tank launcher named Panzerfaust (‘Tank Smasher’). These In an assault, Begleitgrenadiere fight at the same time as
are issued to infantry units as required, providing them with their assault gun, giving the assault gun two attacks in
their own anti-tank weapons. assault combat.
Teams equipped with Panzerfaust launchers may only fire A assault gun carrying Begleitgrenadiere cannot carry other
them in defensive fire when they are assaulted. A team with passengers.
Panzerfaust launchers may either fire them or its normal
weapons. Horse-drawn Transport
When using their Panzerfaust anti-tank launchers in assault Although infantry divisions were not issued trucks, they
combats, a team has an Anti-tank rating of 4. sometimes replaced horse-drawn transport with captured
Rear AA Mount
You may replace horse-drawn limbers and wagons with
German half-tracks are fitted with a rear anti-aircraft
captured trucks for +5 points each.
mounting for one of the passenger’s machine-guns, allowing
them to fire from the vehicle.
A passenger team can mount their machine-gun on the half-
Air Support
track’s rear AA mount. It then fires as an Anti-aircraft The Luftwaffe, or German Air Force, is greatly outnumbered
Machine-gun with a field of fire to the side or rear of the by Germany’s enemies. It is a happy day when the German
vehicle. Grenadier receives air support!
Stielgranate You may request Sporadic air support at a cost of 50 points.
The little 3.7cm anti-tank gun earned the nickname ‘The Sporadic air support will provide supporting ground attack
Army’s Doorknocker’ because it just made an ineffective aircraft and fighters on a roll of a 6.
banging noise on the outside of well-armoured tanks. The You may request Limited air support at a cost of 100 points.
answer lies in the new Stielgranate ammunition. It is clumsy Limited air support will provide supporting ground attack
and short-ranged, but it allows the 3.7cm anti-tank gun to aircraft and fighters on a roll of a 5+.
knock out any tank in existence. Aircraft Weapons Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
A 3.7cm anti-tank gun with Stielgranate ammunition can fire Ju87D Stuka Bombs 4”/10cm - 4 1+
with Range 8”/20cm, ROF 1, Anti-tank 12, and Firepower
5+. Ju87G Stuka Guns 8”/20cm 3 7 5+

The 8cm GW42 Stummelwerfer (‘stump mortar’) is a
shortened and lightened version of the GW34. The weapon

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Panzerkompanie (Tank Company)

The Panzers are the mailed fist of the Wehrmacht, they are the cutting edge of the might spear that has so often been rammed
through enemy lines during the war. Germany’s latest tank designs are the best in the world and are the subject of much envy
from enemy tank crews. Even the older German designs are as efficient as many of the latest enemy vehicles.
The Panzers are well suited to attacking. They enjoy nothing more than falling upon the enemy lines like a bolt of lightning out of
nowhere, smashing enemy armour and anti-tank guns before pouring through onto the enemy rear areas.
When the army is defending the Panzer divisions are usually kept to the rear of the battle line at first, and if the enemy manages to
penetrate the front-line infantry divisions then the tanks move forward swiftly, smashing the breakthrough before it becomes
dangerous. When employed in this role the Panzers are referred to as ‘fire brigade’ troops, as they rush from hotspot to hotspot,
putting out the fires.
front lines. There will often be seen a tank recovery vehicle
What Is In A Panzerkompanie? accompanying the Panzers into action.
A force based around a Panzerkompanie must contain: The recovery vehicle can be an Sd Kfz 9 half-track or a
• a Company HQ, and Bergepanzer III or Bergepanther recovery tank.
• at least two Panzer Platoons.
Weapons Platoons available to a Panzerkompanie are: Combat Platoons
• a Scout Platoon,
• an Armoured Pioneer Platoon, and 2 to 4 Panzer Platoons
• an Anti-aircraft Platoon.
Support Platoons for a Panzerkompanie can be:
• Panzergrenadier Platoons (from a
Panzergrenadierkompanie), or
• Heavy Tank, Assault Gun, Hunting-tank, Anti-tank,
Artillery, Anti-aircraft, or Reconnaissance Platoons
from Divisional Troops.
You may have up to one Support Platoon attached to your
company for each Panzer Platoon you are fielding.

Motivation And Experience The most common vehicles to be found in the Panzer platoon
are the older Panzer IV and the new Panther. As Germany
A Panzerkompanie is Confident Veteran.
falls more on the defensive, many Panzer IV tanks are being
replaced with StuG assault guns and turretless Jagd-
Headquarters Platoon panzer IV/70 tanks (more correctly known as Panzer IV/70).

1 Company HQ Weapons Platoons

0 to 1 Scout Platoon

At full strength: 210 points

With 1 squad: 125 points
The Panzerkompanie or Tank Company is the basic Replace all MG teams with
formation of the Panzer force and is commanded by a Assault Rifle teams +10 points
Hauptmann. Germany’s Panzers are scarce and because of Replace Kübelwagen jeeps with +20 points per squad
this the number of vehicles in a Panzer Company can vary Sd Kfz 251 half-tracks: or section
widely. A company at its full strength of 22 vehicles is a rare
sight indeed. Note also the wide range of vehicles that may The Scout Platoon moves ahead of the mighty Panzers,
be found in the company. In addition to the highly capable locating enemy strong points, and detecting ambushes.
new vehicles, such as the Panther, some older and less able Without these ‘eyes’, the Panzers would be a blind colossus
Panzers may be found still at the front line. and easy prey for strong enemy defences.
German tankers are expert at recovering their damaged When defending, the platoon can be used to give advance
vehicles from the battle and repairing them just behind the warning of the enemy’s assault and deceive them as to where
the Panzer battalion’s real defences lie.

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Historically, the Kübelwagen jeeps of the Scout Platoons

only carry a driver and two scouts each. A team of four 0 to 1 Armoured Anti-aircraft Platoon
scouts is split over two Kübelwagen jeeps. In Flames Of Germany’s enemies possess large numbers of aircraft and the
War, you can model a scout team’s transport as either one or German air force can no longer guarantee the army
two Kübelwagen jeeps, but either way they count as a single protection from air-attack. Many older tanks have been
transport team they must always remain together and count converted to carry rapid firing anti-aircraft cannons to
as a single target for shooting. If one is destroyed, they both provide protection for the Panzers. Casualty rates amongst
are destroyed. You may choose to base the two vehicles enemy ground attack aircraft pilots are now very high.
together to show this. These weapons are also highly effective against lightly
Scout Platoons equipped with Sd Kfz 251 half-tracks have armored ground targets and can assist to the Panzers even
one half-track per squad and one in the HQ section. when no enemy aircraft are present.
Scout Platoons are reconnaissance platoons and may use the Light Armoured Anti-aircraft Platoon
Reconnaissance rules to avoid enemy fire.
Your force may not contain more than one Scout Platoon,
even if it has more than one Panzerkompanie.

0 to 1 Armoured Pioneer Platoon

A light Armoured Anti-aircraft Platoon has a command

vehicle and three sections of either one Sd Kfz 7/1 (2cm) or
Wirbelwind quadruple-mounted anti-aircraft gun, or two
Flakpanzer 38(t) single-mounted 2cm anti-aircraft guns.
Heavy Armoured Anti-aircraft Platoon

At full strength: 285 points

With 2 squads: 205 points
With 1 squad: 120 points
Add Panzerfaust to every team: +5 points per team
Replace Rifle/MG teams with +10 points per squad
Assault Rifle teams: or section

The Armoured Pioneer Platoon will also be found moving

A heavy Armoured Anti-aircraft Platoon has a command
ahead of the Panzers line of advance. It is their responsibility
vehicle and four Möbelwagen or Sd Kfz 7/2 (3.7cm) anti-
to ensure that the path ahead is clear by removing anti-tank
aircraft guns.
obstacles like felled trees, and filling in craters blown in
roads. It can be a very dangerous life being a Pioneer as they Your force may not contain more than one Armoured Anti-
often operate in very forward and exposed positions. aircraft Platoon, even if it has more than one Panzer-
When defending, the Pioneer platoon will help construct
defences before the battle. During the battle it will serve as
regular infantry to assist in holding the line.
Up to half of the Pioneer teams in an Armoured Pioneer
Platoon may be equipped with flame-throwers as well as
their normal weapons for +10 points each.
Your force may not contain more than one Armoured
Pioneer Platoon, even if it has more than one Panzer-
kompanie or Panzergrenadierkompanie.

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Panzergrenadierkompanie (Mechanised Infantry Company)

The German army has always prided itself on its superior mobility in the attack. The Panzergrenadiers, or armoured infantry, are a
highly mobile, combined arms strike force possessing immense firepower. A high standard of training and personal initiative,
combined with the most modern equipment means the Panzergrenadier regiment will be capable of engaging and destroying all
enemy forces encountered.
It is the job of the Panzergrenadiers to work with the Panzers in achieving victory. Depending on the situation either the Panzers
may be leading the way with the Panzergrenadiers supporting them, or it may be other way round. Despite their name, not all
Panzergrenadiers possess armored vehicles for transportation. Only a small proportion of the troops in the Germany army have
armored half-tracks and those that do are considered to have almost as high status as the Panzers themselves. A unit that is
entrusted with such vehicles will be expected to closely follow the Panzers into combat, utilizing this protection and mobility to
fall upon the enemy before they have a chance to react.

What Is In A Panzergrenadier- Headquarters Platoon

A force based around a Panzergrenadierkompanie must 1 Company HQ
• a Company HQ, and
• at least two Panzergrenadier Platoons.
Weapons Platoons available to a Panzergrenadierkompanie
• a Heavy Platoon,
• a Tank-hunter Platoon,
• a Heavy Mortar Platoon,
• an Infantry-gun Platoon,
• a Light Anti-aircraft Platoon.
Support Platoons for a Panzergrenadierkompanie can be:
• Panzer Platoons (from a Panzerkompanie),
• a Scout Platoon,
• an Armoured Pioneer Platoon,
• an Armoured Flame-thrower Platoon, or At full strength: 45 points
• Heavy Tank, Assault Gun, Hunting-tank, Anti-tank, Add Tank-hunter Squad: +30 points per team
Artillery, Anti-aircraft, or Reconnaissance Platoons Replace Kfz 15 field car and Kübelwagen
from Divisional Troops. with Sd Kfz 251/1 half-tracks: +20 points
You may have up to two Support Platoons attached to your Replace 2-ton truck with Sd Kfz 251/17 (2cm) or
company for each Panzergrenadier Platoon you are fielding. Sd Kfz 251/21 (2cm) half-track: +15 points
Add Panzerfaust: +5 points per team
Motivation And Experience The Hauptmann (or Captain) commands the Panzer-
A Panzergrenadierkompanie is Confident Veteran. grenadier Company. He must oversee the performance of
the company during battle and ensure that all the soldiers in
the company know what to do and where to do it.
Controlling the actions of over a hundred Panzergrenadiers
and a variety of support weapons takes a considerable
amount of skill. The Hauptmann must be an intelligent and
resourceful leader.

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Armoured Panzergrenadier Platoon

Combat Platoons
2 or 3 Panzergrenadier Platoons
Riding in their Kfz70 light trucks (or whatever else is
available in these difficult times), the motorized
Panzergrenadier platoon will be delivered close to where it
is needed to be most effective. Quickly and efficiently the
platoon will deploy, each soldier knowing what he is
required to do. Many of the soldiers in the platoon will have
had several years combat experience behind them, and they
will have passed this knowledge onto any new recruits,
enabling the recruits to quickly become veterans
The Panzergrenadier platoon has considerable firepower
with two MG42 machine-guns per section. One on one the
Panzergrenadiers will outshoot most enemy infantry.
Motorised Panzergrenadier Platoon

At full strength: 275 points

With 2 squads: 200 points
Add Panzerfaust to every team: +5 points per team
Replace four MG teams with
Assault Rifle teams: +5 points

An armoured Panzergrenadier Platoon has an Sd Kfz 251/1,

Sd Kfz 251/10 (3.7cm), Sd Kfz 251/17 (2cm), or
Sd Kfz 251/21 (2cm) half-track for the HQ Section and an
Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track for each Panzergrenadier Squad.

At full strength: 220 points

With 2 squads: 160 points
Add Panzerfaust to every team: +5 points per team
Replace four MG teams with
Assault Rifle teams: +5 points

A motorised Panzergrenadier Platoon is carried on the

march in Horch or Krupp Kfz 70 trucks. A Panzergrenadier
Platoon in a force with no Panzer Platoons may replace the
Kfz 70 trucks in each squad with a single 3-ton truck and
drop the Kübelwagen at no cost.

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Armoured Heavy Platoon

Weapons Platoons
0 to 1 Heavy Platoon
The heavy platoon ensures that there is always a
concentration of firepower available to support the
company at vital times. The Hauptmann quickly learns how
important the concentrated machineguns are for repelling
the massed infantry attacks of the Bolsheviks in the East,
and how useful the mortars are for winkling out American
troops concealed amongst the hedgerows of the West.
Motorised Heavy Platoon

HQ Section: 35 points
Add Mortar section: +105 points
Add MG section: +155 points
Add Gun section: +120 points

A Heavy Platoon must have an HQ Section and at least one

Mortar or MG Section. The Machine-gun Section can be
mounted in either Sd Kfz 251/17 or Sd Kfz 251/21 half-
Heavy Platoons
The Heavy Platoon of a Panzergrenadierkompanie gives the
Panzergrenadier Platoons the weapons they need, when they
HQ Section: 20 points need them.
Add Mortar section: +95 points Before the game begins you may detach teams from your
Armoured or Motorised Heavy Platoon to reinforce
Add MG sections: +75 points each
Panzergrenadier Platoons. The detached teams are no
A Heavy Platoon must have an HQ Section and at least one longer part of the Heavy Platoon, but become part of the
Mortar or MG Section. Panzergrenadier Platoon they are attached to instead.
A Heavy Platoon in a force with no Panzer Platoons may The attached teams do not count towards the number of
replace the Kfz 70 personnel carriers with 3-ton trucks at no teams in the platoon that are capable of fighting when
cost. working out whether the platoon is below half strength for
Platoon Morale Checks, however, if they are destroyed,
they do count towards the number of destroyed teams in
their adopted platoon.
The Heavy Platoon must retain at least one section under
its own command.

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0 to 1 Tank-hunter Platoon 0 to 1 Infantry Gun Platoon

Self-propelled Infantry Gun Platoon

The self-propelled infantry guns are the heaviest weapons

available to the Panzergrenadier regiment. The fat, stubby
15cm barrels throw a gigantic 84-pound (38kg) projectile
that will smash almost any target. It is hard work for the
crew loading such a weapon all day, but the satisfaction
they gain from being such a vital component of the German
The powerful anti-tank gun platoon shields the war-machine makes up for it!
Panzergrenadier Regiment from enemy armour. German
anti-tank guns are acknowledged to be the best in the world Armoured Gun Platoon
and their crews know exactly how to get the best out of
The anti-tank guns can be towed 5cm PaK38 or 7.5cm
PaK40 anti-tank guns, or in an armoured Panzergrenadier-
kompanie, Sd Kfz 251/22 (PaK40) self-propelled anti-tank
gun half-tracks, or guns towed by ordinary Sd Kfz 251 half-
Your force may not contain more than one Tank-hunter
The gun platoon is equipped with the standard half-track
Platoon, even if it has more than one
Panzergrenadierkompanie. that has had a 7.5cm short-barrelled gun mounted upon it.
This adaptation has produced a light assault gun. The
vehicle provides a cheap source of high-explosive fire
0 to 1 Heavy Mortar Platoon support for an armoured Panzergrenadierkompanie.
Your force may not contain more than one of each type of
Infantry Gun Platoon, even if it has more than one

0 to 1 Light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon

Local defence against enemy ground attack aircraft is

provided by the anti-aircraft gun platoon. The 2cm
automatic cannon is effective enough for driving off most
aircraft, however it will make little impression on the
armored Soviet ‘Sturmovik’ ground attack aircraft. If this is
The 12cm heavy mortar is a German development of a the case, pray that heavier weapons are in the area.
useful Bolshevik design. The soldiers in Russia found these
For anti-aircraft duties, position the Sd Kfz 10/5 vehicles to
weapons useful for pulverizing stubborn enemy troops.
the rear of your force where they have good fields of fire
German industry improved the design and manufactured it
and wait for the enemy aircraft to make the mistake of
for use by our gallant Grenadiers.
attacking the German army. If no aircraft appear to be in the
An armoured Heavy Mortar Platoon replaces the Kfz 15 area the Sd Kfz 10/5 can be sent further forward to support
field car and the 3-ton trucks with Sd Kfz 251 half-tracks. the company directly by firing on suitable ground targets.
Your force may not contain more than one Heavy Mortar
Platoon, even if it has more than one

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Support Platoons 0 to 1 Armoured Flame-thrower Platoon

0 to 1 Scout Platoon
See the Panzerkompanie for the platoon organisation.
Your force may not contain more than one Scout Platoon,
even if it has more than one Panzergrenadierkompanie or

0 to 1 Armoured Pioneer Platoon

See the Panzerkompanie for the platoon organisation.
Your force may not contain more than one Armoured For special situations the Panzergrenadier commander may
Pioneer Platoon, even if it has more than one call upon the support of the Flame-thrower Platoon. The
Panzergrenadierkompanie or Panzerkompanie. platoon posses up to six half-tracks carrying twin
flamethrowers. The flamethrower platoon will prove to be
especially useful when attacking troop emplaced in heavy
fortifications such as bunkers, and during street fighting.
An Armoured Flame-thrower Platoon has a command
Sd Kfz 251 half-track and two to six Sd Kfz 251/16
(Flamm) half-tracks.
Your force may not contain more than one Flammpanzer
Platoon, even if it has more than one

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Grenadierkompanie (Infantry Company)

The footslogging infantry regiments are much more common than the Panzergrenadier regiments. The German infantryman is
called a Grenadier and is a tough and self-reliant warrior. The infantry regiments are a vital component of the army and the
Grenadiers will be seen performing great and heroic deeds for Germany in both offensive and defensive battles.
The Grenadiers rely of their feet to move themselves to the battle, and their horses to move their equipment. There are no luxuries
like trucks to be found in the infantry regiment. This is one of the reasons the Grenadier is so tough and stoic under pressure.
Another reason is the superior basic training the Grenadier receives, which emphasizes teamwork, personal initiative and self-
The Grenadier is supported in battle by an impressive array of heavy support weapons. This ensures that no enemy force poses too
much of a challenge. But these supporting forces do not win the battle, the battle is won by the bravery and determination of the
Grenadier Regiment itself.
The brave infantry tend to take heavier casualties than the panzer troops because the infantry are more vulnerable to artillery fire,
and air strikes. Because of this, some infantry units are made up of less experienced soldiers, sometimes new recruits, sometimes
rear-area troops like cooks and even wounded men. These troops still attempt to do their best for Germany even with their lower
skill and confidence levels.
willed and determined individual. The Hauptmann will also
What Is In A Grenadierkompanie? be patient, as with a force that almost entirely on foot, the
A force based around a Grenadierkompanie must contain: enemy cannot be quickly pursued and crushed as with the
Panzers. Instead, the Hauptmann will use the long years of
• a Company HQ, and
experience gained through many previous campaigns to
• at least two Grenadier Platoons.
outthink, outmanoeuvre and then destroy the enemy.
Weapons Platoons available to a Grenadierkompanie are:
• an MG Platoon,
• two Mortar Platoons,
Combat Platoons
• a Tank-hunter Platoon,
• an Infantry-gun Platoon, and 2 or 3 Grenadier Platoons
• a Pioneer Platoon.
Support Platoons for a Grenadierkompanie can be:
• Heavy Tank, Assault Gun, Hunting-tank, Anti-tank,
Artillery, Anti-aircraft, or Reconnaissance Platoons
from Divisional Troops.
You may have up to two Support Platoons attached to your
company for each Grenadier Platoon you are fielding.

Motivation And Experience

A Grenadierkompanie is Reluctant Trained.

Headquarters Platoon
1 Company HQ At full strength: 105 points
With 2 squads: 75 points
Add Panzerfaust to every team: +5 points per team
Replace Rifle/MG teams with +5 points per squad
Assault Rifle teams: or section

The Grenadier platoon consists of thirty battle-hardened

Grenadiers. They will not look pretty, with their dirty
uniforms and rough shaven faces, but they will always try
their utmost to win the battle for their commander. The
Hauptmann knows this and always looks after them to
ensure their lives are not sacrificed needlessly for their
The Grenadiers are the backbone of your force; one on one
they will defeat most enemy infantry. When facing more
At full strength: 20 points powerful foes they should either dig in or use their superior
Add HMG teams: +20 points each training and personal initiative to hit and run.
Add Tank-hunter teams: +20 points each Up to four Rifle/MG teams may be replaced with Assault
Add Panzerfaust: +5 points per team
Rifle teams.

The Hauptmann (or Captain) who given the responsibility

of commanding a Grenadier company must be a strong-

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only 25 points, and 7.5cm PaK40 anti-tank guns cost

Weapons Platoons 35 points.

0 to 1 MG Platoon Your force may not contain more than one Tank-hunter
Platoon, even if it has more than one Grenadierkompanie.

0 to 1 Infantry Gun Platoon

At full strength: 90 points

With 1 section: 50 points
The infantry guns perform a similar role to the mortars,
Direct fire support for the company is provided by their except they can fire directly upon enemy strongholds, as
own tripod-mounted machine guns. The MG platoon is a well as indirectly. A large dose of high explosive from the
compact unit that will quickly chew through exposed enemy guns will rout most enemy infantry from their defensive
infantry. positions.
Deploy the MG platoon to cover your Grenadiers and Heavy Mortar Platoons replace each 15cm infantry gun
maintain heavy fire to keep the enemy’s heads down so that with a pair of 12cm heavy mortars each carried by a 4-horse
the Grenadiers can finish them off with an assault. The MG wagon.
platoon is also excellent for defending other weapons such An Infantry Gun Platoon in a Grenadierkompanie is classed
as gun batteries from being assaulted by enemy troops. MG as Reluctant Trained. Because of this, 15cm heavy infantry
Platoons provide additional fire support for the company. guns cost only 45 points, and 12cm heavy mortars cost
40 points.
0 to 2 Mortar Platoons
Your force may not contain more than one Infantry Gun
Platoon, even if it has more than one Grenadierkompanie.

0 to 1 Pioneer Platoon

At full strength: 120 points

At full strength: 265 points
With 1 section: 65 points
With 4 squads: 190 points
These 8cm mortars provide the company commander with a With 2 squads: 115 points
quick response artillery unit, capable of raining deadly high Add Panzerfaust to every team: +5 points per team
explosive and shrapnel down upon the enemies’ heads
within seconds of being needed. The Pioneers are assault engineers. They do not only all the
It is important the mortars reach a good firing position and hard work required to keep the army moving, like clearing
set up quickly as their services could be required any and improving roads, and building and repairing bridges,
second. Position them behind hills, trees or buildings so that but they also lead the assault against enemy fortifications.
the enemy is unable to get a line of sight to the platoon. They are especially skilled at attacking tanks, as they know
how to use, and are equipped with, explosive charges and
0 to 1 Tank-hunter Platoon flamethrowers.
See the Panzergrenadierkompanie for the organisation of a Up to two Pioneer teams may be equipped with flame-
Tank-hunter Platoon equipped with anti-tank guns. The throwers as well as their normal equipment for +10 points
anti-tank guns can be 3.7cm, 5cm, or 7.5cm anti-tank guns. each.
A Tank-hunter Platoon in a Grenadierkompanie is rated as
Reluctant Trained. For that reason, 3.7cm PaK36 anti-tank
guns cost only 20 points, 5cm PaK38 anti-tank guns cost

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Divisional Troops
Divisional Troops are rated as Confident Veteran unless
otherwise noted. Assault Gun Platoon
0 to 1 Heavy Tank Platoon

Since they don’t have Panzers, the infantry developed

turretless tanks, called StuG or Sturmgeschütz (meaning
assault guns), to support their attacks. A StuG is easier to
Superior German tank designers have produced the finest build than a tank, as it doesn’t need an expensive and
heavy tanks in existence. The mere mention of the word complex turret. The unfortunate fact that one has to turn the
‘Tiger’ sends chills down the spine of enemy tankers. whole vehicle to aim the gun makes them vulnerable to
Despite being several years old, the Tiger heavy tank is still being outflanked. However, the cheaper StuG are necessary
a feared weapon. to counter-balance the enemies’ superior numbers.
The successor of the Tiger is the Königstiger, the King or Stalingrad and other East Front street battles showed the
Royal Tiger, or Tiger II. Looking like an enlarged Panther need for heavier assault guns. The Sturmpanzer Brummbär
the Königstiger has extremely thick armour and an even is the answer to this need. The valuable heavy Sturmpanzer,
more powerful 8.8cm gun than the Tiger. or assault tank, companies are allocated to divisions as
Tiger tanks are so powerful that they are effective, even in needed.
ones and twos. A Heavy Tank platoon may have any As Assault Gun Platoon may have an Begleitgrenadiere
number from one to four heavy tanks. attached to each assault gun for +10 points per vehicle.
Tiger tanks are crewed by the finest tank crew in the
German army. Tank aces such as Michael Wittmann and 0 to 1 Anti-tank Gun Platoons
Otto Carius (who have destroyed hundreds of enemy
vehicles between them) are an inspiration to the rest of the
At the start of the game roll a die for each Heavy Tank
Platoon and look up its Tiger Ace Skill on the table below.
Tiger Ace Skill
1 Schnell!—This platoon believes in the power of
manoeuvre. The platoon may make a
Stormtrooper move on a roll of 2+
2 Clever Hans!—After years of training and
combat, the platoon operates like a well-oiled
machine. Re-roll any failed Skill tests that the
platoon makes.
3 For the Fatherland!—The soldiers of this
platoon know how important their part in
Germany’s final victory is. Re-roll any failed
Motivation tests this platoon makes.
If there is expected to be a large amount of enemy armour
4 Every Shot Counts!—The outstanding teamwork in the area, an anti-tank platoon may be stationed nearby to
and excellent gunners of this platoon allow the strengthen up the company’s defences. Anti-tank guns
Tiger tanks to re-roll any failed to hit roll. provide a cheap yet powerful defence against massed
5 Rapid Fire!—Teamwork between the enemy armour.
commander, the gunner, and the loader allow the The platoon might be equipped with 7.5cm PaK40 anti-tank
Tiger tanks of this platoon to fire with ROF 3. guns or long 8.8cm guns – the 8.8cm PaK43, the most
6 Top Ace!—The commander of this platoon is an powerful anti-tank gun in existence; capable of slicing clean
expert! Roll again for the platoon, if you roll 6 through any known tank.
again, choose a skill. Then roll again to generate
an extra skill for the command tank - if you roll
6 again or the same skill as the platoon has then
choose a skill. This means that the command
tank has two skills.

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0 to 1 Hunting-tank Platoon Alternatively, the two light A/A half-tracks in each section
can be replaced with one heavier Sd Kfz 7/1 or Sd Kfz 7/2
anti-aircraft half-track.

0 to 1 Self-propelled Artillery Battery

Mounting an anti-tank gun on an old tank hull, the

Jagdpanzer or hunting-tank platoon can go out and hunt
enemy tanks; unlike a towed anti-tank gun platoon, which
must wait for the tanks to come to them.
The Hetzer is mostly issued to Grenadier formations,
leaving the better Jagdpanzer IV for the Panzertruppen,
while the old Marder is still seen in some less fortunate
Army heavy Hunting-tank platoons have the Hornisse,
Elefant, Jagdpanther, and Jagdtiger tank-hunters. These
monsters are rare beasts, so a heavy Hunting-tank platoon The highly mobile Panzer forces benefit from having some
may have any number from one to four heavy tank-hunters. of their supporting artillery mounted in armored vehicles.
This allows the artillery to keep up with the tanks as they
0 to 1 Heavy Anti-aircraft Platoon advance. They are also able to being firing once they are in
position much quicker than towed weapons.
Position the guns behind cover and begin firing in support
of the Panzers as soon as possible. If the guns are threatened
by an enemy breakthrough, use their mobility to escape and
find a new firing position.
The Panzerbeobachtungswagen or Panzer III (OP) can be
replaced with Panzer IV (OP) tanks, especially in Hummel

The 8.8cm FlaK36 anti-aircraft gun is probably the most

famous and most feared weapon of the war, and for good
reason – the ‘88’ is not only an excellent anti-aircraft
weapon, but also has become the terror of Allied tankers in
the ground-to-ground firing role.

0 to 1 Light Anti-aircraft Platoons

The German army has large numbers of light anti-aircraft

guns that work with the heavy 8.8cm guns to destroy enemy
aircraft. The light guns are rapid firing automatic cannons
mounted on thinly armored vehicles.
The light AA vehicles position themselves in cover and
wait for low-flying enemy aircraft to pass within range of
their guns. Their high rate of fire also makes them excellent
weapons for engaging lightly armored grounds targets.
Rather than mounting the anti-aircraft guns on their tractors,
you may choose to field them as towed guns instead. In this
case replace each Sd Kfz 10/5 anti-aircraft half-track with
an Sd Kfz 10 half-track and a 2cm Flak38 gun.

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Light Artillery Battery Rocket Launcher Batteries

Although the artillery in Panzer divisions is drawn by half-

tracks, the bulk of the German artillery is still horse-drawn.
This reduces their mobility but still they are highly efficient
when engaging the enemy with indirect fire.
Remember, the towed guns take slightly longer to get into The job of the Nebelwerfer six-barrelled rocket launchers is
position and get ready to fire than the self-propelled to saturate a target with high explosive by firing their
artillery, so take time to locate a firing position the guns can rockets as quickly as possible, one after the other. Having
get to quickly, but which is still protected from the enemy. done this, the Nebelwerfer battery packs up their launchers
For a horse-drawn battery, replace all Sd Kfz 11 half-tracks and moves to a new firing position. It is important for the
with six-horse limbers. The commander no longer has a Kfz rocket launcher battery to move off quickly as the rockets
15 field car. The staff has a four-horse wagon rather than a leave huge smoke trials in the sky – and this tells enemy
truck. The observers lose their Sd Kfz 250 half-tracks also, artillery batteries exactly where the rockets were fired.
so they must walk too. Within minutes, a Nebelwerfer launch site will be the target
Horse-drawn Light Artillery Batteries are classed as of counter-battery fire from the enemy artillery.
Reluctant Trained. As a result, the points value of a
10.5cm field howitzer is only 45 points to a horse-drawn Reconnaissance Platoons
battery. Armoured Car Patrols have three armoured cars, either two
Sd Kfz 222 (2cm) armoured cars and an Sd Kfz 231 (8-rad)
armoured car, three Sd Kfz 234/1 (2cm) or Sd Kfz 234/2
Puma armoured cars, or two Sd Kfz 250/9 (2cm) half-track
armoured cars and an Sd Kfz 250 reconnaissance half-track.
Gun Platoons of three Sd Kfz 233 (7.5cm),
Sd Kfz 234/3 (7.5cm), or Sd Kfz 234/4 (PaK40) armoured
cars provide heavy fire support to the armoured cars.

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Tanks and Other Fighting Vehicles

Name Points Mobility Armour Equipment And Notes
Front Side Top
Tanks – Confident Veteran
Panzer IV H or J 110 Fully-tracked 6 3 1 7.5cm tank gun, co-ax MG, hull MG, Schürzen.
Panther A or G 155 Fully-tracked 10 5 1 Long 7.5cm tank gun, co-ax MG, hull MG, Wide tracks, Burns easily.
Self-propelled Infantry Weapons – Confident Veteran
Sd Kfz 251/2D (8cm) 45 Half-tracked 1 0 0 8cm GW34 mortar, AA MG, Mortar carrier.
Sd Kfz 251/9D (7.5cm) 50 Half-tracked 1 0 0 7.5cm assault gun, AA MG.
Sd Kfz 251/22 (PaK40) 75 Half-tracked 1 0 0 7.5cm PaK40 gun, AA MG.
Grille (15cm sIG) 90 Fully-tracked 2 1 0 15cm assault gun, AA MG.
Sd Kfz 251/16D (Flamm) 60 Half-tracked 1 0 0 Two light flame-throwers, hull MG, Fuel tanks.
Heavy Tanks – Confident Veteran
Tiger IE 260 Fully-tracked 9 8 2 8.8cm tank gun, co-ax MG, hull MG, Heavy tank.
Königstiger 365 Fully-tracked 15 8 2 Long 8.8cm tank gun, co-ax MG, hull MG, Overloaded.
Assault Guns – Confident Veteran
StuG III G 110 Fully-tracked 7 3 1 7.5cm tank gun, hull MG, Schürzen.
StuH42 115 Fully-tracked 7 3 1 10.5cm tank howitzer, hull MG, Schürzen.
7.5cm on 39H(f) 75 Fully-tracked 2 1 0 7.5cm PaK40 gun, AA MG, Overloaded.
10.5cm on 39H(f) 70 Fully-tracked 2 1 0 10.5cm tank howitzer, AA MG, Overloaded.
Brummbär 135 Fully-tracked 10 5 1 15cm assault gun, hull MG, AA MG, Schürzen, Overloaded.
Sturmtiger 235 Fully-tracked 12 8 2 38cm rocket, hull MG, Overloaded.
Hunting-tanks – Confident Veteran
Marder I 65 Fully-tracked 0 0 0 7.5cm PaK40 gun, AA MG, Overloaded.
Marder II, III, or III H 75 Fully-tracked 1 0 0 7.5cm PaK40 gun, AA MG.
Hetzer 90 Fully-tracked 7 1 1 7.5cm tank gun, hull MG, Overloaded.
Jagdpanzer IV 110 Fully-tracked 7 3 1 7.5cm tank gun, hull MG.
Jagdpanzer IV/70 120 Fully-tracked 9 3 1 Long 7.5cm tank gun, hull MG, Overloaded.
Hornisse 125 Fully-tracked 1 1 0 Long 8.8cm tank gun, AA MG.
Elefant 295 Fully-tracked 16 8 2 Long 8.8cm tank gun, hull MG, Overloaded.
Jagdpanther 220 Fully-tracked 10 5 1 Long 8.8cm tank gun, hull MG.
Jagdtiger 435 Fully-tracked 16 8 2 12.8cm tank gun, hull MG, Overloaded, Unreliable.
Self-propelled Artillery – Confident Veteran
Wespe 105 Fully-tracked 1 1 0 10.5cm leFH18 howitzer, AA MG.
10.5cm on 39H(f) 80 Fully-tracked 2 1 0 10.5cm leFH18 howitzer, AA MG, Overloaded, Limited Elevation.
Hummel 165 Fully-tracked 1 1 0 15cm sFH18 howitzer, AA MG.
Panzer III (OP) 40 Fully-tracked 4 3 1 MG.
Panzer IV (OP) 120 Fully-tracked 6 3 1 7.5cm tank gun, hull MG, Schürzen.
Self-propelled Anti-aircraft Guns – Confident Veteran
Sd Kfz 10/5 (2cm) 40 Half-tracked - - - 2cm anti-aircraft gun.
Sd Kfz 7/1 (2cm) 50 Half-tracked - - - 2cm quadruple anti-aircraft gun.
Sd Kfz 7/2 (3.7cm) 55 Half-tracked - - - 3.7cm anti-aircraft gun.
Flakpanzer 38(t) 45 Fully-tracked 0 0 0 2cm anti-aircraft gun.
Möbelwagen 75 Fully-tracked 3 1 0 3.7cm anti-aircraft gun, hull MG.
Wirbelwind 65 Fully-tracked 3 1 0 2cm quadruple anti-aircraft gun, hull MG.
Reconnaissance – Confident Veteran
Sd Kfz 222 (2cm) 35 Wheeled 1 0 1 Light 2cm anti-aircraft gun, co-axial MG, Recce.
Sd Kfz 231 (8-rad) 40 Half-tracked 2 0 1 2cm tank gun, co-axial MG, Recce.
Panzer II L Luchs 45 Fully-tracked 3 1 1 2cm tank gun, co-axial MG, Light tank, Recce.
Sd Kfz 234/1 (2cm) 40 Half-tracked 3 0 1 Light 2cm anti-aircraft gun, co-axial MG, Recce.
Sd Kfz 234/2 Puma 60 Half-tracked 3 0 1 Long 5cm tank gun, co-axial MG, Recce.
Sd Kfz 250/9 (2cm) 35 Half-tracked 1 0 1 Light 2cm anti-aircraft gun, co-axial MG, Recce.
Sd Kfz 250 30 Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, AA MG, Recce.
Sd Kfz 233 (7.5cm) 50 Half-tracked 2 0 0 7.5cm assault gun, AA MG.
Sd Kfz 234/3 (7.5cm) 55 Half-tracked 3 0 0 7.5cm assault gun, AA MG.
Sd Kfz 234/4 (PaK40) 85 Half-tracked 3 0 0 7.5cm PaK40 gun, AA MG.
Sd Kfz 263 radio car 15 Half-tracked 1 0 1 MG.
Burns easily: The opposing player re-rolls any failed Firepower tests to destroy a Panther tank.
Fuel tanks: Flame-thrower fuel is highly flammable. The enemy re-rolls any failed Firepower tests to destroy a Flammpanzer tank.
Heavy tank: If a Tiger tank Bogs Down, roll again. On 4+, the tank immediately frees itself. Tigers cannot move faster than 8”/20cm.
Light tank: Light tanks are extremely fast. They move 16”/40cm when travelling on Road or Cross-country.
Limited elevation: 10.5cm howitzers mounted in 10.5cm leFH18 auf 39H(f) self-propelled guns count as Close-support Artillery.
Mortar carrier: You may dismount the mortar by replacing the half-track with a medium mortar team. Once dismounted, the mortar
may not remount during a game.
Overloaded: An overloaded tank Bogs Down on a roll of 1 or 2, rather than 1, and can not move faster than 8”/20cm.
Recce: Recce troops can use the Reconnaissance rules to avoid enemy fire.
Schürzen: Schürzen or side skirts allow you to roll a special 4+ last ditch save after failing an Armour Save roll when shot at by an
infantry team. Schürzen only protects from hits to the side armour.
Unreliable: If the tank attempts to move At the Double, roll a die. On a roll of 1 it becomes Bogged Down as the tank breaks down.

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Wide tracks: If a Panther tank Bogs Down, roll again. On a roll of 4+, the tank immediately frees itself and continues moving.

Guns and Vehicle Weapons

Weapon Points Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
2cm FlaK38 gun 35 24”/60cm 4 5 5+ Gun shield, Turntable, Anti-aircraft.
8cm GW34 mortar - 40”/100cm - 1 3+ Mortar, Smoke.
12cm sGW42 mortar 60 56”/140cm - 2 2+ Mortar, Smoke.
15cm sIG33 gun 70 16”/40cm 1 12/3 1+ Gun Shield, Artillery, Smoke.
3.7cm PaK36 gun 30 24”/60cm 3 6 5+ Gun shield, Stielgranate.
5cm PaK38 gun 40 24"/60cm 3 9 4+ Gun shield.
7.5cm PaK40 gun 55 32"/80cm 2 12 3+ Gun shield.
8.8cm FlaK36 gun 75 40”/100cm 2 13 3+ Turntable, Immobile, Heavy Anti-aircraft, Gun shield.
8.8cm PaK43 gun 75 40”/100cm 2 16 3+ Gun shield, Immobile.
10.5cm leFH18 howitzer 70 24”/60cm 1 10/3 2+ Gun shield, Artillery, Smoke.
15cm sFH18 howitzer 115 24”/60cm 1 12/4 1+ Gun shield, Artillery, Smoke.
15cm Nebelwerfer 41 50 56”/140cm - 2 2+ Salvo rocket artillery, Smoke.
MG - 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 1 if other weapons fire.
AA MG - 16”/40cm 3 2 6 Self-defence anti-aircraft.
Light 2cm anti-aircraft gun - 16”/40cm 3 5 5+ Self-defence anti-aircraft.
2cm triple anti-aircraft gun - 16”/40cm 4 4 6 Anti-aircraft.
2cm quadruple anti-aircraft gun - 24”/60cm 6 5 5+ Anti-aircraft.
3.7cm anti-aircraft gun - 32”/80cm 4 6 5+ Anti-aircraft.
2cm tank gun - 16”/40cm 3 5 5+
3.7cm tank gun - 24”/60cm 2 6 5+
Long 5cm tank gun - 24"/60cm 2 9 4+
7.5cm assault gun - 24"/60cm 2 9 3+ Smoke.
7.5cm tank gun - 32"/80cm 2 11 3+
Long 7.5cm tank gun - 32”/80cm 2 14 3+
8.8cm tank gun - 40”/100cm 2 13 3+
Long 8.8cm tank gun - 40”/100cm 2 16 3+
10.5cm tank howitzer - 32”/80cm 2 10 2+ Smoke.
12.8cm tank gun - 48”/120cm 2 17 2+
15cm assault gun - 16”/40cm 1 12/3 1+ Close-support artillery, Smoke.
38cm rocket - 56”/140cm - 6 Auto Sturmmörser.
Light flame-thrower - 4”/10cm 2 - 6 Flame-thrower, One use, Short range.
Anti-aircraft: Anti-aircraft weapons can fire at aircraft.
Artillery: Artillery can fire artillery bombardments at up to three times their normal range.
Close-support artillery: Close-support artillery can fire artillery bombardments at up to twice their normal range.
Flame-thrower: Flame-throwers roll a Skill test to hit and pin down any target they hit. The target does not get any saving roll.
Gun shield: Teams crewing weapons with a gun shield are in Bulletproof Cover when fired at from the front.
Heavy Anti-aircraft: Heavy anti-aircraft guns can fire at aircraft. If they are modelled with 8 or more crew they can have ROF 3 for
+10 points.
Immobile: Heavy guns cannot be manhandled. They can only move if towed.
Mortar: Mortars can only fire artillery bombardments; as a result, they have no ROF rating.
One Use: Flame-throwers only carry enough fuel for one turn of shooting. Used flame-thrower vehicles take an immediate Motivation
test to avoid being removed if any flame-thrower vehicle in the platoon is destroyed.
Self-defence anti-aircraft: Self-defence anti-aircraft weapons can fire at aircraft, but only at aircraft attacking their own platoon.
Short range: Flame-thrower tanks cannot fire their flame-throwers if they moved more than 6”/15cm.
Smoke: Weapons with smoke ammunition can fire a smoke screen rather than their normal shooting.
Stielgranate: 3.7cm anti-tank guns may fire Stielgranate ammunition with Range 8”/20cm, ROF 1, Anti-tank 12, and Firepower 5+
for +5 points per gun.
Sturmmörser: The 38cm rocket on a Sturmtiger takes a full turn stationary and not shooting to reload. Armour saves are always
taken with Top armour since the Sturmmörser is unlikely to score a direct hit.
Turntable: Weapons mounted on turntables can rotate to fire in any direction without penalty.

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Infantry Teams
Team Points Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
Rifle/MG team - 16”/40cm 2 2 6 Kar 98k rifles and MG42 light machine-gun.
MG team - 16”/40cm 3 2 6 MG42 light machine-gun.
Assault Rifle team - 8”/20cm 3 1 6 StG44 assault rifle, Assault rifle.
firing Panzerfaust - 4”/10cm 1 14 5+ Panzerfaust.
HMG team - 24”/60cm 4 2 6 sMG42 heavy machine-gun.
Pioneer Rifle/MG team - 16”/40cm 2 2 6 MG42 light machine-gun, Pioneer.
firing Flame-thrower - 4”/10cm 2 - 6 Flammenwerfer 42.
Tank-hunter team - 8”/20cm 2 11 5+ RP54 Panzerschreck, Panzerknacker.
Command Rifle team 15 16”/40cm 1 2 6 Kar 98k rifles.
Observer team 10 - - - -
Staff team 5 - - - - Moves and fights as a Gun team.
Assault rifle: Teams equipped with assault rifles fire at their full ROF when moving.
Flame-thrower: Flame-throwers roll a Skill test to hit, and pin down any target they hit. The target does not get any saving roll.
Remove the team after it has fired.
Panzerfaust: Use instead of normal weapons. Can only be used for defensive fire. Give Anti-tank rating of 4 in assaults.
Panzerknacker: Panzerknacker teams have an Anti-tank rating of 5 in assaults.
Pioneer: Pioneer teams use demolition charges to attack tanks and have an Anti-tank rating of 4 in assaults.

Vehicle Points Mobility Front Side Top Equipment
BMW & Sidecar or Kübelwagen 5 Jeep - - - 1 passenger.
Schwimmwagen 5 Jeep - - - Amphibious, 1 passenger.
Horch Kfz 15 field car 5 Wheeled - - - 2 passengers.
Steyr Kfz 70 2-ton truck 5 Wheeled - - - 2 passengers.
Opel Blitz 3-ton truck 5 Wheeled - - - 3 passengers.
Opel Maultier 10 Half-tracked - - - 3 passengers.
Opel Blitz radio truck 5 Wheeled - - - 1 passenger.
Horse-drawn supply wagon Free Wagon - - - 1 passenger.
Gun Tractors
Sd Kfz 7 (8t) 5 Half-tracked - - - 1 passenger.
Sd Kfz 10 (3t) 5 Half-tracked - - - 1 passenger.
Sd Kfz 11 (1t) 5 Half-tracked - - - 1 passenger.
Horse-drawn limber Free Wagon - - - 1 passenger.
Armoured Personnel Carriers
Sd Kfz 250 15 Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, Rear AA mount, 1 passenger.
Sd Kfz 250/10 (3.7cm) - Half-tracked 1 0 0 3.7cm tank gun, Rear AA mount, 1 passenger.
Sd Kfz 251 15 Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, Rear AA mount, 2 passengers.
Sd Kfz 251/7 (Pioneer) - Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, Rear AA mount, 1 passenger, Assault bridge.
Sd Kfz 251/10 (3.7cm) - Half-tracked 1 0 0 3.7cm tank gun, Rear AA mount, 2 passengers.
Sd Kfz 251/17 (2cm) - Half-tracked 1 0 0 Light 2cm anti-aircraft gun, 2 passengers.
Sd Kfz 251/21 (2cm) - Half-tracked 1 0 0 2cm triple anti-aircraft gun, 2 passengers.
Recovery Vehicles
Sd Kfz 9 (18t) (recovery) 15 Half-tracked - - - AA MG, Recovery vehicle.
Bergepanzer III (recovery) 25 Fully-tracked 5 3 0 AA MG, Recovery vehicle.
Bergepanther (recovery) 30 Fully-tracked 10 5 0 AA MG, Wide tracks, Recovery vehicle.
Amphibious: Schwimmwagen amphibious jeeps treat all water obstacles as difficult going.
Rear AA mount: A passenger team can mount their machine-gun on the half-track’s rear AA mount. It then fires as an anti-aircraft
machine-gun with a field of fire to the side or rear of the vehicle.
Assault bridge: Bridge can be placed or picked up at the start of the Movement Step. Once placed, treat streams and ditches as
difficult going.
Horse-drawn transport: Although infantry divisions were not issued trucks, they sometimes replaced horse-drawn transport with
captured vehicles. You may replace horse-drawn limbers and wagons with captured trucks for +5 points each.

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