Flames of War Intel-German-Late
Flames of War Intel-German-Late
Flames of War Intel-German-Late
Special Rules
Burns Easily
Mission Tactics Battle reports on the Panther tank noted time and again how
German training teaches all soldiers to think for themselves. it burned astonishingly quickly and burned out when
Everyone is not only told their own job, but that of their penetrated.
commanding officers as well. If an officer is killed in action, The opposing player re-rolls any failed Firepower tests to
the next most senior soldier will quickly take command. destroy a Panther tank.
If the command team of a German platoon is destroyed, Heavy Tank
another team can take over as a command team immediately. Tiger heavy tanks may be slow, but they have the power and
If the command team is a vehicle, nominate another vehicle weight to grind their way across almost any terrain.
in the platoon as the new command team. Tiger tanks only move 8”/20cm on Road and Cross-country
If the command team is an infantry team, remove a surviving terrain.
infantry or gun team from the platoon and bring the If a Tiger tank becomes Bogged Down, roll again. On a roll
command team back into play to replace it. of 4+, the tank immediately frees itself and continues
Kampfgruppe Light Tank
German military organizations are very flexible. When a
The Panzer II L reconnaissance tanks are fast and mobile.
special mission is required a Kampfgruppe (battle group)
will be formed out of troops from another unit. Once this Light tanks move 16”/40cm when moving on Roads or
mission is complete the Kampfgruppe is disbanded and the Cross-country.
soldiers return to their original unit. Mortar Carrier
At the start of the game, detach up to half the teams from any The Sd Kfz 251/2 (8cm) mortar carrier is a specialist half-
combat and weapons platoons in the company and attach track carrying a standard medium mortar. Although the
them to the Company HQ platoon. mortar is normally fired from the half-track, it can be
The attached platoons count as part of the HQ platoon for all dismounted and the half-track sent to the rear.
purposes including platoon and company morale. You may dismount the mortar by replacing the half-track
Any casualties sustained by the composite Company HQ with a Medium Mortar team. Once dismounted, the mortar
platoon do not affect the original platoons that the teams may not remount during a game.
belonged to. Overloaded
The heavy armour and large guns some tanks seriously
Stormtroopers overloads the chassis.
Speed and surprise were the hallmarks of Germany’s elite Overloaded tanks only move 8”/20cm on Road and Cross-
stormtroopers during the First World War. Today the Army country terrain.
carries on this tradition of mobility and decisive action. Now When required to make a bogging roll, an overloaded tank
all German troops are considered stormtroopers, and this is becomes Bogged Down on a roll of 1 or 2, rather than the
reflected in the speed with which they manoeuvre. usual 1.
Any German platoon with a command team may attempt a Schürzen
Stormtrooper move in its Assault step instead of launching
Schürzen are the thin armoured plates added to the sides of
an assault.
some German tanks. Schürzen protects the vehicle from
Roll a Skill test for each platoon. small anti-tank weapons, like anti-tank rifles and bazooka
• If the test is passed, the platoon may move another rockets.
4”/10cm. When a tank that is protected by Schürzen is hit by an
• If the test is failed, the platoon cannot move further this infantry team’s shooting and fails its Armour Save, roll a
turn. special 4+ save:
All of the normal rules apply for this movement. • If the save is successful the Schürzen protects the tank
Platoons cannot make Stormtrooper moves if they are moved from damage.
At the Double or are Pinned Down. Bogged Down or Bailed • If the save is not successful the shot penetrated as
Out vehicles cannot make Stormtrooper moves. Gun teams normal.
that shot earlier in the turn cannot make a Stormtrooper Schürzen only stops hits on the side armour.
German Vehicles Despite occasional mechanical failures, the extremely wide
tracks fitted to the Panther tanks allow them to cross almost
Amphibious any terrain with ease.
The Schwimmwagen amphibious jeep carries the If a Panther tank becomes Bogged Down, roll again. On a
Panzergrenadiers of the reconnaissance battalion through any roll of 4+, the tank immediately frees itself and continues
terrain, even swimming rivers. moving.
Schwimmwagen amphibious jeeps treat impassable water
obstacles as Difficult Going.
The 8cm GW42 Stummelwerfer (‘stump mortar’) is a
shortened and lightened version of the GW34. The weapon
Motivation And Experience The most common vehicles to be found in the Panzer platoon
are the older Panzer IV and the new Panther. As Germany
A Panzerkompanie is Confident Veteran.
falls more on the defensive, many Panzer IV tanks are being
replaced with StuG assault guns and turretless Jagd-
Headquarters Platoon panzer IV/70 tanks (more correctly known as Panzer IV/70).
HQ Section: 35 points
Add Mortar section: +105 points
Add MG section: +155 points
Add Gun section: +120 points
0 to 1 Scout Platoon
See the Panzerkompanie for the platoon organisation.
Your force may not contain more than one Scout Platoon,
even if it has more than one Panzergrenadierkompanie or
Headquarters Platoon
1 Company HQ At full strength: 105 points
With 2 squads: 75 points
Add Panzerfaust to every team: +5 points per team
Replace Rifle/MG teams with +5 points per squad
Assault Rifle teams: or section
0 to 1 MG Platoon Your force may not contain more than one Tank-hunter
Platoon, even if it has more than one Grenadierkompanie.
0 to 1 Pioneer Platoon
Divisional Troops
Divisional Troops are rated as Confident Veteran unless
otherwise noted. Assault Gun Platoon
0 to 1 Heavy Tank Platoon
0 to 1 Hunting-tank Platoon Alternatively, the two light A/A half-tracks in each section
can be replaced with one heavier Sd Kfz 7/1 or Sd Kfz 7/2
anti-aircraft half-track.
Wide tracks: If a Panther tank Bogs Down, roll again. On a roll of 4+, the tank immediately frees itself and continues moving.
Infantry Teams
Team Points Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
Rifle/MG team - 16”/40cm 2 2 6 Kar 98k rifles and MG42 light machine-gun.
MG team - 16”/40cm 3 2 6 MG42 light machine-gun.
Assault Rifle team - 8”/20cm 3 1 6 StG44 assault rifle, Assault rifle.
firing Panzerfaust - 4”/10cm 1 14 5+ Panzerfaust.
HMG team - 24”/60cm 4 2 6 sMG42 heavy machine-gun.
Pioneer Rifle/MG team - 16”/40cm 2 2 6 MG42 light machine-gun, Pioneer.
firing Flame-thrower - 4”/10cm 2 - 6 Flammenwerfer 42.
Tank-hunter team - 8”/20cm 2 11 5+ RP54 Panzerschreck, Panzerknacker.
Command Rifle team 15 16”/40cm 1 2 6 Kar 98k rifles.
Observer team 10 - - - -
Staff team 5 - - - - Moves and fights as a Gun team.
Assault rifle: Teams equipped with assault rifles fire at their full ROF when moving.
Flame-thrower: Flame-throwers roll a Skill test to hit, and pin down any target they hit. The target does not get any saving roll.
Remove the team after it has fired.
Panzerfaust: Use instead of normal weapons. Can only be used for defensive fire. Give Anti-tank rating of 4 in assaults.
Panzerknacker: Panzerknacker teams have an Anti-tank rating of 5 in assaults.
Pioneer: Pioneer teams use demolition charges to attack tanks and have an Anti-tank rating of 4 in assaults.
Vehicle Points Mobility Front Side Top Equipment
BMW & Sidecar or Kübelwagen 5 Jeep - - - 1 passenger.
Schwimmwagen 5 Jeep - - - Amphibious, 1 passenger.
Horch Kfz 15 field car 5 Wheeled - - - 2 passengers.
Steyr Kfz 70 2-ton truck 5 Wheeled - - - 2 passengers.
Opel Blitz 3-ton truck 5 Wheeled - - - 3 passengers.
Opel Maultier 10 Half-tracked - - - 3 passengers.
Opel Blitz radio truck 5 Wheeled - - - 1 passenger.
Horse-drawn supply wagon Free Wagon - - - 1 passenger.
Gun Tractors
Sd Kfz 7 (8t) 5 Half-tracked - - - 1 passenger.
Sd Kfz 10 (3t) 5 Half-tracked - - - 1 passenger.
Sd Kfz 11 (1t) 5 Half-tracked - - - 1 passenger.
Horse-drawn limber Free Wagon - - - 1 passenger.
Armoured Personnel Carriers
Sd Kfz 250 15 Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, Rear AA mount, 1 passenger.
Sd Kfz 250/10 (3.7cm) - Half-tracked 1 0 0 3.7cm tank gun, Rear AA mount, 1 passenger.
Sd Kfz 251 15 Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, Rear AA mount, 2 passengers.
Sd Kfz 251/7 (Pioneer) - Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, Rear AA mount, 1 passenger, Assault bridge.
Sd Kfz 251/10 (3.7cm) - Half-tracked 1 0 0 3.7cm tank gun, Rear AA mount, 2 passengers.
Sd Kfz 251/17 (2cm) - Half-tracked 1 0 0 Light 2cm anti-aircraft gun, 2 passengers.
Sd Kfz 251/21 (2cm) - Half-tracked 1 0 0 2cm triple anti-aircraft gun, 2 passengers.
Recovery Vehicles
Sd Kfz 9 (18t) (recovery) 15 Half-tracked - - - AA MG, Recovery vehicle.
Bergepanzer III (recovery) 25 Fully-tracked 5 3 0 AA MG, Recovery vehicle.
Bergepanther (recovery) 30 Fully-tracked 10 5 0 AA MG, Wide tracks, Recovery vehicle.
Amphibious: Schwimmwagen amphibious jeeps treat all water obstacles as difficult going.
Rear AA mount: A passenger team can mount their machine-gun on the half-track’s rear AA mount. It then fires as an anti-aircraft
machine-gun with a field of fire to the side or rear of the vehicle.
Assault bridge: Bridge can be placed or picked up at the start of the Movement Step. Once placed, treat streams and ditches as
difficult going.
Horse-drawn transport: Although infantry divisions were not issued trucks, they sometimes replaced horse-drawn transport with
captured vehicles. You may replace horse-drawn limbers and wagons with captured trucks for +5 points each.