Smartpower ENG

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The intelligent
electrical power
management system.
™ A powerful and reliable electrical power- On the one hand the system is smarter in the way
train is the heart of the demolition robot. it adapts to tough realities like unreliable power
SMARTPOWER But it is exposed to extreme working con- sources or poor fuses. On the other hand it also
ditions and sometimes unreliable power provides a new industry benchmark in reliability
sources. Brokk SmartPower™ is an intelli- due to its unique design with hardened components
gent electrical power management system specifically engineered for long-term durability. All
that offers dynamic power control with a the while monitoring and dynamically adjusting
hardened design – maximizing production the power to always maximize output given the
while minimizing downtime. conditions.

Our objective is, and has always been, to con- SMART

stantly improve the real-life performance and - INTELLIGENT SOFT START: SENSES AND
productivity of our customers at the work site. This ADAPTS TO QUALITY OF POWER SUPPLY
means not only to increase the production rates of - DYNAMIC EFFECT CONTROL: OPTIMIZES
our machines, but also maximize their availabil- POWER OUTPUT AT ALL TIMES
ity. Combining this with making the machines as - CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF SYSTEM
compact and lightweight as possible (so they can HEALTH AND PERFORMANCE
get into the confined space where their power is - EXTENDS LIFETIME OF HYDRAULIC AND
needed) has been a constant challenge. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM

Brokk SmartPower™ changes all that. By combin- RELIABLE

ing power with intelligence, we have eliminated - UNIQUE SYSTEM: DESIGNED FROM SCRATCH
weak spots of a traditional system and at the same FOR TOUGH ENVIRONMENTS
time optimized power output. In order to achieve - HARDENED COMPONENTS: BROKK UNIQUE
this we have redesigned the electrical system from OR BROKK MODIFIED
scratch, with every component designed and tested - NEW ELECTRICAL CABINET: DESIGNED
for the various and often extreme working condi- FOR LONG SYSTEM LIFETIME AND LOW
tions of our demolition robots. MAINTENANCE

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