Author: Keyword(s):
(Chest. 2005;127:335-371.)
© 2005 American College of Chest Physicians
Myrna B. Dolovich, PEng; Richard C. Ahrens, MD; Dean R. Hess, PhD, RRT,
FCCP; Paula Anderson, MD, FCCP; Rajiv Dhand, MD, FCCP; Joseph L.
Rau, PhD, RRT; Gerald C. Smaldone, MD, PhD, FCCP and Gordon Guyatt,
From the Faculty of Health Sciences (Professor Dolovich) and the Department of Clinical Epidemiology
and Biostatistics (Dr. Guyatt), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; the Division of Pediatric
Allergy and Pulmonary Diseases (Dr. Ahrens), Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine,
University of Iowa, Iowa City IA; Harvard Medical School (Dr. Hess), Boston, MA; the Division of
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (Dr. Anderson), University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,
Little Rock, AK; the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Environmental Medicine (Dr. Dhand),
University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO; Cardiopulmonary Care Sciences (Dr. Rau), Georgia
State University, Atlanta, GA; and the Department of Medicine (Dr. Smaldone), Pulmonary/Critical Care
Division, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY.
Correspondence to: Myrna B. Dolovich, PEng, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, 1200
Main St West, HSC 1V18, Hamilton, ON, Canada L8N 3Z5; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract TOP
Background: The proliferation of inhaler devices has
Results and Recommendations
resulted in a confusing number of choices for clinicians Device Selection in the...
who are selecting a delivery device for aerosol therapy. Discussion
There are advantages and disadvantages associated with Summaries and Results
each device category. Evidence-based guidelines for the References
selection of the appropriate aerosol delivery device in specific clinical settings are
Aim: (1) To compare the efficacy and adverse effects of treatment using nebulizers vs
pressurized metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) with or without a spacer/holding chamber vs
dry powder inhalers (DPIs) as delivery systems for ß-agonists, anticholinergic agents,
and corticosteroids for several commonly encountered clinical settings and patient
populations, and (2) to provide recommendations to clinicians to aid them in selecting a
particular aerosol delivery device for their patients.
Conclusions: Devices used for the delivery of bronchodilators and steroids can be
equally efficacious. When selecting an aerosol delivery device for patients with asthma
and COPD, the following should be considered: device/drug availability; clinical
setting; patient age and the ability to use the selected device correctly; device use with
multiple medications; cost and reimbursement; drug administration time; convenience in
both outpatient and inpatient settings; and physician and patient preference.
The use of inhaled aerosol medications for the treatment Introduction
of pulmonary diseases, which became well-established
Results and Recommendations
in the last half of the 20th century, has advantages over Device Selection in the...
oral and parenteral routes of delivery. The use of inhaled Discussion
aerosols allows selective treatment of the lungs directly Summaries and Results
by achieving high drug concentrations in the airway References
while reducing systemic adverse effects by minimizing
systemic drug levels.1 Inhaled ß2-agonist bronchodilators produce a more rapid onset of
action than oral delivery. Some drugs are only active with aerosol delivery (eg, for
asthma patients, cromolyn and ciclesonide; for cystic fibrosis patients, dornase alfa).
Aerosol drug delivery is painless and often convenient. For these reasons, the National
Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines2 favor aerosol inhalation over the
oral route or parenteral (ie, subcutaneous, IM, or IV) route. Similarly, the National
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/World Health Organization Global Initiative for
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease recommended that bronchodilator medications are
central to symptom management in COPD patients and that inhaled therapy is
There are also disadvantages to aerosol drug therapy. One of the most important
disadvantages is that specific inhalation techniques are necessary for the proper use of
each of the available types of inhaler device. A less than optimal technique can result in
decreased drug delivery and potentially reduced efficacy.45 Improper inhaler technique
is common among patients.678 The proliferation of inhalation devices that are available
for patients has resulted in a confusing number of choices for the health-care provider
and in confusion for both clinicians and patients trying to use these devices correctly.
Several studies have demonstrated lack of physician, nurse, and respiratory therapist
knowledge of device use.910111213 Inhaler devices are less convenient than oral drug
administration insofar as the time required for drug administration may be longer and
some patients may find the device less portable. This is particularly true for
conventional compressed-air nebulizers, the oldest of the currently used types of aerosol
delivery devices.
Device manufacturers have long been aware of the importance of portability and ease of
use with aerosol delivery devices. As a result, these devices have evolved over time.
From the 19th century until 1956, compressed-air nebulizers (also called jet nebulizers)
were the only devices that were in common clinical use for the administration of inhaled
aerosol drugs. In 1955, the pressurized metered-dose inhaler (MDI) was developed at
Riker Laboratories (now 3M Pharmaceuticals; St. Paul, MN).14 Ultrasonic nebulizers,
which utilize high-frequency acoustical energy for the aerosolization of a liquid, were
introduced in the 1960s.1516 In 1971, Bell and colleagues17 introduced the first dry
powder inhaler (DPI), known as the Spinhaler, for the inhalation of cromolyn sodium.
This and subsequent DPIs have been "breath-actuated," providing drug only when
demanded by patient inhalation, thus avoiding a common error with MDI use, the
improper timing of inhaler actuation. Breath-actuated MDI devices (eg, the Autohaler;
3M Pharmaceuticals) are also triggered by patient inhalation to release the drug on
Investigators developed open-tube spacer devices, intended for use with MDIs, in the
late 1970s.181920 The addition of a one-way valve (holding chamber)18 or blind reservoir
(ie, reverse-flow spacer)2122 allowed the aerosol delivered by the MDI to be contained in
the spacer for a finite period of time, thereby circumventing the need for the coordinated
actuation of the MDI with inhalation. Other spacer/holding chamber designs followed,
and today there are several devices that vary in design, shape, size, and assembly. The
design of MDIs changed little between 1956 and the 1980s. However, the 1987
Montreal protocol mandated the phaseout of the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as
propellants in all MDIs. This resulted in a redesign of MDIs in the 1990s, utilizing
hydrofluoroalkane propellants.22 Some of these formulations produce aerosols with
different characteristics that behave differently in patients than their predecessors.23
Each type of aerosol device has its own advantages and disadvantages (Table 1 ).
Nebulizer/compressor systems require minimal patient cooperation and coordination,
but are cumbersome and time-consuming to use. Matching nebulizers with associated
air compressors is necessary to assure optimal efficiency of drug delivery. MDIs are
quicker to use and highly portable, but require the most patient training to ensure
coordination for proper use. Up to 70% of patients fail to use them properly. The
improper timing of MDI actuation with breath initiation is a common problem.7 DPIs are
easier to use than MDIs because they are breath-actuated, but require a relatively rapid
rate of inhalation in order to provide the energy necessary for drug aerosolization.
Younger patients and patients in acute distress may not be able to generate the necessary
flow rates.224 Breath-actuated MDIs are also easier to use, but are currently available in
the United States for only a single drug (ie, the ß2-agonist pirbuterol). Holding chambers
used with MDIs remove the necessity of careful timing between inhalation and MDI
actuation. However, they are more bulky to carry than the MDI by itself or a DPI. The
improper use of holding chambers (eg, placing multiple puffs in the chamber before
inhalation or waiting too long between MDI actuation and inhalation) can actually
reduce drug delivery to the lungs.
Several factors can guide clinicians on the choice of a device for a specific patient. One
factor is the age of the subject (Table 2 ).2 Another factor is the availability of the drug
formulation, as not all drugs are available in each type of aerosol delivery device. The
clinical setting (eg, outpatient, emergency department (ED), hospitalized inpatient, or
intensive care setting) and the disease being treated (eg, COPD vs asthma) also influence
the choice of aerosol device.
View this Table 2. General Age Requirements for Correct Use of Aerosol
table: Delivery Device Types*
[in this
[in a new
Several systematic reviews and metaanalyses related to the selection of an aerosol
delivery device have been published. In a metaanalysis, Turner et al25 concluded that
bronchodilator delivery by means of nebulizer or MDI is equivalent in the treatment of
adults with acute airflow obstruction. A systematic review by Amirav and Newhouse26
compared MDIs with accessory devices to nebulizers in children with acute asthma.
While their results showed no differences between the types of delivery systems, it was
concluded that the MDI with an accessory device (ie, a spacer or holding chamber)
should be considered the preferred mode of aerosol delivery. A systematic review27 of
the management of acute exacerbations of COPD concluded that there is insufficient
evidence that either an MDI or a nebulizer is superior. Cates et al28 and Cates,29 in
systematic reviews of spacers and holding chambers vs nebulizers for ß2-agonist
treatment of acute asthma, concluded that an MDI with a holding chamber produces
outcomes that are at least equivalent to those achieved with the use of a nebulizer.
Several systematic reviews303132 have compared MDIs to DPIs and have concluded that
there is no evidence that either device is superior to the other for bronchodilator therapy.
While systematic reviews provide key evidence summaries, they do not present specific
recommendations for practice. The reasons for this include a focus on restricted
populations and outcomes, and the lack of a process to ensure recommendations reflect
patients’ values and preferences.33 However, clinicians require information and guidance
concerning the best estimates of benefits and risks of alternatives, and concerning the
explicit tradeoffs between these benefits and risks, or, in other words, evidence-based
guidelines. Therefore, despite the availability of the above systematic reviews, we
believe that evidence-based guidelines are still needed. Consequently, the intent of this
project was to assess the available scientific evidence addressing the question of
whether device selection affects efficacy and the adverse effects of treatment. Therefore,
we set out to systematically review relevant evidence from randomized, placebo-
controlled clinical trials and to provide general recommendations based on the tradeoffs
that this evidence provides. Our recommendations relate to issues that clinicians should
consider in selecting a particular therapeutic aerosol delivery device for their patients in
each of several commonly encountered clinical settings.
View this table: Table 6. Reasons Trials Were Not Included in Analysis
[in this window]
[in a new window]
Separate metaanalyses were carried out for each specific clinical setting being
considered. The weighted standardized difference between treatment groups in the
outcome of interest was calculated using the mean scores and their SDs. We combined
results across end points of FEV1, peak flow, and specific airway conductance (sGaw),
and calculated the effect size in SD units. For studies that made measurements at
multiple time points, the last time point was used for analysis. For studies with multiple
doses, analyses using the first dose and the last dose were performed. All outcomes
reported are in SD units. In studies that provided data for more than one of these
outcomes, we used the outcome that was highest in the hierarchy. To assess whether the
magnitude of the heterogeneity of differences in the apparent treatment effect across
studies was greater than one might expect by chance, we conducted a test based on the
distribution with N – 1 degree of freedom, where N is the number of studies. No
important effects were seen in any of the group analyses, and there was very little
heterogeneity in any of the data. In general, our statistical methods relied on the
approaches described by Fleiss34 and by Hedges and Olkin.35
We found that the studies were heterogeneous in purpose, design, and patient selection,
and determined that these descriptors would influence the interpretation and relevance
of the studies for clinical use by patients. Therefore, we grouped the studies that were
reviewed into three general types (types 1, 2a, and 2b) based on the intended purpose
and specific study design used.
Type 1 Trials: Device Performance Under Conditions of Actual Clinical Use
These trials were intended to compare the effectiveness of the devices and drug being
studied in a setting of "real-world" clinical use with the measured outcomes relevant to
the accepted indication for the drug in this setting. Studies that compared the effect of a
ß2-agonist agent delivered by nebulizer, DPI, and/or MDI in patients presenting to the
ED with acute asthma are an example of this type of study. These studies typically
evaluate outcomes such as improvement in lung function and oxygenation or hospital
admission rate. Studies that compare the effect of inhaled corticosteroids delivered by
different devices over a period of weeks, and assess daily asthma symptoms, ß2-agonist
use, and daily peak flow measurement are other examples of such studies.
View this table: Table 10. Short-term DPI Studies Using ß2-Agonists in the Acute
[in this window] Care Setting*
[in a new
Adverse effects appeared to be more common with nebulizer use. Heart rate change
tended to be greater in patients using a nebulizer, but the effect across studies was
significant only when pediatric and adult studies were analyzed together (Fig 4 ). These
differences in heart rate between devices tended to be small in magnitude. One study38
found vomiting to be more common with nebulizer use than with use of an MDI with a
spacer/holding chamber, which likely was due to the larger dose given by nebulizer in
these subjects.
Figure 4. Weighted standardized mean difference
for heart rate in ED/ICU trials using ß2-agonists
comparing nebulizer vs MDI + spacer/holding
chamber. See the legend of Figure 2 for
abbreviations not used in the text.
1. Both the nebulizer and MDI with spacer/holding chamber are appropriate for the
delivery of short-acting ß2-agonists in the ED. Quality of evidence: good; net
benefit: substantial; strength of recommendation: A.
2. Because data for DPIs are limited, and high quality data for standard MDIs
(without spacer/holding chamber) and breath-actuated MDIs are unavailable, we
are unable to recommend the use of these devices in the ED until more
information is available. Quality of evidence: low; net benefit: none; strength of
recommendation: I.
3. Many factors would lead the clinician to appropriately select a particular type of
aerosol delivery device in this setting. These factors include the patient’s ability
to use the device correctly, the preferences of the patient for the device, the
unavailability of an appropriate drug/device combination, the compatibility
between the drug and delivery device, the lack of time or skills to properly
instruct the patient in the use of the device or to monitor the appropriate use, and
the cost of therapy. Quality of evidence: low; net benefit: substantial; strength of
recommendation: B.
1. Both nebulizers and MDIs with spacer/holding chambers are appropriate for use
in the inpatient setting. Quality of evidence: good; net benefit: substantial;
strength of recommendation: A.
2. Because the data for DPIs, standard MDIs without spacer/holding chambers, and
breath-actuated MDIs have been inadequately studied in this setting, we are
unable to recommend the use of these devices in patients requiring
hospitalization for asthma or COPD until more information is available. Quality
of evidence: low; net benefit: none; strength of recommendation: I.
3. Many factors would lead the clinician to appropriately select a particular type of
aerosol delivery device in this setting. These include the patient’s inability to use
the device correctly, the preferences of the patient for the device, the
unavailability of the drug/device combination, the compatibility between the drug
and the delivery device, the lack of time or skills to properly instruct the patient
in the use of the device or in monitoring the appropriate use, and the cost of
therapy. Quality of evidence: low; net benefit: substantial; strength of
recommendation: B.
View this table: Table 12. Intermittent vs Continuous Nebulizers Studies Using
[in this window] ß2-Agonists*
[in a new
Figure 6. Top: weighted standardized mean difference for
FEV1 in ED/ICU trials of ß2-agonists comparing
intermittent (Int) vs continuous (Cont) nebulization.
Bottom: weighted standardized mean difference for peak
flow in ED/ICU trials of ß2-agonists comparing
intermittent vs continuous nebulizers. See the legend of
Figure 2 for abbreviations not used in the text.
Albuterol was the drug employed in each of the three RCTs included in the analysis.
The outcomes evaluated included changes in respiratory system compliance, airway
resistance, and expiratory flows. In two of the studies,7172 there were no differences in
the response to albuterol between MDIs and nebulizers. In the other study,73 the
administration of up to 10 mg albuterol by MDI had no effect, whereas, the
administration of 2.5 to 7.5 mg albuterol with a nebulizer produced significant
reductions in airway resistance. In this study, however, the adapter employed to connect
the MDI to the ventilator circuit had a very low drug delivery efficiency.73 This
underscores the need to give careful attention to the specific details of the system used to
deliver aerosolized drugs to intubated, mechanically ventilated patients.74
Observational trials75 have reported that the administration of albuterol with an MDI and
chamber spacer produced responses that were comparable to those obtained with
albuterol administered by nebulizer. In one randomized crossover study (published
following the literature search for these evidence-based guidelines), Duarte et al76
reported that the airway response to albuterol via MDI with spacer and nebulizer were
similar in duration and magnitude for mechanically ventilated patients with COPD.
Although it is commonly accepted that an endotracheal tube may affect aerosol
deposition patterns by providing a finer aerosol at the tube exit, the presence of airway
disease may overwhelm this advantage.77 There are no deposition/dose-response
comparative studies in patients receiving mechanical ventilation, and, thus, no clear
recommendations for the dosing of ß-agonists in this setting can be made.
Although evaluated only in non-RCT studies, several factors are known to have
clinically important effects on aerosol delivery during mechanical ventilation. These
include the position at which the nebulizer is placed in the circuit,7879 the nebulizer brand
and its fill volume,80 the humidification of the inspired gas,80 the treatment time,80 the
inspiratory time (duty cycle),7980 intermittent vs continuous nebulization,79 the ventilator
brand,81 and the density of the carrier gas.82 It has been reported that the response to
albuterol administered by MDI to mechanically ventilated patients with COPD was not
affected by inspiratory flow pattern, pressure-controlled ventilation vs volume-
controlled ventilation,83 the level of inspiratory flow,84 the delivered tidal volume,85 or
the addition of an end-inspiratory pause.86 When an MDI is used during mechanical
ventilation, the use of a spacer device has been shown to increase deposition compared
to other in-line actuators.87
Short-Acting ß2-Agonists for Asthma in the Abstract
Outpatient Setting Introduction
Twenty-eight RCTs compared devices for the delivery Methodology
of ß2-agonists to outpatients. Most trials used a Results and Recommendations
crossover design, and all were of type 2a or 2b. In other Device Selection in the...
words, study outcomes assessed the comparability of the Discussion
Summaries and Results
effect in the clinical laboratory setting in patients who References
had been carefully trained in and screened for proper
use of the device. Consequently, they did not directly
assess effectiveness as "quick relief" treatment for outpatient asthma symptoms (the
primary role that these agents play in the treatment of asthma).23 Some were single-dose
studies in which each treatment was administered only once, with measurements being
made before and after this treatment. In other studies, treatments were administered on a
scheduled daily basis over varying periods of time from as short as 1 day up to a few
months. With both of these approaches, however, the primary outcome assessed changes
in lung function in the clinical laboratory. Daily asthma symptom scores and adverse
effects, mainly changes in heart rate, were assessed in only a few trials.
View this table: Table 14. MDI vs DPI Using ß2-Agonists in Adult Outpatients
[in this window] With Asthma*
[in a new
View this Table 15. Trials Comparing MDI vs DPI Studies "Comparable Dose
table: and Drug" ß2-Agonists and Cromolyn Adult Outpatients With
[in this Asthma*
[in a new
Four studies compared the MDIs and DPIs in pediatric patients. Two studies117118
investigated terbutaline delivered by MDI and by DPI (Turbuhaler). Another study119
evaluated fenoterol delivery by MDI and DPI. The fourth study120 enrolled both
pediatric and adult patients. None of these studies, either individually or when
combined, showed a difference between use of the MDI and use of the DPI.
Fewer data are available comparing the effects of ß2-agonists inhaled via an MDI
without a spacer device vs those inhaled via an MDI with a spacer device in adults or
children with asthma in the outpatient setting,100121 and only one study121 met criteria for
inclusion in the analysis. This study showed no difference between the two routes for
the outcomes FEV1, PEFR, or FVC (Table 16 ).
View this Table 16. MDI vs MDI + Spacer Studies Using ß2-Agonists in
table: Adult Outpatients With Asthma*
[in this
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Eight type 2b studies that compared short-acting ß-agonist delivery by different devices
were evaluated separately (Table 17 ). Three studies that compared the dose delivered
by nebulizer and MDI with holding chamber each concluded that more than two MDI
actuations are required to equal one nebulizer treatment. Pedersen and Bundgaard122 and
Madsen et al123 estimated that approximately four terbutaline MDI actuations are
required to equal a single nebulized treatment with 2.5 to 4.0 mg of terbutaline. Blake et
al124 estimated that approximately 10 MDI actuations of albuterol are required to equal
one nebulizer treatment with 2.5 mg albuterol. It is for this reason the more than two
MDI actuations are typically used in ED studies comparing MDIs with spacers/holding
chambers and nebulizers (Table 8). Type 2B studies by Wong et al,125 Lofdahl et al,126
and Bondesson et al127 compared albuterol delivery via DPI (Turbuhaler) and CFC MDI
(Ventolin). All three studies estimated that the dose delivered by the DPI was greater
(1.38-fold, 1.98-fold, and 2.0-fold greater, respectively). Confidence intervals for these
three estimates overlapped in the region, indicating a twofold to threefold greater
potency for the Turbuhaler. In contrast, two type 2B studies112128 comparing a Spiros DPI
(Elan Pharmaceuticals; Dublin, Ireland) with a CFC MDI (Ventolin) estimated that
these devices were approximately equipotent. This draws attention to the fact that
differences in the relative amount of drug delivered to the lung depends not only on the
general type of device used (DPI vs MDI) but also on the specific brand of device being
compared (eg, Spiros DPI or Turbuhaler DPI).
View this table: Table 17. Type 2B Studies Comparing Short-Acting ß-Agonist
[in this window] Delivery*
[in a new
1. For treatment of asthma in the outpatient setting, both the MDI, used with or
without spacer/holding chamber, and the DPI are appropriate for the delivery of
short-acting ß2-agonists. Quality of evidence: good; net benefit: substantial;
strength of recommendation: A.
2. The appropriate selection of a particular type of aerosol delivery device in this
setting includes the patient’s ability to use the device correctly, the preferences of
the patient for the device, the availability of the drug/device combination, the
compatibility between the drug and delivery device, the lack of time or skills to
properly instruct the patient in the use of the device or to monitor the appropriate
use, the cost of the therapy, and the potential for reimbursement. Quality of
evidence: low; net benefit: substantial; strength of recommendation: B.
View this Table 18. MDI + Spacer vs DPI Studies Using Corticosteroids in
table: Adult Outpatients With Asthma*
[in this
[in a new
Figure 9. Top, A: weighted mean standardized difference for
FEV1 in outpatient steroid trials comparing DPI vs MDI +
spacer/holding chamber. Middle, B: weighted mean
standardized difference for peak flow in outpatient steroid trials
comparing DPI vs MDI + spacer/holding chamber. Bottom, C:
Weighted mean standardized difference for symptoms in
outpatient steroid trials comparing DPI vs MDI + spacer/holding
chamber. See legends of Figures 2and 7 for abbreviations not
used in the text.
View larger
version (14K):
[in this window]
[in a new
1. For the treatment of asthma in the outpatient setting, both the MDI with a
spacer/holding chamber and the DPI are appropriate devices for the delivery of
inhaled corticosteroids. Quality of evidence: good; net benefit: substantial;
strength of recommendation: A.
2. For outpatient asthma therapy, the selection of an appropriate aerosol delivery
device for inhaled corticosteroids includes the patient’s ability to use the device
correctly, the preferences of the patient for the device, the availability of the
drug/device combination, the compatibility between the drug and delivery
device, the lack of time or skills to properly instruct the patient in the use of the
device or monitor the appropriate use, the cost of therapy, and the potential for
reimbursement. Quality of evidence: low; net benefit: substantial; strength of
recommendation: B.
Turner et al,50 in an acute setting adult trial, reported a significantly greater increase in
heart rate for nebulizers compared to MDI without important differences in efficacy.
Similar findings were reported by Berry et al61 for inpatients with COPD, but data are
lacking for COPD patients treated in the outpatient setting. In an outpatient study of
patients with COPD, Pauwels et al131 compared the use of an MDI and that of an MDI
with a valved holding chamber following the inhalation of terbutaline, and reported that
the MDI with holding chamber may be more effective than MDI alone. In an outpatient
study of patients with asthma or COPD, Dorow and Hidinger et al132 reported no
differences between the use of an MDI and that of MDI with a valved holding chamber.
Device differences have not been adequately studied for combination bronchodilator
therapy (eg, Combivent; Boehringer-Ingelheim; Ridgefield, CT) or for steroid
preparations in outpatients with COPD. Delivery systems for long-acting
bronchodilators (eg, salmeterol and formoterol) also have not been adequately studied in
this patient population.
The selection of an aerosol delivery device for the treatment of outpatients with COPD
is determined by the formulation, the needs of the patient, clinician biases, and
reimbursement. Although use of an MDI (with spacer and mask if necessary) may
produce similar results, nebulizers are often used in sicker and less cooperative patients.
1. For the treatment of COPD in the outpatient setting, the MDI, with or without
spacer/holding chamber, the nebulizer, and the DPI are all appropriate for the
delivery of inhaled ß2-agonist and anticholinergic agents. Quality of evidence:
good; net benefit: substantial; strength of recommendation: A.
2. For outpatient COPD therapy, the selection of an appropriate aerosol delivery
device for inhaled ß2-agonist and anticholinergic agents includes the patient’s
ability to use the device correctly, the preferences of the patient for the device,
the availability of the drug/device combination, the compatibility between the
drug and the delivery device, the lack of time or skills to properly instruct the
patient in the use of the device or monitor its appropriate use, the cost of therapy,
and the potential for reimbursement. Quality of evidence: low; net benefit:
substantial; strength of recommendation: B.
The results of this systematic review of RCTs were essentially the same in each of the
clinical settings evaluated above. None of the pooled metaanalyses (Tables 20and 21 ,
available on-line only) showed a significant difference between devices in any efficacy
outcome in any patient group. Thus, the relative effectiveness of delivery methods does
not provide a clear basis for selecting one device over another. This does not mean that
the device choice for a specific patient does not seem to matter. In essence, this says that
each of the devices studied can work equally well in that
setting in patients who can use them appropriately. This TOP
is an important statement because most studies, Abstract
especially in the outpatient setting, select for patients Introduction
who are capable of using each of the devices with the
Results and Recommendations
appropriate technique or train patients to use the Device Selection in the...
appropriate technique. The RCTs included in this Discussion
systematic review do not provide much information Summaries and Results
about who is likely to use one device or another References
properly, nor do they address many other considerations
that are important for choosing a delivery device for a
specific patient in a specific clinical situation. These include the ability to use the
device, patient preference, the availability of equipment, and cost. While the clinician is
still left to select the method of delivery based on these other considerations, we have
made general recommendations based on the results of the metaanalysis to guide the
clinician in his/her selection of a delivery system. In addition, there are some obvious
situations in which device selection clearly does matter. For example, in each of the
clinical situations studied, there are some devices that were studied little or not at all.
This appears to indicate a consensus that RCTs are not needed to determine that some
devices are inappropriate for that clinical situation. For example, it is clear that infants
and toddlers have virtually no chance of using an MDI (without spacer or holding
chamber) or a DPI properly. Similarly, there are virtually no RCTs studying the MDI
(without spacer or holding chamber) in the ED since most clinicians believe that the
severe dyspnea experienced by many asthma patients in that setting would prevent them
from using this device properly.
View this table: Table 21. Comparison of Trials Included and Not Included in
[in this window] Metaanalysis*
[in a new
Studies of ß2-agonist use for outpatient asthma and COPD are less reassuring since
virtually all of these were type 2 studies that were performed under laboratory
conditions rather than conditions of actual clinical use. The studies indicate that under
ideal conditions and in patients who are successfully taught to use the devices correctly,
the devices being compared can each deliver sufficient quantities of drug to the airway
to elicit the same response. However, the relationship between these laboratory studies
and the use of the device in patient’s daily lives is not clear. Many of these studies were
performed for regulatory purposes as part of the evaluation of new formulations. These
kinds of studies are typically designed to demonstrate equivalence with an existing
device. The doses used were typically selected to ensure this, particularly in the
nebulizer vs MDI RCTs.53596162 Thus, it is not surprising when these type 2 studies fail to
show differences. It is also likely that the doses used in many of these laboratory-based
studies produced responses that were near the plateau of the dose-response curve.
Therefore, differences in drug delivery would not be reflected as a difference in
response. However, these studies do not indicate that the device would perform equally
well in more adverse, real-world situations, such as when a patient awakens at night
with more bronchospasm and lower lung function than is typically studied in the clinical
laboratory.137138 Furthermore, these studies routinely exclude patients who cannot
correctly use the devices being compared. The results clearly apply just to the
subpopulation of patients who can use the device effectively.
Differences in systemic adverse effects were present only between the nebulizer and the
MDI with holding chamber for albuterol delivery in the ED, and between the nebulizer
and the MDI (used alone) for albuterol delivery in COPD outpatients. Heart rate was
higher with nebulizer delivery. Vomiting was greater after nebulized albuterol
administration than after albuterol administered by MDI with a valved holding chamber
in children in the ED. These findings are most likely due to the larger doses of albuterol
administered by the nebulizer compared to those administered by the MDI, resulting in
greater systemic absorption.
We did not assess the power of individual studies a priori. Although it is likely that
many studies were underpowered, the metaanalysis of these studies consistently fails to
show a significant difference between devices. Moreover, our findings are consistent
with those reported in other systematic reviews.25262728303164139 However, our interpretation
of these results differs from those offered by authors of some of the reviews. Notably,
Turner et al25 concluded that because no clear differences between devices could be
found in the systematic review of RCTs, cost alone should drive the choice between
devices. This interpretation of the results of the systematic review was subsequently
criticized in a number of letters to the editor,140141 although the review itself was not. In
their review, Amirav and Newhouse26 also found no differences in pulmonary function
response to nebulized albuterol and albuterol administered by an MDI with holding
chamber in children treated in the ED setting. They also interpreted their results as
demonstrating that cost alone should be the determining factor for the choice of device.
The interpretation of our systematic review as well as those of other authors in existence
is open to debate. While we make general recommendations, they are based on the
metaanalysis of the data from the RCTs considered. We have avoided making specific
recommendations that are not directly supported by the RCT results.
How then, in practice, does one select an aerosol delivery device for the patient? In
other words, what practical advice can be given for device selection when the best
evidence shows no difference in outcomes between devices? In the following list, we
review the important issues for clinicians to consider when selecting an aerosol delivery
Finally, whichever device is chosen, it is clear that proper patient education on its use is
critical and that the assessment of inhalation technique should be part of subsequent
visits to the physician.142 Therefore, physicians, respiratory therapists, and nurses caring
for patients with respiratory diseases should be familiar with issues related to
performance and with the correct use of aerosol delivery devices. Patients must be
adequately instructed in the correct use of aerosol delivery devices. If the selected
delivery device should fail to provide satisfactory treatment or result in unacceptable
side effects for the patient, both clinician and patient should recognize that there are
other effective options.
Results and Recommendations
Device Selection in the...
Summaries and Results
1. Both the nebulizer and MDI with spacer/holding chamber are appropriate for the
delivery of short-acting ß2-agonists in the ED. Quality of evidence: good; net
benefit: substantial; strength of recommendation: A.
2. Because data for DPIs are limited, and high quality data for standard MDIs
(without spacer/holding chamber) and breath-actuated MDIs are unavailable, we
are unable to recommend the use of these devices in the ED until more
information is available. Quality of evidence: low; net benefit: none; strength of
recommendation: I.
3. Many factors would lead the clinician to appropriately select a particular type of
aerosol delivery device in this setting. These factors include the patient’s ability
to use the device correctly, the preferences of the patient for the device, the
unavailability of an appropriate drug/device combination, the compatibility
between the drug and delivery device, the lack of time or skills to properly
instruct the patient in the use of the device or to monitor the appropriate use, and
the cost of therapy. Quality of evidence: low; net benefit: substantial; strength of
recommendation: B.
In the inpatient setting, the available evidence suggests that there is no difference
in the pulmonary function response between using a nebulizer and using an MDI
with a spacer/holding chamber for administering short-acting ß2-agonist therapy
(quality of evidence: good).
1. Both nebulizers and MDIs with spacer/holding chambers are appropriate for use
in the inpatient setting. Quality of evidence: good; net benefit: substantial;
strength of recommendation: A.
2. Because the data for DPIs, standard MDIs without spacer/holding chambers, and
breath-actuated MDIs have been inadequately studied in this setting, we are
unable to recommend the use of these devices in patients requiring
hospitalization for asthma or COPD until more information is available. Quality
of evidence: low; net benefit: none; strength of recommendation: I.
3. Many factors would lead the clinician to appropriately select a particular type of
aerosol delivery device in this setting. These include the patient’s inability to use
the device correctly, the preferences of the patient for the device, the
unavailability of the drug/device combination, the compatibility between the drug
and the delivery device, the lack of time or skills to properly instruct the patient
in the use of the device or in monitoring the appropriate use, and the cost of
therapy. Quality of evidence: low; net benefit: substantial; strength of
recommendation: B.
In the adult and pediatric outpatient population with asthma, available evidence
comparing short-acting ß2-agonist delivery by MDI and DPI show no differences
in pulmonary function responses, symptom scores, or heart rate. This remains
true when analysis is restricted to type 2b studies that estimate the doses required
to produce equal levels of response (called dose-axis comparisons) [quality of
evidence: good].
In a limited number of type 2 studies comparing short-acting ß2-agonists
administered with an MDI to that with an MDI using a spacer or holding
chamber, pulmonary function responses were found to be comparable (quality of
evidence: low).
The use of nebulizers for the delivery of short-acting ß2-agonists in the outpatient
setting has not been adequately studied in RCTs (quality of evidence: low).
1. For treatment of asthma in the outpatient setting, both the MDI, used with or
without spacer/holding chamber, and the DPI are appropriate for the delivery of
short-acting ß2-agonists. Quality of evidence: good; net benefit: substantial;
strength of recommendation: A.
2. The appropriate selection of a particular type of aerosol delivery device in this
setting includes the patient’s ability to use the device correctly, the preferences of
the patient for the device, the availability of the drug/device combination, the
compatibility between the drug and delivery device, the lack of time or skills to
properly instruct the patient in the use of the device or to monitor the appropriate
use, the cost of the therapy, and the potential for reimbursement. Quality of
evidence: low; net benefit: substantial; strength of recommendation: B.
For adult patients with asthma in the outpatient setting, there are no differences
in pulmonary function response or symptom scores when the same dose of the
same corticosteroid is used in a DPI or MDI with spacer/holding chamber
(quality of evidence: good).
Two studies indicated a significant patient preference for use of the DPI over that
of the MDI with spacer/holding chamber (quality of evidence: good).
No RCT adequately addressed the incidence of oral candidiasis (quality of
evidence: low).
1. For the treatment of asthma in the outpatient setting, both the MDI with a
spacer/holding chamber and the DPI are appropriate devices for the delivery of
inhaled corticosteroids. Quality of evidence: good; net benefit: substantial;
strength of recommendation: A.
2. For outpatient asthma therapy, the selection of an appropriate aerosol delivery
device for inhaled corticosteroids includes the patient’s ability to use the device
correctly, the preferences of the patient for the device, the availability of the
drug/device combination, the compatibility between the drug and delivery
device, the lack of time or skills to properly instruct the patient in the use of the
device or monitor the appropriate use, the cost of therapy, and the potential for
reimbursement. Quality of evidence: low; net benefit: substantial; strength of
recommendation: B.
ß2-Agonists and Anticholinergic Agents for COPD
Summary of RCT Results:
1. For the treatment of COPD in the outpatient setting, the MDI, with or without
spacer/holding chamber, the nebulizer, and the DPI are all appropriate for the
delivery of inhaled ß2-agonist and anticholinergic agents. Quality of evidence:
good; net benefit: substantial; strength of recommendation: A.
2. For outpatient COPD therapy, the selection of an appropriate aerosol delivery
device for inhaled ß2-agonist and anticholinergic agents includes the patient’s
ability to use the device correctly, the preferences of the patient for the device,
the availability of the drug/device combination, the compatibility between the
drug and the delivery device, the lack of time or skills to properly instruct the
patient in the use of the device or monitor its appropriate use, the cost of therapy,
and the potential for reimbursement. Quality of evidence: low; net benefit:
substantial; strength of recommendation: B.
Device Selection
When selecting an aerosol delivery device, the following questions should be
The authors thank Angela Eady and Lauren Griffith (Department of Clinical
Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON,
Canada) and James B Fink, MS, Fellow, Respiratory Science, Aerogen, Inc (Mountain
View, CA).
Professor Dolovich has served as a speaker for Forest Laboratories, 3M Pharma, and
Aventis, and as a consultant for GlaxoSmithKline and Delex Therapeutics, and has
received research funding from 3M Pharma, Trudell Medical International, and Altana
Pharma. Dr. Ahrens, in the past 12 months, has received research funding from or has
had a consulting relationship with the following organizations with a potential financial
interest in the subject of the manuscript: AstraZeneca; Aventis; Boehringer Ingelheim;
GlaxoSmithKline; Innovata Biomed Limited; Medic-Aid Limited; Monaghan Medical
Corporation; and 3M Corporation. Dr. Hess has served as a consultant for Pari and has
received research funding from Cardinal Health. Dr. Anderson has participated in
clinical trials for GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer Ingelheim, Astra-Zeneca, and Novartis.
Dr. Dhand has served as a speaker for GlaxoSmithKline and Boehringer Ingelheim, has
sponsored meetings for GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Sepracor, and has
performed research funded by Sepracor Inc and Omron. Dr. Rau has no financial
interest or involvement in any organization with a direct financial interest in the subject
of this article, but he has served as a consultant for Respironics, as a speaker for
Sepracor Pharmaceutical, and as a consultant and speaker for and performed research
funded by Trudell Medical International and Monaghan Medical Corporation. Dr.
Smaldone has served as a consultant to several device and pharmaceutical companies
that are connected to aerosol therapy, primarily the nebulization of drugs. Those
companies with a direct financial interest in nebulization include Monaghan/Trudell
Medical International, Aerogen, Pari, and Profile Therapeutics.
Received for publication February 25, 2004. Accepted for publication August 25, 2004.
Results and Recommendations
Device Selection in the...
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