1.5 The Nazi Germany
1.5 The Nazi Germany
1.5 The Nazi Germany
Mein Kampf :
• revision of Versailles treaty – regain all the lands
• Lebensraum = living space for Germans; wanted to reach it in 3 steps:
uniting all territories in Europe where Germans lived
create a large German state of all Europe
Third Empire- Germans control the whole world
• racial theory: Germans are the master race superior to others = the
Aryan race – destined to rule the world
put other nation into categories: relatives of Germans (e.g. Normans,
French) ; inferior or slave races ( e.g. Slaves, black people, Asians) –
should be subdued; Jews, gypsies, cripples, mentally ills- should be
Totalitarian dictatorship:
• Nazis controlled all the fields of life: newspapers; radio, free time, art
• used propaganda a Joseph Goebbels, burnt books ;mass rallies were held,
children were indoctrinated in Nazi ideology by youth organisation ‘Hitler
• economy: under government control, militarisation; ‘ Canon instead of
butter’ ,Neu Plan- leader Göring ; command economy- 4 years plans,
strikes were banned, workers had to join the National Labour Front
public works e.g. A2 highway;
made the marka stable; profit export was banned
concentration of companies; wage and price control
production grew by 107 % in ten years
German capital was regarded positive “ creative capital’ ; other capitals
were called speculative → confiscated by the state
Persecution of Jews:
• Jews were mad scapegoats for all troubles Even for war defeat and
depression→ anti-Semitism
• boycott against their shops, Jewish officers were sent to pension
• 1935 Nuremberg Laws deprived Jews from German citizenship – no right
to vote ( couldn’t use public transport, go to university ; marriage with Germans was banned, Jew=
have 3 Jewish grandparent ; or belongs to Jewish religion or married to a Jewish; mixed= have 2 Jewish
• 1938 ‘Kristallnacht’ a violent attack against Jewish community ( 30,000 Jews
were sent to concentration camps)
• from 1941 had to wear a yellow Star of David as identification and
couldn’t leave the country
• 1942 ‘ final solution’ – concentration/extermination camps- systematic
mass murder