Economics Mock
Economics Mock
Economics Mock
General instructions:
1. This question paper contains two sections:
Section A – Macro Economics
Section B – Indian Economic Development
2. This paper contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions of 1 mark each.
3. This paper contains 4 Short Answer Questions of 3 marks each to be answered in 60 to 80 words.
4. This paper contains 6 Short Answer Questions of 4 marks each to be answered in 80 to 100 words.
5. This paper contains 4 Long Answer Questions of 6 marks each to be answered in 100 to 150 words.
SECTION A – MACRO ECONOMICS 6. What is the primary objective of the Monetary Policy
1. What characterizes the connection between Committee (MPC) in India?
aggregate demand (AD) and aggregate supply (AS) (a) Maximizing bank profits
that results in economic equilibrium? (b) Controlling inflation and promoting economic
(a) AD < AS (b) AD > AS growth
(c) Regulating foreign exchange rates
(c) AD = AS. (d) AD has no impact on AS.
(d) Managing government fiscal policies.
2. The value of ____ can be greater than 1.
7. Suppose for a given economy,
(a) Marginal propensity to consume.
S= -60 + 0.1Y
(b) Average propensity to consume I= ₹ 4,000 crore
(c) Average propensity to save. (Where S = Saving Function, Y = National Income and
(d) Marginal propensity to save. I = Investment Expenditure)
3. Which factor primarily determines the exchange rate Equilibrium level of Income would be ₹ ______ crore.
under a fixed exchange rate system?
(a) Supply and demand in the foreign exchange 8. What does the "current account" of the balance of
payments primarily represent?
(a) Capital flows related to investments
(b) Central bank intervention
(b) Exports and imports of goods and services
(c) Government fiscal policy
(c) Financial aid and grants received from foreign
(d) International trade agreements
4. What is the primary function of money in an (d) Foreign exchange rate fluctuations
economy? 9. Which of the following is a part of normal resident of
(a) Storing value India?
(b) Facilitating barter transactions (a) Indian official working in Indian embassy in USA
(c) Generating interest income (b) Australian tourist staying for 5 days in India
(d) Promoting economic growth (c) Indians staying for medical treatment in UK
(d) None of the above
5. Graphically, Aggregate Demand function can be
obtained by vertically adding the _________ and _________ 10. In a floating exchange rate system, exchange rates are
function. primarily determined by:
(a) Consumption, saving (a) Market forces of supply and demand
(b) Consumption, investment (b) Government regulations and restrictions
(c) Investment, saving (c) International treaties and agreements
(d) Aggregate supply, consumption. (d) Central bank interventions
12. On the basis of the given data, estimate the value of Domestic Income:
S. No. Items Amount (₹ in crore)
i. Household Consumption Expenditure 600
ii. Gross Fixed Capital Formation 200
iii. Change in stock 40
iv. Government Final Consumption Expenditure 200
v. Net Export (-)40
vi. Net Indirect Taxes 120
vii. Net Factor Income From Abroad 20
27. When the price index increases, what does it b) Green revolution transformed India from a
imply? subsistent food grain economy to a food surplus
(a) Value of currency increases economy.” Justify the statement, giving reasons in
(b) No effect on value of currency support of your
(c) Value of currency decreases answer
(d) None of these
28. The Zamindari system of land settlement was c) "In India, significant land reforms were
responsible for the stagnation of Indian agriculture. implemented extensively following the year
Explain. 1947."
OR Please choose one of these land reforms for
Explain the various systems of collecting land discussion based on the provided statement."
revenue prevalent under the British rule. d) Differentiate between social and economic
29. Why calorie based norm is not adequate to identify
the poor? 32. Write a brief note on SAARC.
30. Discuss briefly the meaning of economic reforms. 33. Since independence, the government has been
Explain the main economic reforms. playing an important role in generating employment
directly or indirectly.” Discuss in detail.
31. a) Explain how infrastructure impacts productivity
and induces investment?
34. Direction: Read the following hypothetical text and answer the given questions:
Infrastructure is often called as the lifeline of the economy of a nation. It comprises of a well established and well knit
network of power, telecom, ports, airports, roads, civil aviation, railways and road transport in a country. Countries need
adequate infrastructure so that various economic activities in an economy are executed efficiently, smoothly and above
all in time. The deficiencies in the of infrastructural needs of a nation cannot be made up through imports rather the best
approach is that it must be created within the domestic economy to put it on through the higher growth trajectory.
However, building of infrastructure requires large and lumpy investment and has a relatively long gestation period. Due
to this fact, infrastructural facilities are either built or run by the government and public sector enterprises and if private
sector is permitted to make investment and run infrastructural projects, they must be regulated in order to ensure quality
infrastructure to one and all in the society.
I. Identify the main category of infrastructure mentioned in the above paragraph.
(choose the correct alternative)
(a) Social (b) Economic
(c) Personal (d) Financial
II. The demand-supply gap of major infrastructural facility like power, transport can be met through__________ (fill up
the blank with correct answer)
III. State whether the given statement is true or false: ‘Infrastructure is often called as the lifeline of the economy of a
country, as it helps in increasing the productivity of the factors of production and enhancing the quality of life’.
IV. State reasons as to why infrastructural facilities are mainly built or run by the government and public sector