OpenBSD Proxy Server
OpenBSD Proxy Server
OpenBSD Proxy Server
Author: Daniele Mazzocchio Last update: May 11, 2008 Latest version:
Table of Contents
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................2 2. Squid.................................................................................................................................................3 2.1 Installation.................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Base configuration.....................................................................................................................3 2.3 Starting Squid............................................................................................................................6 3. Further Squid configuration.............................................................................................................8 3.1 More on Access Control Lists...................................................................................................8 3.2 Http-accelerator mode (reverse proxy)....................................................................................11 3.3 Transparent caching.................................................................................................................11 3.4 SNMP.......................................................................................................................................12 4. Content filtering with SquidGuard.................................................................................................14 4.1 Installation...............................................................................................................................14 4.2 Configuration...........................................................................................................................14 5. Virus scanning with SquidClamav.................................................................................................17 5.1 Installation...............................................................................................................................17 5.2 Configuration...........................................................................................................................17 6. Ad Zapping with AdZapper............................................................................................................20 6.1 Installation...............................................................................................................................20 6.2 Configuration...........................................................................................................................20 7. Appendix........................................................................................................................................22 7.1 Tunneling through Squid.........................................................................................................22 7.1.1 Server-side configuration.................................................................................................22 7.1.2 Client-side configuration..................................................................................................23 7.2 References................................................................................................................................24 7.3 Bibliography............................................................................................................................24
1. Introduction
We have grown so much accustomed to internet access on our work computers, that we can hardly imagine what people ever did all day long on their workplace before! By providing access to a virtually endless amount of information, the Internet has quickly turned into an essential working tool. So essential that most companies can't do without it anymore. But besides providing a huge amount of information, the Internet has also turned into the main virus vehicle (together with e-mail) and doesn't exclusively provide content in line with corporate policies. That's why a proxy server is often as necessary as the Internet connection. The main benefits of web proxying are:
content filtering: the proxy can be configured to filter out virus files, ad banners and requests to unwanted websites; network bandwidth conservation: cached pages are served by the proxy itself, thus saving bandwidth and offering faster access times; authentication: Internet access can be authorized (and filtered) based on username/password, IP address, domain name and much more.
The following is the list of the pieces of software we will use: OpenBSD a robust, security-oriented operating system, with only two remote holes in the default install, in more than 10 years!; Squid a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more; SquidGuard a combined filter, redirector and access controller plugin for Squid; ClamAV a fast and easy-to-use open-source virus scanner; SquidClamav an open source (GPL) anti-virus toolkit for UNIX; AdZapper a redirector for squid that intercepts advertising (banners, popup windows, flash animations, etc), page counters and some web bugs (as found). The choice of using free software prevented me from using DansGuardian, an Open Source web content filter, running on many OSes and filtering the actual content of pages based on many methods including phrase matching, PICS filtering and URL filtering. Fine and dandy, but it is not free for commercial use. A good knowledge of OpenBSD is assumed, since we won't delve into system management topics such as OS installation and base configuration, packages/ports installation or PF syntax.
2. Squid
Squid is a a full-featured HTTP/1.0 proxy and it offers a rich access control, authorization and logging environment to develop web proxy and content serving applications.
2.1 Installation
Let's start with the location of the cache server in the network: according to the documentation, the most suitable place is in the DMZ; this should keep the cache server secure while still able to peer with other, outside, caches (such as the ISP's). The documentation also recommends setting a DNS name for the cache server (such as "cache.mydomain.tld" or "proxy.mydomain.tld") as soon as possible: a simple DNS entry can save many hours further down the line. Configuring client machines to access the cache server by IP address is asking for a long, painful transition down the road. Squid installation is as simple as it can be; you only have to add the Squid package. Available flavors are "transparent" (if you're interested in transparent proxying) and "snmp" (including SNMP support).
# export PKG_PATH=/path/to/your/favourite/OpenBSD/mirror # pkg_add squid-x.x.STABLExx-transparent-snmp.tgz squid-x.x.STABLExx-transparent-snmp: complete --- squid-x.x.STABLExx-transparent-snmp ------------------NOTES ON OpenBSD POST-INSTALLATION OF SQUID x.x The local (OpenBSD) differences are: configuration files are in sample configuration files are in error message files are in sample error message files are in icons are in sample icons are in the cache is in logs are stored in the ugid squid runs as is /etc/squid /usr/local/share/examples/squid /usr/local/share/squid/errors /usr/local/share/examples/squid/errors /usr/local/share/squid/icons /usr/local/share/examples/squid/icons /var/squid/cache /var/squid/logs _squid:_squid
Please remember to initialize the cache by running "squid -z" before trying to run Squid for the first time. You can also edit /etc/rc.local so that Squid is started automatically: if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/squid ]; then echo -n ' squid'; /usr/local/sbin/squid fi #
Our first configuration will be very simple: we will place our proxy server in the DMZ (, below is the network layout) and allow only requests from the LAN ( No ISP's parent proxy is taken into account.
The main Squid configuration file is /etc/squid/squid.conf. Let's have a look at it. The http_port option sets the port(s) that Squid will listen on for incoming HTTP requests. There are three forms: port alone (e.g. "http_port 3128"), hostname with port (e.g. "http_port"), and IP address with port (e.g. "http_port"); you can specify multiple socket addresses, each on a separate line. If your Squid machine is multi-homed and directly accessible from the internet, it is strongly recommended that you force Squid to bind the socket to the internal address. This way, Squid will only be visible from the internal network and won't proxy the whole world! Squid's default HTTP port is 3128, but many administrators prefer using a port which is easier to remember, such as 8080. 4
The cache_dir parameter allows you to specify the path, size and depth of the directories where the cache swap files will be stored. Squid allows you to have multiple cache_dir tags in your config file.
cache_dir ufs /var/squid/cache 100 16 256
The above line sets the cache directory pathname to /var/squid/cache, with a size of 100MB and 16 first-level subdirectories, each containing 256 second-level subdirectories. The cache directory must exist and be writable by the Squid process and its size can't exceed the 80% of the whole disk. For further details, please refer to the documentation. The cache_mgr parameter contains the e-mail address of the Squid administrator, which will appear at the end of the error pages; e.g.:
cache_mgr [email protected]
The cache_effective_user and cache_effective_group options, allow you to set the UID and GID Squid will drop its privileges to once it has bound to the incoming network port. The package installation has already created the _squid user and group.
cache_effective_user cache_effective_group _squid _squid
The ftp_user option sets the e-mail address that Squid will use as the password for anonymous FTP login. It's a good practice to use an existing address:
ftp_user [email protected]
The following options set the paths to the log files; the format of the access log file, which logs every request received by the cache, can be specified by using a logformat directive (please refer to the documentation for a detailed list of the available format codes):
# Define the access log format logformat squid %ts.%03tu %6tr %>a %Ss/%03Hs %<st %rm %ru %un %Sh/%<A %mt # Log client request activities ('squid' is the name of the log format to use) access_log /var/squid/logs/access.log squid # Log information about the cache's behavior cache_log /var/squid/logs/cache.log # Log the activities of the storage manager cache_store_log /var/squid/logs/store.log
And now we come to one of the most tricky parts of the configuration: Access Control Lists. The simplest way to restrict access is to only accept requests from the internal network. Such a basic access control can be enough in small networks, especially if you don't wish to use features like username/password authentication or URL filtering. ACLs are usually split into two parts: acl lines, starting with the acl keyword and defining classes, and acl operators, allowing or denying requests based on classes. Acl-operators are checked from top to bottom and the first matching wins. Below is a very basic ruleset:
# Classes acl all acl localhost acl lan acl manager acl to_localhost src src src proto dst cache_object # # # # # Any IP address Localhost LAN where autorized clients reside Cache object protocol Requests to localhost
The Squid and the Blowfish acl acl acl SSL_ports Safe_ports CONNECT port 443 port 80 21 443 method CONNECT # https port # http, ftp, https ports # SSL CONNECT method
# Only allow cachemgr access from localhost http_access allow manager localhost http_access deny manager # Deny requests to unknown ports http_access deny !Safe_ports # Deny CONNECT to other than SSL ports http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports # Prevent access to local web applications from remote users http_access deny to_localhost # Allow access from the local network http_access allow lan # Default deny (this must be the last rule) http_access deny all
We are now ready to start Squid. Starting it in debug mode (-d 1 flag) and in foreground (-N flag) will make it easier to see if everything is working fine.
# /usr/local/sbin/squid -d 1 -N 2007/05/21 18:05:19| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE13 for i386-unknownopenbsd4.2... [ ... ] 2007/12/11 18:05:19| Accepting HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 10. 2007/12/11 18:05:19| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 11. 2007/12/11 18:05:19| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 12. 2007/12/11 18:05:19| WCCP Disabled. 2007/12/11 18:05:19| Ready to serve requests. 2007/12/11 18:05:22| Done scanning /var/squid/cache (0 entries) 2007/12/11 18:05:22| Finished rebuilding storage from disk. 2007/12/11 18:05:22| 0 Entries scanned 2007/12/11 18:05:22| 0 Invalid entries. 2007/12/11 18:05:22| 0 With invalid flags. 2007/12/11 18:05:22| 0 Objects loaded. 2007/12/11 18:05:22| 0 Objects expired. 2007/12/11 18:05:22| 0 Objects cancelled. 2007/12/11 18:05:22| 0 Duplicate URLs purged. 2007/12/11 18:05:22| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided. 2007/12/11 18:05:22| Took 5.1 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec). 2007/12/11 18:05:22| Beginning Validation Procedure 2007/12/11 18:05:22| Completed Validation Procedure
The Squid and the Blowfish 2007/12/11 18:05:22| Validated 0 Entries 2007/12/11 18:05:22| store_swap_size = 0k 2007/12/11 18:05:22| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
Once we get the "Ready to serve requests" message, we should be able to use the cache server. Once it is up and running, Squid reads the cache store: the first time you should see all zeros, as above, because the cache store is empty. Now, to make sure everything is working fine, we will configure our browser to use our fresh new proxy and we will try to access our favourite web site. In the /var/squid/logs/access.log file, you should see something like:
/var/squid/logs/access.log 1179764464.435 6735 TCP_MISS/200 11810 GET - DIRECT/ text/html 1179764712.536 14 TCP_HIT/200 11820 GET - NONE/- text/html [...]
For a detailed description of each field in the access.log file, please refer to the documentation. Anyway, TCP_MISS means that the requested page wasn't stored in the cache (either it was not present or it had expired); TCP_HIT, instead, means that the page was served from the cache. The second field is the time (in milliseconds) that Squid took to service the request: as you can see, it is much shorter when the page is cached. The page size is the fifth field: cached pages may be a little larger because of the extra headers added by Squid. If everything is working fine, we can stop Squid:
# /usr/local/sbin/squid -k shutdown
You may also wish to start Squid through the RunCache script, which automatically restarts it on failure and logs both to the /var/squid/squid.out file and to syslog. Just remember to background it with an &, or it will hang the system at boot time.
An ACL containing multiple decision strings will return true if any of the decision strings matches (i.e. decision strings are ORed together). To avoid cluttering the configuration file with hundreds of ACL lines, you can specify the full pathname of a file (in double quotes) containing the decision strings one per line. Listed below are the most commonly used ACL types: Source/Destination IP address Filtering based on source IP address (src type) or destination IP address (dst type). Both the traditional "IP/Netmask" and CIDR "IP/Bits" notations are allowed. E.g.:
# "Traditional" notation acl myNet1 src # Address range with CIDR notation acl myNet2 src # Filtering on destination address acl badNet dst
Source/Destination Domain Squid can allow/deny requests to or from specific domains (dstdomain and srcdomain types, respectively). If you want to deny access to a site, don't forget to also deny access to its IP address, or the rule will be easily bypassed. E.g.:
# Match a specific site acl badDomain dstdomain
Regular expressions can also be used for checking the source domain (srcdom_regex type) and destination domain (dstdom_regex type) of a request. E.g.:
# Match domains containing the word "sex" and a ".com" TLD (the match is case # insensitive because of the '-i' flag) acl badSites dstdom_regex -i sex.*\.com$
Words in the requested URL Squid can use regular expressions to filter URLs matching specific patterns (url_regex type); if you don't care about the URL-type and the hostname, you can use the urlpath_regex type instead.
# Match the most common video files extensions acl movies urlpath_regex -i \.avi$ \.mpg$ \.mpeg$ \.wmv$ \.asf$ \.mov$ # Match JPG images from URLs containing the word "sex" acl sexImg url_regex -i sex.*\.jpg$
Current day/time Squid can allow/deny access to specific sites by time. The syntax is:
acl name time [day-list] [start_hour:minute-end_hour:minute]
where day-list is a list of single characters representing the days that the acl applies to (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, THhursday, Friday, SAturday). E.g.:
acl workhours time acl weekend time acl morning time MTWHF 08:00-18:00 SA 07:00-13:00
Protocol (FTP, HTTP, SSL) The proto acl type allows Squid to allow/deny access based on the request protocol. E.g.:
acl www proto HTTP SSL acl ftp proto FTP
Method (HTTP GET, POST or CONNECT) The method ACL type allows you to restrict access based on the request HTTP method, i.e. GET (used for downloading), POST (used for uploading) and CONNECT (used for SSL data transfers). E.g.:
# Deny CONNECT to other than SSL ports acl connect method CONNECT http_access deny connect !SSL_ports
It is very important that you stop CONNECT type requests to non-SSL ports. The CONNECT method allows data transfer in any direction at any time, regardless of the transport protocol used. As a consequence, a malicious user could telnet(1) to a (very) badly configured proxy, enter something like:
$ telnet bad.proxy.tld 3128 Trying Connected to bad.proxy.tld. Escape character is '^]'. CONNECT telnet.server.tld:23 HTTP/1.1 and end up connected to the remote server, as if the connection was originated by the proxy.
Browser type The browser acl type allows you to specify a regular expression that can be used to allow/deny access based on the User-Agent header. E.g.:
# Deny access to MS Internet Explorer acl MSIE browser MSIE http_access deny MSIE
Username/Password pair User authentication allows you to track Internet usage and collect per-user statistics. The simplest authentication scheme is the basic scheme, with username/password pairs stored in a file. To create this file, you can use the htpasswd(1) command:
# /usr/bin/htpasswd -c /etc/squid/squid.passwd danix New password: dAn1x Re-type new password: dAn1x Adding password for user danix #
Authentication parameters are set using the auth_param tag; then, to actually activate authentication, you need to make use of ACLs based on login name in http_access (proxy_auth or proxy_auth_regex) or external_acl_type with %LOGIN used in the format tag. E.g.:
# Configure traditional (basic) proxy authentication auth_param basic program /usr/local/libexec/ncsa_auth /etc/squid/squid.passwd # Number of authenticator processes to spawn auth_param basic children 5 # Realm to be reported to the client auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server # Usernames are case insensitive auth_param basic casesensitive off # Credentials time to live auth_param basic credentialsttl 12 hours # Using REQUIRED will accept any valid username acl AUTH proxy_auth REQUIRED # Don't require authentication to localhost http_access allow localhost # Only allow authenticated requests coming from the LAN http_access allow AUTH lan # Default deny http_access deny all
SNMP Community Squid can restrict SNMP queries based on the requested SNMP community. E.g.:
# Address of the cache administrator acl snmpManager src # Non-sensitive information acl SNMPPublic snmp_community public
The Squid and the Blowfish # Allow any request from the cache administrator snmp_access allow snmpManager # Clients on the LAN can only query non-sensitive information snmp_access allow SNMPPublic lan # Default deny snmp_access deny all
accelerating a slow server; replacing a combination cache/web server with Squid; transparent caching; protecting an insecure web server.
Besides these cases, enabling accelerator mode is strongly discouraged. The configuration is very simple; below is a sample configuration of a Squid server accelerating requests to a slow web server.
/etc/squid/squid.conf # In accelerator mode, Squid usually listens on the standard www port http_port 80 accel vhost # Do the SSL work at the accelerator level. To create the certificates, run: # openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout squid.key -out squid.crt \ # -days 365 -nodes https_port 443 cert=/etc/ssl/squid.crt key=/etc/ssl/private/squid.key # Accelerated server address and port cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver # Do not rewrite 'Host:' headers url_rewrite_host_header off # Process multiple requests for the same URI as one request collapsed_forwarding on # Allow requests when they are to the accelerated machine AND to the # right port acl webSrv dst acl webPrt port 80 acl all src http_access allow webSrv webPrt http_access allow all always_direct allow webSrv
placed). Below are some sample rules for the pf.conf(5) file:
/etc/pf.conf [...] # LAN interface lan_if = rl1 # Cache server and port cache_srv = cache_port = 3128 # Transparently redirect web traffic to the cache server rdr on $lan_if proto tcp from $lan_if:network to any port www -> \ $cache_srv port $cache_port [...]
3.4 SNMP
SNMP is a set of protocols for network management and monitoring. If you installed the snmp flavor of the Squid package, the proxy will be able to serve statistics and status information via SNMP. SNMP configuration is rather simple:
/etc/squid/squid.conf # By default, Squid listens for SNMP packets on port 3401, to avoid conflicting # with any other SNMP agent listening on the standard port 161. snmp_port 3401 # Address to listen on ( means all interfaces) snmp_incoming_address # Address to reply on ( means the same as snmp_incoming_address) # Only change this if you want to have SNMP replies sent using another address # than where Squid listens for SNMP queries. # snmp_incoming_address and snmp_outgoing_address can't have the same value # since they both use port 3401. snmp_outgoing_address # Configuring access control is strongly recommended since some SNMP # information is confidential acl all src acl lan src acl snmpManager src acl publicCommunity snmp_community public snmp_access allow snmpManager snmp_access allow publicCommunity lan snmp_access deny all
You can test whether SNMP is working with the snmpwalk program (snmpwalk is part of the NETSNMP project). E.g.:
# snmpwalk -c public -v 1 . SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = INTEGER: 356 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = INTEGER: 744
Please refer to the documentation for a detailed explanation of the output from the snmpwalk command.
4.1 Installation
SquidGuard is available through OpenBSD's packages and ports system and requires the installation of the following packages:
The installation places a copy of the blacklists tarball /usr/local/share/examples/squidguard/dest/. We /var/squidguard/db directory:
# cd /usr/local/share/examples/squidguard/dest/ # tar -zxvC /var/squidguard/db -f blacklists.tar.gz [...] #
4.2 Configuration
SquidGuard's configuration file is /etc/squidguard/squidguard.conf; it is logically divided into six sections (please refer to the documentation for a more in-depth look at squidGuard's configuration options): Path declarations Specify the path to the logs and blacklists directories:
logdir dbhome /var/squidguard/log /var/squidguard/db
Time space declarations SquidGuard allows you to have different access rules based on time and/or date. A short example is probably the best way to illustrate the flexibility of these rules.
time workhours { weekly mtwhf } 08:00-18:00
time night { weekly * 18:00-24:00 weekly * 00:00-08:00 } time holidays { date *.01.01 date *.05.01 date *.12.24 12:00-24:00 date *.12.25 date *.12.26 } # # # # # New Year's Day Labour Day Christmas Eve (short day) Christmas Day Boxing Day
Source group declarations SquidGuard allows you to filter based on source IP address, domain and user (users credentials are passed by Squid along with the URL); e.g.:
src admin { ip domain user root administrator } src lan { ip domain } # The administrator's PC # The LAN domain # The administrator's login names
Destination group declarations One of the main features of SquidGuard is certainly its ability to filter based on destination address or domain. And this is where the pre-built databases we extracted before come in handy. The domainlist parameter specifies the path to a file containing a list of domain names (later we will see how to create the db files to speed up SquidGuard startup time): this must be a relative path rooted in the directory specified by the dbhome parameter. Similarly, the urllist and expressionlist parameters specify the (relative) path to files containing a list of URLs and regular expressions respectively. E.g.:
dest porn { domainlist blacklists/porn/domains urllist blacklists/porn/urls expressionlist blacklists/porn/expressions # Logged info is anonymized to protect users' privacy log anonymous dest/porn.log }
Access control rule declarations Finally, we can combine all the previous rules to build Access Control Lists:
acl { admin within workhours { # The following rule allows everything except porn, drugs and # gambling sites during work hours. '!' is the NOT operator. pass !porn !drugs !gambling all } else { # Outside of work hours drugs and gambling sites are still blocked. pass !drugs !gambling all } lan { # The built-in 'in-addr' destination group matches any IP address. pass !in-addr !porn !drugs !gambling all } default { # Default deny to reject unknown clients pass none redirect } }
The redirect rule declares the URL where to redirect users requesting blocked pages. SquidGuard can include some useful information in the URL by expanding the following macros: %a: the IP address of the client. %n: the domain name of the client or "unknown" if not available. 15
%i: the user ID or "unknown" if not available. %s: the matched source group or "unknown" if no groups were matched. %t: the matched destination group or "unknown" if no groups were matched. %u: the requested URL. %p: the path and the optional query string of %u but without the leading "/". %%: a single "%".
Now that squidGuard is configured, we can build the Berkeley DB files for domains, URLs and regular expressions with the command:
# squidGuard -u -C all # chown -R _squid /var/squidguard/
You can test that squidGuard configuration is working properly by simulating some Squid requests from the command line; squidGuard expects a single line on stdin with the following format (empty fields are replaced with "-"):
URL client_ip/fqdn user method urlgroup
and returns the configured redirect URL (if the site is blocked) or an empty line; for example:
# echo " user GET -" | squidGuard \ > -c /etc/squidguard/squidguard.conf -d [ ... ] 2007-12-14 09:57:04 [27349] squidGuard ready for requests (1197622624.065) user GET 2007-12-14 09:57:04 [27349] squidGuard stopped (1197622624.067) # echo " user GET -" | squidGuard \ > -c /etc/squidguard/squidguard.conf -d [ ... ] 2007-12-14 10:30:24 [12046] squidGuard ready for requests (1197624624.421) 2007-12-14 10:30:24 [12046] squidGuard stopped (1197624624.423)
If everything is working as expected, we can configure Squid to use squidGuard as the redirector, by editing a few parameters in the /etc/squid/squid.conf file.
/etc/squid/squid.conf # Path to the redirector program url_rewrite_program /usr/local/bin/squidGuard # Number of redirector processes to spawn url_rewrite_children 5 # To prevent loops, don't send requests from localhost to the redirector url_rewrite_access deny localhost
5.1 Installation
We already covered the installation procedure of the Clam AntiVirus in a previous document, so we won't dwell on this topic now and proceed directly to the installation of SquidClamav. We will assume that ClamAV resides on the same machine as Squid, though you may wish to create a separate antivirus server, possibly serving both the cache and the mail servers. SquidClamav relies on the cURL library to download the files to scan, so we need to add the following packages first: gettext-x.x.x.tgz libidn-x.x.tgz curl-x.xx.x.tgz Then we can download, extract and compile the SquidClamav tarball:
$ tar -zxvf squidclamav-x.x.tar.gz [...] $ cd squidclamav $ env LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib/ CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/ ./configure [...] $ make [...] $ su Password: $ make install [ ... ] # cp squidclamav.conf.dist /etc/squidclamav.conf # touch /var/log/squidclamav.log # chown _squid /var/log/squidclamav.log
5.2 Configuration
The configuration file is /etc/squidclamav.conf. SquidClamav can be configured to scan or ignore requests based on regular expressions. The regex and regexi keywords allow you to specify the files you want to scan (the former is case-sensitive while the latter is not). E.g:
# Check against the ClamAV antivirus all files with case insensitive # extension .exe, .com or .zip regexi ^.*\.exe$ regexi ^.*\.com$ regexi ^.*\.zip$
The abort and aborti keywords, instead, tell SquidClamav to skip checking files matching specific paterns. You may also use the whitelist keyword to ignore a given URL or domain.E.g.:
# Don't virus scan .gif, .png and .jpg images and .html and .htm documents aborti ^.*\.gif$ aborti ^.*\.png$ aborti ^.*\.jpg$ abort ^.*\.html$ abort ^.*\.htm$ # Don't virus scan trusted web sites
The content keyword allows virus scanning based on the request content type. E.g.:
# Scan all files with a media type of "application" content ^.*application\/.*$
As you can see, the squidguard parameter allows you to chain SquidClamav with another redirector, typically squidGuard; the chained program is called before the antivirus scanner. Now we only have to modify the value of the url_rewrite_program parameter in Squid's configuration file:
Note: to scan a file, SquidClamav needs to download it first; so make sure your Squid ACLs allow localhost to access the web:
/etc/squid/squid.conf http_access allow localhost
You can check that everything is working fine by trying to download the Eicar anti-virus test file. In the log file, you should get something like:
/var/log/squidclamav.log [...] Fri Dec 14 19:26:49 2007 [29028] DEBUG received from Clamd: stream: Eicar-TestSignature FOUND Fri Dec 14 19:26:49 2007 [29028] LOG Redirecting URL to: viruswarn.php?url= Fri Dec 14 19:26:49 2007 [29028] DEBUG End reading clamd scan result. Fri Dec 14 19:26:49 2007 [29028] DEBUG Virus found send redirection to Squid.
squid_redirect, which performs the actual ad zapping; zapchain, which chains multiple redirectors together (this is necessary because Squid accepts only one redirector_program); wrapzap which is a very simple wrapper script that sets environment variables useful to the redirector and then runs it.
6.1 Installation
The installation procedure is very simple. Download and extract the tarball, then copy the squid_redirect, wrapzap and zapchain scripts to /usr/local/bin, or wherever you prefer.
# tar -zxvf adzap-xxxxxxxx.tar.gz [...] # cd adzap/scripts # cp squid_redirect wrapzap zapchain /usr/local/bin/ # chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/squid_redirect /usr/local/bin/wrapzap \ > /usr/local/bin/zapchain
The zaps directory contains the images that will replace the zapped ads: copy them to where the web server can find them. They're not really works of art, so feel free to customize them.
# scp -r ../zaps [email protected]:/var/www/icons/
6.2 Configuration
AdZapper configuration takes place in the wrapzap script; below is a sample configuration script:
/usr/local/bin/wrapzap #!/bin/sh squidclamav=/usr/local/bin/squidclamav zapper=/usr/local/bin/squid_redirect # Setting ZAP_MODE to "CLEAR" will cause the zapper to use transparent images, # thus completely hiding ads. This may, however, hide useful markup. ZAP_MODE= # Base URL of the directory containing the replacement images ZAP_BASE= ZAP_BASE_SSL= # The following variables contain the path to extra pattern files. # ZAP_PREMATCH patterns are consulted before the main pattern list. Use it to # prevent overzapping by some erroneous patterns in the main pattern file. ZAP_PREMATCH= # ZAP_POSTMATCH patterns are consulted after the main pattern list. Use it to # add extra patterns
The Squid and the Blowfish ZAP_POSTMATCH= # ZAP_MATCH patterns are consulted instead of the main pattern list. Use it to # fully customize AdZapper ZAP_MATCH= # Should you use Apache2 instead of Squid, set this to "NULL" ZAP_NO_CHANGE= # Placeholder images names. "Clear" versions have "-clear" appended to the root # portion of the file name; e.g. "ad.gif" becomes "ad-clear.gif". STUBURL_AD=$ZAP_BASE/ad.gif STUBURL_ADSSL=$ZAP_BASE_SSL/ad.gif STUBURL_ADBG=$ZAP_BASE/adbg.gif STUBURL_ADJS=$ZAP_BASE/no-op.js STUBURL_ADJSTEXT= STUBURL_ADHTML=$ZAP_BASE/no-op.html STUBURL_ADHTMLTEXT= STUBURL_ADMP3=$ZAP_BASE/ad.mp3 STUBURL_ADPOPUP=$ZAP_BASE/closepopup.html STUBURL_ADSWF=$ZAP_BASE/ad.swf STUBURL_COUNTER=$ZAP_BASE/counter.gif STUBURL_COUNTERJS=$ZAP_BASE/no-op-counter.js STUBURL_COUNTERHTML=$ZAP_BASE/no-op-counter.html STUBURL_WEBBUG=$ZAP_BASE/webbug.gif STUBURL_WEBBUGJS=$ZAP_BASE/webbug.js STUBURL_WEBBUGHTML=$ZAP_BASE/webbug.html # Set this to "1" to use the rewrite facility to get the printer-friendly # version of some pages STUBURL_PRINT= export ZAP_MODE ZAP_BASE ZAP_BASE_SSL ZAP_PREMATCH ZAP_POSTMATCH ZAP_MATCH ZAP_NO_CHANGE export STUBURL_AD STUBURL_ADSSL STUBURL_ADJS STUBURL_ADHTML STUBURL_ADMP3 \ STUBURL_ADPOPUP STUBURL_ADSWF STUBURL_COUNTER STUBURL_COUNTERJS \ STUBURL_COUNTERHTML STUBURL_WEBBUG STUBURL_WEBBUGJS STUBURL_WEBBUGHTML \ STUBURL_PRINT STUBURL_ADHTMLTEXT STUBURL_ADJSTEXT # Exec the real zapper (chained with SquidClamav) exec /usr/local/bin/zapchain "$zapper" "$squidclamav"
7. Appendix
7.1 Tunneling through Squid
So you have finally configured your proxy server, allowing only requests to a few standard ports, blocking blacklisted sites, ads and viruses. The HTTP CONNECT method is restricted to the standard HTTPS port. Your LAN firewalls rules are very strict and block everything but requests to port 3128 of the proxy. Therefore, you feel pretty confident that users won't be able to do anything on the Internet you didn't explicitly allow. But Squid is an ugly beast, and if you don't pay very close attention to its configuration (and log files), your users could end up getting around most of your blocking rules. Let's have a look at a practical example. Stunnel is a program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL. It is mainly used to secure non-SSL aware daemons and protocols (like POP, IMAP, LDAP, etc) by having Stunnel provide the encryption, requiring no changes to the daemon's code. Basically, Stunnel establishes an encrypted and persistent connection between two separate machines. One machine acts as the server and forwards any connection Stunnel receives to a user-defined port. The other machine acts as the client, binding to an arbitrary port and forwarding any connection it receives on that port to the server machine. We will use Stunnel and Squid to bypass firewall rules and ssh(1) to a remote server (e.g. your home computer) from a local computer in the corporate LAN. The OpenBSD ports and packages archives include a few similar tools for tunneling network traffic through proxy servers, such as:
Corkscrew, a tool for tunneling ssh(1) through HTTP proxies; gotthard, a daemon which tunnels ssh(1) sessions through an HTTPS proxy; httptunnel, which creates a bidirectional virtual data connection tunnelled in HTTP requests.
However, Stunnel is probably the most versatile and comprehensive tunneling solution, since it can forward any type of network traffic (not only ssh(1)) and provides an additional SSL cryptography layer, thus protecting clear text protocols such as telnet(1) or ftp(1).
7.1.1 Server-side configuration
The remote computer will necessarily have to act as the server. Install stunnel from the packages and create the SSL certificate:
remote# pkg_add stunnel-x.xx.tgz [...] remote# openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/stunnel.key \ > -out /etc/ssl/stunnel.crt -days 365 -nodes [...] remote# chmod 600 /etc/ssl/private/stunnel.key
Then configure Stunnel to bind to port 443 (HTTPS) and forward incoming connections to port 22 (ssh). The configuration file is /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf:
/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf cert = /etc/ssl/stunnel.crt key = /etc/ssl/private/stunnel.key chroot = /var/stunnel/ setuid = _stunnel
The Squid and the Blowfish setgid = _stunnel pid = /var/run/ socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1 socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1 [https] accept = 443 connect = 22 TIMEOUTclose = 0
Now we can start it and go to work to have some fun with our tunnel:
remote# /usr/local/sbin/stunnel
So now we come to the local computer, which will act as the client. The SSL tunnel needs to go through Squid to get around the firewall rules but, by default, Stunnel doesn't support web proxies. Fortunately, a few patches are available that add SSL-proxy support to Stunnel. The most recent available applies to Stunnel version 4.05, so I suggest that you download and install this version on the client machine.
local$ tar -zxvf stunnel-4.05.tar.gz [...] local$ patch -p0 < connect-proxy.mwald.patch [...] local$ cd stunnel-4.05 local$ ./configure [...] local$ ln -s /usr/sbin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl local$ make [...] local$ su Password: local# make install [...] local#
The patch introduces two additional configuration parameters: httpsproxy_dest (name or address of the Stunnel server) and httpsproxy_auth (proxy authentication credentials). We will configure the client to accept connections on an arbitrary port (e.g. 1443) and forward them to port 443 of the remote Stunnel server (which, in turn, will forward them to port 22). In other words, when you will connect to port 1443 on the local computer, you will actually get connected to port 22 on the remote computer. The client configuration file looks like:
/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf chroot = /var/stunnel setuid = _stunnel setgid = _stunnel pid = /var/run/ client = yes [https] accept = 1443 connect = web-proxy:3128 httpsproxy_dest = stunnel-server:443 httpsproxy_auth = username:password
As you can see, despite firewall rules and Squid ACLs, we have successfully connected to the remote computer. Once the tunnel is up, you could even do the opposite and connect from the remote server to the local client by simply opening a reverse ssh from the local client:
local# ssh -NR 2443:localhost:22 -p 1443
This way, every connection received by the remote server on port 2443 will be forwarded to port 22 of the local client:
remote# ssh localhost -p 2443 root@localhost's password: local#
You could even allow X11 forwarding on the remote server and have your whole remote graphical environment available on the local machine (for instance to surf the web with no proxy filters). Anyway, this paragraph only meant to point out how much careful Squid configuration must be. Usually, however, the stricter your corporate policy, the more determined your users will be to evade it. By the way, using whitelists is probably the best solution to prevent tunneling, but, if they are too restrictive, get ready to get your car keyed by a crowd of angry users!
7.2 References
OpenBSD, the secure by default operating system Squid, a full-featured Web proxy cache designed to run on Unix systems Squidguard, an ultrafast and free filter, redirector and access controller for Squid ClamAV, a GPL anti-virus toolkit for UNIX SquidClamav, a Clamav Antivirus Redirector for Squid AdZapper, a redirector for squid that intercepts advertising, page counters and some web bugs DansGuardian, true web content filtering for all Stunnel, the universal SSL wrapper HTTP Connect-style proxy patch for Stunnel Corkscrew, a tool for tunneling ssh(1) through HTTP proxies gotthard, a daemon which tunnels ssh(1) sessions through an HTTPS proxy httptunnel, a tool for creating a bidirectional virtual data connection tunnelled in HTTP requests
7.3 Bibliography
The Squid Documentation Project Squid Frequently Asked Questions Squid Wiki Squid configuration manual Squid-Book oltre le FAQ (Italian only) Configuring squidGuard Meeting the Challenges of Web Content Filtering