Supplemental Tackle Craft
Supplemental Tackle Craft
Supplemental Tackle Craft
Table of Contents
4-H Sportfishing
Tackle crafting involves a wide variety of skills and interests. Some of them are simple and easily
mastered. Others are complex, requiring a wide variety of skills. These activities may lead to
entrepreneurial endeavors, careers or simply to expanding the recreational content of time spent fishing
and preparing to fish. The volunteer working with these lesson plans and the youth involved in taking
part in them are the best ones to determine which of these lessons will be used and which may wait until
some later time. In general, tackle crafters with limited skills will learn best if simple skills are learned
before they are applied to more complex projects. For example, simply learning how to attach a split ring
and a hook to a pre-painted spoon or lure body is fun for the participant and teaches a basic skill that will
be applied in many other activities. Building things to a pattern or model teaches the learner to follow
that pattern or model - a step that should be taken before free-form creativity takes over. There are some
good reference materials available to help the less experienced tackle crafter learn more about the projects
before trying them on the youths in the club. For general tackle crafting projects I recommend “The
Complete Book Of Tackle Making” by C. Boyd Pfeiffer, and “Luremaking” by A. D. Livingston. For fly
tying there are many books (too many to list) available on this subject. There is a great deal of
information available on videos, that teach many of the subjects, the advantage of videos is being able to
see how things are put together. The use of this manual and the 4-H Sportsfishing booklets are good
sources of projects and projects ideas. There are many other projects that your group can do that are not
included in this material. Don’t be afraid to try new projects that you think your group would like to try.
Make sure you look at all the safety concerns of the project and take all the precautions need to make it
safe. If you find your project was a success, please write it up and send it to us, if your group liked it
other groups may like to do it also. Tackle crafting involves anything to do with the making of tackle or
other items used in fishing. This includes projects making lures and baits, to projects making nets, traps,
rod building and repair, boat repair and adding special thing to help fishing, etc.
Several of the activities included in this set are developed in sequence. Where they are sequential
(as in the fly tying material), lessons are designed to teach, then to reinforce, basic skills. As a result, the
exercises or lessons are listed in sequence. For best results they should be taught in that same sequence.
When that is done, the more basic skills are learned first and skills learned earlier in the sequence are
reinforced and expanded in following lessons. Skipping the basic lessons often results in complications
later. As a result it is strongly discouraged. Consult the "BEST TIME" section of the lesson plan for
information about the sequenced plans and where they fit in the process. An astute reader of the manual
may note that the lessons are placed in the manual in sequence for basic learning and that more advanced
lessons where free choice can be exercised tend to follow them.
Consider the age and skill level of your group members. Remember they learn at different rates and
may have different levels of innate ability. Please remember that the product of these lesson plans is
the young person participating, not the items that will be produced. Patient, positive leadership by an
active listener and cooperative leader will reach the objective of helping kids to achieve their potential
most effectively. Keep in mind the equipment the youths in your group have, if no one has a fly rod,
then fly tying will not be of great interest to them. Not that these skill are not usable, but tying flies
with no way to present them, to them will be pointless. Consider the waters they will be fishing and
the type of fish they will be fishing for. Making trout flies is not important to youth that will be
fishing a muddy river for catfish. At different ages the motor skills, hand eye coordination may not be
at a level to do certain baits. An eight year old may not be skilled enough to make complicated flies,
nor be at a point that they can fish with a fly rod.
Remember that the lesson plans are a guide, that learning never stops, and that, you are a role
model and hero to kids whether you want that position or not. Help others to have some of the fun of
teaching and draft your teen leaders as assistants. They will grow from it and so will your kids. Finally,
if you have good ideas for activities in this area and are willing to share them with others, please send
them to us. We will edit them for format and put them in the next edition, giving you credit for the
Welcome to some fun stuff! Have fun with the kids and try some new things yourself. Included
in the next pages are some sources for materials and information. These are added to help you find the
stuff you may need to teach tackle crafting, but remember if you need help, we will be available to give
assistance if you need it. There are a few reasons why people make their own tackle. They are for their
own pleasure, to save money, or to get the exact bait they want. Tackle crafting, as a hobby, is fun, and
the kids love making lures. It is a relaxing (sometimes) hobby. Tackle crafting to save money can be
misleading. Most of the time, if you figured all of the cost (including time) you will find that it may cost
more to make it yourself. The biggest reason to make it yourself is to get what you want. Some times it
will be you can’t find the color, the shape, the quality, or the right design you want. This is in fact how I
got started making baits. Mom wanted a pink worm (and you know what momma wants, momma gets!).
At the time that color was not popular, so we found a kit in the Bass Pro Shop catalog to make worms.
We ordered it; mom got her pink worms and the rest is history. As a bass fisherman, I found that
modifying bait improved the number of fish I caught. This is important in tournaments, but also for your
own enjoyment. By learning how to modify bait it wasn’t hard to learn to make them. The most
important thing you can pass on is your love and enthusiasm for sportfishing. This will not only enrich
your life, but the lives of all those you pass this on to.
4-H Sportfishing
I. Introduction
A. Preparing the working area Painting jigs with powder based
B. Preparing the jigs, materials & equipment epoxy paints is a fun and easy
C. Painting the jigs way to make manufactured
D. Curing the jigs quality jigs in just about any
E. Adding eyes and/or glitter
color. Using powder paint
correctly takes a little practice,
but once mastered becomes easy.
II. Preparing the working area Select a clean, flat surface of wood or metal with
A. Clean, dry surface plenty of room to work. Lay aluminum foil or
B. Metal or wood surface construction paper on surface in case of spills and
C. Arrangement to ease clean up. Arrange area so there no
obstacles between the heat source and the drying
III. Preparing jigs, materials, and paint Wash jigs for about 5 minutes in a small bowl
A. Jigs filled with vinegar to remove impurities such as
1. Wash in vinegar oils and dirt. Rinse with running water and lay
2. Rinse and let dry out on a paper towel to dry. Store jigs in a
container or ziplock bag to keep them clean.
B. Set up the heat source* Put on safety glasses
The wide mouth of the bowl makes paint
C. Prepare powder paint application easier. Loose, fluffy powder will help
1. Pour paint into shallow bowl create a more consistent, thin finish on the jig
2. Close container and shake to head. After dipping a few jigs close the lid and
“fluff” fluff the powder, again.
IV. Painting the Jigs Use a pair of forceps to Grasp the jig head at the
A. Grasp hook at bend with forceps bend of the hook.
B. Pass and rotate jig head through flame Rotate the jig head through the flame heating
1. Heat jig to approximately 350˚ both sides of the jig to heat it evenly. It helps
develop a pattern for different sized jigs.
Naturally, the lighter the jig head the less time
you will need to heat it to reach 350 F. By count
you can establish a pattern. A 1/16 oz. may heat
to the proper temperature in a three or four count
2. Quickly “swish” jig through while a 1/2 oz. jig may require an eight to ten
powder count.
3. Tap to remove excess powder Once the proper temperature is reached,
4. Reheat if necessary to liquefy the quickly swish the jig through the powder with a
paint side-to-side motion to cover the entire surface.
Do not dip or push the jigs into the powder.
Remove the jig immediately and tap off the
excess, the painted surface should melt and gloss.
If the jig smokes, reduce the preheat time by a
few counts. If the powder does not melt pass the
jig head above (not in) the flame for a few
seconds until it starts to melt and gloss over.
Remember to fluff the powder after every five or
5. Place on rack to dry six jigs painted.
A. Clean out paint filled hook eyes before Before curing use an “eye buster”, a large jig
curing hook or other sharp object to remove any paint
that may be blocking the hook eye of any jig you
intend to cure. It is almost impossible to clean out
the hook eye after the jigs have been cured.
Position the jigs on the rack (metal one that can
B. Turn oven to bake at 350˚ be placed in the oven), place aluminum foil under
the rack in case the paint drips. Place the rack in
C. Place drying rack with jigs in oven for 30 an oven for approximately 15 minutes (350 F)
minutes Jigs with weed guards-25 minutes at 250 F.
D. Remove from oven and let cool for 2-3
minutes Remove and let cool for a few minutes and you’re
ready to add eye or glitter or GO FISHING!
Powder paint can be used on other metal parts (blades, spoons, etc.), but will be more difficult. Blades
and spoons have large areas to heat and are hard to get the whole part heated evenly. Jigs with plastic
weed guards can be painted this way, but care need to be observed keeping the heat (flame) away from
the weed guard.
*Heat Source If using a gas stove (kitchen type) the likelihood of knocking over the heat source is slim,
therefore the safest source to use. This would work best with a real small group, three or four kids tops.
With larger groups you may need to set with multiple heat sources. Maybe set the drying rack in the
middle with heat sources on both side. If your heat source is an alcohol burner you will need to fill it
first. When filling the burner first put on safety glasses. Fill alcohol burner with denatured alcohol
(available at most hardware stores) and light wick with match or lighter. With Sterno, open the cans and
light. With the propane torch make sure that the base is steady. The fatter can used for propane stove and
lamp found in the camping section work best. Point the torch in the safest direction possible and light. A
camp stove can also be used, follow the direct in light it.
For jigs with weed guards I found holding the jig by the eye works better. By done them this way it
makes it easier to keep the weed guard away from the flame.
Although powder paint is new to the tackle crafting industry it’s been around a long time and has been
used extensively to paint washing machines, dryers, refrigerators and other appliances. Powder paint is
heat activated. It liquefies at approximately 350 F. Appliance manufacturers finish their products in
huge ovens. The powder is sprayed on to appliances and melts on contact with the metal. In a final step,
the appliances are cured under heat creating the shiny bombproof finish we all expect on a washer or
dryer. Thankfully for the home tackle crafting market, powder paint colors have been expanded beyond
the almond, white, and black found on most appliances. Powder paint comes in a rainbow of colors,
including fluorescents and glows. A clear powder paint is also available that can be mixed with glitter to
create a variety of finishes.
4-H Sportfishing
Painting Lures
W. Jeff Farris
Participating young people and adults will:
Develop proper painting technique for Time Required: Several hours over several
different situations; meetings (depending on how much stuff needs to
Critique painted baits to improve painting be painted). It is best to break up this project into
skills; painting of one type of bait at a time.
Learn safety procedures to prevent injury
Develop creativity Equipment/Materials
Have fun while learning Safety glasses Dust mask
Gloves Drying rack
Youth Development Objectives Model car paints (Acrylic or Enamel)
Youth will: Vinyl paints Wooden plugs
Develop enhanced hand-eye coordination Raw blades Plated blades
Develop enhanced planning and execution Paint brushes Eye dropper
Netting-small holes Embroidery loop
Increase creativity
Learn and observe safety procedures
Paper (blank) Crayons or Colored Pencils
Practice cooperation Utility Knife Paint pens
Scissors Sand paper
Roles for Teen and Junior Leaders: Masking tape Paper plates
Teen and Junior Leaders will: Lacquer paints Dowel rods (small)
1. Demonstrate uses of various types of painting Unpainted Plastic Crankbaits
techniques Nails (Finishing and some small box head)
2. Assist participants with painting technique Heavy Card Stock (60# or thicker)
3. Demonstrate safe handling of material Spray Paints (Krylon, Rust-Oleum, Enamels)
4. Evaluate painted techniques and suggest “Spike-It” blade dyes
improvements Locking forceps (best) or needle nose pliers
5. Assist with set up and cleanup of painting area Card Board box (medium to large) use as a
6. Encourage young people as they learn painting
paint booth
Lesson Plan
Each type of painting discussed in this unit can be a project in itself or tied to another project such as painting
a wooden bait that they have made, or painting blades for spinner bait they are going to make. Each
technique used with a project, can take a considerable amount of time. You need to plan for this time in the
project. Note: The first thing to do is to check to see if the paint you are using will react with the bait. Some
paints will react with plastics and some types of paint will react with other types of paints. So always check
to make sure they will not react with each other. Lacquer paints react with some plastics. Read all the
direction on the paint before using. Each paint will have different drying times, how long you need to wait
before applying second coats, and other information regarding it usage.
you are right handed, or right if you are left handed) spray the lure with paint. You can use forceps or pliers
to hold the bait, also. You may need to hold the lure from spinning with your glove hand, and then spin the
lure to get all sides of the lure painted. You can let them sit in your “Paint Booth” if you don’t need to paint
other lures or you can hang them in your drying rack if more bait need to be painted. Some baits will need
multiple coats of paint. You will want to apply a finish coat (or several) of lacquer or varnish to protect the
paint job.
Painting eyes
There are many ways to add eyes to lures including adhesive lure eyes, gluing on doll eyes, or by painting.
With the adhesive eyes it a matter of just place and press, and similarly with gluing doll eyes. Do this before
you put on your finish coats of clear finish. You can also paint the eyes. You can use a paintbrush, but this
may not be the easiest ways to get constant results. First, find a dowel rod of the diameter you desire the eye
to be. Or if the dowel is too large a diameter, use a pencil sharpener to grind the dowel end to a point. Cut the
dowel at the point where the dowel will be the size you need. To make oblong eyes cut the dowel at a 45
degree and use the flat oblong shape to make the eye. Dip the dowel in paint and place on the lure where you
want the eye to be. Using a nail in the same manor will, also make a good eye on your lure. Finishing nails
work well for this, but if you need a larger eye you can use a box or common nail. Using an eyedropper you
can place a small drop of paint on a lure to make an eye or spots. Another easy way to paint on eyes is using
a paint pen, just place a spot on each side of the lure for eyes.
Painting baits can be a time consuming process. Have the kids take the time to do it right. This will build
pride in the baits they make. You cannot hurry things up and get good results when painting baits.
4-H Sportfishing
Spinnerbaits & Buzzbaits Best Time: Any time of year, excellent off-
Ron Howard, Texas Cooperative Extension
season activity. Lure building extends fishing to a
Wm. Jeff Farris -Missouri 4-H Sportsfishing
year-round activity. It enables clubs to meet and
do fishing related activities during bad weather,
Objectives slow fishing periods and whenever fishing is not
Participating young people and adults will:
possible or an
1. Understand and practice safety while building
alternative is needed.
fishing lures
2. Select types of lures appropriate to their area and
Best Location: Any well lighted area with adequate
fishing preferences
bench space for each participant
3. Make decisions on colors, actions and types of
lures to be made
Time Required: Minimum 1 hour per session
4. Understand and demonstrate lure actions and their
recommended, variable with group and activity
relationship to catching fish
5. Demonstrate ability to successfully build selected
Number of Youngsters: Lure building is an intense,
hands-on experience. The smaller the group, the more
6. Have fun while learning.
successful the activity. With one instructor, no more
than ten youngsters is recommended and six is far
Youth Development Objectives
Participating young people and adults will:
1. Develop and enhance fine motor skills
Outcome: The kids will have fun making baits. They
2. Practice critical thinking and decision making
will learn how the different components effect how
3. Enhance understanding of predator-prey
their bait will perform. They will gain confidence in
any bait they make. They will improve motor skills
4. Increase organization of work processes
and hand eye coordination.
5. Practice practical problem solving skills
6. Enhance spatial and color perception
7. Practice teamwork and cooperation
Spinnerbait bodies (painted)
Selection of blades, beads, swivels, split rings,
Roles for Teen and Jr. Leaders: By working one-
clevises, etc.
on-one with the adult leader well in advance of this
Skirt making kits with skirt making tool
activity, Jr. Leaders can effectively teach and assist in
Tools-Needle nose pliers, split ring pliers, scissors
supervising many parts of the lure building activities.
It is important to be certain the teen actually has
Note: With the dangers of lead, and its fumes, I do
sufficient familiarity with the material and is capable
not recommend pouring your own spinnerbait heads.
of assisting correctly. Suggestions for teen leader
Lead is very harmful to small children during the ages
that they are developing. The cost to buy spinnerbait
Organizing tools and materials prior to heads already painted is cheap enough that it is not
activity worth the risk to the children
Assisting with teaching by monitoring one or
two youngsters Safety Considerations
Demonstrating what is shown by the adult They will be working with hand tools and scissors,
leader safety glasses are recommended.
Assisting with evaluation
Assisting with those youngsters having References
difficulties “The Complete Book of Tackle Making” By C. Boyd
Encouraging youngsters with their efforts Pfeiffer, The Lyons Press, 1999
“Luremaking” By A.D. Livingston, Ragged Mountain
Press/McGraw Hill, 1994
Lesson Plan
Start with the information in “Spinner Baits 101” to explain the different components and what they do.
Show the kids examples of spinner baits. Show the kids how to build a spinner bait one step at a time, so
they can see how each part goes on. I recommend reading the information in “The Complete Book of
Tackle Making” By C. Boyd Pfeiffer, and “Luremaking” By A.D. Livingston . Both books contain
information that will help you be more knowledgeable on this subject. “The Complete Book of Tackle
Making” covers most aspects on how to make a spinner bait, and “Luremaking” cover information on the
different components and how they affect the baits action. Step by step instruction on how to make a
spinner bait is in the narrative. For buzz baits the process is similar. The making of the skirt is the same,
but instead of putting regular blades on the arm you install a buzz bait blade.
Making a safety pin type spinner bait, (as opposed to an in-line spinner) you can start with making the skirt
or putting the components on the arm it makes no difference, they will be put together later. Now the
reference books will provide a lot more details of this process. “The Complete Book of Tackle Making”
has good details on how to make the baits, with good illustrations. The book “Luremaking” has good
details, but is better with details on the components and how they affect the bait performance. Another
good reference is the instruction sheet that come with the Skirt Factory.
strips in to the collar using the paper clip. Position the strips, so when you hold the skirt up vertically both
end meet. Since the material is pre-cut you will not need to pull on the skirt to cut it. Just cut where the
ends are joined together.
If tying feathers or bucktail: If desired feathers or bucktail can be tied on the spinner bait head using the
same techniques you would use to tie these materials on to a jig.
If tying skirt material on: Some people prefer to tie the skirt material on the head instead of using
removable skirts. They believe that this make the skirt look fuller in the water. To do this you can us the
rubber or the silicone strips. Instead of tying the material in the middle, you will tie it on at the end and
layer it. Some use heavy tying thread, others have used heavy monofilament fishing line (25lb+), and other
have used wire to attach the skirt to the head. Start by tying the thread to the head using a jam knot like
you would if you were attaching the thread to a hook, but don’t do it on the hook part of the head, place this
in the saddle of the head collar. Wrap the thread on a few time to build and fill some of the saddle of the
head. Tie the material on so that it going towards the wire, not the hook. The lengths of rubber will only
need to be 3 to 4 inches long, if using the silicone strips tie on one end then bend over tie on the other and
cut the material in half. Use more than one width of rubber to make the skirt thicker. Wrap each layer with
the thread many times. Then finish with a whip finish or many over hand knots. Add some head cement to
make the bait tougher.
complete the bait you will need to install the skirt on the body. The skirt is longer on one side then it is on
the other. Take the long side toward the hook and push the hook into the middle of the skirt, not through
the collar. The hook will be in the strands of the skirt in the middle of the collar. Slide the skirt over the
hook and up on the collar of the lead head of the spinner bait body. Your bait is complete and ready to be
tied to your line and fished. For storage and handling you can cut pieces of surgical tubing (about 2” to 3”)
and slide the tubing over the hook to keep the hook sharp and out of your fingers.
Buzz Baits
The skirt is made the same way you make one for a spinner bait. The skirt is installed on the body the same
as a spinner bait (See Putting the Bait Together, above) the body is different. The arm instead of coming
from the lead head at an angle it will be straight. Another difference in the wire is that it will go straight up
and then be bent again back towards the lead head. Most of the time the shape of the lead head will be
different. Because this bait is meant to run on the surface of the water (top water) the lead head will, most
of the time be flat on the bottom. This causes the bait to plane up faster and with less effort. To install the
components on the arm you will need a buzz bait blade, some beads, a rivet, and a clacker blade (optional).
If you are installing a clacker blade and the wire is already formed, you will need to straighten it first.
Install a bead first, then the clacker blade, and then another bead. Then bend the wire back to the original
position. Next install a bead, then insert the buzz bait blade on the wire. This blade should have the
pointed part first with the cupped part at the back. Now put the rivet on, with the flat part next to the blade.
Next bend the wire down towards the head, just behind the rivet, make sure that the components are not too
tight that they don’t move. Some other options you can do with buzz baits. Clacker blades should only be
used with metal buzz bait blades, they would damage plastic blades. Instead of using a clacker blade, you
can use a small spinner bait blade. To do this install some beads and use a snap swivel with the small blade
on it, the some more beads. Instead of using a rivet, you can add some flash to the bait by install a willow
leaf blade to the arm. To do this instead of the rivet put a bead (or two) behind the blade. Next make a
loop in the arm the same way you would for a spinner bait. And install the blade in the same manor.
Spinner Bait Bodies: As stated before I do not recommend having the youths make their own heads.
But I will tell you how to make them if you are dead set on doing this. You will need the lead mold for
make the style of spinner bait you desire. You will need wire bent in to the desired shape, these can be
purchased or you can get the equipment and bend your own wire. You will need some wire, stainless steel
works best, different thickness will be need if you plan on make many different head weights, the mold
manufacture will indicate what size is need for your mold. You will need a lead pot and some lead. You
will need the proper hooks to fit the mold you are using. Then once you cast the heads you will need to
paint the heads. Powder paint is the toughest, but is tricky to get on only the head, not the hook and wire.
Heat the lead to the correct temperature. Set the wire and hook assembly into the mold. Pre-heat the mold
to get a better flow. Pour the lead into the mold. Trim any excess lead off and paint.
Spinner Baits 101
Wm. Jeff Farris
When we talk of spinner baits, we are referring to a style of bait known as the safety pin spinner bait,
opposed to the in-line spinner. This bait has four basic parts, the blade(s), the wire, the head, and the skirt.
Now there are modifications, such as trailer hooks, plastic or pork trailers, etc. Commercially available
spinner bait come in a wide range of styles, sizes, color, blade combinations, wire types, etc. To simplify
this process, we going to keep it to the standard styles of spinner baits. This information is going to be
somewhat basic, but you will need to explain it to the kids so that they will have an idea of what each
component does. The first few chapters of “Luremaking” is on making spinner baits, it give more details
on how to pick components for spinner baits. The choices they make on components will make a
difference on how their bait performs. You need to let them know how to make their bait and how they can
use this information to modify baits they have that are not performing the way they want them to. Another
project idea is to have them bring in old spinner baits and repair them. Have them replace old skirts,
damaged blades, repaint heads, or salvage parts from one to use on another. Another thing to keep in mind
is what kind of equipment they are throwing this bait on. A light spinning rod cannot handle a heavy
spinner bait, or a heavy rod will not be able to throw a small spinner bait.
There are many types of blades. The most common are willow leaf, Colorado, and Indiana. There are
other specialized blades, fluted willow leaf, Dakota, pro willow leaf or turtle, deep cup Colorado,
tomahawk, and french. Some of these are just modified willow leaf or Colorado blades where as other are
different shape altogether. We are going to focus on the three basic blades types, willow leaf, Colorado,
and Indiana. The willow leaf gives more flash, where the Colorado gives more vibrations. The Indiana is
in- between give more flash then a Colorado, and more vibration then a willow leaf. If using the same size
willow leaf, Colorado, or Indiana blade, with the same weight head, with the same size line and the same
speed of retrieve, the Colorado will ride higher in the water then others, followed by the Indiana, then the
willow leaf blade. This is caused by the resistance the blade has in the water. The more resistance the
more vibration, and the more it will force the bait up in the water.
Blades come in many sizes and colors. The bigger the size the more vibration and flash. Before you can
pick which blade(s) you will put on your spinner bait, you need to know how it is going to be fished, and
what type of water it will be fished in. You will need to figure out how deep you want the bait to run, and
what you are trying to do with the bait. If you are going to “slow roll” the bait, you want blades to give you
thump (vibration), but the bigger the blade the more the bait will ride up. You will need to run the bait real
slow to keep it down with big blades, or add more weight to the bait. You will need to try to match the
blades with the head you will be using, and how you will be using the bait. There are no “set in concrete”
rules, a starting guide line would be for 1/4oz. head a #2-4 blade (any style), for 3/8oz. head a #3-5 blade,
and for 1/2oz. head a #4-6 blade. That is for the main blade of a tandem spinner bait or the only blade on a
single spin spinner bait. A tandem spin spinner bait is where there are two or more blades on a single wire
arm. A single spin only has one blade on the arm, a double or dual or twain spin has two arms with blades
on them. The tandem gives more flash or vibration, plus the second blade may counter some of the torque
of the first blade allowing the bait to run straighter in the water. Some of the new baits have many blades
on a single arm.
The water color is going to tell you what color blades to throw. Even though there is no “set in concrete”
rules, most of the time in clearer water you would use nickel blades, and gold in stained to muddy. Painted
blades are good for stained to muddy water, or sometimes when a certain color works well at a given lake.
There are some specially painted blades that are used to imitate certain forage fish, and other special blades
with reflective properties that are used in clear water, but these are the exceptions.
As far as having blades to make baits, try to match the blade size with the head size you are going to use. If
you are using small head you will not need any big blades. Making tandem spinner bait they will need a
smaller blade and a bigger blade combination. That might be a # 2 and #4 on a 1/4oz. head, or a #4 ½ and a
#5 on a 3/8oz head. Blade sizes go up as the size gets bigger. And one company’s #5 may not be the same
as another company’s. Keep in mind they will want to make as many bait as they can, and that some parts
will be lost, mostly clevises and beads.
There are a few things you need to know about wire used on spinner baits. They are the bend, wire type
and wire size. There are many styles of bend in the wire, the most common are “R” bend and closed loop.
There are a few others, but are not used very often, and we will keep to the basics. The “R” bend looks like
an R was bent in the wire, this allows vibration to transfer the wire better. The closed loop somewhat
deadens the vibration, but the line tie will not more up on the wire.
Most of the old style spinner bait were made with stainless steel wire. It is strong, durable, doesn’t rust,
and was reasonable easy to work with. There are new ones made with titanium wire. It is stronger for it
size then stainless steel, very durable, not easy to work with, and expensive. You can’t bend it without a
special process, this makes it very durable, it bends back to its original shape. But had to work with, you
will need to get crimpers and crimping sleeves to put on blades, and if the crimps are not crimped properly
the crimps will come undone and you will lose your blades.
With the stainless steel wire the wire size was another factor to consider. The thinner the wire the better the
vibration would transfer from the bait, but the easier was to bend the bait up. Heaver wire held up better,
but would dampen the vibration. Most manufactures would increase the wire size as the head size went up.
Most wire was .032” for 1/4oz. heads and up to .040” for 1/2oz. heads, common was .035”. If you are
buying pre-made heads the wire type and size is figured out for you, all you need to decide is closed looped
or “R” bend. If you make your own you can buy preformed wire for them (if making titanium the only way
to go), or buy stainless steel wire in bulk and bend your own. This requires some special bending tool to
get the bends correct. You will need some lead molds, plus all the hazards of dealing with lead.
The head of the spinner bait comes in many sizes, colors and styles. The size of the head is measured by
the weight of the head. Most spinner baits are made of lead, and come in sizes from an 1/8oz. to over an
ounce. The weight of the head will determine size of the wire and the blade combination that would work
with it. Along with the many sizes of heads, they can be in any color. Most of the painted bullet head style
heads come in limited colors, usually white, chartreuse, and black. You can get them unpainted and paint
them any color you want, the problem with painting the heads is trying to keep the paint off the hook. They
make many styles of heads bullet and minnow styled heads are the most common. With the minnow style
heads they are painted various ways to look like different bait fish. The head size, color and style is mostly
preference, but how the bait will be fished will figure in this decision.
There are many types of materials to make skirts with and even more colors. The common types of
materials are rubber (also called living rubber), silicone, hair, and feathers. Most of the skirts are rubber or
silicone, but there are some that have hair or feathers tied on them. There are some that tie rubber or
silicone skirts on, but most have a collar and slide on to the body. Even though the different types of
material do react somewhat different in the water, for the most part the reason to use one over another is
personal preference. The rubber comes in different ways, one is a pre-made skirt that is wrapped around
the collar. Most of the time it is in flat strips, or a roll of the material that can be cut into strips. This type
of rubber comes in two styles , flat and round. Both work the same in making baits. The silicone usually
comes in pre-cut strips. Both the rubber and silicone are inserted in to rubber collars. As far as color of the
skirt this is mostly personal preference, and the skirt material comes in most of the colors of the rainbow.
There are many different tools to make skirts with, most of the tools have a way to open up the collar to
insert the material.
4-H Sportfishing
Tying Marabou Jigs and
Participating young people and adults will:
Woolly Buggers Practice basic tying skills on simple flies;
Wm. Jeff Farris, Missouri Sportsfishing Team
Practice following patterns;
Practice manipulating thread and materials;
Gain confidence in their tying ability; and
Best Time: Any time, a good starter fly tying
Have fun while learning.
Best Location: Well lighted, comfortable setting Youth Development Objectives
Time Required: 60 to 90 minutes Participating young people will develop:
Enhanced communication skills;
Equipment/Materials Enhanced self-confidence and self-concept;
Tying Vise Hackle Pliers Enhanced motor skills;
Tying Bobbin Bobbin threader Enhanced ability to interpret and follow
Dubbing needle (bodkin) directions.
6/0 tying threads (assorted colors)
Head Cement Scissors Roles for Teen and Junior Leaders
Jig Heads painted without collars 1. Demonstrate and explain tying techniques
Streamer Hooks, sizes 6 to10 in sizes (Mustad 2. Assist participants as needed
#79580 or #9672) 3. Positively critique flies suggesting
Chenille (assorted colors) improvements
Marabou (assorted colors) 4. Encourage young people as they learn tying
Saddle Hackle Feathers (black, grizzly, olive) skills
Lead Wire
Potential Parental Involvement
Safety Considerations 1. See "Roles for Teen and Junior Leaders"
Although relatively rare, some youth may have above.
allergies to some fly tying materials. Treated 2. Arrange for or provide teaching location
materials may have toxic chemicals as residues 3. Arrange for or provide materials and/or
from tanning, curing or coloring them. Some equipment
will have traces of noxious materials for moth 4. Arrange for or provide transportation
control or control of beetle larvae. Advise young 5. Arrange for or provide refreshments.
people to wash their hands after handling the 6. Discuss personal experience in fishing
materials and before eating or drinking. Exercise
caution with bodkins, scissors or other sharp or Evaluation Activities/Suggestions
pointed instruments. Use caution with solvents 1. Observe progress with basic tying skills
and glues. 2. Observe ability to interpret and follow
References 3. Observe personal interactions among
“Reel In The Fun”, 4HCCS BU-07599 participants
Sportfishing Project Activity Guide Level 2, 4. Note changes in the level of questions being
Pages 24 & 25 asked.
“Cast Into The Future”, 4HCCS BU-07600
Sportfishing Project Activity Guide Level 3,
Pages 10 & 11
“Fly Tier’s Handbook”, by Gene Kugach,
published by Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg,
Lesson outline
I. Materials DISCUSS the materials used in making a Marabou Jig.
A. Jig Heads DISCUSS the reasons for using the size, color and style of
1. Size jighead that will be used. NOTE that the color is mostly
2. Color preference, but some fish will be attracted to some colors
3. Style more than others, and that water color plays a big part in the
B. Thread 6/0 (Choice of colors) choice of color.
C. Marabou (Choice of colors) NOTE that the color of the marabou and chenille should
D. Chenille (Choice of colors) work together to attracted fish.
II. Tying Procedure
A. Jam knot DEMONSTRATE how to tie a jam knot to attach the thread
B. Wrap to the back to the hook part of the jighead. DEMONSTRATE how to
C. Attach Marabou attach marabou and chenille to the hook.
D. Attach Chenille
E. Wrap thread to the front DEMONSTRATE wrapping the thread to the front of the
F. Wrap chenille to front hook and that it needs to be there to tie off the chenille.
G. Tie off chenille and cut DEMONSTRATE wrapping the chenille to the front and
H. Add some half hitches how to tie it off, and then finish with half hitches and head
I. Finish with head cement cement.
I. Materials DISCUSS the materials used in making a Wooly Bugger.
A. Hook DISCUSS the reasons for using the size and style of hook
1. Size that will be used. NOTE that the size and style is to match
2. Style the presentation needed and the size of what is being
B. Thread 6/0 (Color to match) represented.
C. Marabou (Color to match) NOTE that the color of the marabou, hackle, thread and
D. Chenille (Color to match) chenille need to match pattern of the woolly bugger being .
E. Hackle (Color to match) made.
F. Lead Wire (optional)
II. Tying Procedure
A. Jam knot DEMONSTRATE how to tie a jam knot to attach the thread
B. Wrap to the back to the hook.
C. Add lead wire (optional) DEMONSTRATE how to tie on the lead wire
D. Attach Marabou DEMONSTRATE how to attach marabou, hackle and
E. Attach Hackle chenille to the hook
F. Attach the Chenille
E. Wrap thread to the front DEMONSTRATE wrapping the thread almost to the eye of
F. Wrap chenille to front hook and that it needs to be there to tie off the fly properly.
G. Tie off chenille and cut DEMONSTRATE wrapping the chenille to where the thread
stops and tie it off, and cut extra chenille.
H. Wrap the hackle to the front DEMONSTRATE wrapping the hackle to where the thread
I. Tie off hackle and cut stops and tie it off, cut off extra hackle.
J. Wrap the thread to form a head DEMONSTRATE wrapping the thread to form a head.
K. Finish with half hitches DEMONSTRATE finishing the head with half hitches and
L. Finish with head cement head cement, make sure not to get it in the eye.
Summary Activity
Have the participants compare their Marabou Jigs and Woolly Buggers with model and determine how they
could improve on the lures. Discuss how to fish these lures.
Lesson Narrative
The Marabou Jig and the Woolly Bugger are good starting flies. They are both simple to tie and good fish
catchers. The two flies are very similar in how they are made and after teaching one the second is even
simpler to teach.
Marabou Jig
This is a simple fly to tie and a good beginner fly. There are only a few
materials needed to make this jig. This jig can get participant interested
in fly tying when they do not own a fly rod, since it can be fished on a
regular rod and reel.
The materials need to make a Marabou Jig are very common materials and are easy to get. The first thing
that is needed is jigheads. The style needed is a bait holder or collarless jighead. The size needed is going
to be determined by what they will be fishing for. For crappie, panfish and other fish of this size jigheads
of an 1/16 to 1/4oz. would work, for trout smaller jigheads will be needed, and for larger fish like bass and
walleyes maybe up to and 3/8oz. jighead could be used. To start out with jigheads of 1/16 to 1/4oz. work
well and the participants can easily handle them. The color of jigheads can be anything they want.
Normally I get unpainted jigheads and have the participants paint the jigheads the meeting before doing the
tying. This allows them to paint them the color they want and teaches them how to paint jigheads. What
the color is mostly personal preference, but some fish will be attracted to some colors more than others, and
that the water color plays a big part in the choice of color.
The thread used is normally a standard 6/0 thread. For small trout jigs you may want a smaller thread. The
choice of color is determined by the color the jig will be when finished. Since most of the thread will not
show pick a color that will match the chenille used, this will hide it better. The marabou and chenille can
be any color they want. The participant should try to make the color selection base on what color the fish
they are fishing for would hit. This is hard to make an exact science, since water color, time of year, and
weather conditions play a part in this.
Tying Procedure
Place the jighead in the vice. The hook shank of the jighead should be parallel with the floor and the
participant’s body and the jighead should point towards the participant’s dominant hand. For right-handed
people the head of the jig will be on the right side, for left handed people on the left. Only the bend of the
hook should be in the vice, and do not over tighten the vice, but it should be tight enough to “bowink” the
jig. The jig should not move in the vice.
As with most flies, the Marabou Jig starts with a jam knot. To tie a jam knot, take the thread bobbin in the
right (dominant hand) and hold the thread with the other hand (To hold the thread better they can loosely
wrap the thread around their forefinger two or three times). Holding the left hand down, with the thread
and the right hand up, with the bobbin, make a “X” with the thread on the hook shank. Holding the left
hand in place, take the right hand with the bobbin and wrap up over and down back and around once to the
front of the ”X”. Wrap again, but this time cross over the “X” to the back of it. Wrap a few more times in
this direction until the thread holds to the hook. At this point, if they let go of the bobbin the thread should
hold without coming off. Wrap the thread to the back of the hook to where the hook bends down. At this
point the participants can cut the extra thread off, the tag end, not the thread to the bobbin.
To attach the marabou to the hook, the participants need to select some marabou. Wet the end of the
marabou by dipping in a cup of water; DO NOT PUT MARABOU OR YOUR FINGERS IN YOUR
MOUTH. (See safety considerations) Rub the marabou to the end laying the feathers together to the end.
This makes the marabou easier to work with. Measure the marabou by laying it against the hook; the
marabou should be the same length as the hook. Grab the marabou with their non-dominant hand pinching
it with just the thumb and forefinger. Now lay the marabou, holding it between the thumb and forefinger,
on the hook at the bend. Take the thread and come up and bring it between the two fingers holding the
marabou. Hold the thread with the fingers, and continue wrapping over and back down. Now pull on the
thread so that it comes out of the fingers and tightens down over the marabou. Repeat this operation two or
three times. Wrap the thread several more time to hold it on the hook. Cut off extra marabou just past
these wraps.
Next attach the chenille in a similar way. Measure out about 6 inches of chenille. On one end of the
chenille take a ¼ of inch of fibers off. To do this about a ¼ inch back from one end take the chenille
between the finger nails of the thumb and forefinger and strip the fibers off. This will leave the threads of
the chenille showing. Take these threads and wrap the tying thread around them in the same manor you
tied the marabou on. Hold the chenille with the threads sticking out in your non-dominant hand between
the thumb and forefinger. Take the tying thread and come up and bring it between the two fingers holding
the chenille. Hold the thread with the fingers, and continue wrapping over and back down. Now pull on
the thread so that it comes out of the fingers and tightens down over the chenille. Repeat this operation two
or three times. Wrap the thread several more time to hold it on the hook. Now continue wrapping the
thread around the hook until you reach the head of the jig. Next wrap the chenille around the hook until
you reach the head of the jig.
Wrap the thread around the hook and in back of the chenille to hold it on. Wrap several times to hold the
chenille on the jig. Cut off extra chenille, without cutting the thread, at the head of the jig. Next finish the
marabou jig with four or five half hitches. To tie a half hitch, place your first two fingers over the thread.
Next twist your fingers, with the thread still on them, around to form a loop in the thread with the thread
crossed. Slide this loop over the jig head. Now pull the thread tight. Repeat this step four or five times.
Finish by adding a few drops of head cement to the threads just behind the head of the jig.
Woolly Bugger
This is another simple fly to tie and a good beginner fly. There
are only a few materials needed to make this fly.
Tying Procedure
Place the hook in the vice. The hook shank should be parallel
with the floor and the participant’s body and the eye of the
hook should point towards the participant’s dominant hand. For right-handed people the eye of the hook
will be on the right side, for left handed people on the left. Only the bend of the hook should be in the vice,
and do not over tighten the vice, but it should be tight enough to “bowink” the hook. The hook should not
move in the vice. For simplicity we will not tie the Wooly Bugger weighted, the Sportfishing book, level
2’s article on Wooly Buggers does describe this procedure.
As with most flies, the Wooly Bugger starts with a jam knot. To tie a jam knot, take the thread bobbin in
the right (dominant hand) and hold the thread with the other hand. Holding the left hand down, with the
thread and the right hand up, with the bobbin, make an “X” with the thread on the hook shank. Holding the
left hand in place, take the right hand with the bobbin and wrap up over and down back and around once to
the front of the ”X”. Wrap again, but this time cross over the “X” to the back of it. Wrap a few more times
in this direction until the thread holds to the hook. At this point, if they let go of the bobbin the thread
should hold without coming off. Wrap the thread to the back of the hook to where the hook bends down.
At this point the participants can cut the extra thread off, the tag end, not the thread to the bobbin.
To attach the marabou to the hook, the participants need to select some marabou. Wet the end of the
marabou by dipping in a cup of water; DO NOT PUT MARABOU OR YOUR FINGERS IN YOUR
MOUTH. (See safety considerations) Rub the marabou to the end laying the feathers together to the end.
This makes the marabou easier to work with. Measure the marabou by laying it against the hook; the
marabou should be the same length as the hook. Grab the marabou with their non-dominant hand pinching
it with just the thumb and forefinger. Now lay the marabou, holding it between the thumb and forefinger,
on the hook at the bend. Take the thread and come up and bring it between the two fingers holding the
marabou. Hold the thread with the fingers, and continue wrapping over and back down. Now pull on the
thread so that it comes out of the fingers and tightens down over the marabou. Repeat this operation two or
three times. Wrap the thread several more time to hold it on the hook. Cut off extra marabou just past
these wraps.
Tie on some hackle. To do this take a complete feather of hackle, and tie it on in a similar manor as the
marabou. Tie it on by the small end or tip of the feather. It might be helpful to trim the tip of the feather to
make it easier to tie on. Do this by taking the scissor and trim the fiber off the stem of the feather about ¼
of an inch. Lay the hackle, holding it between the thumb and forefinger, on the hook just in front of the
marabou. Take the thread and come up and bring it between the two fingers holding the hackle. Hold the
thread with the fingers, and continue wrapping over and back down. Now pull on the thread so that it
comes out of the fingers and tightens down over the marabou. Repeat this operation two or three times.
Wrap the thread several more time to hold it on the hook. Place the hackle end out of your way for the time
being, use the material clip on the vice if it has one.
Next attach the chenille in a similar way. Measure out about 6 inches of chenille. On one end of the
chenille take a ¼ of inch of fibers off. To do this about a ¼ inch back from one end take the chenille
between the finger nails of the thumb and forefinger and strip the fibers off. This will leave the threads of
the chenille showing. Take these threads and wrap the tying thread around them in the same manor you
tied the marabou on. Hold the chenille with the threads sticking out in your non-dominant hand between
the thumb and forefinger, just in front of the hackle. Take the tying thread and come up and bring it
between the two fingers holding the chenille. Hold the thread with the fingers, and continue wrapping over
and back down. Now pull on the thread so that it comes out of the fingers and tightens down over the
chenille. Repeat this operation two or three times. Wrap the thread several more time to hold it on the
hook. Now continue wrapping the thread around the hook until you reach an eyes length in from the eye of
the hook. Next wrap the chenille around the hook until you reach the same place you stopped with the
Wrap the thread around the hook and in back of the chenille to hold it on. Wrap several times to hold the
chenille on the hook. Cut off extra chenille, without cutting the thread, at this point.
Now wrap the hackle around hook until you reach the point where the thread stops. The hackle should be
wrap about a 1/8 to ¼ inches between wraps. Wrap the thread around the hook and in back of the hackle to
hold it on. Wrap several times to hold the hackle on the hook. Cut off extra hackle, without cutting the
thread, at this point.
Wrap the thread around the hook at this point and forward to the eye of the hook to form a head for this fly.
Next finish the Woolly Bugger with four or five half hitches. To tie a half hitch, place your first two
fingers over the thread. Next twist your fingers, with the thread still on them, around to form a loop in the
thread with the thread crossed. Slide this loop over the eye of the hook. Now pull the thread tight. Repeat
this step four or five times. Finish by adding a few drops of head cement to the threads of that form the
Community Service or Give Back Activities
1. Consider ways of helping other young people learn how to tie flies, setting up tying clinics or
instructional programs for interested people.
2. Tie a set of flies that can be used as auction items or door prizes in community events or fund raisers.
3. Donate flies to a local fishing program.
4-H Sportfishing
I. The Crank bait Discuss the components of the crankbait kits and
A. Complete kits how they go together. If using unpainted bodies,
B. Components (for kits) demonstrate finishing techniques -sanding,
1. Crankbait bodies painting, etc.
a. Painted
b. Unpainted
1. sand/finish body
2. paint body
2. Split rings
3. Hooks
C. Assemble crankbaits Demonstrate how to assemble the crankbaits.
1. Add split rings to bodies
2. Add hooks to split rings
Summary Activity
Have participants compare their lure with other participants and determine how to improve on their
lure making skill. Discuss how to finish lures.
Reading the chapter on wood plugs in the book ”The Complete Book of Tackle Making” by C. Boyd
Pfeiffer before starting on this project is strongly recommended. The section on painting lures is
also very helpful. It is not realistic to expect to become an expert by reading a few pages in any
book - that only comes with time and experience. Reviewing other sources of information along
with some good old fashion “trial and error” will be of great benefit in preparing for this project. It
is recommended to building one yourself. That experience will provide useful and will show when
working with the participants.
Making a wooden plug involves a lot of different skills and knowledge. Some of these are
knowledge of how lure will perform, understanding the attracting qualities of a lure, woodworking
skills, painting skills, using tools safely, and working with epoxy. As with anything, the job must
start with a plan. Next the proper materials must be secured and then skills must be utilized to do the
job. Lure making is a complex project with a lot of details. Each detail, each skill builds on another
until the project is completed. An understanding of crankbaits and how they work is preferred prior
tackling this project. It is suggested that students possess some basic painting skills techniques
before beginning the project. A teaching session on painting with ample practice time is advisable.
Safety must be strongly stressed and continually practiced.
Wooden Lure
Begin the lesson by going over the wood to be used, the different types of hardware, and then
painting techniques. Once participants understand the parts of the project they will have a better
chance of success. The wood to be used may be what is available to you to use. Some fishing will
have found basswood (Netcraft), but most tackle catalogs don’t show any wood for lure-making.
(haven't checked woodworking catalogs). Other wood is available from these types of source or
good lumberyards or woodwork stores. Basswood is very easy to work with and curves great. I do
know that manufactures have used other woods. Poe’s uses cedar, Bagley’s uses balsa wood, and I
not sure what type of wood Rapala uses, but these are three of the leading manufactures of wooden
lures. In Pfeiffer’s book, many more woods that would work are listed.
Discuss the different types of hardware they can use and when that type of hardware should
be used. Some of the different types of hardware are screws (regular type for attaching other
hardware); screw Eyes, both open and closed (use to attach hooks to the lure, open is use to connect
to the hook directly, then it is close, close you will need a split ring to connect the hook); bills, both
plastic and metal (attached to the front of the lure to make it dive in the water); hook hangers
(another way to attach hooks to the lure); washers, both disc and cup (used add a more finished look
to the lure, to protect the areas where the hooks are attached or to add spacing for other hardware);
propeller blades (used on prop baits to add action to the lure); eyes (used to make the lure more
realistic, they can be stick on, doll eyes, painted on, etc.); beads (can be used for many things, they
can add to the front to attack fish, used as spacer for props, used to make eyes, etc.); hooks (the
selection of hooks is important, to big or to small of hook will affect the action, make hook setting
more difficult, cause wear on the lure, etc.) and other types of hardware (this can include wire to
make screw eye when they need a longer then available screw eye, special bills to make the bait a
popper type like a “Jitterbug”, other anything else the can use to make the lure). Old lures (not
collectables) can be a good source for hardware.
Discuss the different types of paint available and when each should be used. To paint their
lure the participants will use several color and or types of paint. A base coat of paint should be used,
normally white; this covers the lure making it easier to get a consistent paint job with the other
paints. I have use model car paints to paint lures with, spray paint (certain types) work, and lacquer-
based work on wooden lures.
The participants must create a design for their lure. The design must include what shape they
want the lure to be, what colors it will be decorated with, what hardware will be needed, and a plan
on how it will be put together. Have the participants draw out their design and then have them make
a pattern from these drawings. With these patterns they will transfer the design onto the wood.
They will need to make sure that they have all the hardware they will need, if not they will need to
find it or buy it. If you are supplying the wood they will have the wood to make the lure, if not they
will need to get some wood of their choice. Discuss with them things they to think about when
picking out their design. Like what the bait will represent, how it will run in the water, and why they
believe it will catch fish.
The steps in building the lure will be blocking out the pattern, curving it into a rough form,
sanding it smooth and adding the hardware. Discuss with the participant how to block out their
design in the wood. If your location will let you can show this, but unless your meeting in your shop
this is not always practical. Once they have the pattern blocked out, discuss with them how to get it
in to rough form. The shape at this point will be close to the final shape, but in need of sanding.
Sanding it to a smooth finish to get it ready for painting. In this process some minor correction can
be made to get the lure balanced. Discuss how to install the hardware, and ways of making hardware
they don’t have. Let them know that they will need to pre-drill the screw holes, make sure the
hardware will fit, that none of the hardware interferes with each other, and stuff like that. That they
can make some hardware by using wire to make long screw eyes or metal plates to make fins.
Discuss with them ways to add rattles, or weigh to the lure, or techniques for making a jointed lure.
Before one starts to paint a lure one must figure out what they want it to look like when they
are done. Have the participants draw up what they want the finished lure to look like with crayons
or colored pencils. They should draw up at least the side view, maybe even the top and bottom.
Next make sure the bait body is ready to be painted. Some extra sanding might be needed. To get a
good smooth finished painted bait, you need to start with smooth bait in the first place. Some parts
of the bait may need to be masked off to keep paint off, thing like the bill, maybe the hook eyes.
Teach them there is an order to what to paint first, next and so on. Start by putting a base coat of
paint. Painting the whole lure with white spray paint can do this. (Maybe a quick drying paint like
Krylon, because the lure is wood a lacquer based paint can be used) Let it dry. Two and sometimes
three coats of paint will make the paint job hold up better. So repeat the base coat. It is always better
to put on several light coats, as oppose to one heavy coat. Sanding between coats will also improve
the smoothness of the finished lure. It they want to make specific pattern on the lure, a template or
stencil may be needed. Painting the bait free hand can be done, but the results may not look as good
as using a template. If using stencils spray paint would work, but you can use model car paints and a
brush to apply the paint. To create a stencil or template, for your pattern, use heavy card stock or a
paper plates can also be used. Cut the desired pattern out making both a right and a left side. If
multiple color patterns are needed more than one set of stencils will be needed for each color. Paint
each separately, this can be done with spray paint or painting by brush. And let dry before adding the
next color or pattern. Once all the patterns, or colors have been painted on. You may want to add
eyes on the bait at this time. Adding a clear coat finish, or three, will protect the paint job allowing
the lure to last.
Wooden Plug Project
Project Requirements:
Must show your design, using colored pencils or crayons draw up the design. Show how you
plan to decorate it. Bring in the plans.
Make a pattern, for both the top and side views of the bait. Bring this with you.
The bait must have part of the wood in it.
Write a sentence or two on why you picked this design.
Write up what this bait represents (crawfish, minnow, shad, bluegill, etc.).
Write why you believe this bait will catch fish.
Write how you think this bait will run in the water, how deep it will run, will have a tight
wobble or a wide wobble, will it suspend in the water, will it float, will it sink, etc.
The design can be anything you want, a top water bait, popper, crankbait, propeller bait, etc.
You can use any parts you have available; you can salvage parts from old baits (if your parents will
let you). You can tie feathers to hooks to dress them up. You need to remember that this bait will be
used in water. We will test it at the meeting for different things, but we will test at a later date in the
water to see if it will catch fish. Safety must be observed!!! If you need to cut it with power tools
have your parent help. Be careful when using sharp knives and other cutting tools.
4-H Sportfishing
Making Plastic Worms Equipment/Materials
Safety glasses Dust mask (optional)
Wm. Jeff Farris, Missouri Sportfishing Team Heavy Gloves or hot pad
Utility Knife Liquid Plastic
Color for Plastic Scents or salts
Objectives Scissors Aluminum Foil
Participating young people and adults will: Stirring sticks (Popsicle or wooden sticks)
Create plastic lures-to fish with Heat Sources: (one of these)
Learn about fish attracting qualities of a lure; Stove, Hot Plate, Microwave Oven
Learn proper safety procedures, and Lee’s Production Plastic Pot
Have fun while learning. Creepy Crawlers Oven (found in toy stores)
Small Pans or microwaveable glass cups
Youth Development Objectives Worm Molds:
Participating young people will develop Flat Molds
Enhanced hand-eye coordination Injector Style Molds and Injector
Planning and execution skills Rods for making tube baits
Manage materials in a safe manner
Practice cooperation References
“Sportfishing Helpers Guide”, 4HCC BU-
Roles for Teen and Junior Leaders: 07601, Making Worms, pages 14 and 15
Teen and Junior Leaders will: Demonstrate “The Complete Book of Tackle Making” , by
and explain lure building techniques; C. Boyd Pfeiffer
1. Assist participants as needed Also see Fact Sheets on Pouring Worms and
2. Positively critique lures suggesting mold making
3. Encourage young people as they learn new Safety Considerations
skills. Youth will be working with hot molten
plastic, so adult supervision is required.
Potential Parental Involvement Whenever working with a source of heat or
1. See "Roles for Teen and Junior Leaders" flames burns are always a possibility. Safety
2. Arrange for or provide teaching location glasses and gloves should be worn when
3. Arrange for or provide materials and/or working hot plastic. A well-ventilated area is
equipment needed; an exhaust fan or other fan to remove
4. Arrange for or provide transportation orders and fumes.
5. Arrange for or provide refreshments.
6. Discuss personal experience in fishing Evaluation Activities/Suggestions
7. To provide supervision for the participants 1. Compare participant lure with others
while making lures 2. Observe the process of making lures
3. Evaluate the results of their bait and
Best Time: Anytime compare it to models.
4. Observe ability to interpret and follow
Best Location: Well lighted, dry, directions
comfortable setting, good ventilation easy to 5. Observe personal interactions among
clean space participants
6. Note changes in the level of questions asked
Time Required: 45 to 90 minutes
Lesson Outline
Presentation Application
I. Set up work area Discuss the features of the heating source,
A. Determine heating source safety procedures, equipment that will be used,
B. Lay out aluminum foil etc. Set-up the work area, lay down foil to
C. Set out all equipment & supplies protect work surface. Lay out the molds, liquid
D. Fill pan with water plastic , colors, scents, worm oil, pans/cups, and
a pan of water in which to cool the worms.
II. Using a Flat Mold Demonstrate how to use of the mold, how to
A. Pick a mold heat plastic, how to pour into mold, how to
B. Heat the plastic to 340˚ remove when cool, add worm oil
C. Pour in plastic
D. Remove form from mold
E. Cool and add worm oil
III. Injector-style mold Demonstrate how to use the injector style
A. Select a mold molds. How to heat plastic; pour plastic into
B. Heat the plastic chamber; push plastic into mold; remove when
C. Pour the plastic cool; and add the worm oil
1. Set up the Injector
2. Fill chamber with plastic
3. Push the plastic into the mold
D. Remove from mold
E. Cool and add worm oil
IV. Making Tube Baits Demonstrate how to make tube baits.
A. Heat plastic Demonstrate:
B. Dip the Rods How to heat plastic
C. Let Cool How to cut tentacles
D. Cut tentacles How to remove them
E. Remove from rod How to add worm oil
F. Add worm oil
V. Laminating plastic Demonstrate some of the techniques for
A. Select a mold laminating plastic worms.
B. Heat plastic – at least 2 colors
C. Pour the plastic
1. Pour the first color
2. Pour second color
D. Remove from mold
E. Cool and add worm oil
VI. “Creepy Crawlers” Oven Follow directions from the manufacturer in
regards to operation of this heating source.
Summary Activity
Have the participants compare their lure with other participants lure and determine how they
could improve on the lures. Discuss how to fish these lures.
Methods of Heating Plastic
This is the most conventional method for heating plastic. It requires an aluminum pan to
hold the plastic that is large enough to safely fit on the burner. Simply heat the plastic on low heat,
and stir frequently. The heat temperature should be around 340 degrees F. The advantage of a stove
is more stable less chance of burns, and they are easier to control the heat.
Hot Plate
Like a stove, a hot plate can be used. This is a good choice for portable locations. The hot
plate can be set almost anywhere. I normally lay down aluminum foil down over the area I will be
working. Simply heat the plastic on a low heat and stir frequently. The heat temperature should be
around 340 degrees F. The advantage of the hot plates is it can go most anywhere. A disadvantage
is heat control, with a gas type stove if you change the heat setting the heat level changes nearly
instantly. With an electric stove or a hot plate the heat coil doesn’t change instantly it takes a little
time for it to change. This heat source is fairly safe, but caution still is needed to prevent burns.
Production Pot
This device is like the production pots use to melt lead. The Lee’s company makes them and
they look like their lead production pot, but the heat settings are for plastic, not lead. This cost more
then a hot plate and pans, between fifty to sixty dollars. They are better for volume or product
operations. They are a safe way to pour worms, but take a little getting use to. I would not
recommend this for the occasional user, it for production operations.
This is the fastest method of heating plastic. You will need microwave safe glass cups to
heat the plastic in, Pyrex type cups. Because of the difference in microwave ovens and their power
levels the time to heat the plastic will vary between the different ovens. I recommend setting for a
short time, check the plastic and stir, and add a little time if it not heated thoroughly, continue this
procedure until you figure out about how long to set the oven for. The plastic will be the thickness
of syrup at room temperature, it should pour easily. The main thing to remember is do not over cook
the plastic, if it starts to smoke you are over cooking it. Plastic scorches real easily and smells real
bad when you do. Microwaves are safe way to heat plastic, but the cups do get hot so caution needs
to be observed when handling the cups. This is the least expensive way to make plastic lures, if you
have a microwave oven. The only cost other then the plastic, molds, color and scents, which you
need for any method, is the cups.
Lesson Narrative
No matter which method of heating up the plastic you use; all methods will need the following to
make plastic lures. You will need some liquid plastic; this is available through many suppliers.
Other things that are needed are some color for the plastic, worm oil, and scents, optional thing like
salt, and glitter can be added to the worm. Because different manufactures make the liquid plastic
there are some differences between each company’s formulas. Most of these differences will not
affect your efforts to make worms. But you do need to know this. Some formulas may have higher
or low working temperatures. You will need to read any information supplied with the materials you
purchase. I have yet to have any problem mixing plastic from different companies and don’t expect
to, but it could be a possibility. Some companies have different formulas for different effects; some
have additives to put in the liquid plastic to create the type of worm you want. Some of these
additives are hardener, to make the worm tougher, and softener, to make more pliable. By making
the worm tougher it will last longer and stay on the hook better, but be more difficult to get the hook
through the plastic for hook sets. Softer worm may not stay on the hook or hold up as well, but the
plastic will not hurt you in hooks sets. You will need to find a balance, between the original formula
and adding hardener and softener to get what you like. The regular colors can be added to the plastic
before heating or during heat, but fluorescent and some other special colors need to be added before
heating the plastic. The additives some can be added during heating some need to be added before
heating and some it don’t matter. This is why you need to read all information from the company
about the uses of their product. Some companies send the information to you when they ship it, for
others it is in their catalogs. Other safety data concerning the things like first aid information in case
of accidental ingesting of the product or what to do if it gets in someone’s eye should be available
from the manufacture. You should request a “Material Safety Data Sheet” on all products you have.
Exhibit or Sharing Suggestions
1. Prepare a poster, models or photographs to show the steps in building one of these lures.
2. Study books, catalogs or magazines to see lures might be close to theirs lures. Share some
of your results with others in your group.
3. Prepare a method demonstration on building one of these lures and present it appropriately.
4. Prepare a photographic story of building their lure from the beginning of the process to using
them. Share the story with your friends or in some other setting.
5. Record your experiences with building and using their lure in a fishing journal. Share that journal
with others in an appropriate setting.
6. Make a series of cards show each of the steps in building a lure that can be exhibited at a fair or
similar gathering.
7. Try variations as suggested or as your mind suggests. Try fishing with your lure and record your
results. Share those results with your group if desired.
Step 2
Dip the Flashabou into a small bowl of water. This will help you keep it in a small bundle.
Step 3
Take your treble hook and feed one end of the bundle through the eye of the hook. Make sure that
you place the hook eye in the center of the bundle.
Step 4
Fold the Flashabou bundle down towards the points of the treble hook.
Step 5
Take a small rubber skirt collar and place over the eye of the treble hook. The collar should rest just
under the eye. This holds the Flashabou in place. (see figure 2)
Step 6
Figure 2
Trim Flashabou to desired length. Experiment with different colors
and lengths to find out what works best in your area.
4-H Sportfishing
An Introduction to Fly Tying
Ronald A. Howard Jr. TAMU Professor and Extension 4-H Specialist
Participating young people and adults will:
1. Explore the series of lessons on fly tying
2. Understand the content and approach to the lessons
3. Construct some tools they can use in the lessons
4. Explore ways of obtaining fly tying materials
5. Have fun while learning
Evaluation Suggestions
1. Observe interactions with peers, teen leaders and adults, and promote positive interactions
2. Evaluate tools and procedures, suggesting ways to improve using the “oreo” method
3. Observe levels of interest and involvement, attempting to involve every youth positively
4. Observe improvement in skills with repeated efforts
Lesson Outline
Presentation Application
I. What is fly tying and why do it? Ask a few teen leaders or adults to DISCUSS why
A. Making light weight fishing lures they tie flies and what values they derive from tying
1. Tying or winding material on a hook flies. Keep the comments brief and stress having fun
2. Basic techniques built by practice or relaxing as significant benefits.
B. Fun and economical
1. Tying alone or with friends
2. Tying special patterns for your area
3. More involvement in fishing
C. Avocation or profession NOTE that many hobby fly tiers earn a little money
1. Hobby by tying for friends or friends of friends. Most
professional fly tiers started with a tying hobby that
2. Source of income
grew. STRESS that professional tying is a business
a. Casual tying for friends
and often less fun than recreational tying.
b. Professional tying
c. Handling materials and equipment
II. Cost and difficulty DISCUSS some of the myths about fly tying costs,
A. Costs noting that much of the equipment and materials can
1. Tools be found in many homes or in sewing and craft stores.
a. Some tie with nothing but scissors NOTE that several useful items will be made and that
b. Some use many, expensive tools most materials will be provided for the teaching
c. Basic needs sessions.
1) Tying vise
2) Scissors DISPLAY and DISCUSS various items of equipment.
3) Dubbing needle AVOID emphasis on top dollar equipment and
4) Hackle pliers materials, but answer questions as they are asked.
2. Materials DISPLAY an array of tying materials, including high
a. High cost materials quality capes and those that are acceptable for learning
1) Hackle capes and most tying applications.
2) Specialized materials EMPHASIZE the availability of materials from
b. Low cost materials sources other than tackle supply houses.
1) Many found at home or in sewing or NOTE that tying materials are not overly expensive
craft stores when compared to the value of the finished flies.
2) Inexpensive materials adequate for
many patterns
c. Materials for this course provided
1) Cost if any
NOTE that some types of flies do take some time and
2) Any payment requirements
practice, but that everyone will learn the basic skills
B. Difficulty
needed to tie any pattern they wish at a pace they can
1. Learning basic skills handle. EMPHASIZE that there is no magic
2. Sequences of skills involved, just learning skills and applying them.
3. Learning to read patterns
4. Applying basic skills to complex patterns
5. Practice and critical evaluation
PASS AROUND several types of commercial hackle
III. Making fly tying tools pliers, then SHOW a hackle plier made from a spring
A. Hackle pliers clothespin.
1. Commercial hackle pliers
2. Clothespin hackle pliers
a. Good spring clothespin
b. Small rubber band
c. Fine sand paper
d. Excellent performance DISPLAY one or more types of dubbin needles or
B. Dubbing needle bodkins and
1. Commercial dubbing needles or bodkins COMPARE them to one made of dowel and a sewing
2. Dowel and needle bodkins needle.
a. Short piece of dowel for handle
b. Heavy sewing needle (darners)
c. Epoxy cement
d. Inexpensive and functional DEMONSTRATE one or more types of whip
finishers and a simple whip finishing tool made of
C. Whip finisher
monofilament and a match stick.
1. Commercial whip finish tools
a. Several designs
b. Reduce waste of thread
c. Excellent finish on heads
2. Match stick and monofilament tool
a. Match stick
b. Light monofilament line
c. Tying thread
d. Head cement or lacquer
e. Functional and easy to use DISPLAY several types of bobbins, including a
D. Bobbin simple one made of heavy copper wire.
1. Commercial bobbins
a. Many designs DIVIDE the group into smaller ones and let each
b. Provide tension for no-knot tying youngster build a set of equipment with the assistance
c. Reduce thread damage in tying of teen leaders and adult volunteers.
2. Wire bobbin
a. Heavy gauge copper wire
b. Twist around a nail to form eye
c. Form legs about spool width apart
d. Indent legs to hold a rubber band
e. Insert tag ends of wire in spool NOTE that commercial sources usually have well-
handled and properly prepared materials at reasonable
to modest prices for beginning level materials.
IV. Locating fly tying materials
A. Commercial sources
1. Excellent availability
2. Quality control and customer service ASK if anyone knows someone who raises chickens,
3. Costs reflect market value gamecocks, waterfowl, turkeys, or other domestic
4. Purchase for anticipated needs birds. NOTE that these birds are excellent sources of
B. Collecting your own materials tying materials for many types of flies, with body
1. Feathers feathers, wing feathers, tail feathers, and specialized
a. Domestic birds hackles (head and neck or rump on roosters) being
1) Waterfowl wings and flank feathers useful.
2) Gamebird body feathers, wings, tails,
3) Domestic chickens and roosters
a) Hackle capes NOTE that most marabou used today comes from
b) Saddles and schlappen downy feathers taken from white turkeys rather than
c) Wings and body feathers from marabou storks.
4) Domestic turkeys
a) “Marabou” feathers POINT OUT that nearly any species of bird has some
b) Body feathers tying value, but that protected species may not be used
c) Wing and tail feathers because of legal restrictions. Even birds like ostriches
5) Miscellaneous birds and emus have useful feathers.
a) Peafowl NOTE that nearly all game birds and wildfowl have
b) Ostrich, emu or rhea feathers numerous uses for the fly tier, and that nearly anyone
b. Wild game birds who hunts is willing to share some feathers with those
who are interested in tying flies. Often a few flies can
1) Upland game birds
bring a bonus in tying material from a friend.
a) Grouse, pheasant, quail, partridge
1) Body plumage
2) Wings and wing coverts
3) Tail and rump feathers
b) Turkey
(1) Body feathers
(2) Dark “marabou” EMPHASIZE the value of the mottled or “speckled”
(3) Wing feathers secondary feathers for many patterns.
(4) Tail feathers
2) Waterfowl RE-EMPHASIZE the importance of using only
a) Wing feathers and coverts legally obtained feathers from birds that may be taken
b) Flank feathers - most species legally.
3) Migratory birds
a) Crow wings and tail
b) Mourning dove wings NOTE that species as diverse as domestic rabbit,
c. Unprotected species like starlings moles, woodchuck, foxes, coyote, raccoon, bears,
2. Fur and hair opossum, muskrat, mink, otter and beaver all have
a. Most species useful in some way useful guard hairs, tails, and fur. Even parts of animals
1) Assortment of textures and colors may be useful, like porcupine quills, bucktails, or the
2) Fur for dubbing masks from rabbits or hares..
3) Hair for wings and tails
b. Methods of obtaining
1) Buying pelts, tails or pieces
EMPHASIZE the need to know the laws in your area
2) Personal hunting or trapping
before picking up road killed animals for fly tying.
3) Friends who hunt or trap
4) Fur buyers - ruined pelts often free
5) Road kills, where legal NOTE that most furs and hair can be dyed to the
6) Fur trim on old garments desired color with simple fabric dyes. EMPHASIZE
7) Craft stores the need to clean all oil and grease off the fur first.
c. Dying or coloring fur and hair SUGGEST using vinegar to aid in setting the dye in
1) Easiest with light colored material the material and keeping the dye bath hot while
2) Wash thoroughly with detergent waiting for the right shade to develop. NOTE that the
3) Rinse hot water rinse removes most of the dye that is not set
4) Immerse in fabric dye of choosing in the material.
5) Simmer until the desired shade
6) Drain
7) Rinse in hot water
8) Rinse in cold water SUGGEST thinking about tying materials when
9) Dry on newsprint looking at sewing, cross stitch or embroidery
10) Steam to shape if needed materials. EMPHASIZE the need to have permission
3. Other materials to use materials belonging to someone else BEFORE
a. Floss, yarn and artificial fur using it.
1) Fabric or sewing stores
2) Craft stores NOTE that chenille, tinsel chenille and braided tinsel
3) Scraps from embroidery or are often sold as piping material in sewing or craft
knitting stores. Frequently the pricing is well below what one
may expect from supply houses.
b. Chenille, braided tinsel
DISCUSS some items that can be located as
1) Sewing centers
substitutes for tinsel, oval tinsel, flash tinsel, or flash
2) Craft stores
fibers and locations where they can be found or
3) Party supply stores salvaged. RE-EMPHASIZE the need to ask before
c. Tinsel, flash, flash tinsel using these materials.
1) Party supply stores
2) Craft stores EMPHASIZE the need to stick with known patterns
3) Holiday decorations and to use an organized approach to learning fly
patterns and basic skills when beginning.
V. Following patterns and creating your own
A. Importance of following patterns
1. Proven effective - fish catchers
2. Learning to read and understand
3. Planning for needs in later steps
4. Developing basic skills REVIEW some of the basic skills that will be taught
B. Developing basic skills in the lessons. ASSURE the kids that they will learn
1. Attaching the thread properly these things while having fun and with all the help
2. Hold tightly, bind tightly they need to be successful.
3. Thread control
4. Materials control NOTE that practice reinforces whatever is being
5. Proportion and detail done. Only perfect practice makes perfect.
6. Finishing flies COMMENT that the difference between and
beginner and a professional is only about 5000 to
7. Understanding pattern elements
10,000 flies and the skills and speed that came with
8. Self-critique and learning
tying them.
9. Practice, practice, practice
Ask participants to SPECULATE on some of the
C. Making your own patterns skills and processes needed to create a new fly pattern.
1. Basic skills and pattern understanding
2. Keen observation SHARE one or more of the examples given here or
3. Handling materials to reach objectives some of your own experience. Be sure to DISCUSS
4. Field testing for results modifications or rejections on the way to the final
5. Evaluation and refinement pattern.
6. Examples of successes
a. CK Nymph (Chuck Kraft) End with a reminder of the next meeting time and
b. Sulfur spinner (Ron Howard) location and any material or equipment needs.
c. Rick’s Special Alewife (Ron
d. Schmidtmann-Valla Smelt (Ed
Schmidtmann and Mike Valla)
e. Lefty’s Deceiver (Lefty Kreh)
f. Muddler Minnow (Don Gapen)
Summary Activity
If desired, have each of the participants go through a round-robin of preparing a set of tools for
their use in later lessons.
Lesson Narrative
Fly tying is a wonderful hobby for many people and a lucrative business for others. It is the
process of making very light weight-fishing lures by tying or winding materials on a hook. It
involves some basic skills, which are developed through practice and critical evaluation of the
results of each tying effort. Once the basic techniques are mastered, beginners can attempt
patterns of greater difficulty or complexity, learning tricks of the trade as they progress. This
series is designed for beginners with a series of lessons and patterns that lead to an intermediate
level of fly tying skill. Once it is completed, the youngster is capable of tying nearly all types of
patterns in common use today and is ready to continue their development as a fly tier on their
own or with friends they have made through their tying or fishing experiences.
Fly tying involves some costs in materials and equipment, like most other recreational or
avocational pursuits. Equipment costs are minimal if long-term use is considered, and there are
many ways to save on materials. Savings in flies can be substantial when high quality flies are
being produced. Many patterns can be tied for less than a quarter per fly, when their comparable
value from quality supply houses or local stores may run in excess of $1.50 or more. The fun of
fishing is expanded with fly tying to include the time and relaxation at the tying bench. Tying
can be shared with friends or done alone. It allows the angler to customize patterns to his or her
area and needs. It leads to better understanding of the life cycles and ecology of fishes and their
forages. The result is deeper involvement with fishing and the issues related to fishing and
aquatic ecology.
Even youthful fly tiers can expand their hobby and enjoyment into a casual or serious business
by tying for friends, special niche markets, or local businesses. Some entrepreneurs find their
way into handling materials for fly tying instead. They may raise chickens for the hackle trade,
or buy, process and sell furs, bucktails or other materials. Some find sources of fly tying
materials at low cost and re-sell it in smaller quantities at a profit. Fly tying becomes work when
it is taken on as a profession, and many prefer to leave it as a hobby and a means of relaxing or
just having fun.
Reading materials supply catalogs can be discouraging for beginners. Hackle capes can cost
nearly $100 on the high end, but these are not required for leaning or for tying quality flies.
(Super capes are wonderful to work with if you can afford them, but they are beyond our needs
here.) Some specialized materials are priced much higher than most people can justify as well.
On the other hand, the vast majority of materials needed to learn fly tying (or to continue tying
as a professional) can be obtained at little cost or at modest costs from a wide variety of sources.
Sewing stores, craft stores, party supply stores, and modest cost materials from tackle suppliers
are excellent sources of tying material. Many patterns work better with these materials than they
do with much more expensive materials through the premium supply houses. It simply takes
more work getting what you want, and you may need to modify it to meet your needs. Materials
for this course will be provided for consistency and to keep costs to a minimum while you are
learning. [State any cost and have it written for parents.]
Some people view fly tying as an extremely difficult skill. We can maintain that illusion, but it is
not true. Fly tying involves learning some basic skills, then applying those basic skills to
progressively more complex patterns. This series of lessons is designed to teach those skills in a
progression, adding new skills and reinforcing earlier ones. It will teach the beginner to read
patterns, plan for proper application of materials, and apply all their skills to flies as needed. The
skills will be taught in a context of cooperative coaching. Model flies will be prepared as
demonstrations. Evaluation of each pattern tied will take place personally and with others, with a
view to improving later attempts or refining techniques as needed. Every participant must
understand that fish are much less critical of our attempts than we are ourselves. Flies we would
reject are often accepted readily by fish.
Hackle Pliers - Many styles of hackle pliers are available as well. A very gentle and serviceable
pair of hackle pliers can be made from a spring clothespin with fairly straight grain. The jaws of
the clothespin are carved down on either side to about 1/8 to 3/16 inch wide. The top and bottom
of the jaws are rounded to form a relatively fine tip that holds at its very edge. Once the jaws are
shaped to the satisfaction of the maker, a small rubber band is stretched and crossed over the
spring area to provide added holding power. A piece of sandpaper (about 150 grit) is placed
between the jaws, the pliers are allowed to close, and the sandpaper is pulled out, alternating
jaws until a smooth, even surface is formed. Usually this takes only a few passes. These hackle
pliers grip well but do not cut fine hackle tips. They may not look professional, but they work
very well if carefully made.
Dubbing Needle - A dubbing needle or bodkin is used for picking out dubbing to form a rough
body, lifting hackle fibers or other materials that have been bound down inadvertently, applying
head cement, or in tying a whip finish without tools. Many commercial varieties are available,
but an excellent dubbing needle can be made by inserting a heavy sewing needle, like a darning
needle, into the end of a short piece of dowel with a bit of epoxy for security. These tools are
very inexpensive and quick to make, so the fly tier can have several. This allows one to be used
for cements and others to remain clean and smooth for other uses.
Whip Finisher - Several types of whip finishers are available commercially. All of them save a
bit of thread on each fly and make whip finishing easy and quick -- once you learn to use them.
Of course a whip finish can be accomplished without tools, but a very simple tool for whip
finishing flies can be made with a match stick, a short length of monofilament, a tying thread
wrap, and some head cement or glue. Start by tapering a matchstick on one end. Using about 6
inches of 4 to 8 pound test monofilament, form a loop with one tag end of the monofilament on
each side of the taper. The loop beyond the tip of the stick should be only about 1 to 2 inches in
length, and the tag ends should be left fairly long. Wind over the monofilament from near the tip
to about 1 inch up the matchstick, then reverse the tag ends and wind back toward the tip. Repeat
this process as you near the tip, winding back toward the far end of the matchstick. Trim the
ends of the monofilament, and wind over them to keep the surface of the windings smooth
without projections. Whip finish the thread and apply a drop or two of head cement, epoxy or
super glue to bind everything together.
This tool is easy to use. Just lay the loop along the head of the fly with the handle toward the tail
of the fly. Wind over the loop from the back of the head to the front. Holding the thread in place
with a finger, trim the tag end, insert it through the loop, and pull the loop through the windings.
[Caution: Do not let the loop go around the hook or it cannot be removed without breaking the
monofilament.] Pull the tag end of the thread tight, trim it neatly, and apply head cement to
finish the fly.
Bobbins - Commercial bobbins are very useful with many designs available. Some use spring
tension. Some use as series of turns in the thread. Some use tension supplied by sidepieces of the
frame. All of them allow the tier to provide tension for no-knot tying while reducing thread
damage. A serviceable bobbin can be made using about 8 to 10 inches of heavy copper wire.
Start by bending the wire in the middle around a 6d to 8d nail. Use the nail and pliers to twist the
wire together for an inch or two. Bend the open loop to about a right angle with the twisted stem.
Spread the “legs” of the wire to slightly over the width of a thread spool, and form an angle that
keeps the legs parallel to each other. Bend the tips of the legs inward at right angles so they
would meet if long enough. Cut the ends of the wires to leave about 3/4 inch stubs to insert into
the spool holes. Attach a spool, and put several wraps of a rubber band across the parallel parts
of the legs to provide the desired amount of tension.
Locating Materials
There are hundreds of commercial sources for fly tying materials. Most of them provide
excellent quality, ready availability, good customer service and reasonable costs. Using
commercial sources allows you to purchase what you think you need at any given time,
minimizing storage of extra materials and having known quantities of known quality materials
on hand.
Most fly tiers, however, collect many of the materials they use from other sources. They are
constantly on alert for materials that might be useful in tying their favorite patterns or for
something new that might allow them to tie something special. Once these materials are
popularized, they often become commercially available. Some years back the only commercially
available peacock feathers were the rump (herl or eye feathers) and sword feathers. Today tiers
can purchase primary feathers, secondary feathers, body feathers of several types, and the
traditional feathers. That change is the result of tiers who had access to the birds using the
materials and creating a demand for them by others who did not have access to peafowl.
Feathers - Fly tiers use feathers for hackles, legs, tails, wings, nymph wing pads, body materials
and posts for wings. Many types of feathers from many types of birds are useful. One must make
sure that the feathers are legal to possess and legally obtained. Domestic birds are excellent
sources of fly tying material. Waterfowl wing feathers, tail feathers and flank feathers are used
in many patterns, either in natural colors or dyed to any color desired. Domestic ducks and geese
can provide these feathers either by picking up molted feathers or by assisting in plucking fowl
destined for the table. Domestic game birds, like gray partridge, quail, or pheasants have useful
body feathers, wing feathers and tails that are used in many patterns. Some birds are skinned to
obtain entire capes for easy location of any feather type desired. Domestic chickens, both cocks
and hens, provide useful hackles from their head and neck feathers and from their saddles or
rump feathers. Feathers at the bases of the wings are also used in some patterns. Wings and body
feathers may be used in some patterns as substitutes for other types of feathers. Domestic turkeys
provide wing and tail feathers that are either dyed or used in the natural form. Bronze birds have
highly desired mottled secondary feathers and body feathers that are popular for some types of
no-hackle flies. White varieties provide most of the commercial “marabou” from their fluffy
body feathers. This can be dyed to nearly any color desired and re-fluffed with some steam.
Other domestic birds also provide useful feathers. Peafowl have a wide variety of useful
feathers. Ostrich, emu and rhea feathers form additional types of “herl” that can be used in
bodies or as tails or wings on some patterns.
Wild game birds are also very useful to the fly tier. Upland game birds like grouse (all kinds),
pheasant, quail, or partridges are useful for their body plumage, wings and tails. Even the
marginal feathers on the wings and the wing coverts are useful in tying some patterns. Wild
turkeys provide the same types of feathers found on the domestic birds, even to having a dark
“marabou.” Waterfowl yield wing and tail feathers, as well as flank feathers that provide wing
and tail materials. While wood duck and mallard flank is most commonly used in patterns,
nearly any duck provides useful materials for fly tying. Other migratory birds, like rails,
gallinules, coot, crow, mourning dove (where legal), woodcock, and unprotected species like
starlings provide materials for some types of flies.
Fur and Hair - Most types of fur and hair can be used in tying flies. Patterns call for an
assortment of colors and textures that can be obtained from many different species. Some
domestic animals have very useful fur or hair. Mohair and wool are used in some patterns. Under
fur from deer, caribou or bison is useful as well, although few people use it. The fur is generally
used in dubbing for body materials, while guard hair or tails are most often used as wings or
tails. Some hair is wrapped as body material -- porcupine quills, horsehair and moose mane are
good examples.
There are many ways to obtain fur and hair for tying. Some furs and hairs can be picked up from
fences or as excess on a shearing floor. Others can be bought across the counter as pelts, pieces,
tails or scraps. Personal hunting or trapping can provide fur and hair specimens from the wild, as
can friends who hunt or trap. A few flies can aid in that process. Fur buyers often purchase pelts
that are damaged from youngsters, even though they cannot sell them. They may sell or give
these pelts to fly tiers to get them out of their fur sheds. Where it is legal, road kills can be
salvaged for either hides or pieces of fur or tails. Fur trim on old garments can be a good source
for some types of fur or hair. Craft stores also carry artificial hair or fur that can be used in tying
flies. Finally, many a pet dog or cat has been combed for fur that is just the right color by fly
tiers who discovered that color when the animal was shedding.
Dying Fur, Hair or Feathers - Fur, hair and feathers can be used in their natural color or dyed
to any color desired. Very expensive dyes can be obtained from some fly shops, but common
fabric dyes are effective for most purposes. Light colored materials dye best, although dark hair
often produces very useful colors as well. Start the dyeing process with a thorough washing to
remove all oils and grease from the fur, hair or feathers. Common laundry or dishwashing
detergent does an excellent job. Rinse the material thoroughly, and immerse it in a fabric dye of
your choosing. Add a bit of vinegar as a mordant to aid in getting the dye into the material, and
simmer the material and dye until it is the color desired. Drain it carefully and rinse it twice, first
in cold water then in hot water. This removes excess dye that is clinging to the outside of the
material instead of penetrating it. If the desired color is not obtained, return to the dye bath for
additional time. If the color is satisfactory, squeeze the material to remove excess water and
arrange it on several layers of newsprint (and away from dogs or other critters) to dry. If it dries
to a matted condition, hold the material in a jet of live steam to fluff it back to normal.
Other Materials - Many other types of materials are useful to the fly tier. Floss, yarn of several
types, artificial fur or hair, tinsel, braided tinsel, latex sheets, chenille, flash tinsel, flash fibers,
and much more can become part of ones fly tying collection. In addition to the commercial tying
outlets, many of these items can be purchased from fabric, sewing, craft, or department stores.
Free samples can be obtained as scraps from sewing, embroidery or knitting. Often a useless few
inches of yarn or floss can tie several flies. Chenille, braided tinsel and similar products are
sometimes sold through sewing centers or craft stores as piping. Mylar tinsel, flash tinsel and
flash fibers are used in many holiday ornaments, party arrangements, or similar applications.
Locating their sources or watching for end-of-season sales can yield excellent materials at
bargain prices.
Fly tying materials are everywhere. All we need to do is to recognize them and put them to work
for us.
Basic Skills - Some of the fundamental skills required in tying flies are easily overlooked. The
first one is learning how to put a hook in the vise securely. Immediately after that is the
challenge of attaching the tying thread to the shank properly. The hold-tightly-and-bind-tightly
technique is common to nearly all fly tying situations, as are control of various materials, thread
control, and a sense of proportion. Proper fly finishing techniques are important to tying durable
and well-proportioned flies. An understanding of pattern elements and basic materials is
important to growing as a fly tier. All of this requires that the beginner be self-critical while
learning. The first flies will take a long time and be somewhat crude, but progress will be rapid
as the skills and sense of proportion develop. All of this takes practice with the intent to improve
with each pattern tied.
Making Your Own Patterns - Once the basic skills and pattern design elements are understood,
keen observers of the waters and behavior of fish can lead to development of patterns that work
better than current types. Knowing how to handle materials to make them achieve desired results
aids in pattern development, and field testing of various models can lead to refinement. Several
examples are listed here (but you can add your own).
The CK Nymph - A Virginia professional, named Chuck Kraft, invented this general nymph
pattern many years back. A major outdoor magazine wrote it up as the “Miracle nymph.” This
pattern looks like a wooly worm with a crew cut and a bushy wood duck flank tail. Most of the
material used in tying it is “waste.” That is, the hackles are too big for most other flies in its
class, and the wood duck flank is the webby material that cannot be used for good dry fly wings.
A simple combination of a black wool body over a lead wire core with a short, bushy wood duck
flank tail and a palmered grizzly hackle clipped to about 1/3 inch, this fly is outstanding for
trout, smallmouth bass and other species in rivers or streams with heavy current. It suggests lots
of things but does not really imitate any specific insect or fish. It is big, buggy and heavy enough
to get to the bottom. It also works all over the country.
Sulfur Spinner - This pattern was developed in response to a tremendous hatch on a Central
New York stream by the author. It started with a poly-winged spinner design, added
polypropylene dubbing in a liquid sulfur color, split tails and a bright yellow egg sac. After
several iterations the combination was worked out and became a staple of the anglers on that
stream during the hatch.
Rick’s Special - This pattern was the fourth of a series of patterns using mylar sheeting as a
broad flash in an attempt to create an alewife pattern by the author. The others are lost in
obscurity because they did not produce. This pattern with a combination of light dun and green
hackles proved very effective on lake trout, browns and Atlantic salmon in the Finger Lakes
region. It remains unknown except for some specialists in the area and the originator.
Lefty’s Deceiver - One of the classic saltwater patterns with plenty of utility in freshwater as
well, this fly is the product of Lefty Kreh. A relatively simple pattern that has lots of action and a
fairly wide profile, like a small menhaden, this hackle and bucktail fly has been a favorite since
its introduction.
Muddler Minnow - Don Gapen is generally credited with the development of this classic
pattern. It was designed with a broad deer hair head and a flared deer hair collar to suggest a
sculpin, a favorite food of the God’s River brook trout. This pattern has evolved into a general
searching pattern, a grasshopper imitation, and a great streamer fly. Other sculpin imitations may
be better, but this one is still effective.
You may want to add some customizing efforts of your own to bring the process home to the
2. Prepare a poster or an illustrated talk on making fly tying equipment or preparing fly
tying materials.
3. Give a demonstration on making an item of fly tying equipment or preparing some type
of fly tying material.
4. Prepare a consumer decision making exercise on some item of fly tying equipment or on
an entire set of equipment. Use the exercise with your group or another interested one.
McClane’s Standard Fishing Encyclopedia. 1965. A. J. McClane, ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
New York. Broad coverage of fish and fishing. Instruction on fly casting and fly tying with
numerous patterns and color plates to provide graphic support for them.
Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing. 1966. Joseph D. Bates, Jr. The Stackpole Company. Harrisburg,
Comprehensive reference to the history and development of streamers and bucktails in North
America. Extensive patterns and numerous color plates. The reference for streamer and bucktail
Art Flick’s New Streamside Guide to Naturals and Their Imitations. 1969. Arthur B. Flick. Crown
Publishers, Inc., NY. Introduction to the Catskill school of fly tying. Patterns for the major hatches
and stories to go with them. Most patterns useful in much of North American trout habitat.
Selective Trout. 1971. Doug Swisher and Carl Richards. Crown Publishers, Inc., New York.
The introduction of the Swisher and Richards school of fly tying for selective trout, including
extensive hatching tables, hatch matching suggestions based on their patterns, no-hackle patterns,
emerger patterns and much more.
Salt Water Flies: Popular Patterns and How to Tie Them. 1972. Kenneth E. Bay and Hermann
Kessler, J. B. Lippincott Company. Philadelphia. An early work on salt water flies and fly fishing
with step-by-step illustrations of tying steps in 8 featured flies and 50 additional patterns. Color and
black-and-white photographs.
Master Fly Tying Guide. 1972. Art Flick, ed., Crown Publishers, Inc., New York.
Illustrated instruction on fly tying skills by master tyers Art Flick, Lefty Kreh, Ted Niemeyer, Carl
Richards, Ernest Schwiebert, Helen Shaw, Doug Swisher, and Dave Whitlock, each featuring
patterns in their area of special expertise. Excellent support and instruction.
Fly Tying Problems and Their Answers. 1972. John Veniard and Donald Downs. Crown Publishers,
Inc., New York Primarily a text on fly tying materials, problems encountered, and solutions to
those problems.
The Handbook of Fly Tying. 1989. Peter Gathercole. Stoeger Publishing. South Hackensack, NJ.
Well illustrated steps in fly tying, leading to development of many fundamental and advanced skills.
Excellent for the visual learner. Many fly patterns provided.
Bug Making. 1993. C. Boyd Pfeiffer. Lyons and Burford Publishers. New York.
Complete guide to making hair and hard-bodied, soft-bodied, and hair or fur bugs. Excellent
illustrations. Some patterns need to be expanded for the fly tyer.
Flytyers Masterclass. 1995. Oliver Edwards. Stoeger Publishing, South Hackensack, NJ.
Excellent illustrations and explanations of tying procedures, primarily British patterns, although
many of them are adaptable to or useful in American waters as well.
Illustrated Dictionary of Trout Flies. 1995. John Roberts. Collins Willow, Harper Collins
Publishers, London. Extensive coverage of British and European patterns for trout and grayling
arranged in alphabetical order by their pattern name.
The Art of Fly Tying. 1996. Claude Chartrand. Firefly Books. Buffalo, NY
Outstanding illustrated guide for the fly fisher, basic entomology, collecting advice, discussion of fly
tying materials and skills and illustrated introductions to 116 patterns, mostly American, but some
European and British patterns as well. Well-designed and thought through.
Angler’s Fly Identifier. 1996. Dr. Stephen J. Simpson and Dr. George C. McGavin. Running Press.
Philadelphia. Excellent fly angler’s entomology text coupled with fly tying instruction and specific
Flies: The Best One Thousand. . Randle Setzer.
Excellent selection of patterns and photographs of all types of flies.
W. Jeff Farris, Missouri Sportfishing Team
Nylon Covered Steel Cable Crimpers Crimps
Brass Bullet Weights Glass Beads Swivels
Snap Swivels
Carolina Clacker
Determine the size of steel cable you need for your application. The cable or leader wire is
sold by the diameter, which determines it strength or pound test. Determine what size crimps (or
leader sleeves) you will need for this size cable. The supplier will list this information for you. For
the Carolina Clacker I prefer .028 inch or 45 pound test cable, in black. Cut the cable to the length
you desire, remember that during the crimping process some of this length is used. This process will
use an extra ½ to 1 inch for each crimp. Take the cable and slide on one crimp. Put a swivel on the
cable. Now bend the cable back through the crimp. Slide the crimp up or pull the cable to make the
loop smaller, but not to tight. Now using the crimpers, crimp the crimp. After crimping the crimp
should have some cable sticking out on one side and the long length of cable on the other. They
should be lying side by side. The crimp itself should look like a ”B” on its back. The cable should
not move in the crimp. On the open end of the cable, slide the brass bullet weight on with the point
towards the crimp on the cable. Now add two glass beads. Next slide a crimp on this end, followed
by a swivel. Again take the cable back through the crimp and crimp like before.
Steel Leaders
The steel leader is made the same as the Carolina Clacker, but without the weight. For steel
leaders some will prefer to use snap swivels instead of just swivels, you can use just snaps or any
combination you prefer. On each end you will install the crimp and swivel or snap, and then bend
the cable back through and crimp.
Carolina Clacker
Swivel Cable Swivel
Crimp Crimp