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Abstract Class in Java

Last Updated : 26 Sep, 2023
In Java, abstract class is declared with the abstract keyword. It may have both
abstract and non-abstract methods(methods with bodies). An abstract is a Java
modifier applicable for classes and methods in Java but not for Variables. In
this article, we will learn the use of abstract classes in Java.

What is Abstract Class in Java?

Java abstract class is a class that can not be initiated by itself, it needs to be
subclassed by another class to use its properties. An abstract class is declared
using the “abstract” keyword in its class definition.

Illustration of Abstract class

abstract class Shape

int color;
// An abstract function
abstract void draw();

In Java, the following some important observations about abstract classes are
as follows:

1. An instance of an abstract class can not be created.

2. Constructors are allowed.
3. We can have an abstract class without any abstract method.
4. There can be a final method in abstract class but any abstract method in
class(abstract class) can not be declared as final or in simpler terms final
method can not be abstract itself as it will yield an error: “Illegal
combination of modifiers: abstract and final”
5. We can define static methods in an abstract class

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6. We can use the abstract keyword for declaring top-level classes (Outer
class) as well as inner classes as abstract
7. If a class contains at least one abstract method then compulsory should
declare a class as abstract
8. If the Child class is unable to provide implementation to all abstract
methods of the Parent class then we should declare that Child class as
abstract so that the next level Child class should provide implementation to
the remaining abstract method

Examples of Java Abstract Class

1. Example of Abstract Class that has Abstract method

Below is the implementation of the above topic:


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// Abstract class
abstract class Sunstar {
abstract void printInfo();

// Abstraction performed using extends

class Employee extends Sunstar {
void printInfo()
String name = "avinash";
int age = 21;
float salary = 222.2F;

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// Base class
class Base {
public static void main(String args[])
Sunstar s = new Employee();



2. Abstract Class having constructor, data member, and methods

Elements abstract class can have

data member
abstract method
method body (non-abstract method)
main() method.

Below is the implementation of the above topic:


// Java Program to implement Abstract Class

// having constructor, data member, and methods
import java.io.*;

abstract class Subject {

Subject() {
System.out.println("Learning Subject");

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abstract void syllabus();

void Learn(){
System.out.println("Preparing Right Now!");

class IT extends Subject {

void syllabus(){
System.out.println("C , Java , C++");

class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Subject x=new IT();



Learning Subject
C , Java , C++
Preparing Right Now!

Properties of Abstract class

Let us elaborate on these observations and do justify them with help of clean
java programs as follows.

Observation 1

In Java, just like in C++ an instance of an abstract class cannot be created, we

can have references to abstract class type though. It is as shown below via the
clean Java program.



// Java Program to Illustrate

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// that an instance of Abstract

// Class can not be created

// Class 1
// Abstract class
abstract class Base {
abstract void fun();

// Class 2
class Derived extends Base {
void fun()
System.out.println("Derived fun() called");

// Class 3
// Main class
class Main {

// Main driver method

public static void main(String args[])

// Uncommenting the following line will cause

// compiler error as the line tries to create an
// instance of abstract class. Base b = new Base();

// We can have references of Base type.

Base b = new Derived();


Derived fun() called

Observation 2

Like C++, an abstract class can contain constructors in Java. And a constructor
of an abstract class is called when an instance of an inherited class is created.
It is as shown in the program below as follows:


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// Java Program to Illustrate Abstract Class

// Can contain Constructors

// Class 1
// Abstract class
abstract class Base {

// Constructor of class 1
// Print statement
System.out.println("Base Constructor Called");

// Abstract method inside class1

abstract void fun();

// Class 2
class Derived extends Base {

// Constructor of class2
System.out.println("Derived Constructor Called");

// Method of class2
void fun()
System.out.println("Derived fun() called");

// Class 3
// Main class
class GFG {

// Main driver method

public static void main(String args[])
// Creating object of class 2
// inside main() method
Derived d = new Derived();

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Base Constructor Called

Derived Constructor Called
Derived fun() called

Observation 3

In Java, we can have an abstract class without any abstract method. This
allows us to create classes that cannot be instantiated but can only be
inherited. It is as shown below as follows with help of a clean java program.



// Java Program to illustrate Abstract class

// Without any abstract method

// Class 1
// An abstract class without any abstract method
abstract class Base {

// Demo method. This is not an abstract method.

void fun()
// Print message if class 1 function is called
"Function of Base class is called");

// Class 2
class Derived extends Base {
// This class only inherits the Base class methods and
// properties

// Class 3
class Main {

// Main driver method

public static void main(String args[])
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// Creating object of class 2

Derived d = new Derived();

// Calling function defined in class 1 inside main()

// with object of class 2 inside main() method


Function of Base class is called

Observation 4

Abstract classes can also have final methods (methods that cannot be



// Java Program to Illustrate Abstract classes

// Can also have Final Methods

// Class 1
// Abstract class
abstract class Base {

final void fun()

System.out.println("Base fun() called");

// Class 2
class Derived extends Base {

// Class 3
// Main class
class GFG {

// Main driver method

public static void main(String args[])

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// Creating object of abstract class

Base b = new Derived();

// Calling method on object created above
// inside main method



Base fun() called

Observation 5

For any abstract java class we are not allowed to create an object i.e., for an
abstract class instantiation is not possible.


// Java Program to Illustrate Abstract Class

// Main class
// An abstract class
abstract class GFG {

// Main driver method

public static void main(String args[])

// Trying to create an object

GFG gfg = new GFG();


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Observation 6

Similar to the interface we can define static methods in an abstract class that
can be called independently without an object.


// Java Program to Illustrate

// Static Methods in Abstract
// Class Can be called Independently

// Class 1
// Abstract class
abstract class Helper {

// Abstract method
static void demofun()

// Print statement
System.out.println("Geeks for Geeks");

// Class 2
// Main class extending Helper class
public class GFG extends Helper {

// Main driver method

public static void main(String[] args)

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// Calling method inside main()

// as defined in above class


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Observation 7

We can use the abstract keyword for declaring top-level classes (Outer class)
as well as inner classes as abstract


import java.io.*;

abstract class B {
// declaring inner class as abstract with abstract
// method
abstract class C {
abstract void myAbstractMethod();
class D extends B {
class E extends C {
// implementing the abstract method
void myAbstractMethod()
"Inside abstract method implementation");

public class Main {

public static void main(String args[])

// Instantiating the outer class
D outer = new D();

// Instantiating the inner class

D.E inner = outer.new E();

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Inside abstract method implementation

Observation 8

If a class contains at least one abstract method then compulsory that we

should declare the class as abstract otherwise we will get a compile-time
error ,If a class contains at least one abstract method then, implementation is
not complete for that class, and hence it is not recommended to create an
object so in order to restrict object creation for such partial classes we use
abstract keyword.


/*package whatever //do not write package name here */

import java.io.*;

// here if we remove the abstract

// keyword then we will get compile
// time error due to abstract method
abstract class Demo {
abstract void m1();

class Child extends Demo {

public void m1()
class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args)
Child c = new Child();

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Observation 9

If the Child class is unable to provide implementation to all abstract methods

of the Parent class then we should declare that Child class as abstract so that
the next level Child class should provide implementation to the remaining
abstract method.


// Java Program to demonstrate

// Observation
import java.io.*;

abstract class Demo {

abstract void m1();
abstract void m2();
abstract void m3();

abstract class FirstChild extends Demo {

public void m1() {
System.out.println("Inside m1");

class SecondChild extends FirstChild {

public void m2() {
System.out.println("Inside m2");
public void m3() {
System.out.println("Inside m3");

class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args)
// if we remove the abstract keyword from FirstChild
// Class and uncommented below obj creation for
// FirstChild then it will throw
// compile time error as did't override all the
// abstract methods
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// FirstChild f=new FirstChild();

// f.m1();

SecondChild s = new SecondChild();



Inside m1
Inside m2
Inside m3

In C++, if a class has at least one pure virtual function, then the class becomes
abstract. Unlike C++, in Java, a separate keyword abstract is used to make a
class abstract.

Points to remember from this article are mentioned below:

An abstract class is a class that can not be initiated by itself, it needs to be

subclassed by another class to use its properties.
An abstract class can be created using “abstract” keywords.
We can have an abstract class without any abstract method.

FAQs of Abstract class

1. What is an abstract class in Java?

An abstract class in Java is a class that can not be initiated on its own but
can be used as a subclass by another class.

2. What is the abstract class purpose?

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The main purpose of the abstract class is to create a base class from
which many other classes can be derived.

3. What is the main advantage of abstract class?

An abstract class provides the provides of data hiding in Java.

4. Why abstract class is faster than interface?

An abstract class is faster than an interface because the interface

involves a search before calling any overridden method in Java whereas
abstract class can be directly used.

Also, Read
Difference between Abstract class and Interface in Java
Difference between Abstract class and Abstract Methods
Constructors in Java Abstract Class

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abstract keyword in java Difference between Abstract Class and

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Article Tags : Java-Abstract Class and Interface , Java-Object Oriented , Java

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