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Ilmu yang mempelajari kaidah atau prinsip umum dalam proses

berpikir untuk memahami pelbagai masalah dan mencari solusinya
(ilmu pelayan (al-‘ilm al-khadim) atau ilmu alat (instrumental
Tiga objek kajian logika, yaitu definisi (penjelasan makna),
inferensi (pembuktian pernyataan dan penyimpulan), metode
Pada kebenaran atau
kesalahan kita berguru?
Logika mengajarkan bagaimana berpikir benar, tetapi juga
mengajarkan bagaimana terhindar dari berpikir keliru;
pola-pola berpikir keliru disebut dengan falasi (fallacy/al-
Dicto Simpliciter
an argument based on an unqualified
generalization. For example: Exercise is
good. Therefore everybody should exercise
Hasty Generalization
You can’t speak French. Petey Bellows can’t
speak French. I must therefore conclude that
nobody at the University of Minnesota can speak
Post Hoc

Let's not take Bill on our picnic. Every time we

take him out with us, it rains.

Post hoc (a shortened form of post hoc, ergo propter

hoc) is a logical fallacy in which one event is said to be
the cause of a later event simply because it occurred
earlier. "Although two events might be consecutive,"
says Madsen Pirie in "How to Win Every Argument," "we
cannot simply assume that the one would not have
occurred without the other."
Contraditory Premises

If God can do
anything, can He
make a stone so
heavy that He won't
be able to lift it?
Ad Misericordiam

'A man applies for a job. When the boss

asks him what his qualifications are, he
replies that he has a wife and six children
at home, the wife is a helpless cripple, the
children have nothing to eat, no clothes to
wear, no shoes on their feet, there are no
beds in the house, no coal in the cellar, and
winter is coming.'
Hypothesis Contrary to Fact and

If Madame Curie had not happened to leave a

photographic plate in a drawer with a chunk of
pitchblende, the world today would not know about
KESALAHAN BERPIKIR … Ad hominem (Poisoned the well)

Two men are having a debate. The first one gets up and says, 'My opponent is a
notorious liar. You can't believe a word that he is going to say

Ad Hominem

(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of

addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly
attack the person or some aspect of the person who is
making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be
direct to membership in a group or institution.
Student: Hey, Professor Moore, we shouldn't have to read
this book by Freud. Everyone knows he used cocaine.
Socrates' arguments about human excellence are rubbish.
What could a man as ugly as he know about human
Ad Ignorantiam (Appeal to Ignorance)
The argument offers lack of evidence as if it were evidence to the contrary. The argument says, "No one
knows it is true; therefore it is false," or "No one knows it is false, therefore it is true."
The phrase "ad ignorantiam" is a Latin phrase that means (just as one would expect), "(appeal) to ignorance."
Sometimes, in order to make the claim that "no one knows," the argument insists upon an inappropriately
strong standard of proof. I have found the fallacy particularly difficult to classify. I currently classify it with the
Errors of Observation. It is like Inductive Hyperbole in that both fallacies draw an inappropriately strong
conclusion from relatively weak and indecisive observations.
"There is no proof that capital punishment deters violent crime. We can only conclude that it doesn't. Our
state is better off without the death penalty."
"Why do elephants paint their toenails red? To hide in strawberry patches! Have you ever seen an elephant in
a strawberry patch? No? Well, that proves it works."
KEBENARAN LOGIKA (matematika) vs

Samakah 1 gelas yang terisi dengan 1 gelas yang


Apakah ada jarak ketika dua tangan bersalaman?

Manakah yang lebih baik untuk kemaslahatan orang

banyak; pikiran yang terisi dengan kebenaran atau
pikiran yang terbuka terhadap kebenaran?

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