Research Office Communications Plan
Research Office Communications Plan
Research Office Communications Plan
Communication Plan
1. Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Assumptions ............................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Constraints ................................................................................................................................................ 3
5. Communication Management .................................................................................................................. 3
6. Information Management ......................................................................................................................... 4
7. Stakeholder Management ........................................................................................................................ 5
8. Communication Matrix ............................................................................................................................. 6
9. Document Control ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Purpose
The Communication Plan outlines the strategy and methodologies to be used for project communications,
information distribution, feedback and stakeholder management, and how these will be managed during
The Communication Plan builds on previous work undertaken by the Research Office (RO) and should be
read in conjunction with the following documents:
Change Proposal – Research Office at CSU
Research Office Change Management Plan
Research Office Communication Plan
Research Office Service Charter
The purpose of the Communication Plan is to facilitate the transition of the Research Office to a functional
model and organisational structure that:
Maximises the opportunity for the Office to facilitate and support the attainment of the University’s
strategic research objectives as outlined in the University Strategy 2011 – 2015, the University
Research Strategic Plan 2011-2015 and position itself for supporting further plans.
Collaborates effectively with the CSU research community in the core business of research and
assists the University in achieving the performance objectives;
Acknowledges and is responsive to the challenges of supporting a diverse research client base and
their geographical distribution thus ensuring a whole University research management foundation;
Ensures Research Office staff are known and recognised, that they have clear roles and the office
operates in a way that encourages direct interaction with researchers and higher degrees students;
The Communication Plan is a separate document as per the following plan structure:
RO Implementation
Change Proposal
Final RO Model
Change Plan
Communication Plan Change Framework
Staff Development Plan
Internal Detailed change plan
RO Staff
External Directorate sub plans
Managers and Supervisors
Stakeholder management Process improvement
Culture Technology
Communication Planning - the communication and information needs of project stakeholders. Who needs
what information, when, in what format, by what means and how to receive input and feedback and to
create buy-in and ownership.
3. Assumptions
The assumptions on which this the Communication Plan are based are:
Communication activity has already commenced with the early phases of the project
Overall project outcomes and transition plans have been endorsed by the Vice-Chancellor and the Senior
Executive Committee
The Research Office will ensure alignment of activities with the overall Change, Professional Development
and Communication plans through the Implementation Committee.
4. Constraints
The constraints on which this Communication Plan is based are:
Lack of time from stakeholders to effectively assist in the communication process
Managing expectations of the responsibilities of the Research Office, particularly in the short term (12
Current perceptions of the previous role that CRGT played in the organisation.
5. Communication Management
To support the Research office to plan and manage communications the following staff will be primarily
responsible for implementation;
Andrea Bishop – Director Research
Rod Pope – Head, Research Professional Development Programs
Robert Doubleday – Manager Research Policy and Coordination
Dawn Staley – Communications and PD Officer
Kate Organ – Liaison Team Leader
Meredith Morton – Liaison Team Leader
Informal communication is encouraged between staff of the RO and clients. Resources developed as part of
the communication plan will be provided to RO Staff to maximise the dissemination of consistent key
messages and develop a shared understanding of the way forward with clients. If informal communication
needs to be formalised it will be done in consultation with staff members the above to ensure a consistent
and planned approach for managing the communication. Consideration and reflection of the communication
plan will be undertaken in Liaison Team meetings and by the RO implementation committee.
Communication progress will be reported to the Steering Committee.
A progress report enables the Implementation Committee and the RO staff to be updated on the progress of
each component of the plan.
The Communication Matrix will be updated periodically for the Implementation Committee meetings to provide
progress reporting and will provide updates against planned activities. These updates may include progress
against plans, future activities, new issues arising; changes required and risk/issue identification.
Document Storage
Final versions will be located at:
Communication Mechanisms
Communication channels are the ‘delivery mechanism’ for sending messages to and receiving feedback from
stakeholders. These may include, but are not limited to:
Other mechanisms
Several other mechanisms may be utilised to assist with information management. These include, but are not
limited to:
- Posters in the RO
- What’s New and News articles
- Road shows.
- Workshops – internal to the RO and external with key stakeholders.
- Communication by all levels of the RO staff structure with divisions, faculties and centres.
- Professional development and demonstrations. A variety of training and demonstration sessions will be
scheduled for RO and CSU staff.
Feedback Mechanisms
Feedback is the key to ensure and measure the ongoing effectiveness of communications. By monitoring and
responding to feedback regularly, communications can continue to address the needs and concerns of key
Feedback monitoring mechanisms will include:
Direct feedback – face to face communications will provide an opportunity for the audience to give
feedback directly to the communicators identified in the communication matrix
Formal feedback – formal communication may be directed Managers, Directors or the Executive Director
of the Research Office.
Informal feedback – informal feedback will be obtained via word of mouth through HR Staff.
Measures of Success
The Project success will be measured by:
Does the communication create an acceptance of change and a greater understanding of the value-add
services can be provided?
Does the communication increase awareness of the goals of the Research Office?
Is the communicated information relevant?
Does the information support CSU objectives?
Are we effectively managing stakeholder and target audience expectations?
Are we encouraging and responding to feedback?
Is the frequency of communication appropriate to the level of the intended audience?
To what extent are the new service delivery options being used?
Client Service
Refer to service charter.
Target Audience Outcomes Key Messages / Content Medium (Channel) Responsible Timing & Frequency
CSU Staff Renaming of Research Advise of new office name Information Release Director 18 July
Office Key messages of eventual positioning of RO What’s New and News
Communication of Main communication points Faculty Offices and
Certain Key messages Next steps in communication strategy Research Centres
Division Offices fro
SEC Update RO realignment Update on progress Information Release Director 18 July
Notice of University announcement of RO launch. Monthly
Forums / Awareness and Explore opportunities to interact with key forums on Various All As opportunities arise
Committees understanding of the RO operation/engagement
Information sharing
DVC Outline and discuss RO Update on progress Teleconference Director 15 July
(Academic)/Deans) alignment and provide Notice of University announcement of RO launch
service charter Details of communication plan and schedule with
Faculty and schools..
CSU Staff Awareness and Update on progress and next steps Road show presentation Director August 2011 – scheduled
understanding of the RO Summary of RO structure and service charter Manager P & C dates for main
Briefing on schedule of Sharing of ideas campuses, and seek
alignment opportunities for other
Information campuses.
Research Centre Outline and discuss RO Update on progress Presentation / PowerPoint Director/Manager/ As opportunity arises
Staff (Researchers) alignment and provide Summary of RO structure and service charter TL
service charter. Sharing of ideas
Awareness of RO contact
Research Centre Outline and discuss RO Update on progress Presentation / PowerPoint Manager/TL As opportunity arises
Staff alignment and provide Summary of RO structure and service charter Follow up meetings
(Administration) service charter Sharing of ideas
Awareness of RO contact
Faculty Sub Deans Outline and discuss RO Update on progress Face to Face Director/Manager/ Scheduled Mtgs
& Admin Staff alignment and further Summary of RO structure and service charter Teleconference / bridgit TL July/August 2011
expand on service Discuss Research plans Video conference
charter Sharing of ideas
Awareness of RO contact
Target Audience Outcomes Key Messages / Content Medium (Channel) Responsible Timing & Frequency
Heads of Schools Outline and discuss RO Update on progress Teleconference / Bridgit Director/Manager Once at available Faculty
Initial alignment and further Summary of RO structure and service charter regular mtg
expand on service Sharing of ideas
Heads of School Consider alignment of Discuss school research planning/priorities Face to Face Manager/TL Scheduled mtgs 2011
Follow up RO in respect of Sharing of Ideas
individual schools
Awareness of RO contact
All School Staff Ensure all staff are Summary of RO structure and service charter Face to Face- Video Manager/TL/ Snr Scheduled mtgs and as
briefed on RO alignment conference/ Bridgit Liaison Officers opportunity arises 2011 /
Awareness of RO 2012
Awareness of RO contact
Dean of Studies Outline and discuss RO Summary of RO structure and service charter Face to Face Director/Manager August 2011
alignment and provide Discuss Dof S planning
service charter Sharing of ideas
Division of Library Outline and discuss RO Sharing of ideas Face to Face Director/ August/Sept 2011
Services alignment and provide Alignment of Research training services Manager/ Comms thereafter as opportunity
service charter Update on progress and PD Officer arises
Summary of RO Structure
Division of Human Outline and discuss RO Update on progress Face to Face Director/ August/Sept 2011
Services alignment and provide Summary of RO Structure Manager/ Comms thereafter as opportunity
service charter and PD Officer arises
Division of Finance Outline and discuss RO Update on progress Director/ August/Sept 2011
alignment and provide Summary of RO Structure Manager/ Comms thereafter as opportunity
service charter and PD Officer arises
Division of Outline discuss RO Update on progress Face to face Director/ 11 July
Marketing alignment and Summary of RO Structure Manager/ Comms Further whole of office
collaborate with Discussion of marketing strategy and PD Officer presentation
communication and Ongoing meetings
promotion of RO.
Office of Academic Outline and discuss RO Update on progress Face to Face Director/ August/Sept 2011
Governance alignment and provide Summary of RO Structure Manager/ Comms Ongoing meetings
service charter. Development of integrated Research policy and PD Officer
Alignment of governance
Document Authorisation
Document Distribution