Unitwise Question Bank SME N

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UNIT III: Vehicles and their Specifications

1. How vehicles are classified.

2. How vehicles are classified. Compare specification of LMV and multi-axle vehicle
3. Write specification for light motor vehicle LMV with an example.
4. Explain working principle of electric vehicle with neat sketch.
5. Write a short note on Hybrid electric vehicles.
6. Write a short note on Cost Analysis of vehicle.

UNIT IV: Vehicles System

1. Explain with neat sketch front engine front drive layout.
2. Explain with neat sketch Ackerman steering gear mechanism
3. What is the need of suspension system? Explain with sketch telescopic suspension system.
4. Explain with neat sketch working principle of disc brake.
5. What is the necessity of cooling system? What are the different methods of it?
6. Explain with neat sketch fuel supply system in petrol engine.
7 Explain with sketch working principle of single plate friction clutch.
8. Why gearbox is needed in automobile? Explain working of gearbox.
9. Write short note on:
a) Active Safety system b) Passive safety system
10. With the help of block diagram explain power transmission system in four-wheeler.
11. Write short note on:
a) Seat Belt b) Airbag

UNIT V: Introduction to Manufacturing

1. What is casting? Explain various steps involved in sand casting.
2. Define forging. Explain working principle of drop forging with neat sketch.
3. What is sheet metal working explain
a) Punching b) Blanking c) Notching d) Perforating
4. Explain Shieled Metal arc welding process with neat sketch. State advantages & disadvantages.
5. Differentiate soldering brazing and welding processes.
6. Draw layout of centre lathe machine. State the function of following parts:
a) Head stock b) Tail stock c) Carriage
7. Explain the following operations performed on lathe machine:
a) Turning b) Facing c) Knurling d) Chamfering
8. With neat sketch explain working principle of radial drilling machine. Explain any two
operations carried on it.
9. Write short note on
1. 3D printing. 2. IOT 3. Micromachining Processes

UNIT VI: Engineering Mechanism and their applications

1. What is air compressor? Explain application of compressor in refrigerator.
2. Explain different components of water cooler with sketch.
3. Compare Belt drive, Chain drive and Gear drive.
4. What is Belt drive? Explain different types of belt drive with sketch.
5. Explain various components of water purifier unit. Give its applications.
6. Explain the Blower in vacuum cleaner
7. Explain different components of washing machine with neat sketch.
8. Write a short note on following:
a) Photo copier b) Printer
9. Write short note on use of spring in door closure and gears in Clock
10 Explain with sketch working principle of split Air Conditioner.
11. Write a short note on:
a) Electric geyser b) Solar water heater

Numerical on gear drive and belt drive is to be prepared.

Prepare All unites (III, IV,V, VI) as per the syllabus. Consider above questions for more revision.

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