Bca (5 Sem)
Bca (5 Sem)
Bca (5 Sem)
The course will consists of Four Theory Papers of 80 marks each and Two Project Papers of
100 marks for which there will be University examinations. Other than the Internal evaluation
for each Theory Paper which will be of 20 marks and will be evaluated on the basis of
classroom performance and Internal examination.
The students will be required to answer Five Questions out of which one will be objective
and compulsory, where the paper consists of more than one group the students, will be
required to answer at least one question from each group.
BCA (5) 1
Design and Software Architecture : The Software Design Activity and its Objectives,
Modularization Techniques, Handling Anomalies, A Case Study in Design, Concurrent
Software, Object-Oriented Design, Architecture and Components.
Specification : The Uses of Specifications, Specification Qualities, Classification of
Specification Styles, Verification of Specifications, Operational Specifications, Descriptive
Specifications, Building and Using Specifications in Practice.
Verification : Goals and Requirements of Verification, Approaches to Verification, Testing,
Analysis, Symbolic Execution, Model Checking, Putting it All Together, Debugging, Verifying
Other Software Properties.
The Software Production Process : What is a Software Process Model?, Why are
Software Process Models Important?, The Main Activities of Software Production, An
Overview of Software Process Models, Dealing with Legacy Software, Case Studies,
Organizing the Process, Organizing Artifacts: Configuration Management, Software
Management of Software Engineering : Management Functions, Project Planning, Project
Control, Organization, Risk Management, Capability Maturity Model.
Software Engineering Tools and Environments : Historical Evolution of Tools and
Environments, Dimensions for Comparing Software Tools, Representative Tools, Tool
Integration, Forces Influencing the Evolution of Tools.
Epilogue : The Future, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Software Engineering Code of
BCA (5) 2
BCA – 504 : ASP.NET
ASP.NET 2.0 Essentials : Introduction to ASP.NET, Versions of ASP.NET, Benefits of
ASP.NET, Robust Database-driven, Functionality, Faster Web Applications, Memory Leak
and Crash Protection, Easy Deployment, Multiple Development, Language Support. What's
New in ASP.NET 2.0? Developer, Productivity, Administration and Management,
Performance and Scalability, Introducing ASP.NET 2.0 IDE, Visual Web Developer.
Developing a Web Application : History of Web Applications, HTML, DHTML Scripting
Languages, Server-side Languages, PHP, JSP, PERL. Anatomy of ASP .NET 2.0, ASP.NET
2.0, Provider Model, ASP .NET 2.0 Coding Models, Inline Code Model, The Code-Behind
Model, Code Sharing, Using the App. Code Folder, Using the Bin Folder, Using the Global
Assembly Cache, Compilation in ASP .NET 2.0, Managing States of an ASP .NET
Application, The Application-State, The Session-State, The View-State, Using Application-
State, Session-State, and View-state.
Standard Controls : Introducing Controls, Designer Support for Controls, Introduction to
Standard Controls, Web Control Class, Label Control, Changing Properties of a Label
Control, TextBox Control, Setting Properties of a TextBox Control, Button Control, Setting
Properties of a Button Control, Handling Events of a Button Control, ImageButton Control,
Setting Properties of a ImageButton Control, ListBox Control, Setting Properties of a ListBox
Control, RadioButton. Control, Setting Properties of a RadioButton Control, Handling Events
of a RadioButton Control.
BCA (5) 3