Mastery 5 Lesson Plan

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: How to live a healthy lifestyle


Students will be able to identify ways to maintain a healthy living

Students will be able to identify proper foods needed for an adequate diet

State Standards:

HS.N.3.7: Develop strategies for balancing healthy food, snacks, and water intake specific to
daily physical activity

HS.A.3.7: Create a snack plan for before, during, and after exercise that addresses nutrition
needs for each phase. Example: listing snacks that would help fuel/recover the individual before
and after exercise.

Context: The lesson is based for high school students for Physical Education . I am teaching
this lesson because many kids across the country are out of shape and do not have the
needed diet. Kids also don't understand how much they're damaging their body with excess
sugar, calories and poor protein intake. Before this lesson takes place students will learn
about food groups and exercise times in order to have a little bit of background
information. After this lesson students will explain in a paper what they can change and
implement to their life to live healthier. In order to prepare for the next lesson topic, I will
teach students about necessary intakes for each food category and what kind of exercise is
needed so they can have specific examples for their paper.

Data: There will be three sets of groups for this lesson. Students will be grouped based on
their seating arrangements in class. When leaving the class students will submit an exit
ticket. The next class students will be put into new groups based on their level of
understanding. This will help ensure that students who don’t understand get the extra help
they need while more advanced students can just start their paper because they know what
to do.

Part of lesson Resource Link if needed
Intro/ conclusion Smartboard, video,
kahoot, exit ticket J1hmmy1OB4?
Teacher Scissors, glue,
Collaborative Provided https://
worksheets, BMI
Calculator website healthyweight/bmi/
h ps://
Digital Mobile device/
provided tablet, App


Introduction (10 minutes): I will start the lesson by showing students a video on the
My Plate guidelines. This will help share some information about what should be taken in
for each meal and how much of each group is needed daily. Next, I will briefly quiz the
students on the video to make sure they understand. Then I will explain how the stations
will work for when the arrive. The rotations for the group will go clockwise until every
student has been at each section.
Teacher Directed (15 minutes): At this station, students will be with me with and they
will be given a worksheet with the blank food pyramid and a second sheet with just the
pictures of what belongs there. They then will take the scissors and glue provided and cut
them out. As a group we will work to figure out which belongs where and I will question the
students on why they think the way they do. After everyone has they're worksheet
complete, I will ask them what they enjoy eating and what category that would fall into.
This will make them actively think about their diet as well as allow them to gain knowledge
on what they are consuming.

Collaborative (15 minutes): For this station, students will be provided with the
formula for calculating BMI (h ps:// for both
men and women. Then in pairs, Students will take the provided questions of peoples
information and plug the numbers in. Additionally, after completing the problems provided
students will look up one celebrity and given their information plug in the numbers to see
what their BMI is and what percentile that person is. At the end of class they will share the
information that they found.

Independent Digital (15 minutes): For this station students will download the app
Myfitnesspal (h ps:// on their mobile device or provided tablet if
needed. Upon downloading this app students will put in their personal information such as
height, weight and age. Then I want students to enter what they had eaten the past week as
accurately as possible. This will be simple since all they have to do is write the name of each
item in the search bar and click add. They will then review via the stats page of what they
are taking in too much of and what they need more of. After finding this information out
they will write it down in their notebook. This information is necessary for their paper next

Closure (10 minutes): At the end of the class I will put a kahoot on the board. The
student with the highest score will receive 5 bonus points on their essay. Students will also
share from their pairs what celebrity they chose and their BMI that they calculated. After
this I will pass around an exit ticket. This is the same ticket for how the students will be
grouped the next class. These assessments as well as me going over each kahoot question
will allow a deeper understanding for students as well as asses which ones are still

Myfitnesspal- I chose this because it is free and easily allows students to input their
information. This supports learning because students will be able to recognize what
is right or wrong with their current diet and what steps they can take to improve. I
know this app is of high quality from personal use as well as all of the reviews in the
app store. One way the differentiation in instruction due to learners specific needs
will be met is by allowing students to scan the item by barcode with the camera.

Youtube video- I chose the video because it gave a perfect description on how and
why the plate should be the way it is as well as the official picture from the website.
It supports the learning objectives by giving them some background information to
follow. I know this is of high quality because I watched It myself as well as what the
comment section says.

BMI Website- This allows students to accurately figure out what the BMI is as well
as learn how to plug in the formula. This supports student learning because students
will learn about BMI in the process and what it means towards your health. I know
this is of high quality because I tested my BMI in my exes class and this website
matched what I did by calculator.

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