Get There Itis

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A determination to reach your destination despite changing circumstances

is commonly referred to as 'get-there-itis'. The technical term for this is
plan continuation bias – continuing with a failing plan despite evidence that
it’s not working.

his phenomenon continues to catch pilots out with serious At the time of the accident the aircraft was 145 kg below the
or fatal consequences. Here are some recent accidents Part 137 maximum allowable weight. However, it was probably
which illustrate the different ways in which it can manifest. overloaded for the prevailing environmental conditions.
Tyre tracks on the airstrip surface showed that the aircraft
Photo courtesy of Graeme Giffney.

Cresco had been using the entire airstrip length to become airborne.
The pilot needed to jettison some or all of his load on three
In 2008, a fatal accident involving a Cresco showed many
occasions to achieve the required aircraft performance,
hallmarks of get-there-itis. The pilot was in the final stages of
and Satloc data showed that on some flights the aircraft had
completing a topdressing job when the accident occurred,
descended by 26 feet after takeoff before commencing a climb.
just after takeoff from a farm airstrip.
The pilot continued with this plan despite experiencing poor
Self-imposed time pressure may have been a factor, as there
aircraft performance, lime that wasn’t flowing from the hopper
were two strong incentives to get the job done that day. The
evenly, and changing meteorological conditions, as late
weather forecast for the following day was poor, a low pressure
morning the wind backed, introducing a tail-wind component
system was approaching, bringing wind and rain, and the pilot
and turbulence during takeoff and climb out.
was to begin an extended period of leave the following day.
As with most accidents, there was no one cause. In this case,
The pilot departed for the farm strip at 6:30 am, but didn’t
get-there-itis (or get-the-job-done-itis) may have been a
arrive there to begin the job until 9:40 am, due to an engineering
contributing factor that influenced the pilot’s decision-making.
issue that required a diversion to the company maintenance
base. Part 137, Appendix B, allows agricultural aircraft to be
operated up to 28 percent over the maximum certificated Thames Cess-pit
takeoff weight (depending on certain conditions set out in Plan continuation bias is most often reported in the approach-
the Aircraft Flight Manual). Running behind schedule may to-landing phase of flight, when a pilot’s goal is to land the
have influenced the pilot’s decision to use these provisions in aircraft, and their focus is on progress toward that goal. It is
order to complete the job faster. a powerful but unconscious cognitive bias to continue the

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original plan, and it can prevent pilots from noticing subtle throttle in an attempt to descend back onto profile. The pilot
clues that the original conditions have changed. initiated a go-around when he saw that he couldn’t achieve his
The Thames cess-pit is a good example of this. In the last aiming point, moving the throttle from fully closed to fully
six years, three Cessna aircraft have ended up in the sewage open. When no change in acceleration, attitude, or engine
oxidation ponds at the end of Runway 14 at Thames revolutions occurred, the pilot closed the throttle again and
Aerodrome, a C150, and two C172s. Two of these encounters landed, but was unable to stop on the runway remaining.
show elements of get-there-itis. The aircraft ended up floating in the oxidation pond and the
pilot swam to shore. It is likely that plan continuation bias led
The pilot of the first C172 was intending to carry out a touch- this pilot to either miss or dismiss clues that he was
and-go at Thames, before continuing to Tauranga. A standard experiencing a tailwind and needed to reassess his plan
overhead join was made, and the pilot observed a light direct for landing. This, combined with many other contributing
crosswind on Runway 14/32 from the south west, which was factors identified during the investigation, all added up to
fluctuating between a head and tailwind for either runway produce an unfortunate outcome.
choice. Since the pilot was heading to Tauranga next, he chose
The pilot of the second C172 was also on a cross-country,
Runway 14 to expedite his departure on track.
and attempting a touch-and-go landing on Runway 14, before
On finals, the pilot decided he was too high to make his aiming departing for Tauranga. The pilot experienced a tailwind on
point, so he went around. On his second attempt to land, the finals but did not recognise this, or the need to go-around.
same thing happened – he was too high, and went around. He continued, and landed deep into the runway. The pilot
At this point, instead of considering why he might be having applied power to commence a takeoff, but then realised he did
trouble landing, checking the wind direction and reassessing not have enough runway left to get airborne. He aborted the
his choice of runway, the pilot continued with his failing plan takeoff by applying the brakes, but inadvertently left power on.
– determined to make a landing work on Runway 14. The aircraft failed to stop before the end of Runway 14.
The pilot extended downwind on the third circuit, and on
realising he was high on finals once again, the pilot closed the Continued over »

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» Continued from previous page

Cognitive Bias obtained the GPS coordinates of the strip to load into his GPS
unit, and used Google Earth to familiarise himself with the
Cognitive bias is a general term used to describe many
Photo courtesy of Michael Craig.

airstrip location and approaches. Overhead Ohakune, the pilot

distortions in the human mind that are difficult to eliminate,
called the operator again to check the status of the runway,
and that lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment,
because the operator had mentioned he would be clearing
or illogical interpretation. Research has shown that plan
stock off the strip before the pilot arrived.
continuation bias (or get-there-itis) can combine with other
cognitive biases. Here are two examples. The operator told the pilot that he could see him overhead and
to join for Runway 04. The pilot looked down at what he thought
Confirmation Bias was the runway and commented that it looked very brown.
Confirmation bias is a tendency for people to favour The operator said that was from the harrowing he had been
information that confirms their preconceptions, regardless of doing. The operator then said that he was moving off the run-
whether the information is true. As a result, people gather way so the pilot could land. As he said that, the pilot watched
evidence and recall information from memory selectively, a tractor move off the end of the field he was looking at.
and interpret it in a biased way. Essentially, you see what you The pilot stated that glare from the sun prevented him from
want to see. Confirmation biases can therefore maintain or seeing the condition of the surface of the field and it was not
strengthen beliefs in the face of contrary evidence, leading to until he was crossing the fence and flaring that he noticed the
potentially disastrous decisions. brown field was in fact ploughed dirt. As the nose wheel
touched the ground it dug in and aircraft flipped onto its roof.
In 2010, the pilot of a Cessna 172 was on a cross-country flight
to Ohakune. The pilot had not landed there before, so prior to Confirmation bias meant this pilot’s mind distorted what his
the flight he called the operator of the strip to ask a few eyes could see to fit the information he had been given on the
questions about the area and advise his ETA. The pilot also phone. It also meant he dismissed evidence to the contrary,

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the lack of a windsock, the short length of what he thought The pilot did not recognise that the conditions that day
was the strip (the paddock was only 300 m compared to the were different, and that he needed to change his usual actions
strip which is 950 m), and the fact that he did not cross State and plan. He just assumed the outcome would be successful
Highway 49 on short finals, or identify a prominent go-karting based on previous experience, without analysing the situation
track abeam the Runway 04 threshold. closely. In doing so, he attempted to takeoff with a tail wind,
during the hottest part of the day, and without using a short-
Frequency Bias field takeoff technique.
This is the tendency to revert to high-frequency actions,
beliefs, and interpretations. Frequency bias can lead you to see Summary
a routinely observed object as it normally appears, even when While the examples given here are from General Aviation,
this differs from its actual current appearance. Similarly, cognitive biases are experienced by all pilots. Airline pilots
when making decisions, frequency bias manifests as a tendency who fly the same sectors day in and day out need to be
to do what you most frequently do in that situation, even when particularly aware of the dangers of frequency bias.
you have previously decided to do otherwise. In simple terms,
As human beings we like a successful result, and to achieve
it is your brain thinking, “it’s always worked before”.
our goals. This desire can be increased by outside influences
In 2010, an overrun accident by a Glastar showed elements such as time, money, and not letting people down. Be aware
of frequency bias. The pilot had taken off from the strip that this tendency can lead you to make assumptions,
successfully on previous occasions and assumed this day see what you want to see, or disregard clues that would
would be no different. When the pilot could not get the tail require a change of plan. In order to combat cognitive biases,
raised he aborted the takeoff and braked, but could not stop be aware of their potential existence, and try to analyse
before the aircraft ended up in a river at the end of the strip. everything objectively.

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