Cep Re 2021

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Department of Electrical Engineering (RCET)


Course Title: EE-452: Renewable Electrical Energy Systems

Marks/Weightage: 10%
Time/Duration: 2 Week

CLOs and PLOs Mapping for CEP:

CLO Description Domain Taxonomy PLO


Design of a stand-alone power generation

CLO3 system using these renewable energy Cognitive 6-Create PLO3

Statement: Design a stand-alone PV system for your own house. Suppose that your
house is in an area in which winter temperature drops to −20 ºC. The monthly insolation
data for the area in which your house is located is given in TABLE-1. While, TABLE-2 and
TABLE-3 give the data/x-tics of PV modules and batteries for different manufacturers
respectively, you can choose the data of any module and battery as per your design
requirement when sizing battery storage and PV array. Design your system with 95%
system availability for 90% Coulomb efficiency, and 0.90 de-rating factor. And also draw
your design with specifying components ratings and accurate value of outputs at various
stages of the system.

Submission Guidelines:
• Each student submit solution separately.
• Submit your work in pdf format.
• The report should contain all the calculations, characteristics curves and data
used, block diagram of your design and any assumptions if made.
• Plagiarized reports will be marked zero.
• Give description of your house i.e. size and number and types of rooms etc. in
start of your design/report.
• Make sure, you are computing the power demand of your own house
assuming a realistic load, otherwise you will lose marks.

TABLE-1: Monthly Insolation Data.

TABLE-2: Module Performance Data Under STC for Different Manufacturers.

TABLE-3: Deep-Cycle (80%) Lead-Acid Battery X-tics/Data for Different Manufacturers.

Complex Engineering Problem Attributes and Characteristics

Attributes Characteristics
1 Preamble Engineering problems which cannot be resolved without
in-depth engineering knowledge, much of which is at, or
informed by, the forefront of the professional discipline, Yes
and have some or all of the following characteristics listed
2 Depth of knowledge Requires research-based knowledge much of which is at,
required or informed by, the forefront of the professional discipline
and which allows a fundamentals-based, first principles
analytical approach.
3 Depth of analysis Have no obvious solution and require abstract thinking, Yes
required originality in analysis to formulate suitable models.
4 Range of conflicting Involve wide-ranging or conflicting technical, engineering Yes
requirements and other issues.
5 Familiarity of issue Involve infrequently encountered issues.
6 Extent of applicable Are outside problems encompassed by standards and
codes codes of practice for professional engineering
7 Extent of stakeholder Involve diverse groups of stakeholders with widely varying
involvement and level needs.
of conflicting
8 Consequences Have significant consequences in a range of context
9 Interdependence Are high level problems including many component parts Yes
or sub-problems.

CEP Assessment Rubrics

Marks Distribution
Criteria Poor Average Good Excellent
(0-30)% (31-60)% (61-80)% (81-100)%
House description (i.e. size Not or Partially given Correctly Correctly given
and number and types of wrongly given with map
rooms etc.) is given in start given
of your design/report.
Load estimation assuming a Incorrectly Calculated Correctly Correctly
realistic load calculated with many calculated with calculated
mistakes one or two
Inverter sizing and system Incorrectly Calculated Correctly Correctly
voltage selection calculated with many calculated with calculated with
with wrong mistakes with one or two accurate
selection of accurate mistakes with selection of
system selection of accurate system voltage
voltage system voltage selection of
system voltage
Battery Sizing Incorrectly Calculated Correctly Correctly
calculated with many calculated with calculated
mistakes one or two
PV Sizing Incorrectly Calculated Correctly Correctly
calculated with many calculated with calculated
mistakes one or two
Design Not given Wrongly given Correctly Correctly given
Layout/Configuration and without output given but with output
Output Specification at specification without output specification at
different Stages specification all stages


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