Instructions: Study all the questions carefully and choose one correct answer from the alternatives.
1)__________ is a true and legal member of a country.(A) doctor. (B) farmer. (C) citizens.
(D) foreigner
2) There are_____ ways of becoming a citizens of a country. (A) 2. (B) 8. (C) 9. (D) 3
3) A person can become a citizens of a country through the following ways
(A) citizenship by birth
(B) citizenship by marriage
(C) citizenship by naturalisation
(D) citizenship by association
4) ___________are the obligations and actions which are excepted from citizens. (A)
registration. (B) education. (C) duties. (D) liberty.
5) In becoming a citizen a person must have spent a least ________ years in a country. (A) 6.
(B) 9. (C) 15. (D) 12
6) _________ areclaims of individuals as citizens of a country. (A) privileges. (B) duties.
(C) rights. (D) occupation
7) The following are duties of citizens except_________ (A) to pay taxes. (B) to vote
during elections. (C) to attend parties. (D) to associate freely
8) _______ are certain consequences when a citizen does not perform their obligations
(A) peace. (B) discipline. (C) chaos. (D) progress
9) The following are examples of National symbols except________ (A) flags. (B)
currency. (C) Anthem. (D) Bible
10) The following are examples of public properties except_______ (A) Oil pipelines. (B)
public building. (C) car's. (D) power installations
11) The obligations of citizens are grouped into the following except_________
(A) economic. (B) political. (C) geographical. (D) social
12) A foreigners child adopted by a Nigerian parent can also became a citizen by ________
(A) marriage. (B) naturalization. (C) registration. (D) acquisition.
13) Citizenship by naturalization means means a person must be above__________years
of age. (A) 16. (B) 20. (C) 18. (D) 5
14) When things are done properly is refer to as ___________ (A) social control. (B)
peace. ( C) due process. (D) discipline
15) ___________is an example of a financial obligations. (A) respect for national
symbols. (B) defence of the country. (C) payments of tax. (D)
maintenance of peace.
16) When citizens learn to behave in a good and controlled manner it means________,
(A)due process. (B) peace. (C) discipline. (D) social control
17) Respect for constituted authority is an example of__________ obligations. (A)
economic. (B) civic. (C) financial. (D) social
18)Environmental cleanliness is an example of _________ obligations. (A) economic.
(B) political. (C) social. (D) civic
19) Non performance of obligations result to the following except_______ (A) chaos. (B)
confusion. (C) progress. (D) instability.
20) Lawlessness and disharmony are certain consequences of ________and obligations
(A)obedience to authority. (B) citizenship education. (C) civic responsibility. (D)
non- performance
Instructions: Answer any four (4) questions from the following.
1a) Who is a Citizen?
b) Describe the term Citizenship.
c) Identify the three (3) types of citizenship.
2a)Highlight the appropriate steps for the protection of human rights.
b) List three (3) economic and financial.
c) Mention four (4) duties of citizenship.
3a) Mention seven (7) rights of Citizens.
b) Identify three (3) civic and political obligations of citizens.
4a) Mention four (4) non performance of obligations.
b) List six(6) National Symbols.
19). An individual that greet, respect and honour others is seen as a ____
(A) Trouble (B) disciplined person (C) wicked (D) diligent
20) __________are the responsibility of a consumer except. (A) beware. (B)
demand and keep proofs of transactions. (C) think independently. (D) speak out
and be bold.