Pocket Guide
Fits and Internal Clearances
Loading Conditions and Fits
Rotating Stationary
LOAD Rotating
Stationary Inner
Ring Load
Tight Fit Loose Fit
LOAD Rotating Stationary
Ring Load
Stationary Rotating
Stationary Rotating
LOAD Stationary Ring Load
Loose Fit Tight Fit
Ring Load
Rotating Stationary
Direction of
Rotating or Rotating or
Direction of load indeterminate due to variation of direction or unbalanced load Load Tight Fit Tight Fit
Stationary Stationary
Automotive Wheel
Rotating Outer Normal or Heavy Loads Hubs (Ball Bearings),
Ring Load Vibrating Screens N7
Impossible –
Housings Conveyor Rollers,
Light or Variable Loads Rope Sheaves,
Tension Pulleys
Heavy Shock Loads Traction Motors
Direction of
Pumps, Crankshaft Generally If axial displacement of the
Load Normal or Heavy Loads K7 Impossible outer ring is not required.
Indeterminate Main Bearings,
Medium and Large Axial displacement of outer
Normal or Light Loads Possible
Motors JS7 (J7) ring is necessary.
General Bearing
Loads of all Kinds Applications, H7
Solid or Split Railway Axleboxes
Normal or High Loads Plummer Blocks H8 Easily Possible –
Remarks 1. This table is applicable to cast iron and steel housings. For housings
made of light alloys, the interference should be tighter than in this table.
2. Not applicable to special fits.
Cylindrical Tolerance
Roller of Remarks
Load Conditions Examples Spherical
Ball Bearings, Shaft
Bearings Tapered
0 + 53 + 33 + 41 + 20 + 28 + 13 + 21 + 33 + 8 +12 + 1 + 2 + 6 – 5 – 4 0 –12 – 11 – 7 – 18 – 14
18 30 ± 6.5 ±10.5 18 30
– 9 + 40 + 20 + 20 + 7 + 7 0 0 0 – 5 – 9 – 8 – 11 – 15 –14 – 17 – 21 –21 – 24 – 28 – 31 – 35
– 25
0 +370 +240 +305 +144 +209 +110 +175 +280 0 0 – 68 – 68 –110 –110 –195 –195
2 000 2 500 – – ±55 ±87.5 – – – 2 000 2 500
–250 +260 +130 +130 + 34 + 34 0 0 0 –110 –175 –178 –243 –220 –285 –305 –370
10 only 0 7 4 11 2 13 8 23 14 29 20 37 2.5 6 1 8 5 15 10 20 15 25 21 33
10 18 0 9 4 11 3 18 11 25 18 33 25 45 6 10 2 9 6 17 12 25 19 33 27 42
18 24 0 10 5 12 5 20 13 28 20 36 28 48 10 14 2 10 6 19 13 26 21 35 30 48
24 30 1 11 5 12 5 20 13 28 23 41 30 53 14 18 3 12 8 21 15 28 23 37 32 50
30 40 1 11 9 17 6 20 15 33 28 46 40 64 18 24 4 14 10 23 17 30 25 39 34 52
40 50 1 11 9 17 6 23 18 36 30 51 45 73 24 30 5 16 11 24 19 35 29 46 40 58
50 65 1 15 12 22 8 28 23 43 38 61 55 90 30 40 6 18 13 29 23 40 34 53 46 66
65 80 1 15 12 22 10 30 25 51 46 71 65 105 40 50 6 19 14 31 25 44 37 57 50 71
80 100 1 18 18 30 12 36 30 58 53 84 75 120 50 65 7 21 16 36 30 50 45 69 62 88
100 120 2 20 18 30 15 41 36 66 61 97 90 140 65 80 8 24 18 40 35 60 54 83 76 108
120 140 2 23 24 38 18 48 41 81 71 114 105 160 80 100 9 27 22 48 42 70 64 96 89 124
140 160 2 23 24 38 18 53 46 91 81 130 120 180 100 120 10 31 25 56 50 83 75 114 105 145
160 180 2 25 - - 20 61 53 102 91 147 135 200 120 140 10 38 30 68 60 100 90 135 125 175
180 200 2 30 - - 25 71 63 117 107 163 150 230 140 160 15 44 35 80 70 120 110 161 150 210
200 225 2 35 - - 25 85 75 140 125 195 175 265
225 250 2 40 - - 30 95 85 160 145 225 205 300 Radial Internal Clearances in Self-Aligning Ball
250 280 2 45 - - 35 105 90 170 155 245 225 340 Bearings with Tapered Bores
280 315 2 55 - - 40 115 100 190 175 270 245 370
Units : μm
315 355 3 60 - - 45 125 110 210 195 300 275 410
Nominal Bore Clearance
355 400 3 70 - - 55 145 130 240 225 340 315 460 Diameter
400 450 3 80 - - 60 170 150 270 250 380 350 510 d (mm) C2 CN C3 C4 C5
over incl min max min max min max min max min max
450 500 3 90 - - 70 190 170 300 280 420 390 570
500 560 10 100 - - 80 210 190 330 310 470 440 630 2.5 6 – – – – – – – – – –
560 630 10 110 - - 90 230 210 360 340 520 490 690 6 10 – – – – – – – – – –
630 710 20 130 - - 110 260 240 400 380 570 540 760 10 14 – – – – – – – – – –
710 800 20 140 - - 120 290 270 450 430 630 600 840 14 18 – – – – – – – – – –
18 24 7 17 13 26 20 33 28 42 37 55
Ball Bearings 30 40 12 24 19 35 29 46 40 59 52 72
40 50 14 27 22 39 33 52 45 65 58 79
Nominal Bore Clearance 50 65 18 32 27 47 41 61 56 80 73 99
dmcl (mm) MC1 MC2 MC3** MC4 MC5 65 80 23 39 35 57 50 75 69 98 91 123
over incl min max min max min max min max min max 80 100 29 47 42 68 62 90 84 116 109 144
1 10 0 5 3 8 5 10 8 13 13 20 100 120 35 56 50 81 75 108 100 139 130 170
120 140 40 68 60 98 90 130 120 165 155 205
Notes *: CM is the normal clearance class for electrical motors.
140 160 45 74 65 110 100 150 140 191 180 240
**: MC3 is the normal clearance class for miniature bearings.
24 30 0 25 20 45 35 60 50 75 70 95 over incl min max min max min max min max min max min max
30 40 5 30 25 50 45 70 60 85 80 105 – 18 0 10 10 20 20 30 35 45 50 60 65 75
40 50 5 35 30 60 50 80 70 100 95 125 18 24 0 10 10 20 20 30 35 45 50 60 65 75
50 65 10 40 40 70 60 90 80 110 110 140 24 30 0 10 10 20 20 30 40 50 50 60 70 80
65 80 10 45 40 75 65 100 90 125 130 165 30 40 0 12 12 25 25 40 45 60 60 75 80 95
r: Radial internal clearance
�: Contact angle
e: Contact (listed in bearing tables)
Fits and Clearances Pocket Guide
14 15
Radial Internal Clearances in Spherical Roller Radial Internal Clearances in Spherical Roller
Bearings with Cylindrical Bores Bearings with Tapered Bores
Units : μm Units : μm
Nominal Bore Clearance Nominal Bore Clearance
Diameter Diameter
d (mm) C2 CN C3 C4 C5 d (mm) C2 CN C3 C4 C5
over incl min max min max min max min max min max over incl min max min max min max min max min max
24 30 15 25 25 40 40 55 55 75 75 95 24 30 20 30 30 40 40 55 55 75 75 95
30 40 15 30 30 45 45 60 60 80 80 100 30 40 25 35 35 50 50 65 65 85 85 105
40 50 20 35 35 55 55 75 75 100 100 125 40 50 30 45 45 60 60 80 80 100 100 130
50 65 20 40 40 65 65 90 90 120 120 150 50 65 40 55 55 75 75 95 95 120 120 160
65 80 30 50 50 80 80 110 110 145 145 180 65 80 50 70 70 95 95 120 120 150 150 200
80 100 35 60 60 100 100 135 135 180 180 225 80 100 55 80 80 110 110 140 140 180 180 230
100 120 40 75 75 120 120 160 160 210 210 260 100 120 65 100 100 135 135 170 170 220 220 280
120 140 50 95 95 145 145 190 190 240 240 300 120 140 80 120 120 160 160 200 200 260 260 330
140 160 60 110 110 170 170 220 220 280 280 350 140 160 90 130 130 180 180 230 230 300 300 380
160 180 65 120 120 180 180 240 240 310 310 390 160 180 100 140 140 200 200 260 260 340 340 430
180 200 70 130 130 200 200 260 260 340 340 430 180 200 110 160 160 220 220 290 290 370 370 470
200 225 80 140 140 220 220 290 290 380 380 470 200 225 120 180 180 250 250 320 320 410 410 520
225 250 90 150 150 240 240 320 320 420 420 520 225 250 140 200 200 270 270 350 350 450 450 570
250 280 100 170 170 260 260 350 350 460 460 570 250 280 150 220 220 300 300 390 390 490 490 620
280 315 110 190 190 280 280 370 370 500 500 630 280 315 170 240 240 330 330 430 430 540 540 680
315 355 120 200 200 310 310 410 410 550 550 690 315 355 190 270 270 360 360 470 470 590 590 740
355 400 130 220 220 340 340 450 450 600 600 750 355 400 210 300 300 400 400 520 520 650 650 820
400 450 140 240 240 370 370 500 500 660 660 820 400 450 230 330 330 440 440 570 570 720 720 910
450 500 140 260 260 410 410 550 550 720 720 900 450 500 260 370 370 490 490 630 630 790 790 1000
500 560 150 280 280 440 440 600 600 780 780 1000 500 560 290 410 410 540 540 680 680 870 870 1100
560 630 170 310 310 480 480 650 650 850 850 1100 560 630 320 460 460 600 600 760 760 980 980 1230
630 710 190 350 350 530 530 700 700 920 920 1190 630 710 350 510 510 670 670 850 850 1090 1090 1360
710 800 210 390 390 580 580 770 770 1010 1010 1300 710 800 390 570 570 750 750 960 960 1220 1220 1500
800 900 230 430 430 650 650 860 860 1120 1120 1440 800 900 440 640 640 840 840 1070 1070 1370 1370 1690
900 1000 260 480 480 710 710 930 930 1220 1220 1570 900 1000 490 710 710 930 930 1190 1190 1520 1520 1860
1000 1120 290 530 530 780 780 1020 1020 1330 – – 1000 1120 530 770 770 1030 1030 1300 1300 1670 – –
1120 1250 320 580 580 860 860 1120 1120 1460 – – 1120 1250 570 830 830 1120 1120 1420 1420 1830 – –
1250 1400 350 640 640 950 950 1240 1240 1620 – – 1250 1400 620 910 910 1230 1230 1560 1560 2000 – –
2. Before mounting, smear the thread and the side face of the
nut with a molybdenum disulphide paste or similar lubricant.
6. Further tighten the nut until the clearance has been reduced
by the amount shown in the chart in Fig. 2 but when the
bearing is mounted on the shaft the clearance should be
checked under the rollers at the bottom of the bearing as
shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 1 80 100 0.045 0.055 0.70 0.85 140˚ 0.035 0.050 0.085
100 120 0.050 0.060 0.75 0.90 0.045 0.065 0.110
120 140 0.060 0.070 0.90 1.10 0.055 0.080 0.130
1. Before mounting, smear the thread and the side face of the 140 160 0.065 0.080 1.00 1.30 0.060 0.100 0.150
nut with a molybdenum disulphide paste or similar lubricant. 160 180 0.070 0.090 1.10 1.40 0.070 0.110 0.170
2. Smear the shaft and outside diameter of sleeve with a light oil. 180 200 0.080 0.100 1.30 1.60 0.070 0.110 0.190
3. Open the sleeve slightly by inserting and twisting a screw 200 225 0.090 0.110 1.40 1.70 0.080 0.130 0.210
driver into the slit in the sleeve and position the sleeve on 225 250 0.100 0.120 1.60 1.90 0.090 0.140 0.230
the shaft. 250 280 0.110 0.140 1.70 2.20 0.100 0.150 0.250
correct size of bearing. 450 500 0.190 0.240 3.00 3.70 0.160 0.240 0.390
500 560 0.210 0.270 3.40 4.30 0.170 0.270 0.410
7. Check bearing clearance as shown in Fig.4 to ensure the
clearance is not less than the minimum permissable 560 630 0.230 0.300 3.70 4.80 0.200 0.310 0.460
residual clearance shown in the chart in Fig. 2 for the size 630 710 0.260 0.330 4.20 5.30 0.220 0.330 0.520
and clearance of bearing. 710 800 0.280 0.370 4.50 5.90 0.240 0.390 0.590
8. Align one tab on the lock washer with a slot in the locknut
and bend it into the slot, if no tabs line up with the slots 800 900 0.310 0.410 5.00 6.60 0.280 0.430 0.660
slightly tighten the locknut until one lines up. NEVER BACK 900 1000 0.340 0.460 5.50 7.40 0.310 0.470 0.730
OFF THE NUT TO LINE UP THE TAB WITH THE SLOT. 1000 1120 0.370 0.500 5.90 8.00 0.360 0.530 0.800
over inclusive
24 30 70 0.22
30 40 70 0.30
40 50 70 0.30
50 65 90 0.40
65 80 90 0.45
80 100 90 0.45
100 120 120 0.55
120 140 120 0.65 Every care has been taken to ensure the
information in this publication is accurate
140 160 120 0.75 but no liability can be accepted for any
errors or omissions.
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