Animal Cassification Quiz

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Name: __________________________

The animal classification quiz

1. Look at the picture. What animal is it?
It’s an: __________________________
Write down what group and class it belongs to.
Group: a) vertebrates b) invertebrates
Animal class: __________________________
2. An octopus is:
a) an invertebrate b) a vertebrate.
It belongs to the class: a) mammals b) fish c) birds d) amphibians e) reptiles
Its habitat is: _______________
3. What is the main difference between a vertebrate and an invertebrate?
4. Most animals on Earth are: a) vertebrates b) invertebrates

5. Write down the animal classes that are cold-blooded:


6. Invertebrates on land are much a) smaller b) bigger than in the water.

The reason for this is because: ______________________________________

7. Describe the animal class of birds, give as much information about this class.
Name an example of a bird.
8. What are differences between an amphibian and a reptile? Give an example of
9. Pick one animal and describe its body in detail. (use adjectives, body parts).
Write down what group and class of animals it belongs to and where is its
natural habitat:

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