Ibt Quizzes
Ibt Quizzes
Ibt Quizzes
SW 3
TRUE 1.A ________ is a less rigid form of social stratification
6. According to supporters of debt relief, new in which social mobility is possible.
democratic governments in poor nations should not be
Class System
forced to honor debts incurred by corrupt and
dictatorial predecessors. (True) 2. Sex before marriage
7. A firm needs to become a multinational enterprise to
engage in international business. (False)
3. India's caste system is among the world's oldest
8. ________ refers to the shift toward a more
forms of surviving social stratification.
integrated and interdependent world economy
D) Globalization
4.Culture is group of people sharing a common set of
9. In 2008 and 2009, the ________ became the forum
values and norms.
through which major nations attempted to launch a
coordinated policy response to the global financial False
crisis, which started in America
5.This are the routine conventions of everyday life.
C) Group of Twenty (G20)
16.When Jana visits her mother, she takes great pains 6.Max Weber theorized that there was a relationship
to watch her language and use good manners because between Protestantism and the emergence of modern
that is what her mother expects of her. This capitalism because
demonstrates the concept of
Protestant ethics emphasize the importance of hard
Folkways work and wealth creation and frugality.
17.A class system is a rigid form of social stratification in 7.Hofstede's results, as might be expected, showed that
which the position a person has by birth cannot be nations such as ________ scored low on long-term
changed through his or her own achievements or luck. orientation.
False the United States and Canada
18.Values form the bedrock of a culture 8.Both Hindus and Buddhists stress the afterlife and
spiritual achievement rather than involvement in this
19.Wearing of proper uniform
9.Guanxi are relationship networks supported by
20.In today's world of global communications, rapid reciprocal obligations.
transportation, and global markets, cultural differences
have ceased to exist.
10.Hofstede's research has been criticized because it 18.Max Weber believed that Protestantism encouraged
was culturally bound. capitalism's development by emphasizing the
importance of wealth creation and frugality.
11.Hofstede's masculinity versus femininity dimension
looked at the relationship between gender and work 19.Which of the following is an example of
roles and found that in ethnocentrism?
masculine cultures, sex roles were sharply An American manager criticizes the cultural practices of
differentiated, and traditional "masculine values" Saudi Arabia, when he is sent there on business,
determined cultural ideals. because it differs from his own cultural norms.
28.The individualism versus collectivism dimension of 38.Hofstede's ________ dimension measured the
Hofstede's study explored extent to which different cultures socialized their
members into accepting and tolerating ambiguity.
the relationship between the individual and his or her
fellows. uncertainty avoidance
29.Unspoken language refers to nonverbal 39.Which of the following statements about the use of
communication spoken language is true?
8.Ana, a widow is foreign National working in the 3.Which of the following is directly elected by the
Philippines. Her income will form part of the GNP of the populations of the member states and is primarily a
Philippines. consultative rather than legislative body?
9.An import tariff is occasionally practice in developed 4.Regional economic integration has created significant
countries to generate revenues. opportunities for businesses to grow the market for
their goods and services and lower their factor costs
10.Which feature of an economic union differentiates it
from a common market? 5.Because of the fact that everyone benefits from
economic integration, it is easy to achieve and sustain.
a common monetary and fiscal policy
11.________ has no barriers to trade between member
countries, includes a common external trade policy, and 6.Linking neighboring countries economically and
allows factors of production to move freely between making them interdependent
creates incentives to increase political cooperation as
A common market well.
12.The largest export and Importer in BRICS is Russia. 7.Which level of economic integration eliminates trade
barriers between member countries and adopts a
False common external trade policy?
13.The main goals of ASEAN are to increase economic customs union
growth, social progress and promote regional space and
stability. 8.Which of the following explains why economic
integration has never been easy to achieve or sustain,
True despite the strong economic and political arguments in
14.BRICS is the most integrated trade block in the world support?
and formed in the year 1951 While a nation as a whole may benefit significantly,
False certain groups may lose.
15.India's Major import from russia are Gems and 9.Which of the following is seen as a benefit of the
Jewelry euro?
11.Concerns about national sovereignty in the EU have trade diversion
been a major impediment to economic integration.
21.Charlyce lives in a country where there are no
True barriers to the trade of goods and services. This is called
a free trade area.
12.Since its establishment, the euro has had a stable
trading history. True
35.Which of the following is a reason the European 3.A currency is said to be freely convertible when
Union is considered an imperfect economic union? both residents and nonresidents are allowed to
Not all members of the union have adopted the euro. purchase unlimited amounts of a foreign currency with
36.Country A and Country B entered into a free trade
agreement recently. After this, Country A starts 4.Which of the following occurs when traders start
importing heavy machinery from Country B. Country A moving as a herd in the same direction at the same
previously imported such machinery at lower rates from time?
another country. Which of the following has occurred in bandwagon effect
this scenario?
5.Assume that the current exchange rate is €1 = $1.50.
trade diversion If you exchange 1,000 euros for dollars, you will receive
40.Country X and Country Y reach an agreement to 10.Assuming the 30-day forward exchange rate was $1
boost bilateral trade. They agree to remove all barriers = 130 and the spot exchange rate was $1 = ×120, the
to the trade of goods and services. They, however, are dollar is selling at a ________ on the 30-day forward
free to determine their own trade policies with regard market.
to nonmembers. Which level of economic integration is
this an example of?
11.Bandwagon is about assuming a claim that is true 22.Assuming that your country have this falling pressure
because many or most others believe on it. the remedy that you need to do is to sell your domestic
currency and buy foreign exchange currency.
12.________ draws on economic theory to construct
sophisticated econometric models for predicting 23.Carry trade is a kind of speculation that involves
exchange rate movements. borrowing in one currency where interest rates are low
and then using the proceeds to invest in another
Fundamental analysis
country where interests are high.
13.It occurs when prices rise slowly.
Creeping Inflation
24.Purchasing power parity theory states that given
14.The purchasing power parity (PPP) theory argues relatively efficient markets, the price of a "basket of
that the exchange rate will goods" should be
15.Floating Exchange rate is a system in which the 25.A pair of shoes costs £40 in Britain. An identical pair
interplay of the market forces of demand and supply costs $50 in the United States when the exchange rate
determine a currency's value. is £1 = $1.50. Which of the following is correct?
16.If the spot exchange rate is £1 = $1.50 when the 26.To reduce the value of the currency the government
market opens, and £1 = $1.48 at the end of the day, the needs to make the interest higher
pound has appreciated, and the dollar has depreciated.
27.This is the risk that a company faces when it's buying
17.The foreign exchange market converts the currency a product from a company located in another country
of one country into that of another country.
Transaction exposure
28.When a tourist goes to a bank in a foreign country to
18.Which of the following involves borrowing in one convert money into the local currency, the exchange
currency where interest rates are low, and then using rate used is the
the proceeds to invest in another currency where
spot rate.
interest rates are high?
29.Fixed exchange rate is a system in which the
carry trade
interplay of the market forces of demand and supply
19.A firm or individual that buys foreign exchange from determine a currency's value.
one party and then sells it to another party.
Foreign Exchange Dealer
30.A fixed exchange rate is one in which the value of a
20.It is the trading of one currency for another currency fluctuates in response to supply and demand
21.________ uses price and volume data to determine 31.To minimize the risk of an unanticipated change in
past trends, which are expected to continue into the exchange rates, a company can protect itself by
future. entering into a forward exchange contract.
carry trade