The Insight Cure
The Insight Cure
The Insight Cure
Insight can allow you to hit the reset button on life, no matter your age or how
entrenched you might be in your old ways.
There is no reason you can’t get rid of childhood misconceptions and use your adult
intelligence to redefine yourself.
When patients come to see me for the first time, they often bring in a list of the
things they’d like to change. “My marriage is stale” or “I can’t hold down a job,”
they say.
And I tell them that these problems are symptoms, the result of inadvertent self-
sabotage and the manifestation of a false truth, of some deep,
elemental pain that is the root cause of all their suffering.
Until they have reckoned with their false truth, they won’t be able to make
lasting, positive change.
Invariably, patients would rather talk about the symptoms, or the “what” (affairs,
drinking, etc.), than the cause, or the “why” (the false truth).
The truth is, what people do isn’t nearly as important as why they do it.
And it’s nearly impossible to change the what—the obvious problems and issues that
need fixing—unless they know why.
Whether you realize it or not, there are many why forces pulling the strings in
your mind that you aren’t even aware of.
As you start this process, you’ll learn how those forces originated and why they
can make change difficult (but not impossible).
Even the deepest roots can be uprooted.
Real change starts with self-awareness. In the Insight Cure, awareness isn’t as
simple as admitting you have a problem. It goes deeper.
It’s an understanding that a false truth exists, that it was formed long ago, and
that it is entrenched in your mind.
And most importantly, you need an awareness of the false truth itself. What is it?
Where did it come from?
Often, people think awareness is all you need to change your life, but that is
really only where you start.
So let’s begin at the beginning by figuring out what’s really driving your behavior
and making you do what you do.
Please remember that your desire to change is all the impetus you need to make it
happen and see yourself successfully through this process.
If you believe your life can be less of a struggle than it is now, that faith will
eventually make a bright future your reality.
Childhood Trauma
“It’s a joy to be hidden, but a disaster not to be found,” said Donald Woods
Winnicott, a British psychoanalyst and the author of Playing and Reality (1971). I
interpret his meaning to be that we all take comfort in our (hidden) false truth.
You might not know what it is or how it came to be, but you’ve constructed a
narrative for life around it and lived with it for a very long time. It’s what you
know. Winnicott’s “joy” in being hidden refers to taking comfort in the familiar.
But if you don’t explore your unconscious and find out your false truth, you will
stay the same and continue struggling. Or you can find your false truth, define
yourself in a new and healthy way, be as happy as you deserve to be, and have a
full life that includes helping others. Not reaching your true potential is
Winnicott’s “disaster.”