Epidemiology Modules 1-3 April 2024
Epidemiology Modules 1-3 April 2024
Epidemiology Modules 1-3 April 2024
College, Srinagar
NAME: __________________________________________________________________
Objectives of the Module
To develop a basic understanding of the principles of epidemiology, biostatistics, and research among
undergraduate medical students and enable them to use the concept to conduct health research and practice
evidence-based medicine and public health.
Instructions for students
4. Standardized rates
5. Descriptive epidemiology
6. Epidemics
7. Cohort study
8. Case-control study
11. Screening
Measures of frequency: Ratio, Rate, and Proportion
Learning objectives
By the end of the session students should be able to:
1. Differentiate between ratio, rate, and proportion with the help of suitable examples.
2. Describe the properties and application of these measures in public health.
Reading material
The occurrence of any health-related event in a population is usually measured by quantifying them. The
foundation of epidemiology lies in accurately measuring morbidity and mortality. This provides a basis for
monitoring disease trends, evaluating public health interventions, and assessing other interventions aimed
at improving population health. The epidemiological measures used to describe occurrence of disease,
death, or disability in a population are described as ratios, rates and proportions. They are used to compare
one part of distribution of data to other part of distribution or to entire distribution. All these measures
share common characteristics: a numerator, a denominator, and a multiplier. The multiplier is determined
by the type of frequency measure being addressed.
Ratio: A ratio is the relative magnitude of two quantities or a comparison of any two values. The
numerator and denominator need not be related. In certain situations, the numerator and the denominator
can be different categories of the same variable (ratio of males 40-50 years to males 60-70 years of age), or
an entirely different variable (ratio of number of students with refractive error to the total doctor
population of a district).
Number of events in one group
Number of events in another group
Properties of a ratio:
Ratios are used both as a descriptive and analytical measure in epidemiology.
1. As a descriptive measure, ratios can describe the doctor-to-population ratio or the ratio of controls to
cases (e.g., two controls per case).
2. As an analytic tool, ratios can be used to compare the occurrence of illness, injury, or death between
two groups. These ratio measures include risk ratio, rate ratio, and odds ratio.
3. Sex ratio refers to the number of females per 1000 males. It is an important demographic indicator.
In India, sex ratio was 972:1000 in 1901; 933:1000 in 2001, and 940:1000 in 2011 indicating more males
than females. Declining sex ratio in India has been linked to female foeticide due to preference for male
Proportion: It is a type of ratio in which the numerator is part of the denominator. It is often expressed
as percentage. It is a useful and informative frequency measure often used to express the amount of disease
attributed to a specific cause or risk factor. For example, lack of portable drinking water is responsible for
60% of diarrheal diseases among children in India. A specific type of proportion is proportionate
Number of events in a population
Total population in which the event occurred
Properties of a proportion:
1. Proportions are the most used descriptive measure in epidemiology. For example, participation rate is
often used in epidemiological studies to describe the proportion of participants who got enrolled in a study
among all those who were eligible. Similarly, non-response rate reflects the number of individuals who did
not agree to participate in a study due to various reasons when they were approached to be part of a study.
2. Proportion is frequently used to express the amount of disease that can be attributed to a risk factor.
For example, 40% of infant mortality in India is due to prematurity. In other words, it also reflects the
scope of reduction measures in alleviating a particular health problem in a population.
3. Proportionate mortality is the proportion of deaths in a specified population during a period of time
that are attributable to different causes. Each cause is expressed as a percentage of all deaths, and the sum
of the causes adds up to 100%. These proportions are not rates, because the denominator is all deaths and
not the size of the population in which the deaths occurred. For example, cardiovascular diseases are
responsible for 20% of all deaths in India. Here, the denominator is all deaths, and the numerator is the
contribution of each cause leading to death.
Number of deaths due to a particular cause
Proportionate mortality= ×100
Total number of deaths from all causes
Rate: Rate is a measure of the frequency with which an event occurs in a defined population over a
specified period of time. Because rates put disease frequency in the perspective of the size of the population,
rates are particularly useful for comparing disease frequency in different locations, at different times, or
among different groups of persons with potentially different sized populations; that is, a rate is a measure
of risk.
A rate is a measure that is reported per unit of time. For instance, it is commonly used to describe the speed
at which a disease occurs in a population. An example of a rate is 70 new cases of breast cancer per 1,000
women per year, which expresses the frequency of occurrence of the disease over a specific period. By
measuring rates over time, epidemiologists can track disease trends and assess the impact of interventions
aimed at reducing disease incidence and prevalence.
1. For each of the fractions shown below, indicate whether it is a ratio, a proportion, or a rate
and discuss.
Morbidity rates and ratios
Learning objectives
At the end of the session the students should be able to:
1. Describe frequently used measures of morbidity including incidence proportion, incidence rate, and
2. Discuss risk, attack rate, and secondary attack rate.
3. Calculate and interpret measures of morbidity with the help of examples.
Reading material
Morbidity is defined as any departure, subjective or objective, from a state of physiological or psychological
wellbeing. It includes the presence of disease, injury, and disability. Most frequently used measures of
morbidity are tabulated below (Table 1).
Incidence proportion (or attack Number of new cases of disease Population at start of time
rate or risk) during specified time interval interval
Secondary attack rate Number of new cases among Total number of contacts
Incidence density (or person- Number of new cases of disease Summed person-years of
time rate) during specified time interval observation
Incidence rate Number of new cases of disease Average population during the
during specified time interval time interval
Point prevalence (or prevalence) Number of current cases (new andPopulation at the same specified
pre-existing) at a specified point in point in time
There are three ways of describing the incidence of a disease. They include:
1. Incidence proportion,
2. Incidence density/person-year rate, and
3. Incidence rate.
1. Incidence proportion: also known as risk, attack rate, cumulative incidence, and probability of
developing disease. It is defined as the number of persons who become ill during a given period in a
specified population. This type of incidence is a proportion as the number of people who become ill in a
specified population in a specified period are all included in the denominator.
Number of new cases of disease
Incidence proportion=
Size of population at the start of study
Consider a hypothetical example of a class of 50 medical students from October 2022 to December 2022
(Fig1). An epidemiologist is interested in measuring the cumulative incidence of first episode of upper
respiratory infection (fever and sore throat) during this period. The timeline of outcome (upper respiratory
tract infection) among the students is given below. It was observed that 10 students developed the outcome
at different intervals during this period (October to December). In addition, five students migrated to
other colleges.
10 new cases
Cumulative incidence= =0.2=20% during Oct-Dec 2022
50 at risk
The above example represents the proportion of students that develop ARI during a fixed period.
Several key points emerge from this example. Firstly, the cumulative incidence does not consider dropouts
(loss to follow-up); the denominator is the number of students enrolled at the beginning of the period
(October). Secondly, cumulative incidence does not consider the "time at risk" (when did a student develop
ARI) or when they dropped out. Last but not least; cumulative incidence is a proportion that provides an
estimate of the risk of developing disease, not the rate.
Some other properties of incidence proportion:
1. The numerator includes only new cases of disease in the numerator and the denominator is the number
of persons in the population at the start of the observation period.
2. Incidence proportion is a measure of the risk of a specified health-related event. In other words, it gives
a risk of developing an event in a specified period.
3. Attack rate is synonymously used for incidence proportion in outbreaks. It gives us the risk of getting
disease in an outbreak till the time it lasts.
4. Food-specific attack rate: A special type of attack rate which is calculated as the number of persons who
ate a specified food and became ill divided by the total number of persons who ate that food. For example:
Secondary attack rate: Secondary attack rate is the measure of transmission of infection in a closed
population like a household, school, hostel, or cruise. Secondary attack rate is defined as the number of
cases of an infection that occur among contacts within the incubation period following exposure to a
primary case. The denominator is restricted to susceptible contacts only.
In a hypothetical example of the spread of chickenpox in a play school with 20 children, it is presumed
that the infection resulted from a child who had exposure outside the school. Five secondary cases occurred
approximately five days after symptoms were observed in the index child. Upon further investigation of
vaccination history, it was revealed that three children had already been vaccinated against chickenpox at
the age of one year. Thus, the secondary attack rate among the play school contacts was [5/ (20 −3-1)] ×
100 = 31.2%.
Number of cases among contacts of primary cases
Secondary attack rate= ×100
Total number of contacts
2. Incidence density: It describes the rate of development of a disease in a population over a certain period
and this period is included in the denominator. An incidence rate includes three important elements:
1. a numerator: the number of new cases
2. a denominator: the population at risk
3. time: the period during which cases occur
Akin to the incidence proportion, the numerator of the incidence rate represents the number of new cases
of a disease/event identified during the period of observation. However, the denominator is the sum of the
time each person was observed, totalled for all persons. In other words, denominator represents the total
time the population was at risk of and being watched for disease.
Number of new events⁄cases of a disease during a specified period
Incidence density= ×10n
Time each person was observed, totalled for all persons
This type of incidence rate is also known as person-time rate. A person-time rate is generally calculated
from a cohort study, wherein participants are followed over time and the occurrence of new cases of disease
is documented. Each person is observed from an established starting time until one of four “end points” is
reached: onset of disease, death, loss to follow-up, or the end of the study. When a person is followed for
a period of one year before he achieves the end point, he contributes one person-year to the denominator.
Similarly, ten persons followed for one year without developing disease contribute ten person-years. So,
the denominator for person-time rate or incidence density is the sum of person-years of each participant
during which they remain event free.
Fig 2 depicts a hypothetical cohort in which five subjects were followed for 6 years for diabetes (outcome
of interest). None of them had diabetes mellitus at the beginning of the study, and all of them were enrolled
in Jan 2010. All subjects were contacted yearly and none of these subjects developed the health outcome
of interest at any time during the study, and none were lost to follow-up. Therefore, each of the five subjects
contributed 6 years of disease-free observation time during which they were "at risk". In this example, the
concept of "person-time" is simple; the total person-time for the group is 30 years, because there were 5
subjects, and each of them was followed completely for 6 years without developing diabetes which was an
outcome of interest for the researchers (Fig 2).
Now let us consider one more example of a cohort consisting of 10 women depicted in Fig 3 below. None
of the subjects had the disease of interest (breast cancer) at the beginning of the study. The subjects were
enrolled in 2000 and followed up to 2014. Subjects 2, 5, and 10 developed breast cancer after 6, 10 and 8
years of observation respectively. In addition, two subjects were lost to follow-up at different times, and
five subjects (1, 3, 6, 7, 9) remained disease free all the way to 2014 when the study ended (Fig 3). The
sum of the years "at risk" of these 10 women is 108 person-years, and there were 3 occurrences of disease.
We can now compute the incidence rate:
In this example, Incidence Rate= 108 =0.0277 cases of breast cancer per person-year
Time is an inherent part of the calculated incidence rate, but one should still state the time period over
which it was calculated, e.g., "The incidence rate was 2.77 per 100 person-years from 2000 to 2014”, or
“27.7 per 1000 person-years from 2000 to 2014”.
3. Incidence rate : This type of incidence rate uses a numerator based on the number of cases observed or
reported, and a denominator based on the mid-year population. This type of incident rate is comparable
to a person-time rate.
Example: In 2017, 10,322 new cases of tuberculosis were reported in Kashmir. The estimated mid-year
population of Kashmir was approximately 4.45 million. Calculate the incidence rate of tuberculosis in
Numerator = 10,322 new cases of tuberculosis; Denominator = estimated mid-year population = 4.45
million; 10n =100,000
Incidence rate = (10,322 Ú 4,450,000) × 100,000 = 232 new cases of tuberculosis per 100,000 population.
Fig 3: Hypothetical cohort of 10 breast cancer women followed for ten years
( = Disease, = Loss to follow-up)
Strengths Easily calculated and understood since Takes into account losses to follow-
it measures risk up and when disease occurs
Limitation Does not take into account losses to Need individual follow-up, which is
follow-up or when disease occurs costly and time-consuming
Appropriate use Fixed populations with short follow-up, - Dynamic populations
or no losses to follow-up - Fixed populations with long
follow-up times, or substantial loss
to follow-up
Prevalence is the proportion of population who have a specified condition at a specified point in time or
over a specified period. Prevalence differs from incidence in that prevalence includes all cases, both new
and pre-existing, in the population at the specified time, whereas incidence is limited to new cases only.
All new and pre-existing cases during a given time period n
Prevalence = x 10
Population during the same time period
Properties and uses of prevalence
1. It is very important to understand the key difference between incidence and prevalence estimates.
The basic difference lies in their numerator.
2. In case of incidence, numerator includes only those persons whose illness began during the
specified interval whereas for prevalence it includes all persons ill from a specified cause during the specified
interval regardless of when the illness began. In addition to new cases, it includes preexisting cases that
represent persons who remained ill during some portion of the specified interval.
3. Prevalence is based on both incidence and duration of illness. High prevalence of a disease within
a population might reflect high incidence or prolonged survival without cure or both. Conversely, low
prevalence might indicate low incidence, a rapidly fatal process, or rapid recovery.
4. Prevalence is often measured for chronic diseases such as diabetes or osteoarthritis which have long
duration and dates of onset that are difficult to pinpoint.
In 2015, it was estimated that there were 1,00,000 people with diabetes in Srinagar. The population of
Srinagar in 2015 was about 12 lakhs.
Prevalence= × 100 = 8.33% in 2015
The above figure can also be written as 83.3 per 1000 people in 2015.
Number of women in Framingham study newly diagnosed with heart disease last year
Number of women in Framingham study without heart disease at the beginning of same year
Number of women enrolled in a cohort who have died through last year from breast cancer
Number of person-years contributed through last year by women initially enrolled in the study
Number of children who have defective vision as diagnosed on 15th September, 2018
Number of children screened on same date
Estimated number of males newly diagnosed with heart disease in Kashmir in 2016
Estimated number of males living in Kashmir on July 1, 2016
Number of men in Srinagar who reported to have diabetes mellitus (old and new) in a health survey in 2015
Estimated number of men residents of Srinagar during the same period
2. In a survey of 1150 women who gave birth in Nishat area in 2017, a total of 468 reported taking a
multivitamin at least four times a week during the month before becoming pregnant. Calculate the
prevalence of frequent multivitamin use in this group.
3. In 2015, 86,000 new cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) were reported in India.
The estimated mid-year population of India in 2015 was approximately 1,210,854,977. Calculate the
incidence rate of AIDS in India in 2015.
4. A study was done to find out the relationship between cigarette smoking and stroke in a cohort of
118,539. Calculate incidence proportion for the total cohort and incidence density for the total cohort
and each smoking category. Interpret your results.
Smoking category Number of Person-years of Stroke incidence rate per 100,000
cases of stroke observation (8 person-years
Never smoked 70 395,594
Ex-smoker 65 232,712
Smoker 139 280,141
Total 274 908,447
5. In an outbreak of gastroenteritis among attendees of a corporate picnic, 99 persons ate potato salad, 30
of whom developed gastroenteritis. Calculate the risk of illness among persons who ate potato salad. Which
type of rate is this?
6. Ten cases of flu occurred among 90 children attending a childcare center. Each infected child came
from a different family. The total number of persons in the 10 affected families was 44. One incubation
period later, 15 family members of the 10 infected children also developed flu. Calculate the attack rate
in the childcare center and the secondary attack rate among family contacts of those cases.
7. The figure below represents hypothetical data from a cohort study in which 10 healthy women were
recruited from 2004 to 2018 and were followed for the development of breast cancer.
a. Total person years of follow-up.
b. Incidence rate (density) of breast cancer in the population.
c. Prevalence of breast cancer in 2012.
d. Cumulative incidence of breast cancer in the cohort.
8: The table shows the total number of persons who became sick after eating egg salad.
Item Consumed Sick Total
Ate egg salad 75 200
Did not eat egg salad 80 220
What are the attack rates in persons who ate egg salad and those who did not eat egg salad?
9: After a dinner attended by 100 people, 12 individuals become ill. All 100 people are interviewed about
their food consumption at the dinner. The interviews shows that 8 of the 12 people who are ill and 25 of
the 88 who are healthy ate fish. What are the attack rates in persons who ate fish and those who did not
eat fish?
Total Number of Persons Who Ate Each Specified Combination of Food Items and Who Later
Became Sick
Item Consumed Ill Well
Ate fish 8 25
Did not eat fish 4 63
TOTAL 12 88
10: Many of the students at a boarding school, including 6 just coming down with varicella, went home
during the Eid break. About two weeks later, 4 siblings of these 6 students (out of a total of 10 siblings)
developed varicella. Calculate the secondary attack rate of varicella among the siblings.
11: Seven cases of Hepatitis A occurred among 70 children attending a childcare centre. Each infected
child came from a different family. The total number of persons in the 7 affected families was 32. One
incubation period later, 5 family members of the 7 infected children also developed Hepatitis A.
Calculate the secondary attack rate among family contacts of those cases.
Mortality rates and ratio
Learning objectives
At the end of the session the students should be able to:
1. Describe various mortality rates and ratios (crude death rate, specific death rate, proportionate
mortality ratio).
2. Calculate and interpret mortality rates and ratios.
In 2009, a strain of Influenza A(H1N1) virus which had not been seen before, emerged in USA, and spread
across the world and caused the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. A pandemic occurs when an influenza virus, which was
not previously circulating among humans and to which most people have no immunity, emerges and transmits
among humans. These viruses may emerge, circulate, and cause large outbreaks beyond influenza season. As
most of the population has no immunity, the number of people infected may be quite large. Some pandemics
may result in large numbers of severe infections while others will result in large numbers of milder infections.
What quantitative measures enable public health professionals to decide that the pandemic has occurred?
How many deaths are occurring due to the virulent strain? How fast is the virus spreading in a population?
Which age group or gender is affected more?
How do public health interventions impact the containment of the virus?
Mortality rate
It is a measure of the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population during a specified interval. It
is calculated as:
Deaths occurring during a given time period
Mortality rate= × 10
Size of the population in which deaths occurred
The denominator most commonly used is the size of the population in the middle of the time period. As
population changes over time, midyear population is taken as an approximation of the average population.
Commonly used mortality measures are tabulated below (Table 3):
Mortality rate Numerator Denominator Multiplier
Proportionate mortality Number of deaths assigned Total number of deaths 100
to a specific cause during a from all causes during the
given time interval same time interval
Crude death rate: It is the number of deaths from all causes for a population during a given year. It is an
indirect measure of the health status of the population. It can be used to make crude comparison of mortality
between two or more geographical areas with limitations. However, it does give a fair idea about the health
status of the population by comparing with previous years. For example, the crude death rate of India was
7.1/1000 mid-year population in 2011, 7 ptp (2012), 7 ptp (2013), 6.7 ptp (2014), 6.5 ptp (2015), and 6.4
ptp (2016), and thus have shown a declining trend. (ptp- per thousand population).
Cause-specific or disease-specific mortality rate: The cause-specific mortality rate is the mortality rate from
a specified cause for a population. For example, deaths due to breast cancer can be calculated as:
Number of deaths from breast cancer in one year
Annual mortality from breast cancer= ×1000
Number of persons in the population at mid-year
Age-specific mortality rate: Sometimes we may be interested to know the mortality experience of a
particular age group. In that situation we can calculate the age-specific mortality rate for that age group. Some
specific types of age-specific mortality rates are neonatal, post-neonatal, and infant mortality rates.
Age-specific mortality rate for children 5-10 years=
Number of deaths from all causes for children 5-10 years
Number of children in the population of 5-10 years at mid-year
Sex-specific mortality rate: A sex-specific mortality rate is a mortality rate among either males or females.
The same restriction is put in the denominator.
Number of deaths from all causes for women
Sex-specific death rate for women= ×1000
Number of women in the population at mid-year
Combinations of specific mortality rates: Mortality rates can be further stratified by combinations
of cause, age, sex, and/or race. For example:
Annual mortality from pneumonia in children under 5 years of age=
Number of deaths from pneumonia in children<5 years of age
Number of children (<5 years)in the population at mid-year
Case fatality: A case fatality represents the proportion of individuals who die due to a specific disease
among those who were diagnosed with that disease.
Case fatality (%)=
Number of individuals dying due to a specific disease after onset or diagnosis
Number of individuals with the specific disease
Case fatality is a proportion. It is not a rate as it is not expressed per unit of time. The denominator includes
those who have the disease rather than the population considered at risk of developing the disease. In other
words, it reflects the severity or killing power of the disease. For example, in a population of 10000, ten
people became infected with Ebola virus in one year, of whom eight died. The case fatality rate of Ebola
will be 80%. This reflects the chance of dying from the infection is very high once a person contracts the
Death to Case Ratio:
Number of deaths attributed to a particular disease during specified period
Number of new cases of the disease during the specified period
Example: Calculating Death-to-Case Ratio
Q: In India during the year 2021, a total of 4,70,510 incident cases of SARS-CoV-2 were reported. During
the same year, 50,000 deaths were attributed to SARS-CoV-2. Calculate the death-to-case ratio.
Death-to-case ratio = (50000/470510) × 100 = 10.6 per 100 cases.
Some of those who died had developed SARS-CoV-2 infection during December 2020. Thus, some of the
50000 in the numerator are not among the 470510 in the denominator. Therefore, the death-to-case ratio
is a ratio, but not a proportion.
1. In 2017, the total number of deaths in District Baramulla with a mid-year population of 12.56 lakhs
was 8164. Calculate the crude death rate for the district in 2017.
2. The mid-year population of District Baramulla in the year 2017 was 12.56 lakhs, 6.51 lakh males
and 6.05 lakh females. In the same year, the number of deaths among males in the district was 4284 and the
number of deaths among females was 3880. Calculate:
a) Sex ratio of the district.
b) Specific death rate for males and females.
c) Crude death rate.
4. In District Srinagar with a mid-year population (in 2017) of 15.5 lakhs, the total number of deaths
was 8797. The following is the break-up of these deaths according to the cause of death.
Cause of Death Number of Deaths
Heart diseases 2386
Malignant neoplasms 1953
Cerebrovascular disease 631
COPD 542
Diabetes Mellitus 451
Unintentional injuries 302
All other 2532
All causes 8797
a. Specific death rate due to Unintentional injuries.
b. Specific death rate due to Malignant neoplasms.
c. Proportionate mortality rate from
i. Cerebrovascular disease.
ii. COPD.
iii. Diabetes Mellitus.
iv. Heart diseases.
5. Between 2010 and 2019, a total of 2,45,902 cases of influenza were reported. During the same decade,
95,500 deaths were reported and among these 10,000 deaths were attributed to influenza. Calculate the
death-to-case ratio.
6. In Kerala during the period from 8 to 26 July 2021, 590 blood samples were collected and were tested
for Zika virus. Out of these, 70 samples tested positive for Zika virus by RT-PCR. One death was reported
among these. Calculate the Case fatality for Zika Virus disease.
7. The number of tuberculosis cases diagnosed during the year 1990 in an area was 1200. The total
number of deaths in the same area during the same period was 150. Out of these, 30 deaths were attributed
to tuberculosis. Calculate Case fatality for tuberculosis.
Standardized Rates -
Direct and Indirect Standardization
Learning objectives
At the end of the session the students should be able to:
1. Calculate standardized rates of disease or death for two populations using direct standardization
and interpret the findings in words.
2. Calculate Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) for a disease and describe its meaning.
Reading material
Comparing the morbidity and mortality rates of two or more different geographic areas is important for
the evaluation of community health status. It is tempting to compare crude rates. However, comparing
crude rates would be misleading due to the possibility of varying frequency distributions of characteristics that
affect mortality across different populations. Standardization is a statistical method in which the
characteristic(s) responsible for the differences observed in mortality rate are adjusted so that a valid
comparison can be made. Age and sex are two of the most common variables that are adjusted in standardized
rates as they are an important predictor of mortality.
There are two methods for calculating standardized rates, namely direct and indirect.
Direct Standardization: This method provides a useful way to compare health outcomes among
populations that may have different age distributions. This is done by applying a standard age distribution
to the populations being compared to compute hypothetical summary rates indicating how the overall rates
would have compared if the populations had had the same age distribution. This method is used when age-
specific rates of disease are known for the populations being compared.
Target population(s) – the population(s) that we are interested in. Also known as population of interest.
Standard population – the population that we use to construct comparisons with and between target
Procedure for Direct Standardization (Fig 5)
1. Calculate the age-specific mortality rates for each age group in each population.
2. Then choose the standard (reference) population from one of the populations (*Note: If the
mortality rates of a specific community are compared to the national population, then the national
population is considered as the “standard” population).
3. Multiply the age-specific mortality rates of the other population under study to the number of persons
in each age group of the standard population. (This gives the expected deaths for each age group of each
4. Add the number of expected deaths from all age groups.
5. Divide the total number of expected deaths by the standard population to get the age-adjusted mortality
6. Now, we can compare the age-standardized mortality rates of the two populations.
Summary: Standardization results in "adjusted" rates that are not real, but they have the advantage of enabling
us to compare two or more populations after removing the distorting effect of other confounding factors,
such as age. In many public health circumstances, it is important to compare rates of disease among two or
more populations, but there may be differences in the distributions of the populations that distort the
comparison. In such situation we use adjusted or standardized rates.
From the above table we infer that the crude death rates of population B seems to be higher than population
Now, let us consider the national population as the standard population and calculate age- standardized
rates. The calculation will therefore be as follows in Table 5
Population A Population B
Age group Reference Age-specific death Expected Age-specific death Expected
(years) population rate per 1000 deaths rate per 1000 deaths
0-24 11,000 1.94 21.34 2.31 25.41
25-49 17,000 5.45 92.65 7.14 121.38
50-74 20,000 41.11 822.20 36.36 727.20
75 and
3,000 83.33 249.99 95.00 285.00
Total 51,000 1186.18 1158.99
Total number of expected deaths: Population A = 1186.18 Population B = 1158.99
Age-adjusted death rate for Population A= ×1000=23.3 per 1000 population
Age-adjusted death rate for Population B= ×1000=22.7 per 1000 population
So, we observe that the age-adjusted death rate is higher in population A than in population B, which is
clearly in contrast to the conclusion based on crude death rate of the two populations (Table 4).
Indirect Standardization: This method is used when the age-specific rates for the study population are
not available or are unknown. This method uses the observed number of deaths in the study population and
compares this to the number of deaths that would be expected if the age- specific death rates were the same as
that of the standard population. It is often used to study the mortality experience of an occupationally
exposed population.
Example: Calculation of expected deaths by applying indirect standardization method
Population A
Age group Population Age-specific mortality Expected
(years) rate (deaths per 1000)
0-24 2000 4.0 8.0
25-49 2500 7.0 17.5
50-74 3500 10.0 35.0
75 and above 4500 30.0 135.0
Total 195.5
Dividing the total number of observed deaths by the total number of expected deaths,
SMR for Population A= ×100 =61.4%
Inference: An SMR of above 100 means the number of observed deaths is greater than what would be
expected if the study population had the same probability of dying as the standard population, while an
SMR of below 100 means the number of observed deaths is less than expected.
1. In 2010, there were 4,500 deaths due to lung diseases in miners aged 20 to 64 years. The expected
number of deaths in this occupational group based on age-specific death rates from lung diseases in all males
aged 20 to 64 years was 1800 during 2010. Calculate the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for lung
diseases in miners.
2. The table below shows hypothetical data for a standard population for the number of admissions to
intensive care units (ICU) in a one-year period and the age- and sex- categories of these patients. Assess the
quality of care provided by the ICU of a hospital using standardized mortality ratio. There were 149
observed deaths in the hospital.
a) Calculate the SMR for a population using death rates of the standard population as provided in the
b) Draw inference from the calculated SMR.
Age and sex Standard Age and sex
Standard Hospital Expected death
specific population specific death
population (population) in ICU
categories (Deaths) rate
20-39 male 1802 9523 37
40-59 male 4560 28199 77
60-79 male 8292 35303 128
>80 male 4620 11550 45
20-39 female 769 6202 25
40-59 female 6364 32569 79
60-79 female 6409 30628 122
>80 female 372 932 46
Total 33188 154906 559
3. Calculate age-adjusted death rates for the two communities shown in the table below. Compare adjusted
rates with the crude death rates of two communities. What difference do you observe? Finally give your
Community A Community B
Age group Deaths Population Rate per 1000 Deaths Population Rate per 1000
(years) population population