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The Assignment Problem

Assignment - a position to which one is appointed

Assignment is a technique of operational

research in which N positions are assigned to
Assignment ???
N persons with an object of maximisation(i.e
Sales , Profit, Runs etc.) or minimisation(i.e.
cost ,Kms etc.).

Assignment is a special linear programming problem. There are many situations where
the assignment of people or machines etc. may be called for. Assignment of workers to
machines, clerks to various check-out counters, salesmen to different sales areas are
typical examples of these. The Assignment is a problem because people possess varying
abilities for performing different jobs.

There are four methods of solving an assignment problem and they are:
(1) Complete Enumeration Method
(2) Simplex Method
(3) Transportation Method and
(4) Hungarian Method

Assignment Problem

Minimisation Problem Maximization Problem

(Cost, Kms etc.) (Sales,Profit,Runs, etc.)

(Heera Sambhnani)
(Educator , Author)
(9782881177 , 8560011162) Page 1
* Steps for solving assignment problem (Hungarian Method)*
(Minimisation Problem)
Step-1 Check no. of rows = no. of columns
if yes if no introduce a dummy row or
dummy column (values of all
elements of a dummy row or
column are Zero ).

Step-2 Row minimisation

Select a minimum element from each row and subtract such element from all
other elements of the respective row.
Step-3 Column minimisation
Select a minimum element from each column and subtract such element from
all other elements of the respective column.
Step-4 Draw no. of order lines
Draw no of order lines to cover maximum zeros on the matrix which is
obtained after row and column minimisation.

no. of order lines equal to no. of rows or no. columns

if no

if yes
Improved matrix is prepared

if the number of order lines are not equal to no. of rows or no.
of columns then matrix is improved for which a minimum
uncovered element is selected which is subtracted from all
optimal other uncovered elements , added at the intersection point ,
solution and no change in covered elements.
after completion of above step no of order lines are drawn and
if such order lines are equal to no. of rows or column the
solution is optimal solution otherwise it will be improved

Assignment can be made as indicated by the 'Zero'


(Heera Sambhnani)
(Educator , Author)
(9782881177 , 8560011162) Page 2
*Maximization Problems*

Step-1 Conversion into minimisation problem

For converting maximization problem into minimisation problem a maximum

element from the whole matrix shall be selected from which all the elements shall be
(all other steps are same as in case of minimisation problem)

* Assignment in case of restricted problems*

No assignment can be made where restriction is imposed . All other steps are
same as in case of minimisation problem.

(Heera Sambhnani)
(Educator , Author)
(9782881177 , 8560011162) Page 3

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