Updated Bloom

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Definition: retrieve, recall, or recognize relevant knowledge from long-term memory (e.g., recall dates
of important events in U.S. history, remember the components of a bacterial cell). Appropriate
learning outcome verbs for this level include: cite, define, describe, identify, label, list, match, name,
outline, quote, recall, report, reproduce, retrieve, show, state, tabulate, and tell.

Definition: demonstrate comprehension through one or more forms of explanation (e.g., classify a
mental illness, compare ritual practices in two different religions). Appropriate learning outcome
verbs for this level include: abstract, arrange, articulate, associate, categorize, clarify, classify,
compare, compute, conclude, contrast, defend, diagram, differentiate, discuss, distinguish, estimate,
exemplify, explain, extend, extrapolate, generalize, give examples of, illustrate, infer, interpolate,
interpret, match, outline, paraphrase, predict, rearrange, reorder, rephrase, represent, restate,
summarize, transform, and translate.

Definition: use information or a skill in a new situation (e.g., use Newton's second law to solve a
problem for which it is appropriate, carry out a multivariate statistical analysis using a data set not
previously encountered). Appropriate learning outcome verbs for this level include: apply, calculate,
carry out, classify, complete, compute, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, examine, execute,
experiment, generalize, illustrate, implement, infer, interpret, manipulate, modify, operate, organize,
outline, predict, solve, transfer, translate, and use.

Definition: break material into its constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one
another and/or to an overall structure or purpose (e.g., analyze the relationship between different
flora and fauna in an ecological setting; analyze the relationship between different characters in a
play; analyze the relationship between different institutions in a society). Appropriate learning
outcome verbs for this level include: analyze, arrange, break down, categorize, classify, compare,
connect, contrast, deconstruct, detect, diagram, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, divide,
explain, identify, integrate, inventory, order, organize, relate, separate, and structure.

Definition: make judgments based on criteria and standards (e.g., detect inconsistencies or fallacies
within a process or product, determine whether a scientist's conclusions follow from observed data,
judge which of two methods is the way to solve a given problem, determine the quality of a product
based on disciplinary criteria). Appropriate learning outcome verbs for this level include: appraise,
apprise, argue, assess, compare, conclude, consider, contrast, convince, criticize, critique, decide,
determine, discriminate, evaluate, grade, judge, justify, measure, rank, rate, recommend, review,
score, select, standardize, support, test, and validate.

Definitions: put elements together to form a new coherent or functional whole; reorganize elements
into a new pattern or structure (design a new set for a theater production, write a thesis, develop an
alternative hypothesis based on criteria, invent a product, compose a piece of music, write a play).
Appropriate learning outcome verbs for this level include: arrange, assemble, build, collect, combine,
compile, compose, constitute, construct, create, design, develop, devise, formulate, generate,
hypothesize, integrate, invent, make, manage, modify, organize, perform, plan, prepare, produce,
propose, rearrange, reconstruct, reorganize, revise, rewrite, specify, synthesize, and write.

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