Dengue y Esteroides)
Dengue y Esteroides)
Dengue y Esteroides)
Original article
Keywords: Introduction: Dengue infection causes significant morbidity and mortality in over 125 countries worldwide, and
Dengue its incidence is on the rise. Currently, no therapy is available beyond supportive care. In fact, corticosteroids are
Dengue shock used therapeutically for a broad spectrum of diseases including autoimmune, allergic, inflammatory diseases and
Corticosteroids organ transplant rejection. However, only a few studies were done to evaluate the effectiveness of corticosteroids
in dengue infection, although the immune pathology of dengue is similar to other diseases treated effectively by
corticosteroids for several decades.
Immune pathology
Review article Objectives: This review is aimed at identifying biological actions of steroids at molecular and receptor level in
dengue immune pathology after reviewing pharmacological and immunological research findings of corticos-
teroids and dengue.
Methods: We searched medline/pubmed and Google scholar for publications with the search terms ‘dengue’ and
‘steroid’, ‘corticosteroid’, ‘prednisolone’, ‘methylprednisolone’ or ‘dexamethasone’ in the title and abstract. Then
the publications were analyzed according the action of steroids in dengue pathology under different subhead-
Results: The results are presented under four categories and it shows that corticosteroids can suppress cells
involved in innate immunity, T cells, B cells and antibodies,complements and heamatological manifestations in
dengue pathology.
Conclusion: This article explains strong supportive evidence for actions of corticosteroids in dengue pathology at
receptors and molecular levels. Therefore it is suggested that a gold standard steroid protocol for each phase of
dengue pathology that can be tested further with a double blind control trial study.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S.M.R. Bandara), [email protected] (H.M.M.T.B. Herath).
Received 4 November 2018; Received in revised form 21 September 2019; Accepted 2 November 2019
Available online 07 November 2019
2213-3984/ © 2019 INDIACLEN. Published by Elsevier, a division of RELX India, Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.M.R. Bandara and H.M.M.T.B. Herath Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 8 (2020) 486–494
Moreover, no evidence of harmful effects of corticosteroids was found11 FcγIIb receptors.18,22 ADE in mDCs can increase viral RNA production
and beneficial effects were found.12 In this recent review of dengue and over 100-folds making dendritic cells potent components in dengue
steroids, it was concluded that the effectiveness of corticosteroid for pathogenesis.3,22 When DCs fail to mature properly, they will fail to
immune suppression in dengue is depended on sustained maintained stimulate T-cells and may induce tolerance.22 Moreover, mDCs can also
therapeutic blood levels of corticosteroids using a higher receptor af- activate B-cells through co-stimulation of CD40, IL-6 and IL-14. In ad-
finity steroids for required time duration. dition to DCs, macrophage, monocyte and natural killer (NK) cells also
With the conclusion of clinical trial studies data, a hypothesis was mediate for viral replication, cytokines production and killing of in-
formulated. It is suggested that different doses, roots of administration, fected cells.22 In fact, IL-15 produced by DCs has comparable activity
and particular groups of steroids contribute to suppress immune pa- with IL-2 for the induction of B and NK cell proliferation and differ-
thology of dengue at different stages of dengue infection due to dif- entiation.2123
ferent pharmacological actions of CSs at molecular and receptor levels. Among CSs, methylprednisolone (MP) usually enhance antigen up-
This could open a new direction to assess molecular and receptor level take and prevent DC differentiation and maturation and production of
evidence of CSs to prove this hypothesis. TNF-a, IL-6, and IL-12. But MP does not affect the viability of DC.24-26
By these ways, the maturity function of DCs is retarded. This may in
2. Objectives turn indirectly suggests, reduce dengue viral replication that was 100
times in mDCs. In addition, MP treated DCs were deficient in their
This review is aimed at identifying biological actions of steroids at ability to elicit proliferative responses and production of MMPs.24 This
molecular and receptor level in dengue immune pathology after re- may contribute to prevent vascular leak in dengue. Furthermore, CSs
viewing pharmacological and immunological research findings of CSs exert potent suppressive effects on human DCs and thereby inhibit the
and dengue under different subheadings. induction of primary T and B cell responses preventing immune dys-
function induced by dengue virus. MP also cause up-regulation of the
3. Methods anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, which gets its anti-inflammatory ef-
fect by suppressing the production of macrophage inflammatory pro-
We searched medline/pubmed and Google scholar for publications teins such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, TNF, the granulocyte-macrophage
with the search terms ‘dengue’ and ‘steroid’, ‘corticosteroid’, ‘pre- colony stimulating factor (GM CSF), MHC class II molecules, B7 and
dnisolone’, ‘methylprednisolone’ or ‘dexamethasone’ in the title and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1).2728 More interestingly, IL-
abstract. Then the publications were analyzed according the action of 10 inhibits TNF-induced NF-κB activity and acts to diminish Th1 cell
steroids in dengue pathology under different subheadings. activity by suppressing IL-2 and interferon-γ.29The anti-inflammatory
effects of CSs on leucocytes is partly by inhibition of signaling of NF-κB.
4. Results Moreover, glucocorticoids (GCs) alter the trafficking and functioning of
leucocytes such as neutrophils, eosinophils, mast cells and endothelial
The results are presented under four categories depending on ster- cells.30
oids action on innate immunity, T cells, B cells and antibodies, com- Elevated cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
plement system and hematological manifestations. expression caused by viral infection have been reported to be associated
with viral replication and viral pathogenesis.31,32 Administration of a
4.1. CSs suppress cells involved in innate immunity in dengue pathology single oral dose (4, 8, or 16 mg) of MP was found to cause a dose and
(Fig. 1) time-dependent inhibition of whole-blood COX-2 activity and sig-
nificantly lower the levels of PGE232. Thus it could be suggested that
Dengue virus (DENV) is presumably injected into the bloodstream CSs contribute indirectly to reduce both replication and viral patho-
during the feeding of mosquitoes on humans and attacks the immune genesis either through DCs or COX-2/PGE2.
system cells. Firstly, it results in the infection of immature epidermal
dendritic cells (DCs) in the epidermis and dermis.13 Infected DCs then 4.2. CSs suppress T cells, B cells and antibody in dengue pathology (Fig. 2)
migrate from the site of infection to lymph nodes where monocytes and
macrophages are recruited. Thereafter the infection is amplified and the Another important molecule in dengue pathology is the antibody.
virus is disseminated through the lymphatic system.14 As a result of this The normal interaction of dengue virus with anti-dengue antibody
primary viremia, several cells of the mononuclear lineage, including generally leads to neutralization. However, in heterotypic dengue viral
blood-derived monocytes, myeloid DCs and splenic and liver macro- infections, the antibodies are non-neutralizing and lead to enhance-
phages are infected.15 The time gap between the bite of an infected ment. Thus pre-existing antibodies (Ig G and Ig M) are associated with
mosquito and the onset of clinical symptoms is believed to be 3–15 antibody-dependent enhancement and complement activation.33 In in-
days.16 fants also dengue hemorrhagic fever can occur in primary dengue viral
Immature dendritic cells (imDCs) express high levels of DC-SIGN infection that could be due to maternally derived nonneutralizing IgG
(Dendritic Cell Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3 (ICAM-3) facilitated antibody-dependent enhancement.34 The non-neutralizing
Grabbing Non-integrin)/CD209 which facilitates initial viral binding levels of dengue virus-reactive IgG were postulated to be a critical risk
and entry. CD209 is a known target of dengue virus, having a high factor for severe dengue during infancy. Therefore live actuated dengue
affinity for ICAM3 molecules expressed on T-cells.17,18 Thus DCs are the vaccine is a cause for risk of severe dengue in such infants, even in their
most effective antigen presenting cells (APC) able to acquire and dis- primary infection. In addition the disease severity due to a robust im-
play viral antigens and finally activate T-cells. In dengue pathology, mune response in infants with primary infections would be associated
infected imDCs also contribute to vascular leak by producing matrix with a consequence of higher viral burdens in vivo and an activation
metalloproteinase (MMPs).19 The maturation and sensitivity of DCs are phenotype of peripheral-blood NK cells and CD8+ and CD4+ T cells.35
promoted by dengue virus induced cytokines e.g. TNFα, IFNγ, IL-6, and Type1 T helper (Th1) cells produce IFNγ, IL-2 and the tumour ne-
activated T cells.3,20 Mature Dendritic Cells (mDCs) lose their ability to crosis factor (TNF)-beta, which activate macrophages.36,37 By contrast,
capture and process antigens, up-regulate their production of cytokines, type 2 T helper (Th2) cells produce IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 and IL-13, which
increase their expression of MHC class which has been suggested as a are mainly responsible for antibody production, eosinophil activation
mechanism by which the immune system may enhance viral patho- and inhibition of several macrophage functions.37 IFNγ and TNFα were
genesis.19,21 The mDCs do not possess high levels of DC-SIGN but they also strongly associated with dengue disease severity and correlate well
do facilitate Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) via FcγIIa and with T-cell activation.3 IFNγ secretion by dengue specific T-cells has
S.M.R. Bandara and H.M.M.T.B. Herath Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 8 (2020) 486–494
been shown to up regulate the number of Fcγ receptors, which play a increase of viremia in the early administration of CSs in clinical re-
noted role in ADE.38 This effect in turn leads to increased replication of search.10On the other hand circulating NS1 level also activates toll-like
dengue virus as well. Interestingly, CD8+ cells help in controlling early receptor 4 (TLR4) and the TLR2/6 heterodimer in immune cell con-
viral infection but the intense proliferation of CD8+ cells can also tributing to the vascular leak that leads to the induction and release of
contribute to dengue pathogenesis.39 proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines.44On this background it
CSs inhibit the synthesis of several T cell-derived cytokines at the was proposed that NS1 plays a major role in the pathology of dengue
transcriptional level and perform their action through inhibition of the hemorrhagic fever and shock via activation of immune cells and NS1-
release of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1α, beta, IL-2, IFNγ, TNF-α induced vascular leak in vitro. Those actions were inhibited by a TLR4
and up-regulation of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 40. Another antagonist and by anti-TLR4 antibody treatment44 45.Moreover, it has
corticosteroid, hydrocortisone had significantly decreased endotoxin also been said that TLR signaling is modulated by even CSs in a cell
induced expression of TNF–α, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-1 and could ameliorate type-specific fashion resulting in down-regulation of TLR expression,
the inflammatory cytokines expression without impairing innate im- suppression of pro-inflammatory and up-regulation of anti-in-
mune responses needed to combat bacterial infections.41 flammatory cytokines46
More interestingly dengue virus infected cells secrete nonstructural On the other hand anti-NS1 antibodies (auto antibody formation)
protein 1 (NS1) glycoprotein which can be found bound to platelets, are produced against NS1antigen, leading to the development of an
endothelial cells and cells in the lung and liver.42 In an in-vitro model of autoimmune pathology in dengue patients.47 Moreover, anti-NS1 anti-
vascular leak, treatment with NS1 alone resulted in the disruption of bodies show affinity to human fibrinogen, thrombocytes and en-
endothelial cell monolayer integrity43 and the vascular leak that plays a dothelial cells.42 When vulnerable human tissue cells or molecules are
major role in the pathology of dengue hemorrhagic fever and shock. exposed to NS1 antibodies, they undergo intrinsic apoptosis, which can
Therefore availability of circulating NS1 can be reduced by inhibiting be blocked with an inducible nitric oxide synthetase (iNOS) inhibitor.48
the replication of virus. It could be achieved by early administration of In addition, anti-NS1 antibodies stimulate the release of IL-6, IL-8 and
CSs which inhibit whole-blood COX-2 activity and significantly lower MCP-1, that involves the activation of complements45 in dengue pa-
the levels of PGE232 reducing both replication of virus and viral pa- thology. MP was found to suppress IL-17and IFN-γ, which are important
thogenesis either through DCs or COX-2/PGE2.It was also found that no immune molecules for the autoimmune role in dengue illness induced
S.M.R. Bandara and H.M.M.T.B. Herath Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 8 (2020) 486–494
by anti NS-1 anti bodies.49 Moreover, MP indirectly decreases the cy- binding lectin (MBL) level or activity due to host polymorphisms in the
totoxic effects of nitric oxide (NO) and TNF-α.48 This effect could help MBL2 gene correlates with reduced levels of DENV neutralization,
to prevent anti NS1 antibody induced intrinsic apoptosis and vital tissue which may modulate DHF/DSS manifestations. Therefore, the MBL
damage, which may contribute to organ failure and death in pathway contributes to protection against DENV infection in hu-
dengue.40,50 More interestingly, CSs inhibit cytokine-induced apoptosis mans.5354 Moreover, the complement peptides C3a, C4a and C5a are
by up-regulating anti-apoptotic genes and by suppressing humoral im- referred to as anaphylatoxins, which have a wide variety of biological
munity through B cells to express lower amounts of IL-2 and IL-2 re- functions.51 Following dengue viral infections, both DCs and T-cells up-
ceptors,40 leading to reduce antibody induced immune pathology in regulate C3a and C5a receptors and produce C3 peptide.22 Further-
dengue patients. more, the complement peptides are activated by DC antigen uptake and
presentation. Some of the primary sources of C3 are APCs such as DC
4.3. Corticosteroids suppress DENVs induced complement activation and macrophages. In patients with severe dengue, large amounts of C3a
(Fig. 3) have been detected to serve to recruit monocytes, macrophages and
dendritic cells that regulate vasodilatation, increase permeability of
The complement system is an important component of the innate small blood vessels, disrupt vasculature and smooth muscle contrac-
immune system against various pathogens. The C3 amplification loop tion.55 These complementary molecules and enzymes can induce oxi-
lies at the core of all the complement pathways.51 The system controls dative burst and generation of cytotoxic oxygen radicals, mediate
viral infections through multiple mechanisms, including lysis of virions chemotaxis, inflammation and basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils and
or infected cells, production of anaphylatoxins and priming of T and B mast cells to release histamine.51 C3a, C5a, and C5b-9 cause circulatory
cell responses.52 However, in dengue infection a deficiency in Mannose- collapse similar to an IgE mediated allergic response e.g. anaphylaxis
S.M.R. Bandara and H.M.M.T.B. Herath Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 8 (2020) 486–494
when their concentrations are high enough to invoke a general systemic platelet count below 100,000 cells/ or a rapid drop in the platelet
response.56Thus higher complement levels correlate to increasing dis- count.61 In addition, the cause for increased spontaneous bleeding may
ease severity of dengue illness.55Cross reactive antibodies activate be brought about by low plasma fibrinogen levels, release of Hepar-
complements further. Finally increased alternative complement pro- ansulphate and secretion of Von Willebrand factor (VWF) in DHF. Low
teins, complement receptors and C proteins facilitate a positive feed- plasma fibrinogen may be due to permeation of fibrinogen through the
back loop that can lead to dangerous consequences in a dengue-infected endothelial cells, development of antibodies potentially cross-reactive
patient. to plasminogen and impaired synthesis of fibrinogen.6259 Hepar-
In this life threatening steps of dengue pathology, it is observed that ansulphate in blood vessels acts like an anti-coagulant and is damaged
MP directly inhibits the alternative and amplification pathway of by the initial cytokine response in DHF and liberated to the circulation.
complements.57 Moreover, steroids in higher doses may regulate mul- This may be the reason for the prolonged Activated partial thrombo-
tiple steps in the immunological apparatus, including stabilization of plastin time (APTT) in DHF.63 Severe dengue is associated with in-
membranes, modulation of in vivo component levels and inhibition of creased circulating levels of VWF, which is associated with thrombo-
complements, which help to stop or prevent histamine release, vascular cytopenia, clinical bleeding and plasma leakage.64 However, the
permeability and circulatory collapse.58 tendency to bleed after a high dose of CSs could not be observed be-
cause non-genomic effects of GSs enhance the rapid activation of en-
4.4. Corticosteroids suppress DENV induced hematological manifestation dothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), which is a possible inhibitor of
(Fig. 4) VWF secretion.65
Activation of both platelets and complements and release of in-
Hematological abnormalities that are generally observed in severe flammatory mediators such as vascular endothelial growth factor
dengue, such as thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy, bleeding and vas- (VEGF), TNFα, PAF and Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1)
culopathy are related to platelet and endothelial dysfunction.59 Dis- is proposed as the mechanism that causes vasculopathy leading to the
seminated intravascular coagulation and major hemorrhages in a plasma leakage.66 VEGF may induce permeability via prostanoids and
minority of patients with severe or prolonged shock may be due to NO or via PAF.67 TNFα may lead to permeability via cyclooxygenase
severe thrombocytopenia and the secondary effects of hypoxia and induction and the release of prostanoids.68In fact, it was observed that
acidosis.59Thrombocytopenia may be due to bone marrow suppression, CSs inhibit the pro angiogenic gene VEGF69 resulting in reduced plasma
immune mediated platelet destruction, augmented platelet adhesive- leakage. PAF is produced and secreted by several types of cells, in-
ness to vascular endothelial cells and high levels of platelet activating cluding mast cells, monocytes, tissue macrophages, platelets, eosino-
factor (PAF).60Moreover marked thrombocytopenia is evident in pa- phils, endothelial cells and neutrophil which has also been shown to be
tients with elevated IL-1β, IL-8, TNF-α and Monocyte chemo-attractant involved in the production of many inflammatory cytokines such as
protein-1 (MIP-1).61 Spontaneous bleeding is strongly associated with TNFα and IL-1β.70 PAF levels were significantly higher in more severe
S.M.R. Bandara and H.M.M.T.B. Herath Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 8 (2020) 486–494
forms of dengue and were associated with a reduced expression of tight IL-1were found to stimulate the synthesis and release of the platelet-
junction proteins and reduced cell layer integrity resulting in increased activating factor (PAF) by neutrophils and vascular endothelial cells,74
para cellular leak.71 Moreover, PAF acts as a potent activator and a which could be effectively suppressed by CSs as mentioned above.72
mediator of both immune-mediated and non-immune mediated ana-
phylaxis. It is implicated in platelet aggregation and activation through 5. Conclusion
oxidative bursts, chemotaxis of leukocytes, augmentation of arachi-
donic acid, metabolism and release of vasoactive amines in the in- Lack of knowledge and clinical practice on the use of corticosteroids
flammatory response, resulting in increased vascular permeability, in relation to immune pathology exists and causes clinical manifesta-
circulatory collapse, decreased cardiac output and various other bio- tions of DSS/DHF and their complications. Therefore all clinicians must
logical effects.70,71In dengue patients, PAF was found to alter the ex- be provided with adequate scientific evidence in these regards. Apart
pression pattern of the tight junction protein ZO-1 and had decreased from the existing fluid management for dengue disease, this immune
the integrity of human endothelial cell monolayer, as measured by pharmacological approach is suggested as a treatment option to sup-
trans-endothelial resistance.71 Among the CSs, dexamethasone was in- press the immune dysfunction that leads to DHF and other complication
vestigated earlier and proved that it can increase transendothelial of dengue. Therefore the value of steroid on dengue immune pathology
electrical resistance and ZO-1 expression.72 In addition, dexamethasone cannot be underestimated and this could open a completely new sci-
has also been found to influence tight junction expression leading to a entific approach and will be suggested for management of more than
reduction of permeability.72 Furthermore, it was observed that the 250,000–500,000 patients in the world who suffer from sever dengue
amount of plasma extravasations produced by PAF was decreased by disease annually. This can be tested further with a double blind control
dexamethasone in adrenalectomized rats.73 On the other hand, TNF and trial study using a standard steroid protocol considering the stages of
S.M.R. Bandara and H.M.M.T.B. Herath Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 8 (2020) 486–494
immunopathology of dengue. This review article (a) provides an im- COX-2 Cyclooxygenase-2
munological link between dengue and steroid treatment (b) offers scope PGE2 Prostaglandin E2
for corticosteroid based treatment as an approach for DF and DHF,DSS Th1 Type1 T helper
(c) provides a better understanding of actions of corticosteroid in Th2 Type 2 Th
dengue immune pathology (d) provides and opens well known argu- NS1 Nonstructural protein 1
ments, completely new to dengue, but with strong scientific evidence to iNOS Inducible nitric oxide synthatase
reconsider use of steroid to manage dengue and its complications (e) NO Nitric oxide
offers scope to consider steroids for primary and secondary prevention MBL Mannose-binding lectin
of dengue and complication and treatment. (f) provides information on PAF Platelet activating factor
the main cause for aggravation of existing dengue pathology under non- VWF Von Willebrand factor
steroid therapy (g) provides a plausible explanation as to why not all APTT Activated partial thromboplastin time
patients with dengue develop DHF/DSS and differently associated eNOS Endothelial nitric oxide synthase
complications. (h) can be used to explain other treatment methods that VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor
are used to explain such as herbal and other approaches to control MCP-1 Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1
dengue disorders and its complications (i) offers a novel coherent pic-
ture of the immune pathology of dengue related to the pharmacological Ethical approval
approach of corticosteroid treatment at different severity of dengue
immune pathology. Not required.
None to declare. The data set for this publication is available upon request from the
I thank all the researchers and their medical and non-medical staff for
their dedication to do research on dengue related topics and publishing None.
them for past few decades. I am most grateful to Dr Rohitha Muthugala
(Consultant Virologist) Dr. Indunil Wijeweera (Consultant Neurologist Authors contribution
Neurology Unit), Dr. R.M.S.K Rathnayake (The Director) and Dr.
Nishshanka Wijewardane, (Deputy Director) at General Hospital Kandy. I SMRB Formulated hypotheses on following topics such
also thank Mr. P.G.A.C.Siriwardana, Mr.Y.C.Senanayake (fourth year Corticosteroid actions on dengue immune pathology effectiveness of
Medical students,university of Peradeniya) Ms.T.N.Senanyake (First year corticosteroid in dengue treatment and management of dengue and post
medical student,university of Karapitiya) for their contribution to draw dengue Syndrome hypothesis for dengue, devised the project and re-
diagrams. I would also like to acknowledge Dr.W.A.W.M.R.M.P.Wijesingha, view articles, the main conceptual ideas and proof outline, wrote the
Dr.Mrs.W.M.J.K.K.Buddadasa, Dr.Mrs.J.Abbas Dr Mrs. Deepa Gunawardana manuscript. HMMTBH corrected, edited the manuscript and supervised
and Dr. Mrs Awanthi (Teaching Hospital Kandy) and the administrative the review.
staff at the Teaching Hospital, Kandy. In addition, I extend my gratitude to
the Editorial Board of the Journal for taking early steps to publish this. References
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