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Mechonis S65. Mootools 3-Questions - Opin - 72 B- Qusstions - Compulrcty alg «chee Go- mosks- cheice G4 - 8 Unit - 01. Stress Stwoin + Erdensity of Treen Ais Dilated ex which Rutets Chonge in She nope Sf fre hediy iv Rreum or Afi (OR). Resistance pe unit aro Stwern - under neimoa) to Xs y.% axis. Stem = F/p +* Types Sf _Strenes () Netmol strems Stren developed ushan he Leod. ds acting nsimos to dhe Puadpace. 2. Choon Atvers: Shear Atvewes cw ‘develeped an Oo mamba when the mumbu Aubjeted te fe Porolld feces. Shona Atsews Rin = Fo NY Aa A Stwoin Chonage ain + eng a untt Lenafh so res: tee ee nam ds Stroin. Moshe moti colly depined ay a2 datie! 8 Chang Ln : Dength to the Regina lenglfs . Atvoin developed duc fo fhe netmof Lood in _neterat Asfroiny net hov? Length ‘da’ & eiginas in AamL units Sepamented by epatlen (€) - Stvoin 4* unit Aince win ony Chane Length ‘Lone expremed ) Sheot Atroin? Change in he Hight angle blo vo plains which orf Aiginalyy perpendicular to och thu B Bloc cl $b. Vonont's prtnezple* De states thot Strenes ars accumufated (max Asa) veuy near te Sead application peint 14 us dove fo meve the sections ousoug fern She flead application peint strewn bewome unigetm . te. Engineering Mactertols : v Ductile. a> Brittle. Ductile & Bathe matertols. 2 Ductility ts She merase o motuiols obility te hepetm (oe) Ductle motertals cndergoes PLossic depoimation Depts proctuu ( (othe) hous Carbon sted and oluminium am seme of The ewompler ef ductile materials e Bsittle matetals unde gets amoll plastic stwoin Zs Eneun .r bsittle moteiab, Hteh Corben steel , Coste iven and gis Cveny Atrong Compsenion) . (©) Elastic Lint - Th te The Limiting volus 65 fre btoun op te Which Ly the moterctod ts streamed 4 then Sebeored . kt-voin | Completty & the Regina Length fe Mapined dtsoppeosr ©) Upper yetld points the Stren of which She leak Brox Seducing extension Encveoaes , Colled yuiding of moterals j (4) Lower yetld paint: st Ths Atoge at Constont Stee the Stroin incecoms fet Ame tine 4) Bscoking petnt « She Stren ot vahich penolly the specimen pore: AVN AS x Staen- Strain Diogwom : P- Axtold Dood Faeekio’ Oe. l os y Oad oy Fp Stwotn- _dt > Chomge tn denoth Lo Aegined Length A. Td? z ah )p+0.c7=0 .€20 2) p 0a, T=1OMPA , £)= hts petnt ts buyend p 4K. Steven Strain din.grorm tet 0.21: Coxben sted: Unt-Axtol. dernsile test is Conducted en a Stondard Apectmen made eh ductile material bacttle matutal tts ebtotn tht Snpetmo.tion Sagpiding the behoviowy eh the moateial andy ; gradually tnceoring leod. The values oy fn Loe Cetses percding deperimotions oft Bag ator sintervolo ue noted. & phot of Strem Vs Atrotn is Upson ond Lhe fellevatng points were obsctbed on the stow Atvoin diagram 1) Elastic Aonge - ELosticity is defined on the preputy eho motuscod ba viet! o4 whitch depelmoti on Commed Atvers cLisappearw on jemeval of the Lead. (ov fhe body Arqoin a6 etiginal Ahape £ Aty after the Lemovol of Lhe Lev: Shs point ts slightly buyond Lhe propeietenciity Nenad 3] prepettionality Lime: Tt ‘\g the maximum Atsoo Jrevel upto whith the Strep is directly propeitioal do strain’ fet Acme the moterials Clostic Utmit is slightly above the propeitioal: dimit, Hewever fot proctticos purpese The Q point mow ‘be tornidered as Cotncident a) Vetid_staes: (max stver in Ductile) (4) Te is the volus of Stren, at which motercol Continues te dupetns at Constant Load Condition toon Srighitg hted cob Lppr t tewer yuld petnt - This petnt is not well depined in home 6, the motetals a] Plastic Range: Syter the eLastic Limtt the undergoes purmeniunt depelmertion vohich Apecmen ned with the Aemevol % the Connot be Argoz Leoe- i 5) Ulttmote Atvew (ov) : 74 Ss the mox? mur Aen induced 20 the speimen € ocom in The ploustic dugton [(Neck g&rnactten ) @ Praca strep + Ay the Seduction £9 C717. Sectional axa Continues dhe lead bearing. f op fie Speman sacacer qraduelty At a Certan, Atoge cvoss Sectional oma Of Phe Spectmen ac Amoll thot t+ Cannot Sustain the Leod ined: hence zt basaks. The Steen of which The AP etn breaks tg Enewn OF fracture Strews itis Ley thon Ukimote Stren ax (Str - stvath dtogrom ph 0-8 1 Corben seat] = Poachut choracteristics & Ductile 2 Battle motutals: ( Behaveur) Ductile Motezats : euth os Mild Abel (0.24-C-Steel) ond Aluminium Exhibit Cap £ Cone type Bf practuse shen subject te tensile felce The type the fracture tr brittle motutals fs Enewn os Cravage Pocus a el “4 aa Come Ten | ge True £ nleotmal ste — ston! | ——_ Serre Cup 2 Cone o_) fol mild steel rT 7 Ductile rroterzat ailulaa prspaties ef Engg Maotecods : ) Strengh +(Tt is dhe abtltty of ths maa do Suppete the applied, lead) (otthreakyx “Abslity Of tht membur to sortst +e Loads ithe fot cdr Lo exemive Atrern iy Stipa: Abtltty ep the motercod to acsist datel mostion indusd due to Dead. > Haordnen: Mua Sf resistance te srnpom Denttrotien and Abxcuwien a 2: Sayre te EIR, eee isan inyelznnl properly srveteed sn De dagh machine memb =8) Rastlioner — Rasslunee Abslery of the rroterial to absoth ensegy in - clos he Sugion . =r) TeughOw 56 aan oer Aorlety + motacol b absolb ensrgy in plastic Sagion *%. Heoke's Law: oa: ky N fran? ow € ozke E- Mecludus / oung's mo dds Acpettional to TL totes thot Atren is divectly p Strein with in the ortic | prepares fee ee oe =B € , ghee “E' Hs neds eloakicity Epperent fet Aipperent ren dentoté~ _ Dd Stes Atroin solatiom _ chron Atv alotion Tt is (o- €€) 4 €- 2 -40d & 4 Nimm? > Mpa » 4 pe Unit of yourg § medals Assauunptions? fhe pemutor Oh strength of, urhele dertvi moteriola Lhe polet nF apumptiom ort mode witheur much Of gacrifie an She accuracy oT goa usts ; Thee omumptions will greatly aimplity She dartvati ens | 1) The matestol obeys Heske's Low 5) Moterios is Hemegeneus axd isovraphic y 4 i thi he elastic Ton ate 3) Dope ration within t Ang VEY ba, u) Membew are Loaded cotthin the Elastic Lint 5) The rmumbess ot2 conmpletty ptee from AttUr ooh, tit Lead is Removed, i oThu WR) Member, doun't corny ony geriducd Atvers 6) Te plaznss of, membew osc not distetted of ma Phone Aematns os plone sven copter. the opptitas cn the Jeod , Wiithewk being distetted Ho andlher Ahope - = Axtol Depelmortions: (44 ] SL) 4 xe Pe ao =EE ~ Pips E dk ow Lb di =-Nm =m a die di- (444) c du- di-Kx Whe ko died dhs Aly = Phe Le = - Jee bes de, Ax arg, 3 a. wd dh: P dx ad? € er da» 4 P ax wd k& dix = 4pdx Wdi- kx)" & L Sdbx = db 2 L dk = 4P ( dx Te ° Gi-kx)* L ad o> Cdi-kn)* I hee di-kxu= fae =k du=dt dn -_dt -K a ° 424 Op, toon dt =e oS FH ( got | frre 24! di - 4P [F |. TEK d, -Kx 40 \ diss ap po ie | Oo” dh = APL [= «| qTEK k db = AP fa la Tee di od di: 4P : (== dy. da TE (4x8) APL WE dida q | bx Tier. Jb |b be be } mT dx ar A du dha = Phe £ (er - ka) > Gots sech'enal Axe OSLO She hee da *% et Ax. bxt- Ox = bi ae > bi-kx. L x= baa Ce Lt dix = Pile. 2 P. du AXE (cee EL L diz op dx. FE QO” bie ke bi -Kmee & —k du edt du - dt/ek ’ = dt. tl Ik + = a ft dt te [eq] = 1 [bog Cees], 5 [lage HD- tge (rO] vce tagefl- (eae) ) ee 1_ Lege ( % -¥. +b2J - Seg bi = [Leqeba- te9 b | e + [ togeb>] oe toge(Be) 2 ape tee tage) dt= LL toge (bY/o) | L 0 tee dt. Ps 48g (os) ee (bib) = PL. . bin, £€ (bi- bs) tq Clos) % a topuing bor o4¢ Length ‘Li hos 48 dtonuter Boring prom ‘do! por one end fo “deo aot the other end prove thot eat tnvelved tn the value OF qoura’® ™ Colaba unsing ion ciammates (1°) “i Ga) ’ res dm = ditd2 dk + _4PL 2 We,dido dm (dto) +(d-a) E,= 4PL. oo Wdt did2 dm = d+atd- x Eos 4pe. 2 adi ( d*%o2) dm. #d .d a A=Ttd? a dus pt. AEx Eo: od. Cxr ee ES) x 100 Ei = 4 Pe — 4pt Tdt (42-02) AT dtde te APL dt (7-92) =( = yy) (sre eae ks ws eight = Orpimation dur te rd (Lead): Bor Verkicn by Ausperded Lerride a untpetins bor ef length "L? ond cE caren Aectione! area ‘A’ ZZ de ixed tn vertical perition heuore & \('= asa re in teque Let the specipic weight ef moteiol of The bo Let Gx ss on Clemente! strip be Ww’, C trecenes ) ushtch in at a distonce of free Lhe pee end. The element is Aubjected to the dood. which is equol do The weight OS, the pettion BC.. Velume of The pettion 8c BC- AX Leod en the element px = Arxxlv Apdmotion in The element du - Px bx AE P= di, 2 AM Wd x Ww gH AE © Net depelmation of bot Abs Wx ay e Oxpelmastion in the box Subjected to o fortce Equal to Lis set} Loeight whee p= ALW dt= wre . € a 8. Depelmation sn the unagetin box due to “8 gre ts dow Fon hue, a ae equal to at soy weight det- ec AE dl= AL WL Wes Spectpic Code, ght Pes Po = (Axeo x (ength). Pw. Px = AxXx vo die = w&xw dx AE Volume x Sp- woe: a woeig Fo = G4UOmpa TY OBS mys 055 «540° % F0S-4 , Fos. 9.5 = 2.3 Fos - oy a5Q 12.5 wa Sy aslulas 3 SS) Fa) ZEQ = in 0.g a. Facto 8h Sobery 3 25 > Impettant dexgn factet > max deaign food ~ “ou ductile moaterrats /yetid A D Ductile 2) Brittle ee Fos = mox Stoves oe = Neild stron T Allowable) AUlowobe 7 Tdengn StDOM (allowable) perens Tt is dugined a» Lhe vatio 0f Maximum stren to ol pwobde | design Ate 7% ductfle moterials F0e = _c@ttinat) (Bait le) Peuowable) Dep i on’ “dhe Service Conditions volue of Fos! Con be votied from 1-3. - Th ruoterials ot not Reliable , Un Certain dooding & Human sopery 8 umpeltont Shen FOs ts 3 and above: Bopety is not determined parts cost also hegh Operotional Cost mete = prinuple 5 superposition + Total epject of Severo Leads applied on a bode Ts Dhe Sum of Chpects OF undividual Leads applied Separately - 1a PH Fu Pa Fx i o ca % Canciétion = omumption of Dexivations Condition On stven 16 divectly propeitionol to Sosoin q Stwin produced One vey a => Applied vohin Tht moterio! obey's Hooke's Lo»: tenstle (+ ve) Comprenive (-ve) ) A bromM bor throw? di= dt, +dl, +db; (* ol the sorcu a) Lernile cross sectioned areo 300mm! iS Aubjected to oxial force as Shown in yo Find Th totol elongation oF ‘ere Sa geen Ni SOEN | gown fe [ppomm. 1:00 10000 20m 10x pei ~ diz -1-0714 Aglulas lokn fhe bor toke y= 300mm Es a xto® Aiim* 2 Ba x102 Niro dts dti-dl,- dts = Ply du ixt a Z00x Syxio2 ( 0xs00~ 30x (YOO= |ox(00) eG To = 1-08 mm ei =9) DEH rent pettion Sf Stepped bar ore subjected do fhe fetces 0% shown tn feqe - Deum 1) S4remu trduced fn cach portion fi) Net depdrmation in the box toke € = 3.00 gpa 0.13126 Utes Fn ree Ad ee Oar or GEOMITS ; NOkN ("aoe i: ae 18am 220mm (200mm fokn QOKN (OKN QOKN | —_ lokw] eo any 1OKN Sonn ejtokn | Par gorn 5.28 a= Pte tox10” = 20™po i ee AL 500 JOkN Boe 10s {agra — ee wa- Pa. . 20x10", 45 mpa Aa 400 3 Ta- Pa 2 goxio 2 30.46 mpa Ag 650 dl - dt, + dt, + dls - Putt 4 Pole 4 Pals des We ALE Ase dl = oll y oolrz. + a3b3- € € € db = 1 Cow + oytit osts) € dt + _! __ (aox igo +45 x 290 + 30.46 x 200) 200% 103 : dt - 0.13126. a. A Stepped bor with 3 dihferent pettions hos o fined Auppat at Ont 64 its ends the Stepped bor ig Aubjected to Ihe [etc Ahevsre in pe . Deteemine tre Atrver &£ a ced mosionnys Sinduced in each pottiens. Hso pe tre nek depolmettion Induced in thir Atepped bo toke €= 300 gpa: B20 mrs) aero BOKN QokN pees bie lok JOEN 20% Pen BOENIE: — lon — 47 Pye loeW 5 10 KN | DOKN 1 ZHx = 0 QOt+i0 = 4048 30- 40 = R -10=@ 3. Tus Pe. - 10x10” | 33.33 mpa Ao 300 wa = Pa. - 30x00 _ japmpa AS 250 Grit og SP Bz 108 37 7 = da 2ampa = 1oxtO” a 450 Oti= Plt © _ 33.33 950 = -0.041 mm Axe 200103 dl, = Pala _ = See, = a = - 0-192 mm 200 x (0 digs Pate - ga.aax aan” 0-024mm A2€ 800 x03 die dtv toty +dty ihre, 0-2 04m 4) A Sound bar with stepped pettion uy subjeced to the Cee or Ahown tn piqure. Deletmine the mognitude of fetce (P' such thot net clepetrmoction win the bor dewh't exceed 1mm Young's Modus of Steel = Ss 00qpa & thot o aluminium £5 0 9Ppo Beg end & Amal end diametus oy the topeting bor axe 40MM & 12+5mm. e 2 “f or 400m . di= imm 5 3 200% E,F 2009 PA» BO0xI0 pa 4P ee RL | ae EAL: 40 gpa Foxic' mpa Ad lsteet [Steel dt= dti + dla +dt3 | , Hoorn | Sdomn7 le dt) 4+ dl, t dey mans dli = 4PL = Ax4PxGoo TE g did, Tx aoxiox | (4.0x12-5) ar ap fe 2 = @.43x10p | | s Py3e dt (2b = 2Pxex #00 [barf '? dis (2k) + aba 4.00 x a00X107 = 1S x 1077p (£4) = BPx500 3.35 x10 °P- Ae ls 200 x 200x107 4 - op (8.43 41494345) 4+ 14-22 x10 "p . N. P= ! . 024-4. 1p. 23 * 10> p-s924-4 K. Stotically Tndeteaminote Member + e The Structural prebkim with no oh unknsusrny, grote Shon the ne of independent equiltbrtu,, eq rotionn. i) Equiltbrtum equation | Based on She equilibrty,, eg? thot Aum 84 the Leads Ahored bay ON trdtyid, mumbes should be equal to the applied perce a SF ye 0 [Pe Ps + Pe cesta Gta) DT the aegid plote placed om the Column on Mt, sop OF Mae Zompeurdh bor the diovo members Undergo equod depelima-tin xo. 48, D A. Concrete Column Uotth Aquote Aectién Connists Of pour Atel bars Suan peleed into tt ot Aheum in 4 Rtamite Sf each Atel Bor ss 150 detamint dhe sirens tnduced in Concrete 2 ste bow. ushen the Column tn Aubjted do o lead % 300 kN. ‘By 200 9p0 > Ege 14 gpo A. Wd*xa x As= Wd? = Wis) .+06-85 mm? Fo 64 (Bi section. 2150x250 = 62500 Ac= Totod oa Ae - Easy _ oak as = 61F93-15 rape Pe Pst Fe digs dle 3ookn PL) . ft Cas aelc f A Pslte _ Pele Asses Acée f Os. = Se A-A -section Es Ee De50 os = (2 )t Es Es - Qooxi0 . {4.28 me — |— SSaGe Ee 14 x 10 o—-Pla P= Pst Pe pacA Pe rshect ore —@ P= 14-8 oe Ag + oe Ac. ‘ 300 x 107 = (14-2 x 406-85) He 4 G1 F9B-15 ce. [oe ie 4-14 mpa | Tse 14. d x ys Ts + 59-214 mpa D) Vereaamine fre stem & depelmatiens induced in bimxy & Atel boss. 0» Shawn tn feqee The detoils Op steel £ bronge born ox Ag+ 2000 mm , Ae = 600mm? . Es @009pa » En. 83 gr P= Po+ Pot Ps P= aPo+ Ps dls = dle (ae) (Fe)e os. €s bhi os. #{ig~ 3] th bs os = 200 x01x 180 ob 3x10? x lé0 Ts 21-8 ob PP: 2 wbhAb4G o5AS 180x102 o4(600)+ os (1000) (180x103 = (1299) eb 4 (1000) os mor 60mpa \ a 6 ~ 102 mpo. ote = (Pe = Gble . 60xX120- = 0-0862mm Ae Jb Ee ga xine dls- (PL) | ots ae )s* WORx 160 = O.oggan otlralos 6 200x103 ») A Compound door Conristr 4 -a 40mm diometa Atel Bar srr6urded Soy o clare fitting Kostion? tube ef “trom used thicka Age wd? . WED | 1256.63 mm* 4 2 pers TY, (de - a?) = % (ae? act) = 552.92 mm Pz Po + Pet dl, = i) . Ae It dle = dler Pos. 2 Pea bet As€és Acr Ecr Ps = Ass. pes, Acr Ger 3 = 1256.63 x 20010 «Per 55.92 xlo0xlo? = 4-84 Per AL + dls = dles, fe) + pe.) Ac/s A€ ler t+ Psts. 2 Per ler As€s Acr cr dt41—— 4-54 fire texto? p per x 4256-63» 200x107 552.92 xlooxIc x10? 2 Ps x 1256-63 x 200 x10" Per = 30421.96N Pos 13949 KN | =y 30-42 KN. P= Ps +Pcr > 134-44 + 30.92 - 140-194 KN d A lamm diameter Bronze Belk 14 otangid Co-axtabby tnatde an alumtnium fake of ton dtanuta (gamm & soll frecknews 3mm: A nut is furned en the truaded end Of bett Auch ithe Gabe. hen fhe nuk iy olution, determine fhe depelmation 4 strom endl tn bvony belt ¢ BineMtins Seebe — po oh Hssad is 16M, dengin % fube 15 38mm. Take Ex- 84 9pa & Eot = 70 gpa - thot it j ust Teuches queen further, ott a fev Ushen the nut is given hath acveltion , Si belt is clengated & thr tube is Compan Jht nut advances by ome =pitch fenets shen tb is given Ore rotation (AtOR tread). Than fe Gxiol mement in the nut when ¢ at is 1 QO tivelution is 0.5 x16 = 0.gmm ie * f+ Gum Of The Lefthmnations 4 ons in brense belt 4 alumintum tube in o.g hk rt. dlet dg: ag fpustinar feice token by bronze Lott Chemtle) ds equal to Bhat ef potce tote Buy olumninior Siube ( Comprinsive) >, Poe Por Ape DAO 2 = U2) %. 113,09 mMm* + + a fo Ge dae) | -% 20%14.*) = 160-22mm> + SS ~ x 300- di, - Polo. _ Pe oo Abtb 113.09 x 84x10 diac> Pater = _ Pb x 300 a Aat Eat (60.22 x 40x10? ~( a) b> Pos 0-2= Peso 4 pis god Mise jecese “Pox 300 (13.09% 84 x10" 160. 29x 40x10" Tb =12l-4mm oat = 85-5NImn a= Pay Hb Dat .oy,7 160-22 2,4 p= oA eo 13.04 obs Po Ab ape LAL emr-O one Par AaL Tolb 4 carcbha = 08 Tears Ee em oahalas oe 5) A 1-5 rates Song hetig ental digid bell an i fn heiizo pe ot 0, ang is Aupperted in 3 extical bors a+ Ahevn i9 £ depolmetion? cohen a verti he pesition woo V fie . etercrint the Siwene> induced £0 the vertical bow. s S douncoord porce OF SOKN ft applied hots, odo bor at o AtSstonce o, im ot O- Toke E,= 2009 PX ond Ege $5 GP 2 A cron Sectional orn fh Bar Ay = BOM > Ags l00mm’¢ Phuiy Denglhs ore 6m e 4 1m, pase tel If, Reged oda i 0 osm 6 iP A atged Hettyentol bar ABD takes new Position AGBID! , dt to the clefelmations » bu dn Ihe verticals baw Deyotmotions tnduced tn Ahe vestico) Bow aw clivectiy propoltional do thir Surpective distance from fhe Sanged peints ‘0° ev A’ Os Shem Foom Atnguios trtongles ABB: & ADD: Ae. AD dt= Pte Ai, dy AE 05 2 1S, Ob = PL SSA aly aby (, H =) dbs. ie’ gr, Pals 3/ Pru 0-5 Agr ac dtg= 3dt, Pa = 3 PalixAas Pa 3 Pre too gp Aye, X-35>100 Paz 3x -3 Pu x 0.6 x100x10 x 85 x10° 50 x10 73x 200% 193 Par 153 Pi osm fp pater! fe Ses inf Moment = fetce x | dtstonce —*2 9 __ a earn soni N t Gh PixOSm + 1-53 pix t-Sm O aoxto*x 1mm + pis 4155 oN Pie F15SKN >. - 94 KN a a) = Pie EISSXIO 2 143.) N/mm? At ar ' 3 2 oye Pa. jo.44 x10) 104-4 Nimm Ae 100 dls = (Bc) pay 5 Will ear) 8 Ce aan Aes, Er 300 x 105 dig = 1. agamm alialas Elastte Constant 2 >(Z6 )-(Anisotvopte motestals) Engineers motertols os Elastic Constant | oa Such as yang’ s Medulus ; potssion's ratio Modutus of Atqidity 4 Bulk mediulus Q- Components 04 Stvess - Ardiced to 6 DS Young's Medulus {, Modulus of Elasticity : (E) mee Ductile t THEE mPa | LG E> Modulus of Uloatidty o/h Young's modulus i E. & - Netmol stress oN (mm e- © NRmol st -v0tn Defined on the rotio between Stvem to stvoin Wlthin @lastic Limit % Medulu of, Rrgidttys @) Te ts deptned os tht vatio blo sheay styess § ee k& Mad, *# Sktor modulus of Elastfetty (9) on” = .Nimn’ 4 5 a » GPa» MPO = Txt Tet oll 3) poteston's ratio: (< 0.5) volt - (Engg raatevial ) 3 dehlmed Sd- cl ety Nee acre Pr{T 7,7 7 iP WIS change nt rrr oe ine = ae => P e }___+_—_44 L Sly ! t4+dt _ FU Sg Cys Etatera: Cys —Sd Ba cite Cy = E lateral. § Ex = . x E Leng a by « Elong.-di4 poisston's roto’ a € laters E Longtradinal jl 6 The aati oO blo the loterod strotn + tengitudtnal tron fg Acparsented ay inp LA Lv fo ALL Engg. materials hosing peiseston's Rosie 05 4) Bulle Medias = Nelumetyte Stantn (v5) So tndtiol A penal Py Pe - 3 a \Ye XYZ = nam ylgtay) We Grebe) (44 dy)(24 a2) x Change th Volume edve Ve vi (z+ 42) NS ¢ ei Volume to te » fa Ar gina) Volume (rnstial) Rectio blu. Crean TR EROT OOS velume of the body t Cy = Chemge fn volume dv 2 ve -vi Tretia) Velune m vi tahoe Ve = tfral volume Vt» Tritiod volume of the bleck. npisles 2) Bulk Modulus: (spherccal /@utt) ‘K! Molut of applied ston aSong *-¥, 2 oxio Pong as eee _ ov velumetne ptooen A Body subjected So Choe peperdicasor Aorsd to £e staves eb Some mog nitude 6 Aubjeted to Aphutvol Atras | Bulk Atvew. The sotio blu bulk Atvess to velimetric AtwoL Shear stynin:- fin the Aeght ongle biw tao pLlones Bigino Ly perpendicular to each ofher tones = BB B AB —— cee tont. { Repemot / / pdmosion ) ‘ With in costic A]y, / 3 danrit vOKL A 4d -c& Po D bh «gr F* Complementary shear Stress they : TH Stotes that shror Stvess on off Lhe pow face Owe eguol tn mag nitude & Shtot strers Ocking & ony two parole) faces Ore oppestte fn Aire nian +Ve Os Tyx tie —> Tyx bh 4) (c _ Ss a Tye bo P oS ee Teel 4 — Tay . or enerolized Heoke's Lows Tt States that when o body fs Subjected to nemo) stresses (o-ovdinated to. thy Stwoins otong Sho divectionm Con Be pound dy Loving ONES Low and Ouper pesttten prinaple T ' } --- pom “OY ton 4 Conrider a Catsmatic Body Subjected to Ati | oH my y oy as Shou in figue - St roin along aq + Z divections Con be youre by paincplr of suptrporition oa = “3 : omy Se: oH. ~ eae il 3p) “e- —= we -74 eo me CT “y es — ae ot mE ‘ oH = Te = TY - TR E me E oy = ou nS eo ™e . & ra ie - oo : _o 2x +3 + Zy a ighalas Ex Pelosionship be blu Youngs Medulus ond SNvedtubus of Regldety « (E# 4] Conitder a body” BCD Of Untt thickness wath ts face AD pixed deqi by and subjected to Sheor fetce fr on 4S pace Be os Shewn LN The body takes new ahope ABic'D offer the AC- Diagencd Req Prod enath Siw o Dine 1 vo Ac fem peint ¢ Dane o dtagenc) Ac! & drep o pearpenciculor to ac! nen petnt ‘Cc’ to meet a petnt P- Ac = Ap Zpcc'= 45° éince Lhe depetmations voith dn 3 tlortic Limit axe v Amol - Th tu dtogenad Ac 8 Aubjpeced Zo nctmos Atroin Ep~c ushech 14 Te Duy Enc - dt = Aaci-ap e fom DB PCC! Ces uses Pc! “cer pcl= cel cesqs* = cc! Vo © ac? 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E+ BOO GPA & perssfon's Aotio ‘f' 20.38. Detumine nisdulu ef segi dity 4 Gulk mod ulus e- a6 (1+ Ym) = E a(i+ Ym) G+ _a00 = 46.92 GPa ee aCit+o-3) E= 3k (1 - a/m) Kee 3 (1-a/m) k - 200 - 166.66 GPa 3(1- 2% 0-3) im 5 [al a3 @ been a 1amm cliameter Apetmen i6 Aubjected bo vo. Fersile felee ef dOkN A 6 0. 3mm ts abserved evr quey’ depetmastien Length of 170mm fond Seduction in dtamete ds 0.0079 mm . 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A body under gars depoimection Leading to Enero in dimunstons hen tts tempernbiie Ds incseored. en the ether hond , the body treme ou net induced in a body ushon it ib allowed to depetm freely under Lnereared OO Kacluced Simpurctine . However ushen Constooins OAL Impesed en tre depemotien eho Body Completty ed pomtoluy tt fe Aubyected to strorms Uncler elena ed Tempesrotine Condition Gy: Prat ten: See peed Here free expansion is dh, oe © AT- Chong: tn timp AT = aoo% - 20% eq) | > Coptcrenst of trermet boat eu ' expansion .

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