Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Thesis/Project Advisor
Dr. Mohammad Anwar Hossain
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Project is to be Performed by
Ashiqul Islam
ID: 68
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Sustainable environment is in a critical hazard and people are liable for that. Though there are
some other reasons behind environmental pollution but human are considerable liable for that.
Dramatically, upcoming generations are very conscious about their future. They are dreaming for
a pollution free planet, interested about environmental friendly product. Green marketing is
defined as an effort to reduce these disturbing impacts on our environment through installing a
new course of green concept through designing, producing, packaging, labeling and consuming
products that are ecofriendly. The process of selling products and services based on their
environment benefits, such a products or service may be environmental friendly in itself or
produced and packaged in an environmentally friendly way is the main objective of Green
marketing. Features include adopting sustainable business practices or focusing marketing efforts
on messages that communicate a product’s green benefits; creating an eco-friendly product,
using eco-friendly packaging. Though this type of marketing can be more expensive, but it can
also be profitable due to the increasing demand, it is becoming more popular as more people
become conscious to environmental issues and decide that they want to spend their money in a
way that is kinder to the planet..
Problem statement
2. Literature Review
In spite of the early development, the idea of Green Marketing arise in the late 1980‘s that
actually made an appearance because of the consumers growing interest in green products. After
the proceedings of the first workshop on Ecological, marketing held in Austin, Texas (US), in
1975 green marketing was given prominence in the late 1980s and 1990s. Many researchers
already published their work about green consumerism. Since the 1980s, green marketing
achieved a great popularity among academician and practitioners. After a criticism in 1990s,
green marketing became a popular concept in western market from 2000 (Ottman et al., 2006).
3. Methodology
3.1 Hypothesis
Hypothesis is a proposition that is empirically testable and a conjectural statement regarding the
relation between two or more variables. Methodology
3.2 Questionnaire
I will use a formalized set of questions for obtaining information from respondents. It is also
known as schedule, interview form and measuring instrument. A structured closed end
questionnaire given to a sample of population and designed to obtain specific info from the
3.3 Scale
To quantify the data and for more logical statistical analysis, I will use 5-point Likert scale.5=
Strongly Agree, 4= Agree, 3= Neutral, 2= Disagree and 1= strongly disagree. Whis is more
flexible to quantify the data and is most widely used.
3.4 Sample
I will use probability based simple random sampling technique which is more convenient for this
report due to its simplicity. My target population were Bangladeshi citizen. My representative
random sample size will be 50 containing both male & female.
Primary data will be collected by direct face-to-face on-site interview and google form with
Frequency Distribution (to obtain a count of the number of responses associated with
different values )
Descriptive statistics ( to analysis of data that helps us simply to describe, show or
summarize data in a meaningful way )
One sample t-test ( for testing hypothesis )